UtkalUniversity | 2003 | Ph.D.
Department: Geography Thesis Title: Settlement pattern and service centre analysis for rural development-planning in compound delta of Orissa coastal plain Areas: Settlement Geography Advisor: Prof. (Dr.) S. N.Tripathy |
UtkalUniversity | 1987 | M.Sc. / M.A./Any other Master Degree
Department: Geography Areas: regional planning |
UtkalUniversity | 1989 | M.Phil./ Any other Degree
Department: Geography Thesis Title:Spatial pattern of religion in Odisha Areas: Religion Geography Advisor: Prof. (Dr.) S. N.Tripathy |
RevenshawUniversity | 1985 | Bachelor of Science/Commerce/ Arts |
UGC (JRF) | 1989 | Department: Geography
Hons: Geography Subject: Earth Science |
Utkal University | March 2015 – present | Professor |
Utkal University | Nov. 2003 – March 2015 | Reader |
Utkal University | Nov. 1998 – Nov. 2003 | Sr. Lecturer |
Utkal University | Nov. 1991-Nov. 1998 | Lecturer |
Course Name- Economic Geography (Geog1 C04)
P.G. Department of Geography, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar
Duties: Taught recitations, Held office hours, Graded exams. (Year, 2022)
Course Name- Human & Settlement Geography (GEOG2 CO2)
P.G. Department of Geography, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar
Duties: Taught recitations, Held office hours, Graded exams. (Year, 2022)
Course Name- Regional Geography of Odisha (GEOG2 FE04)
P.G. Department of Geography, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar
Duties: Taught recitations, Held office hours, Graded exams. (Year, 2022)
Course Name- Environmental Geography (GEOG2 CO3)
P.G. Department of Geography, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar
Duties: Taught recitations, Held office hours, Graded exams. (Year, 2022)
Course Name- Quantitative & Spatial Methods (P) (GEOG3 CO1)
P.G. Department of Geography, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar
Duties: Taught recitations, Held office hours, Graded exams. (Year, 2022)
Course Name- Regional Planning (GEOG4 CO2)
P.G. Department of Geography, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar
Duties: Taught recitations, Held office hours, Graded exams. (Year, 2022)
Course Name- Urban and Regional Planning (P) (GEOG4 CO4)
P.G. Department of Geography, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar
Duties: Taught recitations, Held office hours, Graded exams. (Year, 2022)
Course Name- Dissertation (GEOG4 CO5)
P.G. Department of Geography, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar
Duties: Taught recitations, Held office hours, Graded exams. (Year, 2022)
Book Articles (Authored/Edited)
- Sethy,K.M. Monitoring the water spread Area of Derjang Reservoir in Anugul District, Orissa, Using Remote Sensing and GIS.” (Edited book), P.G. department of Geography, Utkal University, Vanivihar, Orissa. India, 2003
- Tripathy,S.N.andSethy,K.M., “Bhubaneswar-Cuttack Urban Complex. Million Cities of India” (2006a), Published by Institute of Gandhian Philosophy, “New Delhi, India. 2006[ Edited book].2006.India.
- Tripathy,S.N.andSethy,K.M. “Geo-Symbology of Prachi Valley of Orissa, Cultural geography of India”, Department of Geography, Allhabad, 2006a [Edited book].
- K.M, ¨ Rural Planning And Development”, Enkay Publishing HouseNew Delhi, ISBN. 978-93-80995-89-2, 2013.
- K.M, ¨ Regional Planning”, Enkay Publishing HouseNew Delhi, ISBN : 978-93-80995-88-5,2013.
- Tripathy S.N &Sethy. K.M, ¨ Human And Economic Geography”, Name of the Publisher, Enkay Publishing HouseNewDelhi,ISBN : 978-93-85291-00-5, 2013.
- N B., Sethy.K.M., “Viability of Farming practices in the context of Climate Change Induced Stresses: A Case study of Rajnagar Block of Kendrapara District and Balikuda Block of JagatsinghPur District.” Book-Climate Change , Agriculture and Environment, ISBN-978-81-9375-136-7, SSDN Publisher and DistributorNew Delhi , 2019
- Giri G.,Panigrahi , SethyK.M., Building a case for Organic farming:Learning from KoraputDistrict,Odisha, KunalBooks.New Delhi, ISBN-978-93-89224-65-8, 2020
Journal Articles
- Harichandan A, Patra A, Sethy K M, Mohanty S, Panda R., “Water Quality Index and Correlation Study of religious ponds in the temple city, Bhubaneswar, Odisha”, AJSIR, ISSN: 2153-649X, doi: 10.5251/ajsir.2016., 2016.
- Panda S, Sethy K.M., “Human perception and response to flood hazards : A case study of Baitarani basin in Odisha”, IJAR, ISSN Print : 2394 -7500, ISSN Online 2394-5869, 2016.https://www.allresearchjournal.com/archives/2016/vol2issue5/PartH/2-5-19-950.pdf
- S.,Sethy. K.M. “Assessment of Water Quality Index (WQI) for Drinking Purposes in Case of Baitarani River in Odisha in the Light of National Sanitation (NSF) Standards”.(IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064, 2016, Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391 https://www.ijsr.net/archive/v5i10/ART20162114.pdf
- B.K, Sethy.K.M“Post Disaster Management in the Coastal Districts of Odisha:- A case study of Rajnagar block of Kendrapara District and Balikuda Block of Jagatsinghpur District”, ISSN: 0973-7642, Eastern Geographer, Vol. XXII, No.-1 ,pp.71-80,2016.
- S, Sethy.K.M, “Heat Wavw and Human Sufferings Buildinga Case for Further Research and Policy Debate”, ISSN: 0973-7642, Eastern Geographer, Vol. XXII, No.-1, pp. 173-182, 2016.https://easterngeographicalsociety.org/
- Harichandan A, Patra H.S., Sethy K.M.“ Evaluation of Water Quality of Local Streams at Gandhamardan Iron Mines, Suakati, Keonjhar District of Odisha, India”, Pollut. Eff. Cont.,2017, 5: 199. doi: 10.4176/2375-4397.1000199.
- Harichandan A, Patra H.S., Panda R., Sethy K.M.“Water Quality Assessment of Bhubaneswar Temple Pond by using Statistical Method and Water Quality Index”, Pollu.t Eff. Cont., 6: 231.,2018,doi: 10.4172/2375-4397.1000231.
