Name: Dr. Upali Aparajita
Designation: Professor
Qualification: M.A., Ph. D.(Utkal)
Phone No.: 9437077166
ORCID: http://0000-0001-6767-223X
E-mail ID: upali.anthro@utkaluniversity.ac.in
DownloadUtkal University | Dec 2007 — Present | Professor |
Utkal University | Dec 1999 – Dec 2007 | Reader |
Utkal University | June 1996 – Dec 1999 | Lecturer (Senior grade) |
B. J. B. College | June 1994—June 1996 | Lecturer (Senior grade) |
B. J. B. College | April 1989—June 1994 | Lecturer |
Utkal University | 1992 | Ph.D. Department: Anthropology Thesis Title:Development Process and Structural Change Among DongriaKondhs Area: Development Anthropology Advisor: Late Prof. N. K. Behura |
Utkal University | 1985 | M.A. Specialization: Social Anthropology Department: Anthropology |
BJB AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE | 1983 | B.A. Department: Anthropology Hons: Anthropology |
- Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Development Anthropology
- Business Anthropology
- Junior College Merit scholarship (2 Years)
- Senior College Merit scholarship (2 Years)
- I.C.S.S.R. Short term Doctoral Fellowship ( 1 Year)
- Doctoral Research Fellowship from Ministry of Welfare, Govt. of India (3 years)
- SrimatiNishamani Devi Memorial Gold Medal for the year 1983 for securing highest percentage of marks among the lady candidates in the B.A. Pass and Honours Annual Examination.
- University Gold Medal in Anthropology for the year 1985 for standing 1st position in first class in Anthropology Examination.
- First Position in the Orissa Public Service Examination, 1989 for the selection of Lecturers in Anthropology Orissa Education Service.
- Third level prize in the International Conference on Anthropological Perspectives and Local Approaches: Indigenous Applications in Management and Marketing, Eastern China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, 2013.
- Finalist in the “Operations Research in Development” Award at the International Federations of Operational Research Societies IFORS) Conference, Spain, July 2014.
- Culture and Development among DongriaKondhs of Niyamgiri Hills, Vol.1, No.1, September, 1993, Indira Gandhi National Centre of Arts, New-Delhi.
- Anthropology and Archeology, Archeological Survey of India, New-Delhi (1994).
- Ecology, Economy and Environment: Perceptions of the DongriaKondhs, Golden Jubilee Celebration of Anthropological Survey of India, Eastern Regional Centre, Calcutta (1996).
Book Authored
- Aparajita,U.,Culture and Development: Dongrias of Niyamgiri.
Inter-India Publications, 1994 (ISBN 81-210-0329-6) Articles Published in Edited Books (INTERNATIONAL) - Aparajita,U.,Measuring Effectiveness of an E-Governance System: A Human-centric Approach in “Human-centric System Design for Electronic Governance (edited by Saqib Saeed and Christopher, G. Reddick), pp. 147-170, Information Science Reference, IGI Global, USA, 2013.
- Aparajita,U., Cultural Dimension in the Future of Pervasive Computing, in “Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications” (edited by Judith Symond),Vol.II, pp. 974-992, Information Science Reference, USA, 2009.
- Aparajita,U., Cultural Dimension in the Future of Pervasive Computing, in “Risk Assessment and Management in Pervasive Computing: Operational, Legal, Ethical and Financial Perspective” (Edited by Varuna Godara). Pp.311-329, Information Science Reference, IGI Global, USA, 2009. Articles Published in Edited Books (NATIONAL)
- Aparajita,U., Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting the Utilization of MGNREGA Scheme among the PVTGs: A Case Study of Juangs of Odisha, in “Dynamics of Development and Social Exclusion”, SDDN Publication, New Delhi (2015).
- Aparajita,U., Culture-specific Monitoring for Re-settlement Process, in “Glimpses of Tribal Societies”, Sundeep Prakashan, New Delhi (2009).
- Aparajita,U., Viewing Tribal Culture in a Simple Societal Framework, in “Glimpses of Tribal Societies”, Sundeep Prakashan, New Delhi (2009).
- Aparajita,U., Sustainable Tribal Development in the Framework of Culture and Globalisation, Edited vol. –Criticalal Issues in Tribal Development, THRTI, Bhubaneswar (2009).
