Name: Dr. Ashis Chandra Pathy
Designation: Assistant Professor (Stage-II)
Qualification: M.Phil, Ph.D, B.Ed. CDMHA
Phone No.: 9861879269
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2039-126X
E-mail ID: ashis.pathy@utkaluniversity.ac.in
DownloadWater Resource Management, Fluvial Geomorphology, Urban Environmental Planning, Disaster Management & Climate Change, Remote Sensing & GIS
Utkal University | March, 2010 – August, 2014 | Ph.D. Department: Geography Thesis Title: Land use analysis and Suitability Assessment for development of Green Belt in Bhubaneswar Capital Region. Areas: Urban Planning Advisor: Prof. G.K Panda |
Utkal University | 2009 – 2010 | M.Phil. Department: Geography Thesis Title: Land use and Land cover Change of Bhubaneswar City. Areas: Land use Planning Advisor: Prof. G.K Panda |
Utkal University | July, 2004 – July, 2006 | M.Sc. / M.A. Department: Geography Thesis Title: Development of District level GIS database of Gajapati District, Odisha Areas: GIS & Remote Sensing Advisor: Prof. G.K Panda |
Ravenshaw College, Utkal University | July, 2001 – June, 2004 | Bachelor of Science/Commerce/ Arts Department: Geography Hons: Geography |
Radhanath Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, (RNIASE), Cuttack
Utkal University |
August 2006-June 2007 | Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Subject: Geography, Education & English |
University of Hawai, USA and Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok | August 2013-December 2013 | Certificate Course
Subject : Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance, (CDMHA), Asia-Pacific Programme |
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun, ISRO, Dept. of Space, Govt. of India | May 2018-July 2018 | Certificate Course
Subject : Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System in Geosciences |
Utkal University | March. 2020 –present | Assistant Professor (Stage-II) |
Utkal University | March. 2016 – 2020 | Assistant Professor (Stage-I) |
Ravenshaw University | July, 2015 – March, 2016 | Faculty |
- GIS Consultant at National Informatics Center, (NIC) Government of India.
- Project Assistant at Orissa Space Application Center, Government of Odisha, Department of Science and Technology. Govt of Odisha.
- GIS Consultant at Asian Development Bank and Hydrosult Inc, Canada.
- GIS Consultant at Department of Water Resources, Govt of Odisha.
Course Name-Geographical thought (GEOG1-CO1) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar |
2021 |
Course Name-Geomorphology (GEOG1-CO2) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams Course Name- Geography of India (GEOG1-CO3)P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar |
2021 |
Course Name-Climatology (GEOG2-CO1) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar |
2021 |
Course Name- Oceanography (GEOG3-CO1) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar |
2021 |
Course Name-Basics of Remote Sensing & GIS (GEOG3-CO2) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar |
2021 |
Course Name-Cartography (GEOG4-CO1(B) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar |
2021 |
Course Name-Remote Sensing & Applications GEOG4-CO2(B) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar |
2021 |
Course Name-GIS & Applications GEOG4-CO3(B) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar |
2021 |
Course Name-Aerial Photography, Remote Sensing, GPS and GIS Practical (Geog4 – CO4 (B)) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar |
2021 |
Course Name- Regional Geography of Odisha (Geog2 – FEO4) P.G. Department of Geography and Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar |
2021 |
Book Articles (Authored/Edited)
- Prashna Priyadarsini and Ashis Chandra Pathy (2022).Urban Wetlands: Opportunities and Challenges in Indian cities—A Case of Bhubaneswar City, Odisha. Springer nature, Switzerland, ISBN 978-981-16-7309-2 ISBN 978-981-16-7310-8. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-7310-8_16 (eBook).January, 2022. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-7310-8_16
- Tapas Ranjan Patra, Priyanka Chakraborty, Diptimayee Naik, Ashis Chandra Pathy, Environmental Change Analysis Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Study of Upper Baitarani Basin, Odisha, Springer nature, Switzerland, ISBN 978-981-99-3005-0 ISBN 978-981-99-3006-7 (eBook), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-3006-7, June 2023
- Ashis Chandra Pathy & Gopal Krishna Panda (2022),Building a Sustainable green space system in Bhubaneswar city, Odisha, using space inputs.Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1201/9781003126195 ISBN-978-0-367-64176-4
- Mohanta J., Pathy A.C (2020) ‘Determination of Vegetation health using NDVI Method in Kendujhar District, OdishaBook Chapter – Vistas in Geological Research. ISBN-81-900907-0-4
- Pathy A.C (2018). GIS based agricultural planning of Gajapati District, Odisha Harmony with nature: Illusions and elusions from Geographers perspective, ISBN :978-81-933142-1-0