- K.M, Meher.M.K, MohantyB., “The trends of Precipitation in the basins of Mahanadi Delta of Odisha Coastal Plain, India”, Eastern Geographer, ISSN: 0973-7642, Vol. XXIII, No.-1 Jan. – 2018.https://easterngeographicalsociety.org/
- K.K, Mishra P.K, Sethi. B.K ,Sethy. K.M, “Vegitation Cover Change Analysis from Multi- Temperoral Satellite Data in Nabrangpur District, Odisha”, Eastern Geographer, ISSN: 0973-7642, Vol. XXIII, No.-1, ISSN: 0973-7642, 2018.
- B.K ,Sethy. K.M, Barik. K.K., “Viability of Mangrove Nursery Raising as a Livelihood Option: A case Study of Rajnagar Block of Kendrapara District and Balikuda Block of Jagatsinghpur District”, Eastern Geographer,ISSN: 0973-7642, Vol. XXIII, No.-1 Jan. – 2018.
- Panda S.P,Sethy. K.M, Tripathy. S.N., “Spatio – Temporal Variation of Population Density in Baitarani Basin in Odisha”, Eastern Geographer, ISSN: 0973-7642, XXIV, No.-1 Jan. – 2018.
- B, Sethy K.M, Mishra P. “Geospatial Technology Aided Urban Land Bank Identification and Mapping: A case Study of Berhampur Municipal Corporation of Ganjam District, Odisha State, India” Eastern Geographer, ISSN: 0973-7642, Vol. XXIII, No.-1 Jan. – 2018.
- K.M, Nanda A.P, Pratihary S., “Climate Change and Human Sufferings: An Exploratory Research on Lightening to Build Mitigation Measures for the State of Odisha”, Eastern Geographer, ISSN: 0973-7642, Vol. XXIII, No.-1 Jan. – 2018.
- Sethy K.M., Harichandan A., Pradhan S., Ghosh M., Patra H.S., Assessment of air quality near municipal solid waste dumping site Bhubaneswar : ‘Journal of environment and earths science’, ISSN 2224-3216 (paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (online), doi: 10.7176/jees , vol.9, no.2, 2019
- S.Sethy.K.M., “Spatio-Temporal Variation Of Population Density in Baitarani Basin in Odisha”, The Indian Geographical Journal, ISSN-0019-4824, Vol-94(2), 2019.
- R., Sethy.K.M., “The Socio-Economic and Health impacts of coal mining on local community: A case study of Talcher Coal field, Odisha”, International Journal Of Pure and Applied Biosciences, ISSN-592-599, Vol 7(2), 2019
- Sethy K.M., Tripathy, Mishra P., “Use of Free and Open Source Software in Development of Web based Tourism Management System: A Case Study of Gopalpur, Odisha, India” International Journal of Environment, Ecology, Family and Urban Studies, ISSN-2250-0065, Vol-9, Issue-4, October-2019.
- Pratihary, Sethy K.M., Climate Change and Human sufferings: An exploratory research on lightening to built mitigation measures for the state of Odisha”, Asian Resonance, ISSN-No.-0976-8602, Vol-9Issue-1, 2020.
- Pratihary, Sethy K.M., Climate change and its impact on food security: A comparative Analyses of GuptiPanchayat of Kendrapara and BhaliadalPanchayat of MayurbhanjDistritct in Odisha”, Asian Resonance, ISSN-No.-0976-8602, Vol-9Issue-2, 2020.
- Sethy K.M., Kar A.K., Roy G.P., “An Investigation On Shifting and subsidence of Right Embankment of Devee river at Bauriakana, PuriDistrict, Odisha”, Asian Resonance, ISSN-0976-8602, Vol. 9,ISSUE-3, April-2020.
- S., Giri S., Sethy K.M., “Vulnerability Analysis of women and children Pre and Post Disaster- A”, Eastern Geographers, ISSN: 0973-7642, 2020
- Harichandan A., Sethy K.M., Ghosh M., Patra H.S., Pradhan S., Ambient air quality status near Kalinganagar, Jajpur, Odisha: Ijep 40(8):799-806(2020)
- Harichandan, A., Patra, H.S., Dash, A.K. et al. Suitability of groundwater quality for its drinking and agricultural use near Koira region of Odisha, India. Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. 7, 51 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40899-021-00505-z.
- Kajal Joshi &Kabir Mohan Sethy, “A Review on Methods to Estimate Biomass in Natural Forests” in International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. 2021, 10 (11): 324-334.
- Kajal Joshi &Kabir Mohan Sethy, “Monitoring of Coastal Zone, Gulf of Kachchh with Reference to Land Use Land Cover Changes using Remote Sensing and GIS” in International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. 2021, 10 (11): 313-323.
- Harichandan A., Patra H.S., Dash, A.K. et al Suitability of ground water quality for its drinking and agricultural use near Koira region of Odisha, India. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 7-51,Springer Publication, ISSN: 2363-5045, 2363-5037, 2021
- Devipriya Paikaroy, Anil Kumar Kar and Kabir Mohan Sethy Impacts of Climatic Variability and Extremes on Agriculture and Water in Odisha Coasts Hydrological Extremes: Rive Hydraulics and Irrigation Water Management , 97, 143-148 , ISSN: 0921-092X, 1872–4663, 2021
- Kajal Joshi & Kabir Mohan Sethy Monitoring of Coastal Zone, Gulf of Kachchh with Reference to Land Use Land Cover Changes using Remote Sensing and GIS International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences 10 (11): 313-323,Web of Science Journal, ISSN: 2277–4998, November, 2021
- Kajal Joshi & Kabir Mohan Sethy A Review on Methods to Estimate Biomass in Natural Forests International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences10 (11): 324-334, Web of Science Journal,ISSN: 2277–4998, November, 2021
- Harichandan A., Sethy K.M., Routaray S., Naga K.K., Study of surface water quality for domestic use near a municipal dumping site in Bhuasuni, Odisha, India International Journal of Energy and Water Resources ,Springer publication, 2022
- Harichandan A., Sethy K.M., Patra H.S., Assessment of surface water fitness for irrigation use near Bhuasuni dumping site, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. Pollution Research 285-290, Web of Science Journal, ISSN 0257-8050, 2022
- Majhi A., Sethy K.M., Panda M. Machine learning approach for change detection of Chandaka Wildlife Sanctuary with the help of Remote sensing data Intelligent System 523-535,Springer publication, 2022
Refereed Conference Publications
- K.M. “Assessment of Air and Water Quality in Kiriburu Iron- ore Mines-An Environmental Study.’EditedVolume ,(Spatial Dimensions)NAGI,Bhubaneswar,Orissa.India, 2000.
