Prof. Bibhuti Bhusan Parida
Name: Prof. Bibhuti Bhusan Parida
Designation: Retired Professor
Qualification: M Sc and Ph D
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Prof. Parida joined the Department in 1966 as a Lecturer and superannuated as a Professor in November, 2000. He worked extensively on the cytogenetics of Coccids, Grasshoppers, Spiders, rats and Cytopathology in oral, cervical and breast cancers with CSIR, UGC and State DST funded projects. Eleven students received Ph D degree under his able guidance and he has published more than 70 papers. He was associated with a sereis of scientific and academic bodies and visited more than nine countries with prestigious felloships from JSPA, Royal Society Commonwealth Bursarics-Nufficld Foundation Fellowship and University of British Columbia Research Associateship, among others. Prof. Parida was nominated for Gold Record of Achievement-1997from the American Biographical Institute, USA and visiting Fellow at Institute of Occupational Health, University of Helsinki, Finland, 1988.