- Pathy, A.C, Patra T.R (2018) Quantitative analysis of Drainage parameters and evaluation of terrain of Deo &Khairabandhan Watershed. Book Chapter – Vistas in Geological Research. ISBN-81-900907-0-4
- Pathy, A.C, Panda G.K. (2013): Analysis of Urban Morphology for Real time visualization of urban scenes – A case study of Bhubaneswar City: Book Chapter -Resources and Development. ISBN 81-8064-252-6
- Pathy, Ashis Chandra; et al. (2013) :Flood Information System of Kendrapara District : Book Chapter -Natural Hazards and Disaster Management : ISBN 978-93-5174-614-0
Books (Editor)
- Mahanty S.R, Pathy, Ashis Chandra; et al. (2023) : Vani Vithika, Gopabandhu Chhatrabas, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Vol : 36, August 2023: ISBN 978-93-95682-52-7
Journal Articles
- Mohanta J., Pathy A.C. ( 2024). Investigating Rainfall Patterns in South Singhbhum: A Non-parametric Approach Utilizing Mann-Kendall Tests and Sen’s Slope Estimaton. Asian Journal of Geographical Research. ISSN: 2582-2985 Volume 7 [Issue 4]. Page-45-66 DOI-10.9734/ajgr/2024/v7i4249
- Patra T. R &Pathy A.C ( 2024). Long-Term Temperature Trends in the Upper Baitarani Basin, Odisha: Analyzing Regional Climate Variability. Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science. Volume 28, Issue 9, Page 44-56, 2024; Article no.JGEESI.122387ISSN: 2454-7352.DOI: 10.9734/jgeesi/2024/v28i9809
- Patra T. R &Pathy A.C ( 2024) Spatio-Temporal Characterization of Land Use Patterns in the Upper Baitarani River Basin, Odisha, Indian Journal of Spatial Science,Spring Issue: 2024:15(1) pp.110 – 123, ISSN: 2249 – 3921(Peer reviewed Journal) www.indiansss.org
- Sahoo Amit, Pathy A.C et al. (2022) Temporal Variation of Particulate Concentration in Bhubaneswar City: A GIS Based Study. Eastern Geographer, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, January, 2022, pp. 1-12, ISSN 0973 – 7642 (Peer reviewed Journal) https://easterngeographicalsociety.org/
- Ambarin. S & Pathy A.C (2022) GIS based Urban Flood Vulnerability assessment in Eastern India- A case of Bhubaneswar City, Odisha. The Observer, ISSN-2230-9535 (Vol-56) P73-88.
- Mohanta J., Pathy A.C. (2022). Extraction of Geological structures from Digital Elevation Model for South Singhbhum Craton of Odisha. Eastern Geographer, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, January, 2022, pp. 62-67, ISSN 0973 – 7642 (Peer reviewed Journal) https://easterngeographicalsociety.org/
- Patra T. R &Pathy A.C ( 2021) Implications of Geomorphometric Analysis In The Drought Prone Khairabandhan River Basin Using Remote Sensing And GIS Journal solid state technology,ISSN-0038111X Scopus Indexed – I.F -2.142. 2021 http://solidstatetechnology.us/index.php/JSST/article/view/9887
- Pathy A.C (2019). Vulnerability & Risk Assessment of Flood & Cyclone Preparedness Planning of Ganjam District, Odisha. Review of Research ISSN-2249-894X. http://oldror.lbp.world/UploadedData/8147.pdf(UGC listed Journal No.48514) IF-5.76
- Patra T. R &Pathy A.C (2019) Implication of morphometry in the drought-prone Khairabandhan drainage basin. Hill Geographer. Vol.XXXV No.1, P-49-61, 2019I SSN-0970-5023 www.hillgeographer.in, UGC CARE listed Journal
- Patra T. R, Jena P.R, Pathy A.C & Pattanaik, D.S (2019)Remote Sensing of Environmental Change in Joda and Barbil Sector, Odisha due to Mining and Mineral Processing. Eastern Geographer, Vol. XXV, No. 1, January, 2019, pp. 63-70, ISSN 0973 – 7642 (UGC listed Journal No.41213) https://easterngeographicalsociety.org/
- Ambarin. S & Pathy A.C (2019) Urban flood susceptibility modelling using AHP and GIS approach – case of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation, Odisha, Eastern Geographer, Vol. XXV, No. 1, January, 2019, pp. 12-25, ISSN 0973 – 7642 (UGC listed Journal No.41213) https://easterngeographicalsociety.org/
- Behera B.K, Rath K.C, Pathy A.C (2019) Measuring the Land Surface temperature (LST) Variation in Cuttack City, Odisha using Landsat data. Eastern Geographer, Vol. XXV, No. 1, January, 2019, pp. 123-135, ISSN 0973 – 7642 (UGC listed Journal No.41213) https://easterngeographicalsociety.org/
- Pathy A.C (2018): Mitigation of Lightning Hazards through Public Awareness. Odisha Review – ISSN-0970-8669 .(UGC listed Journal No.49084) https://magazines.odisha.gov.in/Orissareview/2018/Feb-Mar/Feb-Mareview.htm
- Pathy A.C, Patra T.R (2018): Heat Wave: An Alarming concern for contemporary World – A Case of Odisha. Odisha Review – ISSN-0970-8669 .(UGC listed Journal No.49084) https://magazines.odisha.gov.in/Orissareview/2018/May/Mayreview.htm
- Mohanta J., Pathy A.C (2017).Analysis on Impact of Weather variability on Vegetation health and change in Land use and Land Cover Pattern via Landsat Classification of Keonjhar District, Odisha. Journal of Eastern Geographer, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, January, 2017, pp. 198-205, ISSN 0973-7642. https://easterngeographicalsociety.org/ (UGC listed Journal No.41213)