- KM, Yadav.S. “An Environmental Study of Solid Waste Management in Bhubaneswar City” The Deccan Geography, ISSN-0011- 7264, Vol- 40. No.2 July- Dec- 2002, Pune University, Pune, Maharastra. India.
- Socio-Economic status and Forest dependency of selected villages in and around Candaka wildlife Sanctuary, Orissa-a case study. Proceedings of UGC sponsored National Seminar on Natural Resource Management and Sustainable development .Ravenshaw College Cuttack, Feb.2005.
- Sethy,K.M. Nanda.P.(2005) “Intervention impact and Resource use efficiency under a developed watershed in Orissa.” Proceedings of UGC sponsored National Seminar on Natural Resource Manegement and Sustainable development. Ravenshaw College Cuttack, Orissa,India
- Participatory Resources Utilization and Intervention impact in developed Watersheds: A Case study of KuladereNalle in KeonjharDisatrict. Natural Resources Management and Sustainable Development, 2007.
- Jena,S.A,Sethy,K.M. ”Characterization of Landcover/ landuse around Bhitarakanika Mangrove area, Orissa, India.” Eastern Geographer, Bhubaneswar,Orissa,India, 2008
- Sethy,K.M., Meher,M.andBehera,D.”Socio-Economic status and Forest dependency of selected villages in and around Chandaka wildlife Sanctuary, Orissa-a case study.” Juarnal of Sopatial; Science, Vol-III- Number-1, Osmania University,Hyderabad,India, 2010.
- Sethy,K.M.andPatra.H “Assessing Impact of Iron Ore Mining on Land use /land cover in Gandhamardan Hills of Keonjhar District of Orissa, India Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques.” Juarnal of Sopatial; Science, Vol-IV- Number-11, Osmania University,Hyderabad,India, 2010.
- M.,Patra.h.andSethy,K.M., “Paper Accepted for the presentation and Publication at Disaster Risk and Venerability Conference, MG University, Kotayam. Creating an empirically derived Community resilience Index for disaster prone area-A case study from Orissa State .Kotayam,2010.
- Sethy,K,M,Sulagna,S,and Payomply “Social Dimension of Environmental Change and Governance on topic Studies on the Impacts of Natural Hazard Driven Environmental Change on the Selected Coastal Community of Orissa, India”, Berlin Conference on the Humanitarian Dimension of Global Environmental Change, Germany, 2010
- M.K&Sethy.K.M., “Farmer Decision on Cropping Pattern: A case study of Bagh Barrage Command Area of Boudh District, Odisha, India”. Eastern Geographer, ISSN: 0973-7642, Vol. XVIII, No.-1, Jan-2012 .
- Singh B. P. &Sethy K.M., “MultistriedResidencial Apartments is solution for the Housing Problems in India, A case study of Bhubaneswar City”, Eastern Geographer,ISSN: 0973-7642, XVIII, No.-1, Jan- 2012.
- Sukla. M. K., Mangaraj. A. K. ,Sahoo L. N., SethyK. M.,“A Study of Seasonal Rainfall Pattern In the Mahanadi Delta of Odisha., J. Agricult. Stat. Sci, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp 433-438, 2012.
- Mishra S. R, Bisht H.K., Sahoo D.P, Sethy K.M., Behera D.R. &Pradhan R.N, “Status Survey of Asiatic Elephant in Baripada Forest Division,Odisha”, Journal of wildlife research, 2012
- K.M, Patra. H.S &Meher.M.K, “Assessing Impact of Iron Ore Mining on Land-use/ Land Cover in Gandhamardan Hills of Keonjhar District of Orissa, India Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques”, Journal of Spatial Science, ISSN 0974-7125, Vol.- V, No.II, March 2012.
- Sukla .M. K. ,MangarajA.K. , SahooL.N. , Sethy K.M.,“A Study of Seasonal Rainfall Pattern In the Mahanadi Delta of Odisha”, J. Agricult. Stat. Sci, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp 433-438, 2012.
- M. K. ,MangarajA.K. , SahooL.N. , Sethy K.M.,“A comparative study of three models for the distribution of wet and dry spells in the Mahanadi Delta”, New York Science Journal 2012;5(11).
- S.S., SethyK.M. &MisraB.K., “Spatial Distribution of Settlements in the Mahanadi Devi Doab”, Eastern Geographer, ISSN: 0973-7642, Vol. XIX, No.-1, Jan. – 2013.
- MeherK.&SethyK.M., “Land Use Planning for Agricultural Development in Bagh Barrage Command Area of Boudh District, Odisha”,2013, Eastern Geographer, ISSN: 0973-7642, Vol. XIX, No.-1, Jan. –2013.
- PatraS. &SethyK.M. “Assessing the Impact of Iron Ore Mine on Surrounding Forest – A case study from Keonjhar District of Odisha, India.”, Eastern Geographer, ISSN: 0973-7642, Vol. XIX, No.-1,Jan. – 2013.
- PatraS.&SethyK.M., “Assessing the Impact of Open Cast Mines on Surrounding Land-use pattern:– A case study from Keonjhar District of Odisha, India”, Eastern Geographer, ISSN: 0973-7642, Vol. XIX, No.-1,Jan. – 2013.
- PatraS.&SethyK.M., “Assessment of Impact of Iron Ore Mining Impact by Using Remote Sensing : A case study from Keonjhar District of Odisha, India.”, International Jouranal of Environmental Engineering and Management, ISSN 2231 – 1319 , Volume 4, Number 1, pp. 17-24, 2013.
- PatraS.&SethyK.M., “Assessment of Impact of Open Cast Mine on Surrounding Forest: – A case study from Keonjhar District of Odisha, India.”, J.Environ. Res. Develop., ISSN: PARIS ISSN 0973 -6921, Vol.9 No.01, July- September 2014.
- K.M&Sethi. B.K., Rural Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups(SHGs) – A keystone towards Rural Development: A case study of Lamptaput Block of Koraput Dist. Of Odisha.”Rural Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups(SHGs) – A keystone towards Rural Development: A case study of Lamptaput Block of Koraput Dist. Of Odisha.”,Eastern Geographer, ISSN: 0973-7642, Vol. XX, No.-1,pp.181-196,Jan. – 2014.
