1 |
Electrone Displacement Type in Organic Reactions |
2 |
Analytical Constants of Fats and Oils_1 |
3 |
Reactions of Fats and Oils |
4 |
Reactions of Fatty acid |
5 |
Phenol Preparation and Chemical reactions |
6 |
Unit-II_Medichem_1_Adrnergic System |
7 |
Unit-I_Intro_Med Chem & Drug Metabolism |
8 |
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence-UNIT_III |
9 |
Oxidation_Reduction_Fluorination and Iodination of Benzene |
10 |
BPh_V sem_Jurisprudence_Unit-I |
11 |
Unit-V_Drugs acting on Central Nervous System |
12 |
Unit III Medichem 1 Ach |
13 |
Unit IV_Medichem_1_Sedative Hypnotics |
14 |
solubility of drugs |
15 |
Pharmacology B Pharm |
16 |
Pharmacogenomics MPharm |
17 |
Pharmacodynamics B Pharm |
18 |
Nanotechnology and its application M Pharm |
19 |
Highthroughput screening ppt M PHarm |
20 |
G-Protein Coupled Receptor |
21 |
Dosage form chapter 1.2-1 |
22 |
Conducting system of the Heart |