- Pathy A.C (2016): Sustainable Green Building Design. Journal of Eastern Geographer, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January, 2016, pp. 125-132,ISSN 0973-7642.https://easterngeographicalsociety.org/ (UGC listed Journal No.41213)
- Pathy A.C (2015):Conceptual model for development of green belt in proposed smart city in Bhubaneswar. Indian Cartographer. ISSN 0972-9392 Referred and peer reviewed journal
- Pathy A.C. (2014): Spatial Variation in Water Quality in Brahmani and Baitarani River Basins of Odisha. Journal of Eastern Geographer, Vol-XX, Issue-1,p-395-404,ISSN 0973-7642. (UGC listed Journal No.41213)
- Pathy A.C & G.K Panda. (2013): Monitoring morphological changes in Bhubaneswar City, Odisha, India using Remote sensing , Journal of Eastern Geographer, Vol. XIX, No. 1, January, 2013, pp. 159-168, ISSN 0973-7642. https://easterngeographicalsociety.org/ (UGC listed Journal No.41213)
- Pathy A.C; et al. (2013): Integrated people participation and micro level planning of Beldal village, using GIS technique, Journal of Earth and social sciences,The Blue Earth, Vol 1.Issue 1, July, p.25. ISSN 2321-2578.
- Pathy A.C; & G.K Panda. (2012): Modeling Urban Growth in Indian Situation-A case study of Bhubaneswar City, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol 3.Issue6, June, ISSN 2229-5518
Ph.D Scholars
no | Name of the Scholar (Continuing) | Topic of Research | Masters course and Institution | Name of the Co-guide if any | Fellowship received if any during research |
1 | Amit Kumar Sahoo | Development of Land use regression models for exposure assessment of traffic related pollutants in Bhubaneswar, Odisha | M.Sc in Environmental Science, Utkal University | UGC-JRF | |
2 | Tapas Ranjan Patra (Submitted) | Climate change and Soil erosion risk assessment in the Upper Baitarani River basin, Odisha, India6 | M.A in Geography, Utkal University | UGC-JRF | |
3 | K. Roja Dora | Evaluating land suitability for agricultural crops and assessing potential climate change impact in Kandhamal district of Odisha, India | M.Sc in Geoinformatics Osmania University, Hyderabad | UGC-JRF | |
4 | Jyotirmayee Mohanta | M.A in Geography, Utkal University | UGC-NET |
M.Phil Scholars
Sl.no | Name of the Research Scholar | Topic of Research | Masters course and Institution | Fellowship received if any during research | Year of Award |
1 | Firoz Biswas | Agro-Bio-diversity and livelihood in the selective blocks of South Twenty Four Praganas district, West Bengal | M.A in Geography, University of Calcutta, West Bengal | No | 2023 |
2 | Snigdharani Biswal | Regional Imbalances in the level of Socio-economic development – A case of Jagatsinghpur district, Odisha.
M.A in Geography, Utkal University | No | 2022 |
3 | Niranjan Sahoo | Estimation of Land Surface Temperature in Coastal Districts of Odisha.
M.A in Geography, Utkal University | No | 2021 |
4 | Jyotirmayee Mahanta | Vegetation health Monitoring of Kenonjhar District using Remote Sensing. | M.A in Geography, Utkal University | No | 2019 |
5 | Tapas Ranjan Patra | River Morphometry and terrain evaluation in Deo and Khairabandhan catchments of Baitarani river basin | M.A in Geography, Utkal University | UGC-JRF | 2018 |
Title of the project | Name of the funding agency | Duration | Sanctioned amount | Remarks |
Planning and Management of Water Resources in South Singhbhum Craton of Odisha, using space inputs | OURIIP, Govt. of Odisha | 2 Years | 4.54 Lakh | Completed Project |
Planning for Neighbourhood Plantation avenues and green space development in a smart city – A Pilot study in three different clusters of Bhubaneswar city using high resolution satellite data and GIS. | WB-OHEPEE, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar | 1 Year | 1.25 Lakh | Completed Project |
Geospatial data analysis for Natural Resource Management | WB-OHEPEE, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar | 2 days | 1.00 Lakh | Completed Project |
Invited lectures:
- Resource Person on the topic ”Application of Geospatial technologies for Disaster Management” ATAL Faculty Development programme (FDP) on 27th Decemebr 2024 organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
- Participated as Resource Person in the three day International Conference on ‘Advancement in Lightning Science and Safety Measures : Monitoring, Mitigation and Last Mile Connection in South Asia, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Odisha during 20-22 March, 2024
- Extramural Lecture on Research process in Geographical data analysis and Questionnaire design at Phulbani Government Autonomous college, Kandhamal, Odisha on 12.04.2023
- Invited as Resource Person on North Odisha Tribal Lightening Resilience Programme, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Odisha on 26.08.2022
- Resource Person on the topic Remote Sensing and GIS in Spatial data analysis at S.K.C.G autonomous College ,Paralakhemundi, Gajapati on 10.03.2021.
