Urban & Regional Planning, Natural Disaster Management, Environmental studies
Utkal University | 1996 | Ph.D. Department: Geography Thesis Title:Land Management Practices and Conflicts in Planned Urban Development (A Study on Bhubaneswar City in Eastern India) Areas: Advisor: Prof. J.K. Routray |
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India. | May’1985 – May’1987 | M.A. Department: Geography Thesis Title: Areas: Specialization in Town and Country Planning, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India. Advisor: Prof. J.K. Routray |
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India. | July’1988 – May’1989 | M.Phil. Department: Geography Thesis Title: Geographical Assessment of Economical Backwardness and Regional Development for Rural-Regional Planning (A Case Study of Hindol Subdivision, Orissa, India) Areas: Advisor: Prof. D.K. Singh |
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand | May’1991 – Dec’1992 | M.Sc. Department: Rural Regional Development Planning Thesis Title: Integrated Rural Development Program through a Process of Decentralization: Case Study of Cuttack District Rural Development Agency in India. Areas: Rural Regional Development Planning Advisor: Prof. J.K. Routray |
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India | May’1983 – May’1985 | Bachelor Arts Department: Hons:Geography |
UGC | December,1997 | UGC-NET Subject: |
Utkal University, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar | 03-08-2014 – present | Professor |
Utkal University, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar | 03-08-2004 – 02-08-2014 | Associate Professor |
Utkal University, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar | 03-11-1997 – 02-08-04 | Lecturer |
Course Name-Geography of India (GEOG1-CO4) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2021 |
Course Name-Quantitative and Statistical Techniques (GEOG1-CO5) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2021 |
Course Name-Environmental Geography (GEOG2-CO4) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2021 |
Course Name- Cartography (GEOG2-CO5) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2021 |
Course Name-Quantitative and Spatial Models (GEOG3-CO1) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2021 |
Course Name-Research Methodology (GEOG3-FE04) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2021 |
Course Name-Natural Hazards and Disaster Management (GEOG3-FE05) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2021 |
Course Name- Rural Development Planning (Geog4 – CO3(A)) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2021 |
Course Name-Urban and Regional Planning Practical (Geog4 – CO4 (A)) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar Duties:organized programming laboratory hours |
2021 |
PhD thesis
- Krishna Chandra Rath, “Land Management Practices and Conflicts in Planned Urban Development (A Study on Bhubaneswar City in Eastern India)”. Prof. J.K. Routray, DRC Member and DRC Member, Utkal University, 1996.
Book Articles (Authored/Edited)
- S. N. Tripathy, Dr. K. M. Sethy, Dr. G. K. Panda &Dr. K. C. Rath, “Resources and Development: A Geographical Perspective”, Subject Name, National Association of Geographers India (NAGI), P.G. Department of Geography, Utkal University, ISBN No. – NA -, 1998.
- D.K. Singh,Dr. K.C. Rath “Land Transaction and Management Practices Within Informal Settlement: A Case Study of Bhubaneswar City in India”, Geography, Association of Marketing Geographers of India, ISBN No.NA, 2000.
- K.C. Rath, Prof. J.K. Routray, N.N. Sahoo ¨ Urban Land Development And Informal Settlement Planning: A Study on Bhubaneswar City in Eastern India”, Geography, Name of the Publisher, ISBN No. 974-8256-66-9, 2000.
- Sudarshan Panda,Dr.Kripasindhu Bhatt, Dr.ChittaRanjan Mishra, Dr. R. N. Samal,Dr. K. C. Rath,“The Atlas of Chilika”, Geography, Chilika Development Authority, Govt. of Odisha, ISBN No. 978-81-908928-1-0, 2008.
- NiharRanjan Das, ManoranjanKar,Dr. K.C. Rath, “Women Representation in Local Self Government: A District wise Spatial Study of Odisha”, pp- 192-200, Geography, Abhijit Publications, ISBN-978-93-5074-001-9, 2012
- K.C. Rath, “Landuse Dynamics and Natural Drainage”, Geography, Abhijeet Publications, New Delhi, ISBN-978-93-5074-261-7, 2016.