- Aparajita,U., Culture-Specific Development of the Dongria Kondhs, Primitive Tribes in the Contemporary India, Mittal Publication, New-Delhi (2005).
- Aparajita,U., Evaluation Tribal Development in Multi-Perspective Approach, in Tribal Health, Culture and Development (2004).
- Fuzzy Set in Product Planning Decision, Discrete Mathematics & Allied Topics, TaruPublication & Academic Forum, New-Delhi (2002).
- Aparajita,U., Managing Population Growth for Sustainable Development, Council of Cultural Growth and Cultural Relation (2002).
- Aparajita,U., Rethinking Indian Tribal Culture in the Context of Development, Rethinking Indian Culture: Challenges and Response, Institute of Oriental and Orissan Studies (2001).
- Aparajita,U., Development and Culture Among the Dongria Kondhs – Tribes in India – Ongoing Challenges (R.S. Mann) MD Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (1996).
- Aparajita,U., Political Organization among Dongria Kondhs- Tribal Transformation in India (Buddhadev Choudhuri), Vol.3, Inter-India Publication, New-Delhi (1993).
- Aparajita,U., Development Process and Dongria Social Structure – Tribal Transformation in India in India (Buddhadev Choudhuri), Vol. 2, Inter-India Publication, New-Delhi (1993).
- Sustainability of An Indigenous Craft: Silver Filigree Artwork of Cuttack In India , IJCRTvolume 11, 918-927 ,ISSN:2320-2882,2023.
- Aparajita,U., Yatras in the Medieval Indian Temples: A Visual Story of Rukunayatra in Odisha, Visual Ethnography vol-10 (1), 132-147, ISSN 2281-1605,2021.
- Aparajita,U., Constructing a generalized model of the human development index, Socio-Economic Planningg Sciences elsevier,70, 2020, 100778.
- Aparajita,U., Measuring Effectiveness of Human Resource Information System in the State Bank of India, International Journal of Management Studies, Vol-IV, Special Issue-1, September 2017, pp.52-59.
- Aparajita,U., Product Portfolio Planning by Fuzzy Multi-criteria Stochastic 0-1 Linear Programming, Stochastic Programming for Implementation and Advanced Applications, pp. 72-77, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania (2012).
- Aparajita,U., Media Selection Decision in a Social System: A Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach, the Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, vol-I (2). pp. 191-208,2003.
- Aparajita,U., Fuzzy Set in Product Planning Decision, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, vol-3, (1-3), 2000.
Journal Articles (NATIONAL JOURNALS):
- Aparajita,U., Role of Self Help Groups in Socio-economic Empowerment of Women of Turintira Gram Panchayat of Khorda District, Man in Society Vol, 28, 2021. ISSN 2347-1530
- Aparajita,U., Disasters in India: An Anthropological Insight. Man in Society Vol, 29, 2022. ISSN 2347-1530
- Aparajita,U., Status of Human Development and Inequality Among the Weaver Groups of Bargarh District in Odisha. The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol . 73, 2020, pp 101-123.
- Aparajita,U.,Cultural Dimension of e-Governance Effectiveness for Publication Service Delivery in Treasury Management System of Govt. Of Odisha, Man in Society Vol.24,2017,pp.1-12.
- Aparajita,U., Understanding Japanese Multinational Japanese Multinational Companies in India: An Anthropological Perspective. Man in Society Vol.24, 2017, pp.60-71.
- Aparajita,U., Photo Ethnography and Photo Elicitation in Visual Anthropological Research; A Discussion. Man in Society Vol.24, 2017, pp.85-96.
- Consumer Culture Affects Product Design: A Discussion, Man in Society, Vol.23, 2016, pp. 1-10.
- Aparajita,U., Anthropology of Disaster Mitigation and Management, Man in Society, Vol.23, 2016, pp. 11-22.
- Cultural Framework for Human Resource Information System Design, Man in Society, Vol.23, 2016, pp. 23-42.
- Aparajita,U., Urban Transformation of Cities: A Case Study of Bhubaneswar City, Man in Society, Vol.23, 2016, pp. 102-113.
- Aparajita,U., Relevance of Anthropology in Indian Business Research, Indian Journal of Development Research and Social Action, volume 12, number 1-2, January-December 2016, pp. 153-173.
- Aparajita,U., The Saura Painting: from Cultural Symbolism to an Aesthetic Consumer Product, Man in Society, Vol.22, 2015, pp. 35-48.