- Lecture on Remote Sensing & GIS in Mapping and Spatial Data Analysis at Govt. Autonomos college Anugul on 22 February 2021
- Invited Speaker on Integrated development of Mahendragiri Hill Complex at Orissa Environmental Society in the National Consultation Workshop organised by Orissa Environmental Society and Mahendragiri Surakhya Samiti on 07.02.2021.
- Resource Person in the Expert lecture series on Application of GIS in Urban and Environmental Planning at Dept. of Architecture and Planning, CET, Bhubaneswar under the aegis of TEQIP from 29.08.2019 to 30.08.2019
- Application of GIS in Hydrological Modelling at Dept. of Civil Engineering, SoA University, Bhubaneswar.2018
- Invited Speaker on National Information system for Climate and Environmental studies in the National Workshop organized by NRSC, Hyderabad & CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar. 6th – April, 2018
- Cartographic Techniques and Remote Sensing & GIS.to the in-service teachers of PGT Geography of Kendriya Vidyalaya by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Bhubaneswar.2nd January, 2018
- ‘Remote sensing, Geographic Information system and Spatial Information technology to the in-service teachers of PGT Geography of Kendriya Vidyalaya by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Bhubaneswar, 22nd – 23rd May, 2017.
- “Elementary Cartography & Mapping in Arc GIS’ to the Officers of the Planning and coordination dept, Govt of Odisha at Regional Institute of Planning, Applied Economics and Statistics, Odisha, Bhubaneswar. 27th July, 2016.
- Application of RS and GIS in Mapping and Spatial Modelling at Dept of Geography P.N College, Khordha. Feb 28, 2015.
- Urban Growth & Water bodies: A development Conflict in the National Conference organized by Dept of Civil Engineering, ITER, SoA, Bhubaneswar. Feb 14, 2015.
- Remote Sensing and GIS for Water Resources Assessment In 4th International Geography Congress of (National Association of Geographers, India (NAGI) organized by P.G Dept. of Geography, Utkal University. Jan 16-18, 2013
Paper Presentations in Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences
- Identification Of Borehole Points from Potential Hydro-Geological Lineaments in South Singhbhum Craton of Odisha. Odisha Research conclave at Sambalpur University, 14th-16th November 2023
- Structural Trend analysis of South Singhbhum region of Odisha using Remote Sensing. XVII DGSI International Geography Conference at Department of Geography, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. 25th to 27th February, 2023
- Impact of Weather Variability on vegetation health and change in land use land cover pattern via land classification of kendujhar district, Odisha. 33rd International conference of Indian institute of Geomorphologist. Dept. of Geography, University of Allahabad. 26th to 28th November, 2021
- Conservation and management of wetland in Bhubaneswar city in International conference of IGU in Agriculture, Food, Water, Biodiversity and health in changing climate March at Dept. of Geography, Burdwan University, West Bengal March. 6-8, 2020.
- Monitoring Wetland changes and urban wetland ecosystem services of Bhubaneswar city in OHEPEE Sponsored International conference held at Dept. of Economics, Berhampur University, Odisha 22-23 February 2020.
- Determination of Vegetation health using NDVI Method in Kendujhar District Odisha in National seminar on Advances in Earth and Environmental Sciences at Dept. of Geology, Utkal University, Bhubanesswar16th February 2020.
- Surface water resource assessment of Baitarani river basin of Odisha using GIS and WEAP model in National Seminar on Desert ecosystem and Resource management: Opportunities and challenges at Dept. of Geography, Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 2-3 March 2019.
- Implications of morphometric analysis in the drought prone Khairbandhan drainage basin in International seminar on Society and sustainability: an interdisciplinary approach at Vivekananda college, Kolkata, West Bengal.12-13 January 2019.
- Heat Wave: An alarming concern for Contemporary world- A case of Odisha in Workshop on Regional Environment & Climate in Odisha “Lightning, Thunderstorm and Heat Wave’organized by Indian Meteorological Society & CEC, ITER, Bhubaneswar,23-24 March 2018.
- Water Security: Joining hands with Nature (Both Poster & Paper) in National Conference on World Water Day 2018 Campaign Nature of Waterorganized by United Nation & Department of Water Resources, Govt, of Odisha, Bhubaneswar, 22 March 2018.
- Quantitative analysis of Drainage parameters and evaluation of terrain of Deo &Khairabandhan Watershed in the National Seminar on Frontiers in Earth Science Researches organized by Department of Geology & Alumni Association, Bhubaneswar. 11 February 2018.