- Dolagovinda Pradhan, Dr. K.C. Rath, Dr. P. Krishnan, Dr. Manas Ranjan Das &Dr.NiharRanjan Das, “Global Warming: Sea Level Rise & Community Adaptation Startegies”, Geography, SOA, India and KPU, Canada, ISBN-978-81-930417-2-7, 2016
- K.C. Rath,Dr.MithunKarmakar, “Health Crisis and Care in Urban India”, Geography, Mittal Publishers, New Delhi, ISBN-81-8324-814-4, 2017
- K.C. Rath, ManoranjanKar&Dr.NiharRanjan Das, “Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Crime Against Women in Districts of Odisha”, page-212-227, Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors, ISBN 978-81-8435-601-4, 2018
Journal Articles
- Rath, K. C., & Das, N. R. (2022). A study on growth and land transformation in Bhubaneswar city in Eastern India in the context of increasing urbanization and urban flood vulnerability. Transactions of the Institute of Indian Geographers, 44(2), 39–56.
- Majhi, B., & Rath, K. C. (2022). Urbanization-induced Landuse Land Cover Change and its Impact on Land Surface Temperature: A Study Using Satellite Imageries. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 42(9).
- Mahapatra, S., Rath, K. C., & Pattnaik, S. (2023). Regression based neural network model for prediction of road traffic congestion : A case study of Bhubaneswar. Journal of Statistics & Management Systems, 26(1). https://doi.org/10.47974/jsms-951
- Mahapatra, S., Rath, K. C., & Das, S. R. (2022). A GIS and Fuzzy-based Model for Identification and Analysis of Accident Vulnerable Locations in Urban Traffic Management System: A Case Study of Bhubaneswar. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 13(8). https://doi.org/10.14569/IJACSA.2022.0130881
- Mahapatra, S., Rath, K. C., & Das, S. R. (2022). GIS and Cloud Based Model for Urban Parking Management: A Case Study of Bhubaneswar. Proceedings – 2022 International Conference on Machine Learning, Computer Systems and Security, MLCSS 2022. https://doi.org/10.1109/MLCSS57186.2022.00029
- Rabiul Ansary & K. C. Rath, Labour out-migration and Covid-19 Pandemic in India: A case study of Murshidabad district of West Bengal , Migration Letters , Transnational Press London , 2021, Vol. 18: pp 319–330, ISSN: 1741-8984, https://doi.org/10.33182/ml.v18i3.1331
KRISHNA CHANDRA RATH, Precipitation extremes and anomalies of the Indian Sundarban 1984-2018, MAUSAM, 2021, Vol. 72: pp 847-858, ISSN: 0252-9416, https://doi.org/10.54302/mausam.v72i4.3552 - RabiulAnsary and Krishna Chandra Rath, Pattern and determinants of short-term vis-a-vis long-term migration: A case study fromWest Bengal, Hill Geographer, 2021, Vol. Vol. XXXVII:I: pp 103-120, ISSN: 0970-5023, http://www.hillgeographer.in/issues/Hill%20Geographer%20Vol_XXXVII-1%20(2021).rar
- Balai Adhikary & Krishna Chandra Rath, Rural Population in East Medinipur District, West Bengal: A study of selected population characteristics, Population Geography-Journal of Association of Population Geographers of India, 2021, Volume 43: pp 72-84, ISSN: 0256-5331, http://apgichd.com/index.php
- Balai Adhikary & Krishna Chandra Rath, Inequalities in Rural Amenities and Servives: A Study in Southern Part of West Bengal, India, Geographic, 2021, Vol. 16. July, pp: 13-24, ISSN: 0975-4121, https://indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:geog1&volume=16&issue=1&article=002
- Rabiul Ansary & Krishna Chandra Rath, Measuring and Mapping Undernutrition and its Determinants among Under-five Children in Odisha, Demography India, 2021, Vol. 50, pp. 88-111, ISSN 0970-454X, https://iasp.ac.in/uploads/journal/6%2013_Krishna%20Chandra%20Rath-1644893593.pdf
- Binodini Majhi and Krishna Chandra Rath, Land Use / Land Cover Change Analysis Of Bhubaneswar City From 1973 to 2017, Indian Journal of Applied Research, 2021, Vol. 11, pp. 8-9, ISSN: 2249-555X, https://www.doi.org/10.36106/ijar
- Sarita Mahapatra, Krishna Chandra Rath & Srikant Pattnaik, Issues and Challenges Related to Coud-Based Traffic Management System: A brief Survey, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2021, Vol. 194: pp 435-442, ISBN: 9789811559709, 10.1007/978-981-15-5971-6_4