- Mishra Sweta&SethyKabir. Mohan – Climate Change and Poverty: Understanding Community Resilience to Climate Change in different regions of Odisha.
- K.M &Baliarsingh. S., “Trend of Tourism in Puri – A Geo Cultural Analysis.”, Eastern Geographer, ISSN: 0973-7642, Vol. XX, No.-1,pp.181-196, Jan. – 2014.
- Patra, H &Sethy K.M, “Assessment of impact of open caste mine on surrounding forest- A case study from Keonjhar District of Odisha”, Journal of Environmental Research And Development, Vol.9 No.01, 2014.
- Patra, H &Sethy K.M, “Assessing the impact of open caste mines on Floristic diversity : A case study from Gandhamardana hill of Keonjhar District of Odisha”,IJENAS, ISSN : 2349-3763, 2014.
- Mishra S, Bisht H, Sahoo D, Sethy K M, Behera D R, and Pradhan R N “Status Survey of Asiatic Elephant in Baripada Forest Division, Odisha”, Journal homepage : jakraya.com/journal/jwr. , Journal of wildlife Research, Vol 2/Issue 4/ pages 27-30, October- December, 2014.
- BeheraD.R., SethyK.M., Mishra S.R.,“Assessment of vegetation survey in the elephant (Elephasmaximus) corridor areas of Orissa and Jharkhand states of India”, IJMSET, ISSN 2349-3755, 2015.
- Patra, H &Sethy K.M, “Assessing the impact of open caste mines on surrounding Land-use pattern: A case study from Keonjhar District of Odisha, India”, Advances in Environmental Sciences and Engineering, 2015.
- SushreeAnupama Jena, Ph. D., (Utkal University) Geomorphological study of a part of Mahanadi Delta between Chilka Lake and Devi Estuary with special emphasis on Environment and Ecology using Remote Sensing Data, Summer 2012
- Awarded
- Currently working as geologist in GSI, of Odisha.
- Bhanu Prasad Singh (Utkal University)– Multistorried Residential Appartments – A Solution for The Housing Problems in Bhubaneswr City, 2014.
- Awarded
- Currently working as a Senior Teacher in a International School at Singapore
- Manoj Kumar Meher (Utkal University)– Micro Level Planning for Agricultural Development In Bagh Barrage Command Area of Boudh District, Orissa, 2014.
- Awarded
- Currently working as a Assistant Professor at Bhawanipatna University in Geography.,
- HimansuSekharPatra (Utkal University) – Impact of Iron Ore Mining on the Environment: A Case study of Keonjhar District, Orissa, 2014.
- Awarded
- Currently in Rungta mines as Environmental Officer.
- Deepak RanjanBehera(Utkal University) – Impact of Mining Activities in Joda and Barbil Regions of Keonjhar District, Orissa , 2016.
- Awarded
- Working as a GIS specialist in Wildlife, Govt.ofOdisha.
- Siva Prasad Panda (Utkal University) – Rainfall Variability, Flood hazards and its management – A case study of the Baitarani basin in Odisha, 2016
- Awarded
- Currently working as Senior teacher educator, OES-2, Group-B
- BinitaTripathy (Utkal University) – Use of high Resolution Satellite Data and Geospatial Inputs For Urban Area – Berhampur Development Authority A Case Study, 2016-17.
- Awarded
- Currently working as Senior Scientist in Odisha Remote Sensing Application Center. Odisha
- Binod Kumar Sethi (Utkal University)- Climate Change and Coastal Land use Change : A Threat to the Coastal Bio- resources of Compound Delta (Mahanadi, Brahmani, Baitarani), 2013-14.
- Awarded
- RatanAcharya (Utkal University)- Socio Economic and Health Impact of Coal Mining on Local Communities- A case study of Talcher Coal Field of ODISHA, 2013-14.
- Awarded
- Assistant prof. at Revenshaw University
- SaswatiBaliarsingh (Utkal University)- Climate Change Impact Assessment and Adaptative Strategies on Mahanadi Delta Of Odisha Coastal Blocks, 2014-15.
- Continuing
- AnamikaChoudhary (Utkal University)- Vulnerability and hazard analysis of flood and water logging in coastal Odisha, special reference to Puri District, 2014-15.
- Submitted
- UpamaChattarji (Utkal University)- Impacts of climate change on water resources and its effects on the livelihood of the costal communities of Rajnagar block of Kendrapara district of Odisha.
- Submitted
- Gopal Ray (Utkal University)-Ageomorphological Study of riverbank embactments of Devee river in Mahanadi Delta, 2014-15.
- Awarded
- Retired Chief Engineer Dept. of Water Resources Govt.ofOdisha
- ShakuntalaPratihary (Utkal University)-Climtate Change and its Impact on Human Capabilities: A comparative study of two Panchayats: Gupti(Rajnagar Block of Kendrapara) and Bhaliadal (Thakurmunda Block of Mayurbhanj) in Odisha.
- Awarded
- Currently is a free lancer in the field of Climate change and Environment.
- AmarendraHarichandan (Utkal University)- “Impact of municipal solid waste a byproduct of urban society on urban environment” – with special reference to Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 2016-17.
- Submitted
- Banikalyan Mohanty(Utkal University)- “Rural livelihood vulnerability due to the climate change, special emphasis on flood and water logging: A study of Mahanadi Delta Odisha”, 2018-19
- Continuing
- Madhusmita Pradhan (Utkal University)-“Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Keonjhar District,Odisha” Continuing
- Sthitapragyan Panigrahi (Utkal University)-“Climate Change and Natural Disasters Vulnerability, study of Women Children in Coastal Odisha”,2020-21 Continuing
- Sradha Giri (Utkal University)-“Green Energy-A sustainable study on Energy Crisis and Economic Development in Coastal Odisha”,2021 Continuing
- Ankar Thakur (Utkal University)- “Agricultural Planning in Jay Pantna Block of Kalahandi District – A Geographical Analysis”, 1992
- ChinmayakumarAcharya (Utkal University)- “Trend of urbanization in Sambalpur District of Orissa – A Geographical Analysis”, 1993
- Kishore Kumar Biswal (Utkal University)- “Demographic pattern of Bhubaneswar city”, 1993.
- Parwej (Utkal University)- “Assessment of air and water quality in Kiriburu Iron – ore Mines – An environmental Study”, 1994
- ManasRanjan Mishra (Utkal University)- “Agricultural Planning in Kalampur Block of Kalahandi District, Orissa – A Geographical Analysis”, 1994.
