Post Graduate Department of Biotechnology is established in the year 2002 and the M.Sc. Biotechnology teaching programme is supported by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, under Human Resource Development Programme. The Department is equipped with the state of the art infrastructure for teaching and research in Biotechnology. The M.Sc. Course curriculum has been designed to impart theoretical and practical training to the students in Cell Biology and Genetics, Genetic Engineering, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Bio-techniques, Molecular Biology, Enzyme and Bioprocess Technology, Immunology, Environmental Biotechnology, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics. Recently, the Department has also adapted choice-based curriculum for M.Sc. students based on DBT model syllabus and UGC guidelines and has introduced an allied elective paper i.e. Biotechniques (3rd semester), which can be opted by P.G. Science students from other disciplines.
The Department has well equipped laboratories with number of sophisticated equipments to carry out routine practicals and research work where M.Sc. students, Doctoral/Postdoctoral fellows, Scientists and Faculty members are actively engaged in cutting edge research in various fields of Biotechnology.
Some of the facilities listed are as follows:
(These laboratories are equipped with state-of-art equipment like Horizontal and vertical electrophoresis system, semidry and wet western blot transfer Unit, ELISA readers, pH meter, Magnetic stirrer, Chemi Doc, Gradient PCR, RT-PCR, HPLC, Fluorescence Microscope, Milli-Q water purification system, Sonicator, Fluorescence Spectrophotometer, UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Light Microscope, Ice Flaking Machine, Water Bath, Microtomy, Cooling centrifuge, Laminar Air Flow, Shaking Incubator, Hot Air Oven etc.)
(This laboratory is equipped with CO2 incubator, Biosafety cabinet, UV-A/B box, Inverted microscope and Cell counter)
(These laboratories are specialized and equipped to conduct advanced practical and research work related to Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Cell & Molecular Biology, Plant Tissue Culture and Animal cell culture, etc.)
(Cold room is used for storing temperature sensitive chemicals and reagents. It is also used to perform temperature sensitive experiments like protein purification, tissue homogenization etc.)
(In this facility, we have different temperature-oriented refrigerators and freezers including 40 C refrigerator, –200 C deep freezer, –500 C freezer and –800 C freezer. These are used to store temperature sensitive samples, prepared reagents, chemicals, antibodies etc.)
Major Equipments
Sl. No. | Equipment |
1. | UV-VIS spectrophotometer |
2. | Fluorescence Spectrophotometer |
3. | MilliQ Water Purification System |
4. | Cooling centrifuge |
5. | Gradient PCR |
6. | Real-Time PCR |
7. | Vertical and Horizontal gel electrophoresis System |
8. | Gel Documentation system (Chemi DOC) |
9. | Semi-dry and Wet western blotting Transfer unit |
10. | -80 0C Deep Freezer |
11. | -500 C Deep freezer |
12. | -200 C Deep freezer |
13. | Inverted Microscope |
14. | Fluorescence microscope |
15. | Microplate Reader |
16. | Sonicator |
17. | HPLC |
18. | Biosafety cabinet |
19. | CO2 incubator |
20. | Cell counter |
21. | Laminar Air Flow |