Positive Psychology
Organisational Psychology
Counselling Psychology
Health Psychology
UTKAL UNIVERSITY | 1994-1995 | MPhil Department: PSYCHOLOGY |
UTKAL UNIVERSITY | 1991-1993 | M.A. Department: PSYCHOLOGY |
BERHAMPUR UNIVERSITY | 1988 – 1991 | Bachelor of Arts Hons: PSYCHOLOGY |
UGC | December,1993 | UGC-NET (If Qualified) Subject: PSYCHOLOGY |
Course Name-Paper Name (Paper Code)
Course Name-Practical Paper Name (Practical Paper Code)
Invited lectures:
Book Articles (Authored/Edited)
- Book Chapter on “A Study on Social media usage, Body-image and Psychological well-being of Young Adults” in edited Book “Social media in India: Dynamism, Issues and Challenges” (2024) ISBN: 978-93-91550-98-1
- Book Chapter on “A study on Perceived Social Support, Academic Stress and Resilience of University Students” in edited Book “Youth and Wellbeing” (2023) ISBN: 9789395651240
- Book chapter on “Theories of Intelligence” in “ Psychology of Individual Differences” published by IGNOU, ISBN : 978-93-90496-23-5
- Case Study of Vibrant Anganwadis in “Portrayal of Good Practices from Two Districts of Odisha” Published by UNICEF
- BaLA (Building as a Learning Aids), book for Anganwadi in Odia Published by UNICEF
Journal Articles:
Sarangi, , Sethy, M., (2023). A Comparative Study on the Burden of Caregivers of Schizophrenia and Substance Use Disorder in Nuclear and Joint Family. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 28, Issue 9, Series 9 (September, 2023) 15-20 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. www.iosrjournals.orgA
Barad, S., Sethy, M., Lata, M., & Jha, P. K. (2022). Relationship of perceived sleep quality and stress among university students: An online survey during the COVID-19 pandemic. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 12(9), 1485-1485.
Assessment of The role of Social Environment in Tribal and Non-tribal Children as Perceived by their Mothers. F.M Sahoo, Abantika Kar, Pradeep Mohapatra and Mousumi Sethy in the Journal Community Guidance and Research, 1996, VOL-13, No-2, pp-113-127
- Conference Proceedings: Conference Proceedings “A study on emotional intelligence and self-esteem of senior secondary school students ”
“A comparative study on burden of caregivers of schizophrenia and substance abuse disorder ‘
A multi desciplinary online international conference on innovative research practice in business, economics, social science and technology on 3 & 4th June 2022 by G. H. Raisoni Institute of Management & Research ISBN 978-81-946772-5-3
News Paper Article
Short Term Research Project sponsored by The World Bank OHEPEE Programme of Utkal University
- Saswati Pragnya Sahoo, MPhil, 2018-19, Locus of Control and Personality Factors of Followers and Non-followers of Godman: A Comparative Study
- Jita Priyadarshini2017-18 Depression in Women in the Twin city of Cuttack and Bhubaneswar
- Dipika Mohanty, 2016-17 A comparative Study on the Psychological Capital and Stress of Students with Visual Impairment and Students with Normal Vision
- Shirley Raj, Mphil. 2015-16 , The Life of Brahamakumaries and Religious Sisters: An Assessment
- Delivered a talk on “Developing emotional intelligence among students: A phronetic approach” in a two-day workshop on “Value Added Education Following Phronetic and Interdisciplinary Approaches” Organized by Department of Philosophy, Utkal University Funded by OURIIP scheme (OSHEC), Govt of Odisha 4th and 5th November 2022
- Delivered a talk on “Emotional Intelligence and You” in the “Lecture series on Psychology” organised by P.G. Department of Psychology, F.M. Autonomous College, Balasore (12th to 18th August 2021)
- Delivered a talk on “Suicidal Tendency among Youths” in the “One week Webinar Series on Psychosocial Issues and Intervention” organised by Department of Psychology, Dhenkanal Autonomous College, Dhenkanal (31st to 5th February 2022)
National Seminar:
- Presented a paper on “ A comparative study on the Psychological Capital and Stress of Students with Visual Impairment and Students with Normal Vision” in the International Conference on “Mental Health, NEP-2020 and Psychology in practice” held on 4th October 2023 by Department of Psychology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
- Presented a paper on “Psychological Consequences of Noise Pollution” in the National Seminar on “Environmental Challenges; Role of Science & Technology” on the occasion of the 24th Odisha Bigyan ‘O’ Paribesha Congress held on 18-19th December 2023 by Odisha Environmental Society, Bhubaneswar and Berhampur University, Berhampur
- Presented a paper on “Psychological Capital, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: A Study of Anganwadi Workers in Odisha” in two day National Conference on “Women Empowerment and Economic Development in India: Issues and Challenges” held on 15-16th March 2024 by School of Women’s Studies, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
- Speaker in the Symposium titled “Mental Health issues of the Tribals: Promoting the well-being” and a participant in the World Anthropology Congress- 2023, organised by the United Indian Anthropology Forum and hosted by KISS deemed to be University during August 9-14, 2023
- Attended and Presented paper entitled “Mainstreaming of Multilingual Education based on Mother Tongue in early Childhood Education” in the National Seminar on ” Mother-tongue, Multilingualism and Internationalism” organised by International Office, Utkal University sponsored by WB-OHEPEE 27-28 April, 2023
- Attended and Presented a paper entitled “A Study on Social Media Usage, Body-image and Self-esteem among Young Adults” in National Seminar on “Role of Psychologists in Addressing Social Concern” organized by Department of P.G. studies and Research in Psychology, SDMC, Ujire on 12th April, 2023
- Attended and presented the paper titled “A study on the relationship between perceived parenting styles and the personality traits of adults” in the “International Symposium on Mental health and Well Being – Trends and challenges” organised by Department of Psychology, School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, REVA in Collaberation with Indian Academy of Applied Psychology(IAAP)University held on 9 and 10 December 2022.