- ItishreeMohanty (Utkal University)- “Epidemiological study of Malaria Boudh, Phulabani District of Orissa – An Environmental Study”, 1995
- Neeta Acharya (Utkal University)- “A Geographical Study on Agricultural Planning in Niali Block of Cuttack District, Orissa”, 1996
- Siba Narayan Purohit (Utkal University)- “Agricultural Planning of Bolangir district of Orissa – A Geographical Analysis”, 1997
- Anil Kumar Routray (Utkal University)- “Environmental Pollution and its impact in and around of Rourkela Steel Plant – Special Emphasis on Air, Water and Soil Analysis”’ 1998
- Karan Chandra Murmu (Utkal University)- “An Approach to Santal Tribe – A Tribal Development Planning , (A Case study in Ghatsila Block, PurbiSinghbhum, Bihar.)”, 1999
- Tapas Kumar Swain (Utkal University)- “Investment Flow on Regional Economic Development – A case study of Foreign Direct investment in Orissa “, 1999
- Smita Rani Nayak (Utkal University)- “Land use and Land cover of Bhubaneswar City with special emphasis to Solid Waste Generation and Management”’ 2001
- Sibo Prasad Nanda (Utkal University)- “Agricultural Planning of Gajapati District of Orissa – A geographical analysis”’ 2001
- PadmabatiHembrum (Utkal University)- “Tribal Development Planning In Mayurbhanj District of Orissa – A Geographical study”, 2002-03
- Amlan Kumar Pani (Utkal University)- “The Role of NGO’s in the field of sustainable development in slum areas of Bhubaneswar City”, 2002-03
- Purabi Chand (Utkal University)- “Micro Planning and Management of a Developed Watershed – A case study of Dudhkatni Micro watershed”,2004
- A Case Study of Bharatpur Opencast Expansion Project Talcher Coalfield ,Odisha”, 2006
- Siba Prasad Achary (Utkal University)- “A study of Land use and agricultural planning in Kalahandi district (Dashiganpanchayat of Junagarh block)”,2006-07
- SaswatiBaliarsingh (Utkal University)- “Trend of Tourism in Puri – A geo Cultural Analysis”, 2008
- SanySayantanee (Utkal University)- “Micro – level planning and integrated efforts towards the development of Cuttack sadar block”, 2008
- SubhraSamantray (Utkal University)- “Biodiversity of Chandaka- Dampara wildlife sanctuary (A Bio-Environmental Study)”, 2010
- ItishreeMahapatra (Utkal University)- “Places of Tourist Interest In Puri District of Orissa”, 2010
- SabitaSoren (Utkal University)- “Socio-Economic & Ecological Significance of Mangroves A Case Study of BhitarKanika”, 2010-11
- Ratan Kumar Acharya (Utkal University)- “Impact Assessment of Industrialization and Mining on the Mountainous Ecosystem (A case study of Niyamgiri hill Lanjigarh, Kalahandi district)” , 2010-11
- Rutuparna Das (Utkal University)- “Watershed Development – A Sustainable Approach towards Rural Development”, 2011
- Jasmine Das (Utkal University)- “Rural Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups (SHGs)- A keystone towards Rural Development (A case study of Lamptaput Block of Koraput district of Odisha)”, 2011
- NirliptaKar (Utkal University)- “Tourist Places in Puri District of Odisha”, 2011-12
- DebabrataKhatua (Utkal University)- “Socio- Economic Determinants of health among Juang tribes of Keonjhar District, Odisha”, 2011-12
- Sanjiv Kumar Pradhan (Utkal University)- “Impact of Mining on Tribal Community (A case study of Banspal Block in Keonjhar District)”, 2012-13
- UpamaChatterji (Utkal University)- “Impact and Adaptation of Climate Change on Livelihood of Rajnagar Block of Kendrapara District of Odisha”, 2012-13
- SambedanaDehury (Utkal University)- “Urban landuse/landcover mapping in Bhubaneswar city”, 2014
- SuchitraBehera (Utkal University)- “Analysis of Health Hazards and its Measures in Morada Block of Mayurbhanj District”, 2015.
- SubhasmitaParida(Utkal University)- “A Micro- Agriculture System in Khordha District”, 2015
- Socrates Mohapatra(Utkal University)- “Sustainable development of Rural Habitats with the help of Govt. organization and N.G.O programme: A Case study on Kendrapara district of Odisha”,2016.
- BhaktilataBichand(Utkal University)- “Dependency of Tribal on Natural Resources. A caes study of Kalahandi District”,2016
- SushreeSukanyaSahoo(Utkal University)- “Settlement Pattern Analysis for Rural Development in Balasore Coastal Plain”, 2015-16.
- Ankita Dash(Utkal University)- “An Evaluation of Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) in Sundargarh District”’ 2016-17
- GyatriKar(Utkal University)- “Decongestion of the Temple City, Bhubaneswar (Odisha)”, 2017-18.
- SwagatikaNayak(Utkal University)- “Analysis of Rainfall Pattern for Crop Planning of Kandhamal District of Odisha”, 2017-18.
- AlokyaKanungo(Utkal University)- “Occupational shifting of Snake Charmer Community of Padmakesharipur, Khordha District of Odisha”, 2018-19.
- SradhaGiri (Utkal University)- “Sustenance of Organic Farming in Odisha –A path towords the development of farmers- with special reference to Koraput District ,Odisha”, 2019-2020
- UjjalMaity (Utkal University)- “”,2019-2020
- Mukhtarali (Utkal University)- “”,2019-2020
- SthitapragyanPanigrahi (Utkal University)- “Vulnerability Analysis of Women and Children, Pre and Post Disaster-A sample study of Brahmagiri and Krushnaprasad Block of PuriDistrict,Odisha”, 2020-21.
- SubhashreeSarangi (Utkal University)- “Impact of Pariagaon Micro Watershed of Kalahandi District of Surrounding VillageDecongestion of the Temple City, Bhubaneswar (Odisha), 2020-21.
- Shilpa Das (Utkal University)- “Tourism and its impact on the Economy , Socio- Cultural and Environment set up of Puri-A study in Geography of Tourism”, 2020-21.
- Tapas Bera ((Utkal University)-“Impacts of Climate variability on Agricultural productivity in Purba Medinapur District, West Bengal”.2020-21.
- Infrastructural Planning in NayagarhDistrict,Orissa.(PI): Infrastructural Planning, UNICEF, 60,000.