- Krishna Chandra Rath, Urban Health Care Planning Using Geographical Information System: A Case Study of Emergency Health Care Facilities in Bhubaneswar City in Eastern India, The Konkan Geographer, , 2016, Vol. No. 15: pp- 91-94, ISSN: 2277-4858, https://konkangeographer.org/Oct_Nov_2016.pdf
- , Measuring The Regional Variation In Odisha Using GIS: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis, Eastern Geographer , 2016, XXII(1): pp 49-54, ISSN-0973-7642, https://easterngeographicalsociety.org/
- Balai Adhikary, Krishna Chandra Rath and Nirmalya Das, Mapping of Water Logging Problems in Urban Area: A Case Study at Ghatal Municipality of West Bengal. , Indian Cartographer, Journal of the Indian National Cartographic Association (INCA, 2017, Vol – 37:pp378-376, ISSN: 0927-8392, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353555588_Mapping_of_Water_Logging_Problems_in_Urban_Area_A_Case_Study_at_Ghatal_Municipality_of_West_Bengal
- Adhikary, B.; Bera, S. & Dr. K. C. RathS, Measuring the Urban Liveability: A Geographical Analysis. , Eastern Geographer , 2017, XXIII(1): pp 61-68, ISSN: 0973-7642,, https://easterngeographicalsociety.org/
- Binodini Majhi and Krishna Chandra Rath, Changing Trends of Temperature in Bhubaneswar: A City in Eastern India, International Journal of Geology, Earth & Environmental Sciences, 2018, 8 (1) January-April, pp. 5-14, ISSN: 2277-2081, https://www.cibtech.org/J-GEOLOGY-EARTH-ENVIRONMENT/PUBLICATIONS/2018/VOL_8_NO_1/JGEE-002-Majhi-Changing-Temperature.pdf
- Adhikary & Dr. K.C. Rath, Disparities in rural development: A study in Purba Medinipur district of West Bengal. , Eastern Geographer , 2018, Vol. XXIV(1): pp 67-74, ISSN: 0973-7642, https://easterngeographicalsociety.org/
- Adhikary & Dr. K.C. Rath, Measuring the Disparities in Village Panchayat Performance: A Study in Purba Medinipur District of West Bengal. , International Journal of Development Studies, 2018, Vol. X: Jan-June, pp 36-43, ISSN: 0975-5799, http://www.rsmeena.com/ijds-journal.html
- Binodini Majhi and Krishna Chandra Rath, Climate Change Awareness and Perception amongst the Inhabitants of Bhubaneswar City, Odisha, India, International Journal of Applied Social Science, 2019, Volume 6: pp 613-618, ISSN : 2394-1405, http://scientificresearchjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Social-Science-6_A-613-618-Full-Paper.pdf
- Balai Adhikary & Krishna Chandra Rath, Performance of Village Panchayat in Rural Development: A Study in West Bengal. , Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies, 2019, Vol. 42(1): pp 20-32, ISSN 0971-4170, https://www.ilee.org.in/PdfDocs/Indian_Journal_of_Landscape_systems_June_2019.pdf
- Balai Adhikary & Krishna Chandra Rath, Local people’s participation in rural development process and development level of villages: a case study on Kumarara Gram Panchayat, East Medinipur, West Bengal, Hill Geographer, 2019, Vol .XXXV:2: pp 39-48, ISSN: 0970-5023, http://www.hillgeographer.in/issues/Hill%20Geographer%20Vol_XXXVII-1%20(2021).rar
- Balai Adhikary & Krishna Chandra Rath, Size and spacing of rural settlements in Purba Medinipur district of West Bengal in Eastern India, NORTH EASTERN GEOGRAPHER, 2020, VOL 41 No 1 & 2: pp 22-35, ISSN 0973-0915, http://northeasterngeographer.co.in/vol-41-2020-2021/
- Rath, K.C. and D.K. Singh, “Rural-Regionalisation Strategy for Micro-level Planning: A Case Study of Hindol Subdivision in Dhenkanal District (Orissa)”, Eastern Geographer, Eastern Geographical Society, ISSN-0973-7642, 1992
- Rath, K.C. and J.K. Routray, Impacts of the Integrated Rural Development Program on the Rural Poor – A Case Study of Cuttack District in India, Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, Vol. IV, No. 1 & 2, pp. 118-145, Center on Integrated rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP), Dhaka, Bangladesh. ISSN- 1018-5291, 1994.
