Regional College of Education – NCERT, Bhubaneswar | 11.09.89 to 30.04.94. | Lecturer Adhoc |
Department of History/AIHCA, Utkal University | 22.09.1994 to 22.09.1999 | Lecturer |
Department of AIHCA, Utkal University | 22.09.1999 to 22.09.2004 | Senior Lecturer |
Department of AIHCA, Utkal University Professor | 22.09.2004 to 22.09.2012 | Reader / Associate |
Department of AIHCA, Utkal University | 22.09.2012- 31.01.2022 (Retired). | Professor |
Utkal University | 1983 | Masters Degree M.A. History Specialisation : Ancient Indian History |
Utkal University | 1986 | M.Phil History |
Utkal University | 1992 | Ph.D The Muktesvara Temple : A Study of its Architecture and Sculpture (Utkal University) |
- Attended training in Archaeological Photography in the American Institute of Indian Studies (Centre of Art and Archaeology), Varanasi from 5th to 9th June, 1989.
- Worked as Research Associate in the project “Monuments along the Mahanadi River in Eastern Orissa” from September 1987 to August 1989. The project was sponsored by the Ford Foundation, undertaken by Utkal University. Project Director was Dr. K.S. Behera, Professor, Department of History.
- Associated in the project “Traditions of Navigation in the Indian Ocean” sponsored by the Orissa Chapter of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). The project Director was Dr. K.S. Behera, Professor, Department of History.
- Worked as Internal Resource Person in the “Orientation Programme for Central Tibetan Schools in Social Studies” sponsored by CTSA and conducted by RCE, Bhubaneswar, NCERT – from 31st March to 9th April 1990.
- Member of the evaluation team (history) in the special programme (from the National Integration point of view) ”Evaluation of Question Papers of Classes X and XII Public Examination, 1990 of 18 Boards of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education of the North Eastern States.”. Project sponsored by the Department of Education, Ministry of HRD and accepted by NCERT. Work undertaken by RCE, Bhubaneswar from January 1991 to May 1991.
- Worked as Internal Resource Person in the “Orientation Programme in History for the PG Teachers of Railway Board Schools”. Conducted by RCE, Bhubaneswar from 6th to 12th May 1993.
- Participated with Orissan Institute of Maritime and South East Asian Studies, Bhubaneswar (sponsored by the Department of Culture, Government of Odisha) during 1996 and 1997 in their exploration and excavation programme at Langudi and nearby sites.
- Participated in a Workshop organized by IGNOU (New Delhi) on “Self Instructional Materials” from 2nd to 6th February 1998 held at DDCE.
1. Professional /Administrative / Executive experience
- Was Co-ordinator “Konark Centre for Study of Orissan Arts, Sculpture and Epigraphy” Utkal University.
- Was Steering committee member to monitor the activities of the Campus Diversity Initiative Programme of Utkal University funded by Ford Foundation.
- Professor in charge, Maharaja Sri Rama Chandra Bhanja Deo Press, Utkal University from 01.10.2008 to 30.05.2011.
- Coordinator, Documentation Centre, Utkal University, National Mission on Monuments & Antiquities (NMMA), 24.06.2010.
- Member, Advisory Committee, Jatin Das Centre of Art, Bhubaneswar.
- Coordinator, Centre of Excellence in Language, Culture and Heritage (RUSA 2.0).
- Member in the reconstruction (Structural & Administrative) of the State Archaeology, Govt. of Odisha – 2019.
- Head of the Department of AIHCA from 05.11.2009 to 05.06.2011 and from 01.06.2013 till 31.01.2022. (Retired)
- OSD, New Campus, Sia, Chandikhole, from 08.02.2021 to 31.01.2022 (Retired)
- Members of Academic Bodies / Professional Associations
- Life member Indian Art History Congress.
- Member Indian History Congress.
- “Preservation of Cultural Heritage”
World Museum Day, 18th May 2009, Archaeological Museum, ASI, Konark.
- “Heritage Awareness”
World Heritage Week, 19th to 25th November 2010, Archaeological Museum, ASI, Konark.
- “Preservation of Cultural Property”
World Museum Day – 18th May 2011, Archaeological Museum, ASI, Ratnagiri.
- “Evolution of Odishan Temple Architecture”
Celebration of Independence Day, 15th August 2012, ASI, Puratattava Bhawan.
- “Journey as a Photographer”
Chief Speaker, the talk was under Kaladhara programmes, organized by Lalit Kala Akademi, Regional Centre Bhubaneswar on 07.03.2013.
- “Evolution of Temple Architecture in Odisha – Andhra”
Chief Speaker, National Seminar on Historical and Archaeological Potential for Tourism Promotion in Andhra Pradesh with special reference to Kalinga Andhra, Department of History and Tourism, Government College for Women, Srikakulam, 28.02.2013.
- “Journey of Archaeology in Odisha from Padmashree Paramananda Acharya till Date”
Speaker in the 163rd Meet the Artist, organised by Jatin Das Centre of Art on 06.12.2013.
- Chief Speaker, National Seminar on Odishan Temple Architecture organised by Nayagarh Autonomous College, Nayagarh, 25.01.2014.
