Year of Implementation:- 2018Overview / Mission & Vision
Utkal University has signed a MoU with the Higher Education Department (HED), Government of Odisha on 31st July, 2018 to implement the World Bank supported Odisha Higher Education Programme for Excellence and Equity (OHEPEE) to improve quality of students’ education and equitable access to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and improve governance of the higher education system in Odisha.

The primary role of Utkal University is to :-
- Strengthening linkages and assisting affiliated colleges in improving the competency of students through improved quality of teaching and learning; curriculum reforms; examination system; and research activities.
- Improving the quality of teaching and learning, examination system, and research activities.
- Creating linkages with national and international Universities, research labs and industry.
- Supporting affiliated colleges to increase their on-time graduation rate of students in the undergraduate degree disaggregated by women, ST, SC, and total students.
- Improving procurement and financial management.
- Satisfactorily achieving the annual milestone set by the HED.
Work components :-
The programme comprises of four major heads with different activities under each head.
- Principal meeting
- Strengthening CDC Office
- Academic training for affiliated colleges
- Assistance for NAAC accreditation
- Student tracking
- Development of communicative English
- Strengthening examination system
- Exposure visit to University
- Monitoring programme for affiliated colleges by research scholars
- Skill development of students
- Entrepreneurial promotion
- Other activities for strengthening affiliated colleges
- Human capital Development
- Integrated Omics & Computational biology
- Tribal and marginalized communities
- To construct need-based new civil work in the University Campus.
- Modernization and strengthening of laboratory
- Updation of learning resources
- Procurement of furniture
- Faculty, staff and students development
- Research support at University level on predefined guidelines
- Internationalization of University / Higher Education
- Student tracking
- University brand building
- File/office automation
- Setting up and Management of Project Monitoring Cell
- Environment, Health and safety related activities/ Items
- Academic seminars / workshops
- Quality and equity enhancement measures
Project monitoring Committee
A Project Monitory Committee with following members was constituted to review the work progress at regular intervals.
- Vice Chancellor, Utkal University : Chairman
- Chairman, P. G. Council, Utkal University : Member
- Registrar, Utkal University : Member
- Comptroller of Finance, Utkal University : Member
- Director, IQAC, Utkal University : Member
- Director, R & D, Utkal University : Member
- Professor in Charge, Parija Library, UU : Member
- Director, CDC, Utkal University : Member
- Controller of Exams., Utkal University : Member
- All Coordinators of CoEs : Member
- Coordinator, International office : Member
- Coordinator, RUSA 2.0 : Member
- Coordinator, IDP : Member & Convener
Representative from Government and other agencies may be part of it as special invitee.
Components | Coordinators | Co-/Deputy coordinators |
Institutional Development Plan | Prof. Nigamananda Das | Dr. Prasanna Kumar Patra (Up to 30/05/2021) Dr. Priyaranjan Dash |
CoE in Integrated Omics and Computational Biology | Prof. Jagneshwar Dandapat | Dr. Gunanidhi Sahoo |
CoE in Tribal and Marginalized Communities | Dr. Prasanna Kumar Patra | Prof. Mitali Chinara |
CoE in Human Capital Development | Prof. Santosh Kumar Tripathy (Up to 30/05/2021) Prof. Mitali Chinara | Dr. Alok Ranjan Behera Dr. Madhuchanda |
International office of Utkal University | Prof. Sabita Acharya (Up to 30/04/2020) Prof. Asim Ranjan Parhi | Dr. Seema Mallik Dr. Swapna Prabhu |
Strengthening Affiliated Colleges (SAC) | Director, College Development Council and Controller of Examinations |
Sl. No. | Description | Download |
1. | Guidelines for Travel support for attending seminars/conferences etc. | |
2. | Guideline for Research grant |
Three Centres of Excellence (CoEs) have been established with focused vison and objectives. Mentor, Coordinators/Co-Coordinators, core members from among faculty of different departments of University (inter disciplinary) and adjunct members of other institutes (inter institutional) have been selected. Activities have been undertaken to achieve the objectives set for different CoEs.
CoE in Integrated omics and computational biology (IOCB)
- IOCB broadly has been working in three broad themes
- Theme 1: Exploration of bio-resources and bio-prospecting of mangroves from Odisha coast and its application for crop yield
- Theme 2: Integrated OMICS and computational approaches for understanding the disease process associated with neuro-degeneration and Diabetes
- Theme 3: Translational Research in Cell and Regenerative Biology.
For details of organisational set up, collaborations, activities and outcome, visit https://utkaluniversity.ac.in/centers-of-excellences
CoE in Studies on Tribal & Marginalized Communities (STMC)
- STMC has been working on following domains.
- Research and Documentation of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritages of PVTGs of Odisha
- Understanding the Changing Scenario of Health, Nutrition & Livelihood of PVTGs of Odisha
- Understanding the changing perspectives of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For details of organisational set up, collaborations, activities and outcome, visit https://utkaluniversity.ac.in/centers-of-excellences
CoE in Human Capital Development HCD)
- The centre broadly working on the following objectives.
- To institute a regional research centre for Human capital Development
- To generate a platform for capacity building and skill enhancement
- To create well-equipped talent catering the developmental needs of the society.
- To ignite young minds for entrepreneurship and self- employment.
- To study and provide policy advice on issues related to capitalizing the local resources and challenges.
- To publish an internationally acclaimed journal on Human Capital Development
For details of organisational set up, collaborations, activities and outcome, visit https://utkaluniversity.ac.in/centers-of-excellences/
- Meetings of Principal-cum-IQAC Coordinator of selected affiliated colleges of Utkal University.
- Strengthen the infrastructure of College Development Council office.
- Combined BoS of the all the Universities has been organised to finalised the UG-CBCS syllabi of all subjects which has been subsequently implemented in all the affiliated colleges of University and in the state.
- Fifteen Academic training programme of seven days duration on UG CBCS syllabi covering 15 subjects for faculty of affiliated colleges have been conducted during 2019-20. Altogether 784 faculty participated in theses training programmes.
- In order fulfil one of the important objectives of WB-OHEPEE programme to increase the percentage of colleges with NAAC accreditation and improvement of grades of already accredited colleges, seven NAAC experts have been engaged for mentoring about 132 affiliated colleges of Utkal University. A group of about 20 colleges has been put under each mentors. A workshop for the colleges and mentors on NAAC Application/Accreditation process has been organised on 4th February, 2020 where more than 100 colleges participated.
- Regular display of On-Time Graduation (OTG) status of undergraduate students in the University website for close monitoring to improve their academic and career prospects.
- Strengthening the facilities for automation of the examinations/evaluation processes as well as result publications.
- A multipurpose building is being constructed by OSPHC in the University Campus.
- A Project monitoring unit has been set up with minimum infrastructure facilities. A Project Monitory Committee with Vice Chancellor as the Chairman and including the members from academic and administration has been constituted to monitor and review the progress.
- 22 National seminars/conferences/workshops have been organised by departments/centres on thrust areas of the different departments/centre during 2018-19.
- Research Scholar conclave has been organised on 26 November, 2019 as a part of student development activity. More than 100 research scholars from in and outside University participated in the conclave.
- Procurements of furniture and other items.
- A guideline for research support to the faculty at University level has been framed for carrying out small socially important research problem leading to innovation, quality papers, patent etc.
- In order to Internationalisation University, an International office of Utkal University has been established in January 2018 with specific objectives/goals. For details of activity of International office visit the International office site (https://www.ioutkal.university)