New Year Message from Vice Chancellor, Utkal University.
I wish all faculty, staff and students a very happy and successful 2023 at Utkal University. We strive for an excellent student experience with high quality teaching in state-of-art facilities providing evidences of our strength in Research, Teaching, Learning, Digitization, Infrastructure development, renovation and many to quote.
Many thanks to faculty and staff who contributed to every exercise of the university and thanks more widely to all those families who supported. Our initiations are sign of the university’s long term ambition to maintain high standards and achieve global reputation. I look forward of our collaboration success, and I wish you a rewarding new year ahead 2023.
As a new dawn ushers in the university, we realize that so much has happened, so much more is waiting to happen. I acknowledge that so many milestones could not have been achieved if all the faculty members had not put their best efforts together and worked as a team. I hope that the students, the faculty and the administrative staff come together as the university forges ahead in the new chapter of its history we write in the New Year 2023.
I wish all of you a new year filled with hope, health, and happiness with prosperity.
Prof. Sabita Acharya
Vice Chancellor