- Rath, K.C. and J.K. Routray, Spatiotemporal Analysis of Integrated Rural Development Program at Block Level: A Case Study of Cuttack District in India Transactions of Institute of Indian Geographers, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp.119-132, Institute of Indian Geographers, ISSN- 0970-9851, 1995
- Rath, K.C. and J.K. Routray, Growth, Development and Planning of Bhubaneswar: A City in Eastern India CITIES, Pergamon, Great Britain, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp-79-96, Elsevier, ISSN- 0264-2751, 1996
- Rath, K.C. and J.K. Routray, Plot Acquisition for Self Build Housing in Bhubaneswar City, India: A Survey Study of the Problems of Plot Purchase and House Building in an Informal Housing Area, Land Use Policy, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 81-97, Pergamon, Elsevier, Great Britain, ISSN-0264- 8377, 1997
- Rath, K.C. and N.R. Das, Impact of Urban Growth on Chandka Wildlife Sanctuary in North Western Urban Fringe of Bhubaneswar City in Eastern India, Eastern Geographer, January 2008, Vol.XIV, No-1, PP. 13-16, Eastern Geographical Society, ISSN-0973- 7642, 2008
- Karmakar M. and K.C. Rath, Urban Poor and Physical Accessibility to Government Allopathic Dispensaries: A GIS Based Case Study of Bhubaneswar in Eastern India, International Journal of Geoinformatics, June 2011, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp-73-78, Association for Geoinformation Technology, ISSN- 1686-6576, 2011
- Rath K.C. and S. Sahoo and N.R. Das, Landuse Dynamics along Natural Drainage Channels and Its Impacts: A case study in part of Bhubaneswar City in Eastern India, Eastern Geographer, January 2012, Vol-XVIII, No-1, pp-17-20, Eastern Geographical Society, ISSN-0973-7642, 2012
- Rath K.C., and N.R. Das and A.K. Samal, Fluoride Endemicity Contrasts In Shallow And Deeper Aquifers: A case study of Bolagarh Block in Khurda District, Odisha, India, International Journal of Earth Science & Engineering, Vol 6, No 5 (1), pp. 1260-1265, Cafet-Innova Technical Society, ISSN- 0974-5904, 2013
- Rath K.C., Vulnerability Analysis of Fluoride Endemicity in Ground Water: A Case Study of Bolagarh Block in Khurda District of Odisha, India Journal of Sustainable Planet, December 2015, Vol-06, No-04, pp. 58-65, Institute of Advance Technology and Environmental Studies (IATES), ISSN 0974-6714, 2015
- Rath K.C., Living Environment of Urban Slum Dwellers: A Case Study in Bhubaneswar City, Eastern Geographer, January 2015, Vol-XXI, No-1, pp. 443-448, Eastern Geographical Society, ISSN-0973-7642, 2015
Refereed Conference Publications
- Rath, K.C. and N.R.Das, “Environmental Risk Assessment Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case Study of Spatio-Temporal Growth of Weed in Chilika Lagoon Ecosystem, pp. 85-89” (Proceedings of National Seminar on Environmental Risk Analysis and Management, P.G Course in Environmental Science, Year 2002). 2002.