- Chief Speaker on the occasion of International Museum Day at Ratnagiri Site Museum, Ratnagiri, organised by Archaeological Survey of India, Govt. of India on 18.05.2015.
- Chief Speaker, Workshop at Udayagiri, Bhubaneswar organised by Archaeological Survey of India, Bhubaneswar Circle, on the occasion of World Heritage Week on
- “Odishan Art and Architecture”
Speaker in the 184th Meet the Artist, organized by Jatin Das Centre of Art on 12.09.2015.
- “Evolution of Odishan Temple Architecture and Sculpture”
Chief Speaker in a Seminar organised by Raghunathjew Degree College, Cuttack on 13.11.2013.
- “Odishan Temple Architecture”
Chief Speaker in a Seminar on Indian Architecture organised by Sri Sri University, Bhubaneswar on 20.11.2015.
- “Sectional President (Section – A) Ancient Period”
37th Annual Session of Odisha History Congress, Paradip College, Paradip, 30th and 31st January 2016.
- “Odishan Temples”
Chief Speaker in a Seminar organised by P.N. College, Khurda on 05.02.2016.
- Delivered more than 47 lectures in the UGC – Human Resource Development Centre (Academic Staff College) Utkal University from 2010 to 2021.
- Delivered a talk on Odishan temple Art and Architecture on 23.12.2020 in a National webinar organised by the Department of History, Brahmanjharila Mahavidyalaya.
- Delivered a talk in HRDC, Utkal University on 16.01.2021 on the topic Photo Documentation of Tribal Culture in the online Refresher Course on Tribal Studies.
- Delivered the 52nd Sanskriti Charcha talk on Odishan Temples at Odisha State Archives, Bhubaneswar, 30.6.2021.
Research Projects and Collaborations:
1. Carried out Excavation at Narisho as one of the Principal Investigators in collaboration with Odishan Institute of Maritime and South East Asian Studies, Department of Culture, Govt. of Odisha, 2012.
2. Have done Consultancy work at Radhanagar Excavation – An Early Historic Site for Odishan Institute of Maritime and South East Asian Studies, Department of Culture, Govt. of Odisha, in the session 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13.
6. Conference /Workshop/Seminar Presentations :
1. Session Chairman, Technical Session V.
International Conference on Indian Cultural Heritage: Past, Present & Future, jointly hosted by Utkal University and Institute of Media Studies, Bhubaneswar, 18th- 20th March 2017.
2. Participated in the International Conference Purbasa : East meets East, synergising the North-East and Eastern India with the Indo-Pacific, organised by the Kalinga International Foundation on 16th – 19th March 2018 at Mayfair Lagoon, Convention Centre, Bhubaneswar.
3. Presented a paper on Documentation of Temple Art and Architecture and its Relevance in the National Workshop on Archaeology in Odisha : A Brainstorming Session for Future, organised by Odishan Institute of Maritime and South East Asian Studies, Department of Odia language, Literature and Culture, Govt. of Odisha on 26th February 2019.
4. Chaired the Technical Session III in the International Conference on Buddhism: Its Role as Cultural Connect, Social Bridge and Source of International Peace organised by the P.G. Department of Odia, Centre of Excellence in Language, Literature and Culture, Utkal University, in collaboration with Adikabi Sarala Das Chair of Odia Studies, CIL/SLL&CS, JNU, New Delhi and Kalinga Institute of Indo-Pacific Studies (KIIPS), Bhubaneswar on 08.02.2020 & 09 .02.2020 at Convention Hall, Panthanivas, Bhubaneswar.
5. Participated in the National Conference on Conservation and Preservation of World Heritage Site, the Sun Temple, Konark, Odisha, held on 28th & 29th February, by Archaeological Survey of India, 2020, Yatri Nivas, Konark.
6. Co-Chaired the Business Session – IV, on the theme Religion, Culture and Heritage in the International Conference on Science, Society and Politics in South Asia held on 3rd & 4th March 2020, organised by the International Office, Utkal University at Mayfair Convention, Bhubaneswar.