- Terrain evaluation through the assessment of morphometric parameters of Baitarani Basin area with special emphasis to Deo and Khair-bandhan watershed in National Conference of Institute of Indian Geographers (IIG) organized by Department of Applied Geography, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack. 26-28 December 2017.
- Land use change analysis and Socio-ecological issues in Bhubaneswar city in National conference on Environment and Development organized by Eastern Geographical Society, P.G Dept. of Geography, Utkal University. 27 April. 2016
- Conceptual Model for development of Urban Green Space in Bhubaneswar City, Odisha, India in XXXV International Congress of INCA Organized by JNU, New Delhi. 15-17 December 2015
- Smart Environmental Planning in Bhubaneswar City in Odisha Environment Congress.Organized by Regional Museum of Natural History, Bhubaneswar. Jan 22-24, 2015
- Global Warming and Sea Level Rise in Eastern Coast of Odisha in National Seminaron Global Warming and Sea Level Rise and Livelihood adaptation organized byITER, Bhubaneswar.December 27, 2015
- Coastal zone mapping of Odisha for Resource management using Geo-spatial Technology in National Seminar on Probable danger of Tsunami of coastal Odisha, developing of tsunamiwarning system and precautionary measures to be taken to save lives organised by Dept. of Geography, Dept of Geology, Utkal University.Jan 21-22, 2015.
- Basin development Plan for Baitarani and Brahmani river basins of Odisha in International Seminar on Geosciences for Environmental Development and Environmental Challenges Organized by P.G. Department of Geology, Utkal University. Jan 17-19, 2014.
- Water Resources and its utilization for irrigation and case study of check dams and its impact: A case study of Balangir District, Odishain : UGC-SAP-DRS-1 National Seminar on Water Resource Management organised byDepartment of Geography. Venkateswara University, Tirupati. Jan 22-23, 2014
- Urban Green Space and Environmental Sustainable development in National seminar of Eastern Geographical Society organized byEGS, P.G Department of Geography. Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.Feb 26, 2014.
- Surface Water Availability and Demand of Water in Baitarani River Basin in 4th International Geography Congress of NAGI on Coastal zone Management: Issues and Challenges organized by P.G Dept. of Geography, Utkal University. Jan 16-18, 2013
- Assessment of Urban Green Space based on Land suitability: A case study of Bhubaneswar City in ISG-ISRS Annual Conventions and National Symposium on Remote Sensing and GIS for Environment with special emphasis on marine and Coastal dynamics,organized by Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.Dec 4-6, 2013
- Urban Sprawl, Land use change and its impact on Environment in Bhubaneswar City. in National Seminar of National Association of Geographer, India (NAGI) on Hazards, Vulnerability and Sustainable Development., organized by Department of Geography. Patna University. Bihar & NAGI.Nov 2-4, 2012
- Urban dynamics in Indian cities : A case study of Bhubaneswar City in National Seminar of Indian Social Science Congress, organized by India Academy of Social Sciences & KIIT University, Bhubaneswar. Dec 27-31, 2012.
- Changing morphology and declining urban Green zone in Bhubaneswar City in National Seminar of National Association of Geographer, India (Nagi) on Hazards, Vulnerability and Sustainable Development., organized by Department of Geography. Patna University. Bihar & NAGI.Nov 2-4, 2012
- Integrated People Participation and Micro Level Planning of BeldalVillage, using GIS Technique in UGC Sponsored International Seminar on Rural Development: Issues and Concern, organized by Department of Geography. BJB (Autonomous) Collage, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. 10Th March 2011
- Urban Morphology of Bhubaneswar City using Remote Sensing in National Seminar 33rd Indian Geography Congress of NAGI Organized byDepartment of Geography. University of Burdwan & NAGI. Nov 11-13, 2011.
- GIS based Vulnerability and risk assessment of Flood and Cyclone preparedness planning of Ganjam District in National seminar on Human Vulnerability to cyclone hazards in the coastal regions, organized byDepartment of Geography. Utkal University.March 25-26, 2008.
- GIS based Agriculture Planning of Gajapati District, Odisha in the national seminar on Natural Resource management & Rural India, organised by Department of Geography. Govt Women’s College, Sambalpur. Odisha.March 28-29, 2008.
- Electoral Information System for Ganjam District in U.G.C. Sponsored National Seminar on Good Governance: A Panacea for Third world development., organised byDept. of Political Sc, Brahmani College, Kendrapara, Odisha.March 30-31, 2008.
- Effects of Climate change on Bio-diversity in Odisha in the national seminar on Natural Resource management & Rural India, organized by Department of Geography. Govt Women’s College, Sambalpur. Odisha.March 28-29, 2008.
- GIS based flood information system – A case study onKendrapara District in NationalSymposium on natural Hazards and Disaster Management, organised byP.G Dept. of Applied Geography, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack.March 18, 2007.