- Attended and Presented paper entitled “A study on Perceived Social Support, Academic Stress and Resilience of University Students” in the National Seminar organised by the School of Psychology, GM University, Sambalpur held on 13th November 2022
- Attended and Presented paper entitled ‘Mental Health Status of Young Adults during COVID-19 Pandemic’ in National E-Conference on ‘New Challenges in the Changing Scenario 2020-21& Mental Health’ organised by the Department of Psychology, Dhenkanal Autonomous College, Dhenkanal, on 7th& 8th November 2020
- Attended and presented paper entitled ‘Personality Factors of the Followers and Non-followers of Godmen: A comparative Study’ at 30th Annual Convention of National Academy of Psychology hosted by IIT, Kanpur from 19th-21st March 2021
- Attended and presented paper entitled ‘Trends Redefining HR’ in National Conference on “ HR AT CROSS ROADS” by Department of Indusrial Relations and Personnel Management , Berhampur University (24th– 25th January 2020)
- Attended Consultation Meeting on Implementation of ECCD, Journey of First 1000 Days by NHM, Odisha and Department of Family and Health, Odisha(14th August 2019)
- Attended and presented paper on “Behaviour Based Safety” in workshop on “Safety- an Integral Part of Work” organised by Directorate of Factories and Boilers, Govt of Odisha(30th November 2018)
- Participated in “Igniting Young Minds: State-Level Dialogue on Early Childhood Care and Education in Odisha” organised by Department of Psychology, Utkal University and UNICEF ( 17-18 November 2017)
- Attended Seminar on “Coping with Ageing :Organized by Department of Psychology, Utkal University ( 4th March 2017)
- Attended National workshop on “Building Climate Resilience and Mainstreaming DRR in the State of Odisha” by CANSA and Utkal University (23-24th April 2016)
- Attended UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Perspective of Women Empowerment in India” by Women’s College, Khurdha (27-28 September 2015)
International Seminars
- Presented a paper on “A comparative study of attitude Towards Women among Spanish and Indian Adults” in two day 5th International Conference on “Innovative Strategies and Advancements in academics and Research: Navigating Global Scenarios” held on 28-29th October 2023 by IMHRC and Shia P.G. College, Associated College of University of Luckhnow
- Presented a paper on “Practice of Yoga and Psychological Well-being” in World Anthropology Congress held on 9-14 August 2023 by United India Anthropology Forum and KISS Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Utkal University, Sambalpur University and University of Delhi
- Presented a paper on “Resilience and Psychological Well-being among Young Adults” in the International Conference on “Mental Health, NEP-2020 and Psychology in practice” held on 4th October 2023 by Department of Psychology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
- Presented a paper on “A study on the Professional Quality of life and Work Engagement of General and Special Educators” in the International Conference on “Mental Health, NEP-2020 and Psychology in practice” held on 4th October 2023 by Department of Psychology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
- Presented a paper on “ A comparative study on the Psychological Capital and Stress of Students with Visual Impairment and Students with Normal Vision” in the International Conference on “Mental Health, NEP-2020 and Psychology in practice” held on 4th October 2023 by Department of Psychology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
- Presented paper entitled “Awangadwadi Worker’s Job Performance and Job Satisfaction : A literature Review in 4th International Conference on Developing New India through Science, Social Science, Humanities and Research on ‘Sports, Lifestyle and Wellbeing” organised by Indian Mental Health & Research Center and Shia P.G. College held on 29-30th October 2022
- Presented a paper on “Relationship between self-esteem and aggression among young adults: A comparative study” at the International Conference on Human Dignity and Mental Health in the New Normal(ICDMH-2021) held during 17-18 December2021 by Department of Psychology, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar-4