- Aparajita,U., Traditional Forest Collection and Community Forest Resource Right among the Kadars of Vazhachal Forest Division of Thrissur District of Kerala, , Man in Society, Vol.22, 2015, pp. 82-103.
- Aparajita,U., Industrialization and Protest Movements in India: An Anthropological perspective, ADIVASI 54 (1 & 2), pp. 16-28,2014.
- Aparajita,U., Monitoring Re-settlement Process in a Cultural Framework: A Case Study of Nesa Dam, Orissa, South Asian Anthropologist”, Vol-9 No.2, pp-117-127(2009).
- Aparajita,U., Socio-economic Impact Assessment for Development Programme in a Micro-Project, ADIVASI, Vol.48, No.1, pp. 38-53, 2008.
- Aparajita,U., Multi-perspective Evaluation of Community Development Programme : A Case Study For A Primitive Tribe of Orissa , Journal of Social And Economic Development , Vol 10, No.1, pp.98-126 , 2008.
- Aparajita,U., Re-Engineering Development by Human Development Approach, Man in Society,Vol-17, 2006-07.
- Aparajita,U., Interactive Fuzzy Goal Programming in Marketing Mix Selection, Journal of Science, Technology and Management, Vol.1, No.1, pp.61-68, 2008.
- Aparajita,U., Development Status of the Juangs through HDI, “Man in Society” Vol. 16, 2003-04.
- Aparajita,U., Marriage Customs among the Kondhs, Banaja, Journal of ATDC, 2004.
- Aparajita,U., The Sociology of Plastic Art of a Primitive Tribal Group: Lanjia Saoras of Orissa, Man in Society, Vol. 14-15, 2001-2003.
- Aparajita,U., Government Sponsored Tribal Development: A Case Study, the Utkal Business Review, VolXVI-2003.
- Aparajita,U., Meria Festival of the Dongria Kondhs : The Worship of the Earth Goddess, Banaja, Journal of ATDC-2003.
- Aparajita,U., Ecology, Economy and Environment : Perceptions Of the Dongria Kondhs, Journal of Anthropological Survey of India , Vol. 50, No. 1-2, March-June, 2001.
- Aparajita,U., Women and Development, Man in Society, Vol. 13, 1999-2000.
- Aparajita,U., Technology in the Framework of Culture, Man in Society, Vol. 12, 1998-1999.
- Aparajita,U., Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming in Cross-Cultural Media Selection Decision System-A Case Study, Sankalpa-Journal of Management Development & Application, Vol. VI, No. 1, 1998.
- Aparajita,U., Religion and Belief System Among the Dongria Kondhs, Man in India, Vol.75, No.4, 1995.
- Aparajita,U., Multi-Level Analysis in Integrated Resource Planning : A Case Study of the Juangs, Journal of Anthropological Survey of India, Vol. 43, No. 3 & 4, 1994.
- Aparajita,U., Political Organisation : The Institutionalisation of Tradition Among the Dongria Kondhs, Journal of Anthropological Survey of India, Vol. 42, No. 2, June 1993.
- Aparajita,U., Development Information System for Population Analysis in DKDA, Sankalpa-Journal of Management Development & Application, Vol-I, No. 2, 1993.
- Aparajita,U., Mathematical Modeling in Programme Planning and Development Process, Sankalpa – Journal of Management Development & Application, Vol-I, No. 1, 1993.
- Aparajita,U., Leadership Pattern among the Sudha Saoras, Adivasi, Vol.XXXIII, No.2, June 1988.
Conference Proceedings (INTERNATIONAL):
- Aparajita,U., From Human Development Index to Human Development Effectiveness”, 27th European Conference on Operational Research at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (UK) during 12-15, July, 2015.
- Aparajita,U., Product Design as a Cultural Reflexive Activity: The Indian Saris in Apparel Market, International Conference on Anthropological Perspectives and Local Approaches: Indigenous Applications in Management and Marketing, pp-119-134, Eastern China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China. 2013.
- Aparajita,U., Cultural Framework for Business Anthropology, International Conference on Anthropological Perspectives and Local Approaches: Indigenous Applications in Management and Marketing, pp-39-53, Eastern China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China. 2013.