- Population Growth and Sustainable Development: A Case study on Cuttack City in U.G.C. Sponsored National Seminar on Natural Resources Management and Sustainable Development, organised byP.G Dept. of Applied Geography, Ravenshaw College, Cuttack.Feb 26-27, 2005
- National workshop on Building Climate Resilience and Mainstreaming DRR in the state of Odisha organized Climate action network south Asia and P.G Dept of Geography.April., 23-24, 2016
- UGC sponsored skill-based workshop on Disaster managementGeoinformatics organized by Dept. of Geography, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.2016
- UGC Sponsored Skill based Workshop on Geoinformatics organized by Dept. of Geography, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. November 20-21, 2015
- Workshop on Integrated Water Resources Management planning organized by Indo Australia Joint Working Group&Department of Water Resources, Government of Odisha.Oct 5-6, 2012
FDP’s and Training
- Two days’ workshop on ‘Author’s workshop on Academic writing to develop textbooks for Higher education in Bharatiya Languages-Odia’ for textbook writing in Odia language for undergraduate level at MMTC, Utkal University from 11th Nov. 2024 to 12 Nov 2024.
- Faculty Development Programme on Enabling a perfect Research ecosystem with Science Direct and Mendeley at Odisha State Higher Education Consortium, Bhubaneswar, 2nd November 2023.
- Faculty Development Programme on Identifying fake, Cloned, Predatory journal in Academics at Odisha State Higher Education Council, Bhubaneswar, 25 April 2022.
- Faculty Development Programme(5 days) on Smart CitiesOrganized by AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy at Indian Institute of Information Technology Dharwad.12th-16th October 2020.
- Faculty Development Programme:Teachers training on Disaster Management(5 days) Organized by National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs,Govt.of India, New Delhi in collaboration with Pondicherry University. 21st-25th September 2020.
- Faculty Development Programme(7 days) on challenges of Sustainable Development –A Global PerspectiveOrganized by Department of Economics,Sree Devi Kumari Women’s College.Kuzhithurai(PO),Kanyakumari,Tamil Nadu.14th-20th September 2020.
- Faculty Development Programme (1day)for the ICSI conference on EMPOWERING EDUCATORS Organized by Institute of Company Secretaries in India(ICSI)Bhubaneswar.12th September 2020.
- Faculty Development Programme (5 days) at Utkal University on LEADERSHIP & EXCELLENCE organized by AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy New Delhi.7th-11th September 2020.
- Faculty Development Programme (5 days) for the Academic Faculty member of Utkal University at National Institute of Educational planning and Administration. New Delhi. 2nd March – 6th March 2020.
- Global to Local Sustainability and Future Earth at IGU International conference Organized by Department of Geography, MLSU, Udaipur, Rajasthan.18th-20thDecember 2020.
- Participated in the 35th episode of FMMGI Lecture, Institute for Environmental Research & Rural Development, Patna on April 16, 2023
- National Education Policy 2020: Opportunities Unlocked of theme Inspiring Teachers Strengthening Generations in the 4th National Teachers’ Congress,Pune India.15th-18th December 2020
- Writing Research Proposal and Research Funding for Women andYoung researchers in Webinar Series on Research and Publication Ethicsorganized by Progress with Prof.Mahamani, YouTube channel.29th November 2020.
- Co-chaired a session on the theme Urban Environmental Issues and Challenges at XVth DGSI International Geography online conference on the theme Climate change, Disasters and Sustainable Livelihood Organized by Department of Geography, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj.26th-28th November, 2020.
- Urban Flood Hazard Analysis of Bhubaneswar City at XVth DGSI International Geography online conference on the theme Climate change, Disasters and Sustainable Livelihood Organized by Department of Geography, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj.26th-28th November, 2020.
- Journal Indexing Database and Impact Factor in Webinar Series on Research and Publication Ethicsorganized by Progress with Prof.Mahamani, YouTube channel.22nd November 2020.
- Progress and Dimensions in Geographical Research in International WebinarOrganized byThe Department of Geography ,Aliah University, Kolkata, India.3rd November 2020.
- Flood Resilience: Opportunities and Challenges ofthe event ‘DRR week 2020’.13th October 2020.
- The Sundarbans:A natural Resilliency of the countryofthe event ‘DRR week 2020’.12th October 2020.
- Mainstreaming DRR and the Role of Youthof the event ‘DRR week 2020’.7th October 2020.
- The power of GIS and 3D Modelling at International Webinar Organised by GEO-PASSIONATES A Research Initiative.4th October 2020.
- Eastern philosophy& The West in International webinar Organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) Margherita college,Tinsukia,Assam,India.29th September 2020.
- Climate Change: It’s Time for Action in International Webinar Organised by Department of Geography, Government P.G. College, Karnaprayag, Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India under the aegis of IQAC.16th September 2020.
- Impacts of COVID-19 on Tourism Sector: Opportunities & Challenges in National seminar Organized by Department of Geography,JaiNarain Vyas University,Jodhpur Rajasthan.8th September 2020.