- Rath, K.C., N.R.Das and MithunKarmakar, ¨ Prioritization of Districts for Better Mitigation Planning of Agricultural Drought Using Geographical Information System: A Case Study of Orissa in India” (Proceedings of the National Seminar on Mitigation of Environmental Hazards, P.G Course in Environmental Science). 2003.
- Das, M.R., N.R.Das and MithunKarmakar and K.C. Rath, ¨ A GIS Based Approach for Qualitative Assessment of the Potential and Utilization of Ground Water Resources in Orissa for it Sustainable Management Planning” (Proceedings of the International Seminar on Advanced Modeling Techniques for Sustainable Management of Water Resources). 2004. ISBN-81-7764-586-2.
- Rath, K.C., N.R.Das and MithunKarmakar, ¨ Remote Sensing and GIS Based Analysis of Water Logging Problem in Coastal Orissa: A Case Study of Puri District” (Proceedings of the National Seminar on Management of Coastal Ecosystem, P.G Course in Environmental). 2004.
- Rath K.C. , and R.N. Samal, ¨ Geoinformatics and Its Utilities” (National Seminar on GIS in the Service of Mankind” Organized byAICTE, New Delhi and C.V. Raman). 2015.
- K.C. Rath & N.R Das, ¨ Environmental Issues due to Developmental Activities in the Bank of River Kuakhai in Urban Fringe of Bhubaneswar” (Proceedings of National Seminar on Prevention of Surface Water Pollution: Policies & Programmes), 2008.
- Chinmaya Malik, Dr. K.C. Rath, “Strong Preparedness and Effective Response Mechanism against the cyclones of 21st Century: A Case Study of Cyclone Risk Reduction Practices in Odisha, India” (IGS – International E- Conference on EARTH SCIENCES AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS).August05–07, 2021. Department of Geography, Osmania University, Hyderabad & The Indian Geographical Society, Chennai.
Ph.D Awarded
- Mr. Balai Adhikari, Ph.D Scholar, (Utkal University) – 2023
- Ms. Sharmistha Swain, Ph.D. Scholar, (Utkal University) –Natural Resource Degradation and Environmental Impacts in Orissa Coastal Plain: A Micro-Regional Analysis of Bhitarkanika-Rajnagar Coastal Zone”, 2007
- Bidyut Kumar Patra, Ph.D. Scholar, (Utkal University) – “Seedling Growth, Regeneration and Age Structure of Two Dominant Tree Species VIS-À-VIS Conservation Perspectives of Chandaka Sanctuary.”, 2009
- Nihar Ranjan Das, Ph.D. Scholar, (Utkal University) – “Development Dynamics and Environmental Issues of Rural-Urban fringe Area Bhubaneswar City”, 2011
- Mithun Karmakar, (Utkal University) – “Analysis and Evaluation of Accessibility of Health Care Services and Facilities: A Case Study of Bhubaneswar City in Eastern India”, 2012
- Surendra Sahoo, (Utkal University) – “Dynamics of landuse pattern and its effect on Natural Drainage in an urban environment: A GPS, Remote Sensing and GIS based study of Bhubaneswar city in Eastern India”, 2014
- Saptaparna Mishra, (Utkal University) – “Labour Migration and Its-Impact on Women and Children: A Case Study in Nuapada District of Odisha”,
- Currently Ph.D. student at DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY, Utkal University
- Manoranjan Kar, (Utkal University) – “Urbanization and Issues of Working Women: A Case Study of Bhubaneswar Urban Complex”,
- Currently Ph.D. student at DEPARTMENT OF Women Studies, Utkal University
- Sarita Mohapatra, (SOA University) – “GIS Based Smart Solutions for Urban Traffic Issues in the Context of an Emerging Smart City- Bhubaneswar”,
- Currently Ph.D. student at Department of Geography, Utkal University
- Priyanka Das, (Utkal University) – “Impact of Climate Change and Soil Quality Dynamics on the Mangrove Ecosystem of The Indian Sundarbans Using Geospatial Techniques”,
- Currently Ph.D. student at Department of Geography, Utkal University
- Chinmaya Malik, (Utkal University) – “Community Response to Multi-Hazards in Coastal Odisha”. Currently Ph.D. student at Department of Geography, Utkal University
