
Welcome to Department of Geography

Department of Geography was set up in the Vani Vihar campus on 12th September 1970. It was the first university department to impart post graduate education in Geography in the state. The department started its journey with a vision to be a centre of excellence in geographic education focusing on quality teaching, innovative research and socially relevant outreach activities. Department started with Mrs. Gouri Dutta as the first faculty member followed by Dr. S. N Tripathy, Dr. B.N. Sinha and Dr. D. K. Singh in the beginning. Prof. B.N. Sinha was the founding Professor and Head, who led this to a leading Geography department in Eastern India. Department celebrated its silver jubilee in 1995 and its golden jubilee in 2020. The department started with 8 students in 1970 which has now increased to 24 in view of the demand of the subject in the state. The department was conferred with DRS (phase-1) by UGC in the year 2007 for its outstanding contributions to the field of research. The department is proud to have its faculty members who have been able to take the department to the international arena with their academic contributions through Fulbright Fellowship, Commonwealth Fellowship, Indo-Polish Fellowship, AIT Fellowship, DAAD Fellowship, British Council Fellowship, and Humboldt Fellowship. 

 Department has executed good number of Sponsored projects and Consultancy works. At present department have 5 faculty members with Ph. D degree. The main aim of the department is to equip the students with the knowledge and expertise to grow professionally and contribute significantly to the society.

Academic Programs: The department offers M.A/ M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D, D.Sc and D.Lit in academic programs applied and interdisciplinary in nature with major thrust areas namely Physical Geography, Urban and Regional Planning, Geospatial Technology, Water Resource Management, Climate Resilience and Disaster Management. The department also offers self-financing programme on “P.G Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS” with an intake capacity of 20 students to support candidates seeking employment in GO, NGO, Private Sectors, and advancement in professional career.

  • To be a center of excellence in geographic education   focusing on quality teaching, innovative research, consultancy & extension activities.
  • To stimulate & promote excellence in geographic scholarship where discovery, creativity and professional development finds a scope for fulfilment of their objectives.
  • To Promote active learning pedagogies & continue to focus on geo-informatics to demonstrate technological capabilities in geographic data analysis & interpretation.
  • To provide a research-based mentorship model to PG and Doctoral students to become informed decision makers.


Sl.No. Programmes Number of seats
1 M.A/ M.Sc 24
2 M.Phil 10
3 Ph.D 10
4 P.G Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS 20

Sl.No. Programme Download
5 M.A / M. Sc.
6 M.Phil
7 Ph.D
8 P.G. Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS
Objectives & Outcomes
Sl.No. Programme Download
9 M.A / M. Sc.
10 M.Phil
11 Ph.D

Facility Number(s)
Class Room with LCD Facility 4
Seminar Hall with LCD Facility 1
Remote Sensing & GIS Laboratory 1
Cartography Laboratory 1
HOD’s Office 1
Faculty sitting Rooms 7
Staff Rooms/utility 1
Girls  Common Room 1
Library 1
Instrument Room 1
Broad band high speed Internet available with Wi-Fi facility for all staff and students.

Research Facilities

Laboratory 2
Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory 01
Cartography Laboratory 01

Cartography Laboratoryc

Major Instrumental facilities

Instruments Units
Theodilite 04
Plane Table & Prismatic Compass 06/10
Optical Reflecting Projector 01
Digital Planimeter 02
Rotameter 08
Mirror & pkt Stereoscope, Paralax bar 04/04/05
Global Positioning System (GPS) 04
Remote  Sensig data
•   Satellite imageries ( IRS & Landsat ) & Aerial Photographs  —           50
•   Topographic Maps ( covering Odisha & neighbouring states ) —   2000
•    Other Thematic Maps (Political. Physical, Raised relief maps) –      200
•   Thematic Atlases  (world, India, NATMO State Atlas & Maps)  —-     10

Photo Gallery