- Contemporary Discourse on Geography AnInternational Webinar Series Organized by SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHYGangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur .28th Aug-14th Oct, 2020.
- Navigating change with Anticipatory Governance ofthe event ‘DRR week 2020’.10th October 2020.
- Community Engagement for DRR & Resillience of the event ‘DRR week 2020’.9th October 2020.
- Training cum workshop (5 days) on Coordinated Preparation of high Resolution National foundation spatial data(NFSD) for gram panchayat and ward level mapping organized by Odisha Space Applications Centre , Bhubaneswar.December 18-22, 2018
- UGC sponsored short term Programme (one week) on Stress Management organised by UGC –HRDC Utkal University,Vani Vihar , Bhubaneswar.20 July- 25 July, 2018.
- Refresher Course (21 days) in Environment, Forestry and Disaster Management organised by UGC –HRDC Utkal University,Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar.15 January- 4 April, 2018
- ISRO sponsored NNRMS course (8 weeks) in Application of Remote Sensing & GIS in Geo-Sciences at Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun.1st May to 22nd June 2018.
- Capacity Building Program (2 weeks) on Research Proposal Development for Faculties of University/Colleges Jointly organized by ICSSR, New Delhi & Utkal University. 1st may to 11th may 2017.
- Orientation Course (4 weeks) at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.29 August -23 September, 2016.
- Training (7 days) on Geo-Spatial Technologies for Planning and Management of Watershed Projects at National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Hyderabad.5-10 October, 2015.
- Training on Research Methodology for Ph.D. Students (10 days). Jointly organised by NCDS, Bhubaneswar & ICSSR, New Delhi. 2013
- International Training Programme (1 month) on Hydrologic Modelling using Remote Sensing and GIS jointly organized by ADB &Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha.5 September -6 October, 2011
- Training on Arc GIS 9,Arc GIS 10.1 (Duration 4 days) organised by ESRI, India at ORSAC, Bhubaneswar.2011
- Awarded Gyan Bhushan Puraskar-Dynamic Professor for the year 2023 by Global Scholar Foundation, Pune & Belgave Education at Manohar, Hyderabad on 21st May 2023.
- Felicitated by the Engineer-in Chief, Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha for the outstanding performance as a Senior Consultant(GIS) to OIIAWMIP ( Odisha Integrated Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management Investment Programme) project financed by ADB (Asian Development Bank) and OFID (OPEC Fund for International Development)
- Visiting Professor to College of Engineering and Technology (CET), Bhubaneswar.
- Visiting Professor to Odisha Computer Application Center (OCAC), Bhubaneswar.
- Empaneled Resource Person by Dept of Water Resources, Govt of Odisha to train newly appointed Asst. Executive Engineer.
- Course Coordinator, P.G Diploma in Remote Sensing and GIS, Department of Geography, Utkal University.
- Superintendent of Gopabandhu Chattrabas (GH-I), Utkal University from (12 Jan. 2021 to 13 Sept. 2024).
- Asst. Superintendent of Gopabandhu Chattrabas (GH-I), Utkal University from (9th July 2018 to 11 Jan. 2021).
- Coordinator, In-charge of Alumni Affairs, Utkal University
- Course Coordinator, Exploration of the Solar System under ISRO’s Space Science and Technology Awareness Training (START) programme at Utkal University nodal center (24th April 2024-10th May 2024).
- Course Coordinator, Overview of space science and Technology under ISRO’s Space Science and Technology Awareness Training (START) programme at Utkal University nodal center (2oth July 2023-7th August 2023).
- Course Coordinator, Training in Geoinformatics from 8th Dec on 22nd December 2021
- Secretary of Indian Society of Remote Sensing (Bhubaneswar chapter). (2023-25)
- Council Member of Indian Meteorological Society (Bhubaneswar chapter). (2024-26)
- Joint Secretary of Indian Society of Remote Sensing (Bhubaneswar chapter). (2018-22)
- Member of UGC-Alumni Connect, Utkal University
- Nominated Member of MO College Abhijan Parichalana Sangathan, Utkal University
- Nominated as Member of Conducting Board, Geography, Utkal University
- External Subject expert for finalization of syllabus for Limited departmental competitive examination for TGT Geography, NCERT, New Delhi
- Flying squad to supervise the Professional MBBS (Regular) Examination, 2023-24, Odisha University of Health Sciences, Bhubaneswar
- Flying squad to supervise the Professional Dental & MBBS (Regular) Examination, 2024-25, Odisha University of Health Sciences, Bhubaneswar
- Member of Board of Studies, Geography, Utkal University
- Member of Board of Studies, Geoinformatics, Utkal University
- Member of Board of Studies, RS & GIS, Utkal University
- External Member of Board of Studies, Geography, Rama Devi Womens University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
- Nominated as Member of Conducting Board, Geography, Rama Devi Womens University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
- External Member of Board of Studies, Rajendra University, Balangir, Odisha
- External Member of Board of Studies, for the School of Tribal Resource Management, Geography, KIIS. Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar
- External Member of Board of Studies, Geography, Govt. Autonomous College, Phulbani, Odisha
- External Member of Board of Studies, Environmental Science, Govt. Autonomous College, Phulbani, Odisha
- External Member (Subject expert) of Board of Studies, SKCG. Autonomous College, Parlakhemundi, Gajapati, Odisha
- External Member of Board of Studies (University Nominee), N.C Autonomous College, Jajpur, Odisha
- External Member of Board of Studies (VC Nominee), P.N Autonomous College, Khordha, Odisha (2024-27)
- Member of Department Research Committee (DRC) in Geography, Utkal University.