- Aparajita,U., Product Portfolio Planning by Fuzzy Multi-criteria Stochastic 0-1 Linear Programming, Stochastic Programming for Implementation and Advanced Applications, pp. 72-77, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania (2012).
- Aparajita,U., Measuring Effectiveness of E-governance Projects in a Multi-Perspective Framework, International Congress on pervasive Computing and Management, Sydney College, Australia (2008).
Conference Proceedings (NATIONAL):
- Aparajita,U.,Relevance of Fuzzy Logic in Contemporary Social Science Research, 7th Bigyan Congress at Bhubaneswar, pp. 30-37( 2003).
Research scholars awarded with Ph.D degree
1. Dyanadipta Panda ,Registration Number- 15-Bus. Admn.2009-2010,Title of thesis “Cross-Cultural Perspectives of Human Resources Information System” submitted in the year 2021.
2. Birupakshya Dixit, Registration Number-5 Arts/ Anthropology, 1999, Title of thesis “Culture-specific Rehabilitation Monitoring System: A case of Upper Indravati Project” submitted in the year 2007.
3. Ashis Mishra, Registration Number-2 Commerce & MGT, 1993-94, Title of thesis “Cross-Cultural Marketing Decision System in Fuzzy Environment” submitted in the year 2000.
Research scholar , presently registered for Ph.D programme
1. Manas Ranjan Sahoo, Registration Number-01-Anth 2014-15,Title of research “Cultural Perspective of Product Designs in Cuttack and Bargarh Districts of Odisha”
2. Srabani Behera, Registration Number- 03-Anth 2014-15, Title of research “Cultural factors Affecting Micro-Enterprise in Empowerment of Women.”
3. Krishna Kumar. A, Registration Number- 10-Anthropology 2016-17, Title of research “Urban transformation and cultural change in the temple city of Bhubaneswar – A visual Anthropological study.”
4. Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, Registration Number-08-Anthropology2016-17,Title of research “Cultural Dimension in Disaster Risk Management Effectiveness: A study of Disasters in Coastal Odisha.”
5. Pollyshree Samantray, Registration Number-09- Anthropology2016-17,Title of research “Indigenous Knowledge& Sustainable Development – A Study with Special Reference to Livelihood of Kutia Kondh.”
6. Arabinda Routray, Registration Number-01-Anthropology-2017-18,Title of research “Influence of Culture on e-Governance Adoption for Effective Public Service Delivery: A Case Study of Different Initiatives of Government of Odisha.”
7. Aisurya Rajlaxmi Dhir Samanta, Registration Number-01-Anthropology-2021-22,Title of research “Cultural Perspective of consumption:An Anthropological Account of Consumer Practices of Gold and Gold Jewellery in Odisha.”
Research Guidance at M. Phil. Level:
1. The role of self-help group in socio-economic empowerment of women in Balipatana block , Khordha district of Odisha(2020-2021)
2. Changing rural agricultural and farming practices in the Balipatana Block of Khurda District (2020-2021)
3. Sustainability of filigree products in the emerging product diversification and design: The Tarakasi work of Cuttack- Aisurya Rajalaxmi Dhir samanta(2018-2019).
4. Planned interventions and changing livelihood pattern among Paudi Bhuyan of Banspal,Keonjhar-Sukhdev Titiya(2019-2020)
5. Fisherman community of Paradip- Swapna sarita sethy(2019-2020)
6. Cultural Marketing for the promotion of Visual Art: A Case Study of Saura Painting – Rajesh Sabar (2014-2015).
7. Economic Empowerment and Self Help Groups of Kondh Women –Srabani Behera (2007-2008).
8. Advertising in the Sacred City of Puri – Santwana Nayak (1999-2000).
9. Rickshaw Pullers of Bhubaneswar : A Holistic Study in Relation to Their Social, Economic, Cultural, Religious and Political Life – Jagruti Patnaik (1999-2000).
10. Health Culture as an Indicator of Development: A Case Study of the Santals of Rairangpur-Nibedita Das (1998-99).
11. Cultural Approach to The Study of Displacement Process of the Displaced Kohlas: A Case of Nesa Dam, Mayurbhanj-Birupakshya Dixit (1998-99).
12. Bhuyans and Theirs Neighbours – Basant Kumar Barik (1997-98).
13. A Tribal Economy and its Changing Facet: A Case Study of the Juang Village in Bansapal Block in Keonjhar District of Orissa – Goutam Choudhury (1996-97).