- Pilot Project for construction of Cyclone Shelters in Erasama Block, Orissa(PI): Planing for construction of Cyclone Shelters in Erasama Block, Action Aid .India, 50,000.
- Climate Change, Flood and Waterlogging Impact on Rural Livelihood in Mahanadi Delta (PI): Climate Change, Flood and Waterlogging Impact on Rural Livelihood, ICSSR, Rs. 7,00,000.
- Completed 12 Environmental Impact Assessment Projects for Global Experts. As consultant.
- “Base level Training in application of Remote Sensing in Mineral Exploration”, Acted as Resource Person at Sambalpur University, Department of GIS, Orissa, held on dated 12th& 13th December 2009.
- “Social Dimension of Environmental Change and Impacts of Natural Hazard Driven Environmental Change on the Selected Coastal Community of Orissa, India”Attended and presented paper at Berlin Conference October 8-9, 2010,
- Attended and presented a paper at 32th Annual Conference and National Seminar on Population and Public Health, November 28-30, 2010 at Bhubaneswar.
- Attended and presented a paper in UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Geospatial Database for Natural Disaster Management and Planning” at Hyderabad, 25th and 26th March .2011.
- Acted as a Resource Person in the “Regional Level Consultation on Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation into Development Policies and Practices”, 7th& 8th March 2017, organized by Assam State Disaster Management Authority in Association with UNICEF, Assam.
- Presented a Paper with the title “Disaster Risk Reduction Management in the coastal districts of Odisha:- A case study of Rajnagar and balikuda block of Kendrapara and Jagatsinghpur Districts Respectively” in The 12th Deccan Geographical Society, India XII International Geography Congress on Environmental Changes in South Asia: Challenges and Prospects, 24-26 November, 2017 at P.R S University, Raipur.
- Presented a Paper with the title “Community perception on climate variability and related water issues at southern part of Rajnagar block of Kendrapara District.” in The 12th Deccan Geographical Society, India XII International Geography Congress on Environmental Changes in South Asia: Challenges and Prospects, 24-26 November, 2017 at P.R S University, Raipur.
- Presented a Paper with the title “Failure of Agricultural Development leads to the failure of Economic Development of Farmers.” in 39th Annual Meet and Conference of Institute of Indian Geographers(IIG) on population, Environment and sustainable Development, Organised by Department of Applied Geography school of Regional Studies and Earth Sciences, RavenshawUniversity.On December 26th – 28th
- Presented a Paper with the title “Viability of farming practices in the context of climate change induced stresses: A case study of Rajnagar block of Kendrapara District and Balikuda block of Jagatsinghpur district.” in 39th Annual Meet and Conference of Institute of Indian Geographers(IIG) on population, Environment and sustainable Development, Organised by Department of Applied Geography school of Regional Studies and Earth Sciences, RavenshawUniversity.On December 26th – 28th
- Presented a Paper with the title “Assessment of Water Quality Index (WQI) for Drinking Purposes in Case of Baitarani River in Odisha in the Light of National Sanitation (NSF) Standards.” in 39th Annual Meet and Conference of Institute of Indian Geographers(IIG) on population, Environment and sustainable Development, Organised by Department of Applied Geography school of Regional Studies and Earth Sciences, RavenshawUniversity.On December 26th – 28th
- Delivered the Keynote Address in a technical session on “Poverty and Inequality in Resource Allocation in Odisha” in the International Conference on Society and Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Organised by Department of Geography, Vivekananda College, Kolkata, West Bengal & The Eastern Geographical Society, VaniVihar, Utkal University Bhubaneswar, Odisha. On January 12th – 13th
- Presented a paper on “The trends of precipitation in the basins of Mahanadi Delta of Odisha Coastal Plain, India” in the International Conference on Society and Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Organised by Department of Geography, Vivekananda College, Kolkata, West Bengal &The Eastern Geographical Society, VaniVihar, Utkal University Bhubaneswar, Odisha. On January 12th – 13th
- Presented a paper on “Vegitation Cover Change Analysis from Multi- Temperoral Satellite Data in Nabrangpur District, Odisha” in the International Conference on Society and Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Organised by Department of Geography, Vivekananda College, Kolkata, West Bengal &The Eastern Geographical Society, VaniVihar, Utkal University Bhubaneswar, Odisha. On January 12th – 13th
- Presented a paper on “Viability of Mangrove Nursery Raising as a Livelihood Option: A case Study of Rajnagar Block of Kendrapara District and Balikuda Block of Jagatsinghpur District.” in the International Conference on Society and Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Organised by Department of Geography, Vivekananda College, Kolkata, West Bengal & The Eastern Geographical Society, VaniVihar, Utkal University Bhubaneswar, Odisha. On January 12th – 13th
- Presented a paper on “Spatio – Temporal Variation of Population Density in Baitarani Basin in Odisha” in the International Conference on Society and Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Organised by Department of Geography, Vivekananda College, Kolkata, West Bengal &The Eastern Geographical Society, VaniVihar, Utkal University Bhubaneswar, Odisha. On January 12th – 13th
- Invited speaker in National Conference on “Conservation of Eastern Ghats” , 16th & 17th April 2016, Organized by P.G. department of Zoology, Utkal University, Green’s Alliance for Conservation of Eastern Ghats(GrACE).
- Presented a paper on “Geospatial Technology Aided Urban Land Bank Identification and Mapping: A case Study of Berhampur Municipal Corporation of Ganjam District, Odisha State, India.” in the International Conference on Society and Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Organised by Department of Geography, Vivekananda College, Kolkata, West Bengal & The Eastern Geographical Society, VaniVihar, Utkal University Bhubaneswar, Odisha. On January 12th – 13th
- Invited lectures:
- North Orissa University (Department of GIS), 2003 to till date, Lecturer on GIS and Remote Sensing.
- Utkal University, (Dapartment of Public Administration), 2007, Delivered 8 lectures on Urban and Regional Planning
- Utkal University, (Cconducted by Academic Staff College), 2008, Delivered talk on application of Remote sensing and GIS in Natural Resources management
- Vasundhara, A state level policy and Advocacy group (Conduced by Vasundhara), 2008, lecturer on conflicts in governance of Natural Resource and role of stakeholders.
- Utkal University (Academic Staff College), 2009, delivered talk on Fundamental of Remote sensing and Aerial Photography in, refresher course.
- Regional Museum of Natural History (Regional Museum of Natural History), 2009, Delivered lecture on River Mahanadi- its Origin and Destination.