- Member of Residential Committee, Utkal University (2018 to 2024)
- Member of Discipline Committee, Utkal University, Utsav Odisha, 28-29 April 2023
- Member of Discipline Committee, Utkal University Foundation Day, 27th Nov 2023
- Member to conduct local inspection to the colleges for grant of provisional affiliation for the session 2020-21.
- Member of flying squad to the colleges of Utkal University to conduct Examination.
- Tabulator for Supervision of Examination related works of Utkal University.
- Member to monitor and execution of work for the NAAC visit to Utkal University.(2016-21)
- Working Committee member in the Inter-University Athletic competition (2023-24).
- Working Committee member in the Inter-University competition in Extra-Curricular Activities (2022-23).
- Member to update M.A/M.Sc Syllabus for 2021-2022 academic session of Utkal University.
- Member of the Teacher Council and usually take decisions in the alma matter of the department.
- Seminar Advisor, P.G Dept. of Geography, Utkal University
- Teacher in-charge, Student Activities, P.G Dept. of Geography, Utkal University
- Teacher in-charge, Alumni, P.G Dept. of Geography, Utkal University
- GIS & RS Lab In-charge (2016-till date) P.G Dept. of Geography, Utkal University
- Admission in-charge (M.A/M.Sc), P.G Dept. of Geography, Utkal University
- Moderator, Paper setter and External Examiner for different Colleges and Universities of India.
- Founder Member of Eco-Club, Department of Geography, Utkal University
- Executive Board Member of Eastern Geographical Society.
- Chief Editor, Vani Prakash, Gopabandhu Chhatrabas, Utkal University.
- Editor, Purabi, New Hostel, Ravenshaw College, Cuttack (2002-2004)
- Editorial Board Member of the Journal ‘Eastern Geographer’.
- Editorial Board Member of Ravenshaw Sahitya Sansad (2002-2004)
- Convenor, “Meet the Alumni Programme” Talk by Prof. Dr. Bedangdas Mohanty, Senior Professor at NISER On “Science: Relevance to the Society and the Journey” on 31.01.2025.
- Convenor, State Level Workshop on Community Based Disaster Management on 6th May 2023
- Organising Secretary, National Workshop on Geospatial data analysis for Natural Resource Management, 17th to 18th March 2023.
- Organising Secretary, National Webinar on Celebration of Earth Day, 22nd April, 2021
- Organising Secretary, International Webinar on Urban Transformation in South Asia on 22nd December 2021.
- Organising Secretary, Seminar on Career Prospective in Geography on 20th December 2021
- Organising committee member of National conference of Institute of Indian Geographer (IIG) at Ravenshaw University (Cuttack) held in December 2017.
- Organising committee member of National Symposium on Tropical Meteorology, Indian Meteorological Society, Bhubaneswar held in December 2016.
- Examiner in valuation of Answer scripts to OPSC, Cuttack and other related bodies of India.
- Teacher in charge, Field tour of P.G part-II students to Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh from 12.01.20225 – 18.01.2025
- Teacher in charge, Field tour of P.G Diploma in RS & GIS to Fategarh, Nayagarh, Odisha Odisha on 08.12.2024
- Reviewer of the Journal ‘Indian Journal of Spatial Science’, Kolkata
- Life Member of Indian Meteorological Society, New Delhi
- Life Member of Science for Common people & Society (SCOPES), Bhubaneswar
- Life Member of Odisha Environmental Society, Bhubaneswar
- Life Member of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Dehradun
- Life Member of Eastern Geographical Society, Bhubaneswar
- Life Member of Geographical Society of Himachal Pradesh (L-309)
- Life Member of Old Students Association, Radhanath Institute of Advanced studies in Education (RNIASE), Cuttack
- Life Member and Executive Committee Member of Utkal University Teachers Association, Bhubaneswar
- Life Member of Alumni Association, Utkal University
- Executive Member of Utkal University Geographers Alumni Association.
- Member of Ravenshaw University Alumni Association, Cuttack
- Life Member of New Hostel Alumni Association. Ravenshaw University Cuttack
- Presiding officer & Counting Supervisor in the simultaneous general election, 2019 at Bhubaneswar (Lok Sabha & Bidhan Sabha)
- Presiding Officer to conduct simultaneous election for Mayor and Corporator in Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation on 24th March, 2022.
- Presiding officer in the simultaneous general election, 2024 at Puri (Lok Sabha & Bidhan Sabha)