14. Development Projects and Displacement: A Case Study of the Displaced Families due to the Proposed Steel Plant at Gopalpur-Pradyumna Kumar Das (1996-97).
Administrative Experience
1. Co-ordinator, Centre of Advanced Studies (Anthropology), Utkal University.
2. Member of the Syndicate, Utkal University.
3. Director, Self-Financing Courses, Utkal University.
4. Head of the Department in the Department of Anthropology, Utkal University
o Chairman Department Research Committee (DRC) Anthropology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
o Chairman Board of Studies of the department, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
o Chairman, Board of Studies, Anthropology, Ramadevi University, Bhubaneswar
o Member, Department Research Committee (DRC) Anthropology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
o Member, Board of Studies of the Department of Anthropology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
o Member, Board of Studies, Centre for Women Studies, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
o Member, Board of Studies, Anthropology, BJB Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar
o Member, Board of Studies, MSW, North Orissa University, Baripada
o Member, Board of Studies, Anthropology, Ramadevi University, Bhubaneswar
o Member, Board of Studies, Anthropology, Berhampur University, Berhampur
o Editor of the Journal “Man & Society”.
o Member, Editorial Board of the Journal “Man & Society”.
o Asst. Suptd. Kuntala Kumari Chhatrinibas (Ladies hostel No. 1).
1. Identity Crisis among the Kulis of Western Odisha in the Context of Economic Structure and Reservation Policy, in National seminar organized by Pondicherry University, Puducherry, from 01- 02 August 2019.
2. Status of Human Development and Inequality among the Weaver Groups of Bargarh District in Odisha, National seminar on Status of Human Development and Ease of Living in India, organized by the Department of Economics, Andhra University, Vishakpatnam, on 6-7 October, 2018.
3. Measuring Operational Effectiveness of Human Resource Management System in the State Bank of India” National Seminar on Operational Competitiveness in Service & Manufacturing Sectors in 21st Century” on February 24, 2018 (Saturday) at Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar.
4. Symbolism and Product Design: A Case of Handloom Sarees of Odisha, Indian Anthropological Congress, organized by INCAA and department of Anthropology, Assam University (Diphu Campus), in February 2016.
5. From Human Development Index to Human Development Effectiveness, 27th European Conference on Operational Research at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (UK) during 12-15, July, 2015.
6. Cultural Identities Matters: Symbolic Meaning in Consumer Product Design, in Annual Conference of Anthropological Society of India in May 2015, Kolkata.
7. Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting the Utilization of MGNREGA Scheme among the PVTGs: A Case Study of Juangs of Odisha, Indian Anthropological Congress, organized by INCAA and department of Anthropology, Utkal University, in February 2015.
8. Gender role in Consumer Culture Research, National Seminar on Gender and Development, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 26th to 27th March, 2014.
9. Gender Approaches in Development, National Seminar on Gender and Development, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 26th to 27th March, 2014.
10. Business Anthropology and Organizational Development, Indian Anthropological Congress on Human Variation, Plurality and Diversity: Anthropological Perspectives, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam, 21th to 23th February, 2014.
11. Analytical Hierarchical Process in Cultural Impact Assessment, 44th Annual Conference of The Anthropological Society of India on Anthropology in Contemporary India: Prospects And Challenges, Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, 17th to 19th January, 2014.
12. Cultural Framework for Business Anthropology, International Conference on Anthropological Perspectives and Local Approaches: Indigenous Applications in Management and Marketing, Eastern China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, 17th to 19th May, 2013.
13. Product Design as a Cultural Reflexive Activity: The Indian Saris in Apparel Market, International Conference on Anthropological Perspectives and Local Approaches: Indigenous Applications in Management and Marketing, Eastern China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, 17th to 19th May, 2013.
14. Product Portfolio Planning by Fuzzy Multi-criteria Stochastic 0-1 Linear Programming, Stochastic Programming for Implementation and Advanced Applications, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 3rd to 6th July, 2012.
15. Multi-dimensional Evaluation of a Rehabilitation & Resettlement Model: An Anthropological Approach, International Symposium on “Anthropology of Global Issues”, organized by WCAA, ASA, IAS, Indian Anthropological Association at University of Delhi, New-Delhi, 1st to 3rd April, 2012.