- Vasundhara, Bhubaneswar (Vasundhara), 2009, Resource Person for the training programme on “ EIA: From screening to decision making.
- Concern world wideBhubaneswar(Concern world wide), 2008, Delivered lecturer on use of GIS in tracking land use alternation, a case study of Bnaspal area of Keonjhar
- Nalini Devi WomensCollegeBhubaneswar(Nalini Devi Womens College), 2010, Delivered talk on fundamental of Remote sensing and GIS in the High School Teacher training
- Delivered lecturer on use of GIS in resource mapping, Organised by Vasundhara with support from CESS, Hyderabad.
- Sambalpur University (Department of Earth Science), 2011, Themeof Application of Remotesensing and GIS on Agriculture.
- Key resource person for Use of GIS in watershed management , Organised by NIRMAN, a policy level advocacy group working at Nayagarh, January, 2011
- Invited talk on Remote Sensing Ion Environmental Impact Assessment, Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering, SOA Deemed to be University,20 June 2019.
- Invited talk on Geoinformatics for Disaster Management, ITER Bhubaneswar, 16th May 2020.
- Awarded as “A Distinguished Geographer” in the International Conference on Society and Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Organised by Department of Geography, Vivekananda College, Kolkata, West Bengal & The Eastern Geographical Society, VaniVihar, Utkal University Bhubaneswar, Odisha. On January 12th – 13th
Participation in public forum:
- Participated as a resource person in World AIDS Day-2010 organised by Utkal Sevak Samaj, funded by European Union.
- Participated as a member in “MILIMISSI”-2010, state level convention organized by INP + funded by Concern World Wide. fortow days(29-30 Nov. 2010}.
- Participated in Cuttack Mini Marathon for World Aids Day-2010 held on 1st Dec. 2010. organized by byUtkalSevakSamaj.
Administrative Experience.
- Syndicate member Berhampur University 2021 continuing
- Estate OFFICER-4.1.19 to till date
- Member of Syndicate Utkal University – 1.6.18 1.6.2019.
- Director Sports Council – 2.6.17 to 2019
- Head of the Department, Dept. of Geography ,Utkal University,2017-19..
- Development Officer – 2015 – 17
- Member Security Committee- 2017-2019
- Director Student Welfare- 15.9.2011
- Secy,UUTA-2014-2017
- Head of the Department, Dept. of Geography ,Utkal University,2011-13
- Deputy coordinator , P.G Diploma in Remote sensing and GIS- Continuing
- Vice president Cultural club Utkal University student council- 1998-2001
- Member of the sport council, Utkal University- 2004
- Vice President athletic club- 2000-2005
- Assistant Superintendent Hostel No-3 (Gents)- 1993-1996
- Superintendent I/C Hostel No-04 (Gents) 2003-2004
- Assistant Superintendent Hostel No-6 (Gents) 2004-2006
- Superintendent Hostel No-6 (Gents) 2006- to Till Date.
- Associate Advisor, Utkal University Students Union-1992-1996
- Associate Advisor, Utkal University Students Counsil-2001-2009
- Treasure Eastern Geographical Society- 1993-1999
- Joint Secretary Eastern Geographical Society- 1996-Till Date
- Treasure Utkal University Teacher Association- 1992
- Joint Secretary Utkal University Teacher Association- 1995 & 1998
Academic Involvements:
- Involved in departmental admission process both part-I part-II and Mphil.
- Involved in Designing of course curriculum .
- Member Board of Studies in Utkal University for Geography.
- Member Board of Studies in North Orissa University for the dept. of Remote Sensing and GIS.
- Member in different confidential boards for the +3 and P.G. Examinations.
- Conducting Field Work for the P.G. Students (Urban and regional Planning) for last 10 years in different areas like Koraput, Chandaka , Brahmagiri,Paradeep, ect.
Attendee of Refresher Course
- Refresher Course in “Environment Resources and Development” From 24.02.1999 – 23.03.1999, Utkal University.
- Refresher Course in “Environmental Education(Geography)” From 08.11.2002 to 28.11.2002, University of Pune.
- Refresher Course in “Environmental Education(Geography)” From 01.10.2001 to 27.10.2001, University of Pune.
Attendee of Faculty Development Programme (FDP)
- 12 weeks (NNRMS) training course “Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Town and Country Planning” From 05.07.1999 – 24.09.1999, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, (NRSA), Deheradun
- 4 weeks (NNRMS) training course “Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Town and Country Planning” in 1996, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, (NRSA), Deheradun
- Orientation Course,08.1994 – 27.09.1994, Utkal University
- 12 weeks Computer Course “MSDOS,MS Windows, WS, Lotus,1,2,3,d- Base III” in 1996, SQL International Star People.
- 10 Days Winter School on GIS “Training on GIS, GRAM ++, Arc View.” 08.01.2002 – 18.01.2002, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
- 3 Weeks Training Programme1992 “course on techniques of Research, Planning Monitoring and Evaluation of Tribal Development” in 1992, Tribal and Harijan Research cum trainigncenter, Odisha.
Area Chair of the International Conference
- Chaired a session “Climate Change Impact Monitoring/Assessment” in 2nd Sub –Regional Workshop organized by Concern Worldwide at Dhaka from 25th -27th October,2013.
- Convener and Chairperson in 4th International Geography Congress , Focal theme: Coastal Zone Management: Issues and Challenges, Organised by P.G.Department of Geography, Utkal University, January 16th – 18th , 2013.
- Chaired a session in National Seminar on Probable Danger of Tsunami at Coastal Odisha, Developing of Tsunami Warning System & Precautionary Measures to be Taken to save lives, 21st – 22nd January, 2015, Organized by AABAHANA, Sponsored by Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, New Delhi, Technical collaboration with Dept. of Geology & Dept. of Geography, Utkal University.
- Advisor in Organizing Committee of “State Level Workshop on Urban Growth & Water Bodies: A Development Conflict” held on 14th February 2015 at Bhubaneswar and Organized by FESR & SOA (Deemed to be University) and Supported by MoEFCC, Govt. of India.
- Attended 3rd Sub –Regional Workshop organized at Kolkota from 12th -13th March 2015 as Chair for the Session “Climate Change Impact Monitoring/Assessment”
- One day State Consultancy on”Equitqble and Ambitious Global Climate Agreement in Cope21. Sponsored by CANSA, as a Organizing partner. At Hotel Marrion, Bhubaneswar on 17th June 2015.