- Presented a paper titled “Relationship between Covid-19 Stress and Sleep quality among students: A comparative study” at the International Conference on Human Dignity and Mental Health in the New Normal(ICDMH-2021) held during 17-18 December2021 by Department of Psychology, Utkal University, VaniVihar, Bhubaneswar-4
- Presented paper entitled ‘Gandhi and Resiliency’ in International Seminar on ‘Gandhijee: Society and Literature’ organised by the Department of Odia, Karanjia Autonomous College on 10thJanuary 2020
- Attended and presented paper entitled ‘Psychological Empowerment of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes’ in International Conference on “Interrogating the Trends of Rural Development and Social Transformation in South Asia” by Department of Sociology and Global Centre for Rural Studies, Utkal University, Bhbaneswar in collaboration with Indian sociological Society and Indian Anthropological Association (2nd– 4thOctober 2019)
- Attended and presented paper entitled ‘Refugees: Mental Health Issues and Intervention strategies’ in International Seminar on “Global Refugee Crisis: A Multidisciplinary Humanitarian Approach” by University Law college(27-28 April 2019)
- Attended and presented paper in International seminar on “Civil Society and State: An Interface” organised by P.G. Department of Political Science, Utkal University ( March 2017)
- Attended Conference on “Global Warming, Sea level Rise and Livelihood Adaptation Strategies along East Coast of India” organised by Dpt. Of Civil Engineering (ITER) and Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Vancouver, Canada (27th December 2015)
- Attended 3 days International Conference on “Coastal Zone Management: Issues and Challenges” Organised by Utkal University 16-18 January 2013
- First class first in Graduation of 1991 batch(Berhampur University)
- First class first Gold Medalist in Post Graduation in Psychology of 1993 batch(Utkal University)
- Awarded National Scholarship for +2 Arts(1988)
- Awarded UGC Merit Scholarship for + 3 Arts(1991)
Superintendent, Ladies Hostel -III (Sarala Devi Chatrinivas) from 22.01.2021
- Attended NEP 2020 orientation and Sensitization Programme under MM-TTP of UGC organized by MMTTC, Utkal University from 18.03.2024 to 28.03. 2024
- Attended Refresher Course in Educational Psychology from 04. 12. 2024 to 17.12.2024 organized by MMTTC, Utkal University
- Attended a workshop on Editing and Finalization of the Translation Equivalents in Indian Languages- Psychology in Odia form 5 to 11 July 2023 organized by the National Translation Mission, Mysore at Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore.( 5 to 11 July 2023)
- 15 Days online Refresher Course organised by UGCand HRDC, Utkal University on Environmental Science from 12th March – 26th March 2021(15 Days)
- Online National Faculty Development Program on Advanced Research Methods and Quantitative Data Analysis organized by JVA Edutech from 21st September-27th September 2020 (7 days).
- 5 Days National Level Virtual Workshop organized by Consortium for Human Resource Development (CHRD) Faculty Chapter from 10th August-14th August 2020 (5 days)
- FDP (In association with RUSA and IQAC) organized by Govt. P.G. College, Bilaspur, Rampur- Uttar Pradesh on “Online Teaching-Learning and Research Methodology” from 18th July- 29th July 2020(12days, Online Mode).
- FDP on A Step-to-Step Guide to Write a Good Research Paper organised by Research Foundation of India and World Virtual Conference Forum on 13th June-19th June 2020(7 days, Online Mode).
- UGC sponsored 21 days Refresher Course on “Research Methodology” by HRDC, Utkal University (11 September-01st October 2018)
- UGC sponsored 28 days orientation programme on “Capacity Building in Higher Education” by HRDC, Utkal University (18-14th September 2017)
- Attended UGC sponsored one week short term course on Stress Management by UGC-HRDC, Utkal University(20-25th July 2017)
Member in Board of Studies
- Board of Studies for Framing Psychology UG Curriculum under NEP-2020, Utkal University
- Department of Psychology, S.C.S. College, Puri
- Department of Psychology, N.C. Autonomous College, Jajpur
- Department of Psychology, V.N. Autonomous College, Jajpur
- Department of Psychology, U.N. Auto College of Science and Technology, Adaspur, Cuttack.
- Department of Psychology, Dhenkanal Autonomous College, Dhenkanal
- Department of Psychology, F.M. University, Balasore
- Department of Psychology, Banki Autonomous College, Banki