- Devjani Bhuyan – Currently Ph.D. student at Department of Geography, Utkal University
- Census Survey of 20000 households in Slums of Bhubaneswar (PI/ Co-PI): Basic Description of the Project, CYSD-Plan, 4.5 lakhs
- Natural Resource Degradation and Environmental Impacts in Orissa Coastal Plain: A Micro-Regional Analysis of Bhitarkanika- Rajnagar Coastal Zone, (PI/Co-PI): Basic Description of the Project, University GrantsCommission, New Delhi under MajorResearch Project scheme, 2.28 Lakhs
- Digital Spatial and Nonspatial Database Creation for Bhubaneswar, (PI/Co-PI): Basic Description of the Project, Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), 2.0 lakhs
- Facility Survey of Health Units of Orissa, (PI/Co-PI): Basic Description of the Project, Sector Reform Cell, EC Assisted Project, H & FW Dept. Govt. of Orissa, 1.98 lakhs
- Wise Use of the Natural Resources of Chilika Lagoon through the Stakeholder participation and documentation of emerging lessons, (PI/ Co-PI): Basic Description of the Project, Chilika Development Authority, Govt. of Odisha, 1lakh
- Expert services for GPS, Remote Sensing & GIS based mapping and analysis for Micro Planning based Malaria control in Orissa (PI/ Co-PI): Basic Description of the Project, Geoenvitech R. C. S. Pvt. Ltd. 1.6 lakhs
- Expert services for Digital Spatial database for GIS based Water Quality mapping for Blocks of Koraput District (PI/ Co-PI): Basic Description of the Project, Geoenvitech R. C. S. Pvt. Ltd., 0.8 lakhs.
- A spatial study of fluoride contamination in drinking water from ground water sources to explore the factors responsible and to facilitate preventive management of the fluorosis problem in Bolagad block (PI/ Co-PI):Geogenic contamination of ground water due to concentration of Fluoride in excess of limits have been observed in many parts of the country. When excessive amount of fluoride is ingested for a long period, it leads to a dreaded, crippling and non-curable disease called “fluorosis”. So there is an urgent need for suitable management interventions. For this the vulnerability assessment of affected areas at microlevel is an important activity, which will ensure concentration of management strategies and resources at proper locations. In this context it is noteworthy that there are marked geochemical and hydrogeological contrasts between shallow and deeper aquifers. So the study carried out by author analyzed the fluoride endemicity of study area at village level with focus on contrasts between shallow and deeper aquifers. An integrated study of fluoride endemicity with geology revealed that the fluoride contamination is basically associated with granite gneiss. A comparative study of fluoride endemicity layers indicated that the deeper aquifers are more endemic than the shallow aquifers in the study area., Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, 15.15 lakhs
- Technical Services for Forest Cover mapping based on Remote Sensing for Talabira Coal Block (PI/ Co-PI): Basic Description of the Project, CEMC Pvt. Ltd., 1.2 lakhs
- Conducting Two Weeks Capacity Building Program on Research Proposal Development for Faculties of University/Colleges (PI/ Co-PI): Basic Description of the Project, ICSSR, New Delhi, 9.5 lakhs
- “Climate Change and Sustainable Life Style” in Inter District Level NSS Volunteers Leadership Training Camp at HRDC, Utkal University from 3-5 February 2023 Delivered a talk on the topic.
- Drought Management.[Hyperlink to the Published Paper]
- Distinguished Talk
- Invited talk at Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi,INDIA, December, 1996.
- Direct Trainer Skills. [Hyperlink to the Published Paper]
- Distinguished Talk
- Invited talk at Department of Personnel and Training (DOPT), Govt. of India and ISTM, INDIA, November 1996.