16. Culture-specific Information System: A Strategic Techno-organisational Tool for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Development, “International Seminar on Development of Entrepreneurship in MSME Sector-A Way Forward to Sustainability, sponsored by UGC and organized by Department of Commerce, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 6th to 7th March, 2012.
17. Measuring Effectiveness of E-governance Projects in a Multi-Perspective Framework, International Congress on pervasive Computing and Management, Sidney College of Management, Australia, 2008.
18. Culture-specific Monitoring for Re-settlement Process, International Seminar on Myths and Superstitions vis-à-vis Tribal Society, KIIT, Bhubaneswar, 2008.
19. Viewing Tribal Culture in a Simple Societal Framework, International Seminar on Myths and Superstitions vis-à-vis Tribal Society, KIIT, Bhubaneswar, 2008.
20. Sustainable Tribal Development in the Framework of Culture and Globalisation, National Seminar on Critical Issues of Tribal Development, SCSTRTI, Bhubaneswar, 2008.
21. Re-Engineering Tribal Development, National Seminar on Tribal Development: A Myth or Pragmatic Reality, Department Of Anthropology, SV University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, 3rd-5th April, 2007.
22. Multi-Agent Monitoring of Development Projects for Sustainable Tribal Development, National Seminar on Development: Issues and Challenges of Tribal Development in Orissa, Information International, Bhubaneswar, 29th to 30th March, 2007.
23. Cultural Management for Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility as a Business Strategy in National Seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility in the 21st Century, Dept. Of Business Administration, Sambalpur University. 11th to 12th March, 2006.
24. Evaluating Tribal Development in Multi-Perspective Approach, National Seminar on Tribal Health, Cultural and Development in Orissa, KN College, Sponsored by UGC, 26th to 27th September, 2004.
25. Relevance of Fuzzy Logic in Contemporary Social Science Research, Proceedings of 7th Bigyan Congress at Bhubaneswar, 2003.
26. Managing Population Growth for Sustainable Development, International Conference on Issues of Population Stabilization and Development, Council of Cultural Growth and Cultural Relation, Cuttack in Collaboration with UNFPA and PFI, New-Delhi, 8th to 10th February 2002.
27. The Need for Global Ethics, National Seminar on Values and Ethics in Business, Department of Business Administration, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 20th to 21st April, 2000.
28. Rethinking Indian Tribal Culture in the Context of Development, International Conference on Rethinking Indian Culture: Challenges and Responses, Institute of Oriental and Orissan Studies, Cuttack, 6th to 8th February, 1999.
29. Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming in Cross-Cultural Media Selection Decision System, All Orissa Conference on Decision Making Models and Their Applications, Department of Statistics, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 20th to 21st December, 1997.
30. Fuzzy Set in Product Planning Decision, International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Allied Topics, New-Delhi, 10th to 13th November, 1997.
31. Ethno-Management Approach in Regional Planning: A Development strategy, International Conference on Man, Culture, Environment, Natural Hazards and Resource Management, Department of Geography, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 21st to 23rd September, 1995.
32. Fuzzy Decision Analysis in Job-Planning According to Gender in Micro-Level Development, International Conference On Science and Society on the Occasion of Prof. J.B.S. Halden Birth Centenary, Department of Anthropology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 1992.
M.Phil Level
1. Indian Society and Issues of Development – Paper 101- ( Semester I )
2. Theories in Social Anthropology – Paper 102 Group A – ( Semester I )
3. Advanced in Social Anthropology – Paper 201 – Group A Practical –
( Semester II )
4. Dissertation – Paper 202 Group A – ( Semester II)
P.G. Level
1. Research Methodology and Statistics – Paper ANTH C 4 – ( Semester I )
2. Anthropological Thought – Paper ANTH C 8 – ( Semester II )
3. Principles in Development Anthropology – Paper ANTH CE – D1 ( Semester III)
4. Theories and Methods in Development
Anthropology – Paper ANTH CE – D2 ( Semester III)
5. Culture and Development – Paper ANTH CE- D3 ( Semester IV)
6. Anthropology of Organisational and
Business Development – Paper ANTH CE- D4 ( Semester IV)
7. Advance Practical in Community and
Organisational Development – Paper ANTH CE – D5-
Practical – ( Semester IV )
8. Field work and Dissertation – Paper ANTH CE – D6 ( Semester IV)