- Patron & Advisor in Organizing Committee of “International Conference on Global Warming, Sea Level Rise and Livelihood Adaptation Strategies Along East Coast Of India” Organized by SOA University, KPU-Canada, FESR and IMS-Bbsr. Ch. On 27th December 2015 at Bhubaneswar.
- Patron & Advisor in Organizing Committee of “International Conference on Global Warming, Sea Level Rise and Livelihood Adaptation Strategies Along East Coast Of India” Organized by SOA University, KPU-Canada, FESR and IMS-Bbsr. Ch. On 27th December 2015 at Bhubaneswar
- Patron & Advisor in Organizing Committee of “International Conference on Global Warming, Sea Level Rise and Livelihood Adaptation Strategies Along East Coast Of India” Organized by SOA University, KPU-Canada, FESR and IMS-Bbsr. Ch. On 27th December 2015 at Bhubaneswar
- Two days workshop on “Loss and damage related to slow –on set events for policy makers and practitioners in South Asia”, April 1-2 2016. , Colombo, Srilanka .Chaired a session. And presented a paper on” Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture, Odisha.”
- Chaired a Student session in National Conference on Environment & Development held on 27th April 2016 organized by Eastern Geographical Society (EGS), P.G. Department of Geography, Utkal University &Utkal University Geographers Alumni Association (UUGAA), Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
- Chaired – Technical session on Population Resource use and Environment and Natural Hazard Management. The 12th Deccan Geographical Society, India XII International Geography Congress on Environmental Changes in South Asia: Challenges and Prospects, 24-26 November, 2017 at P.R S University, Raipur.
- Chaired a technical session on “Land use, Land cover, GIS & Remote sensing” in National Association of Geographers India(NAGI). 39th Indian Geography Congress on “Future Cities, Sustainable Development and Geospatial Technologies”, Organised by the Dept. of Geography, Osmania University, during 5th – 7th December 2017.
- Chaired a technical session in 39th Annual Meet and Conference of Institute of Indian Geographers(IIG) on population, Environment and sustainable Development, Organised by Department of Applied Geography school of Regional Studies and Earth Sciences, RavenshawUniversity.On December 26th – 28th
- Organizing Committee Member of “RECO 2018 – Workshop on Regional Environment & Climate in Odisha: Lightning, Thunder Storm and Heatwave” held during 23rd – 24th March 2018 at Bhubaneswar and organized by Indian Meteorlogical Society-Bhubaneswra Chapter and Centre for Environment & Climate, Dept. of Civil Engineering, SOA (Deemed to be University).
- Organizing Committee Member of “International Conference of Thunderstorm and Lightning in Tropics (ICTLT2019)” held during 17th to 19th January 2019 at Bhubaneswar and organized by OSDMA, Govt. of Odisha and Centre for Environment & Climate, Dept. of Civil Engineering, SOA (Deemed to be University).
- Chaired a technical session on “Social Sustainabilty: Awareness through Mass Education” in the International Conference on Society and Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Organised by Department of Geography, Vivekananda College, Kolkata, West Bengal & The Eastern Geographical Society, VaniVihar, Utkal University Bhubaneswar, Odisha. On January 12th – 13th
- Chaired a technical session on “Poverty and Inequality in Resource Allocation” in the International Conference on Society and Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Organised by Department of Geography, Vivekananda College, Kolkata, West Bengal & The Eastern Geographical Society, VaniVihar, Utkal University Bhubaneswar, Odisha. On January 12th – 13th
Attendee of the National Seminar
- National seminar in History [UGC sponsored] Contribution of Prachi valley in the making of Orissan Culture, at SishuAnantaMahavidyalaya, Balianta,Khurdan 23rd and 24th2006.
- National seminar in Geography (UGC sponsored) on natural resource management & sustainable development, organized by Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, 2007.
- National seminar in Geography (DRS sponsored) on natural hazards organized by Utkal University, Bhubaneswar , 2008.
- National seminar in Geography (DRS sponsored) on natural hazards organized by Utkal University, Bhubaneswar , 2009.
- National Seminar on Sustainability of Earth Resources – Strategies and Management Plans at Sambalpur University, Orissa during February 13th& 14th
- National Seminar on Geo-informatics and development at Dept. of Geography, Osmania University, Hydrabad on 22nd& 23rd March 2010.
- Attended the Orissa Environmental Congress 2010 during 22nd –to 24th December 2010 at Bhubaneswar.
- Attended the “Regional Consultation and Review Meeting on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness” held at Concern Worldwide Office at Dhaka, Bangladesh from 11th to 16th December 2012.
- Visited Bangladesh to review the Multi-country (India-Bangladesh) Climate Change project and shared his observations and critical inputs for the successful implementation of the project from 7th – 12th November 2012.
- Attended 3rd Sub –Regional Workshop organized at Kolkota from 12th -13th March 2015 as Chair for the Session “Climate Change Impact Monitoring/Assessment”
- One day State Consultancy unequitable and Ambitious Global Climate Agreement in Cope21. Sponsored by CANSA, as a Organizing partner. At Hotel Marrion, Bhubaneswar on 17th June 2015.
- Attended COP23 at Bonn Germany under Fiji Presidency from 6th November to 17th November 2017
- Attended one day State Consultancy “State Consultation towards Equitable and Ambitious Global Climate Agreement in COP21/participate in this one-day consultation as organsing partner to organize the event and thereby enable us to strengthen the global negotiation proc
Membership in Learned Societies:
- Life Member in Eastern Geographical Society.
- Life member-of National Association of Geographers, India, New Delhi.
- Life Member of Indian Science Congress.
- Life Member of Indian Council of Geographers.
- Life Member of Regional Science Association.
- Life Member of Environmental Society, Orissa.
- Life Member, Deccan Geography. Seminar Attended:
- Life Member , Plant Lover Association, Bhubaneswar.
Involvement in different organizations: (Honorary)
- M/s Global Expert, An Environmental consultancy agency located at BJB Nagar, Bhubaneswar.
- Vasundhara, A state level policy and advocacy group working on the field of Environmental conservation, based at Bhubaneswar.
- Nirman, A NGO working on the agricultural and traditional farming issue, based at Nayagada.
- KDF, A trust working on Renewable energy and climate change issue, based at Bhubaneswar.
- Honorary Consultant to Regional Center for Development Cooperation in different Social Projects.
- Honorary Technical Advisor to Climate Action Network South Asia, New Delhi,