- Application of Remote Sensing in Town and Country Planning / Description. [Hyperlink to the Published Paper]
- Distinguished Talk
- Invited talk at the Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun and National Remote Sensing Agency, Govt. of India, July-September 1999
- Population Studies/ Demography.
- Distinguished Talk
- Invited to talk at the International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, June-July 2000.
- Geographical Information System
- Distinguished Talk
- Invited to talk at the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, January, 2002.
- Decentralized Planning for Sectoral Officers
- Distinguished Talk
- Invited to talk at the National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad, May, 2002.
- Geospatial Technology & its Applications
- Distinguished Talk
- Invited to talk at the SCDC, Odisha, Dept. of Geology, Utkal University and Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, May 2012.
- Geospatial Technologies
- Distinguished Talk
- Invited to talk at the SCDC, Odisha, Dept. of Zoology, Utkal University and Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, December 2013
- National Scholarship, Govt. of India during1985-87 for Post Graduate Study in Geography, Utkal University.
- Recipient of the Canadian International Development Agency Scholarship and Research Grant in Human Settlement Planning in Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok for the Masters Program in Rural-Regional Development Program (From May’91 to Dec’92) of the HSD Division, AIT, Bangkok.
- Director, Directorate of Distance and Continuing Education, Utkal University
- Director, HRDC, Utkal University
- HOD, P. G. Department of Geography
- Member, Syndicate, Utkal University
- Admission Committee, Utkal University
- Member, University Environment Committee
- Executive Body Member, Eastern Geographical Society
- Deputy Course Co-ordinator, P. G. Diploma in RS & GIS
- Member Subject Research Committee in Geography
- Member of Board of Studies in Geography
- Member, Board of Editors “Eastern Geographer” Journal
- Member Subject Research Committee in School of Women’s Studies
Sl. No. | Programme | Duration | Organized by |
1 | TOT on Drought Management | 1 Week
December 1996 |
Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi
2 | Direct Trainer Skills
1 Week
November 1996
Department of Personnel and Training (DOPT), Govt. of India and ISTM
3 | Application of Remote Sensing in Town and Country Planning
12 Weeks
July-September 1999
Institute of Remote Sensing,
Dehradun and National Remote Sensing Agency, Govt. of India
4 | Population Studies/ Demography
3 Weeks
June-July 2000
International Institute for
Population Sciences, Mumbai
5 | Geographical Information System
2 Weeks
January 2002
Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta
6 | Decentralized Planning for Sectoral Officers
1 week
May 2002
National Institute of Rural
Development, Hyderabad
7 | Urban and Industrial Solid Waste Management
2 Weeks
August 2002
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
8 | Geospatial Technology & its Applications | 3 Weeks
May 2012 |
SCDC, Odisha, Dept. of Geology, Utkal University and Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India |
9 | Geospatial Technologies | 3 Weeks
December 2013 |
SCDC, Odisha, Dept. of Zoology, Utkal University and Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India |
Area Chair of the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2018.
Co-Chair of the Semantics Area for NAACL 2015.
Attendee of the 2nd Heidelberg Laureate Forum, 2014.
Journal Reviewing: – .
- Life Member of Eastern Geographical Society, Bhubaneswar, India since 1992
- Life Member of National Association of Geographers India, New Delhi since 1989
- Life Member of the Society for International Development, Rome, Italy since 1994
- Member IGU Commission (Geography of Commercial Activity), 1994 & 95
- Associate Member of Institute of Town Planners India, New Delhi since 1994
- Life Member of Regional Science Association, Calcutta, India since 1994
- Life Member of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Dehradun. India since 1999
- Life Member, Geology and Geography Section of the Indian Science Congress Association, Calcutta, India since 1996
- Life Member, Orissa Environmental Society, Bhubaneswar, India since 1998
- Life Member, Indian Association for Women’s Studies, Mumbai, since February 2002
- Life Member, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Oxford shire OX10 8BB, UK
- Life member, Indian Society for Geomatics
- Life member, Indian Meteorological Society
- Life Member, Indian Association for Social Science & Health
- Life member, Indian National Cartographic Association