- . Research guidance
- Ph.D : Awarded
Sl.No Name of the Scholars Year of Award of Degree Registration Number Fellowship received if any during Research Name of the Co-guide if any Topic of Ph.D. Thesis 1 Jasmine Patnaik 17.08.2004 2- History (Arts) 1997 NA Religion Verses State Formation – A Case Study of Orissa between 11th and early 14th Centuries (I.E. I.E.C. 1000 – 1327 A.D.) 2 Sushanta Kumar Patra 01.10.2008 6- AIHCA- 2001 ICHR-JRF NA Manifestation of Siva in Orissan Art. 3 Anam Behera 09.02.2010 01 – AIHCA – 2003-04 UGC-JRF NA Archaeological Remains of Daya Bhargavi Valley. 4 Pratima Mohanty 12.08.2011 6-AIHCA- 2002 ICHR-JRF Dr. Jeeban Kumar Patnaik Puri : A Study of the Hindu Monastic Institutions in an important Pilgrim Centre of India. 5 Narendra Satapathy 04.08.2012 339 – Arts- 1992-93 NA Vaishnavite Sculptures and Monuments of the Prachi Valley. 6 Uday Ranjan Das 03.06.2013 1-AIHCA – 2004-05 ICHR-JRF NA A Study of Archaeological Remains in Bhadrak District (3rd C.A.D. to 16th C.A.D.) 7 Adweta Kumar Sahoo 03.06.2013 2 – AIHCA – 2003-04 ICHR-JRF NA Archaeological remains of Cuttack District (From early period to end of Ganga rule) 8 Atul Kumar Pradhan 01.02.2014 9 – AIHCA – 2007-08 UGC-JRF NA Maritime Traditions of Orissa – An Archaeological Study (From earliest times to 13th Century A.D.) 9 Sindhu. M.J. 10.04.2015 10 – AIHCA- 2006-07 NA Iconography of Buddhist Sculptures of Ratnagiri (7th to 12th Century C.E.) 10 Snigdha Mitra 13.04.2015 7 – History – 2006-07 ICHR-JRF NA A Historical Study of Costumes and Ornaments in the Temple Sculpture of Bhubaneswar (7th to 13th Century A.D.) 11 Harekrushna Aich 22.09.2016 04-AIHCA 2006-07 UGC-JRF NA Krishna in Odishan Art : A Study of Art, Architecture and Iconography- 8th century AD to 15th century AD. 12 Ajoy Sethi 22.09.2016 04-AIHCA 2008-09 UGC-JRF NA Animals in Orissan Art. 13 Santosh Kumar Rath 22.09.2016 08-AIHCA 2008-09 NA Early Sculptures of Orissa (3rd century BC to 6th century AD) 14 Satyabrat Samal 14.11.2016 08-AIHCA 2006-07 ICHR-JRF NA Socio-Cultural Life as Depicted in the Temple art of Orissa. (6th C.A.D. to 15th C.A.D.) 15 Amaresh Jena 30.12.2016 03 – AIHCA 2006-07 ICHR-JRF NA Madhava Worship in Orissa (7th Century A.D. to 13th Century A.D.) 16 Alaka Sarangi 30.12.2016 11 AIHCA 2006-07 ICHR-JRF NA Buddhist Remains of North Orissa 17 Chandra Apolo Mohanty 30.12.2016 07- AIHCA 2007-08. NA Archaeological Remains and Monuments of Jagatsinghpur District, Orissa (From early period to 15th Century A.D.) 18 Anuradha Patra 26.02.2018 08-AIHCA 2007-08 Prof. S.P.Pani Painting Traditions of Orissa : A Selective Study in History, Religion and Culture. 19 Sarbeswar Sethi 07.07.2018 02 AIHCA, 2012 – 13 UGC-JRF NA Forts and fortification in Odisha: from 3rd century B.C. to 6th century A.D 20 Rajesh Kumar Sahu 04.09.2018 04 AIHCA, 2012 – 13 UGC-JRF NA Archaeology of Jira Valley, Odisha, India. 21 Sasmita Mishra 24.11.2018 02 AIHCA, 2008 – 09 ICHR-JRF NA Chausathi Yogini Temples of Orissa 22 Manas Kumar Sahoo 13.10.2020 03 – AIHCA – 2008 – 09 UGC-JRF NA Karttikeya in Odishan Art (6th century A.D. to 13th century A.D.)
23 Dhiren Kumar Patnaik 17.09.2021 02 – Tourism – 2006-07 NA Ecotourism, a viable means for local Women for Sustained Livelihood – A Situational Analysis in the State of Orissa 24 Neha Sharma 16.11.2021 03 – AIHCA – 2017-18 ICHR-JRF NA Select Rock art sites of Odisha: An Ethno- Archaeological Study 25 Kaibalya Charan Pati 16.11.2021 01 – AIHCA – 2015-16 NA Buddhism in Odisha: A Historical Perspective 26 Sanjay Panda 10.12.2021 03 – AIHCA – 2016-17 NA Art and Craft Specialisation as Reflected in the Chalcolithic
Culture of Odisha: A Case Study of
Golabai and Suabarei Excavated
- 2. Ph.D. Scholars Currently Enrolled:
Sl. No. Name of the Scholar Topic of Research Masters course and Institution Name of the Co-guide if any Fellowship received if any during research 1 Kalyan Kumar Rout A Study of Archaeological remains in Keonjhar District (6th Century CE to 16th Century CE)
M.A. AIHCA Utkal University
N.A. Yes 2 Gopal Charan Pradhan N.A. N.A. - 1.3. M.Phil Students Guided / Awarded :
Sl.No Year of Award Name of the Scholars Topic of M.Phil. Thesis 1 2000 Ruby Tapaswini Das A Study of Nayikas in the temples of Bhubaneswar. 2 2000 Gopinatha Jena A Study of Decorative Motifs on the Temples of Bhubaneswar from 6th Century A.D. to 11th Century A.D. 3 2000 Tuli Moitra The Parvati Temple in the Lingaraj Temple Compound. 4 2000 Chandana Mohanty A Study of Vyala Figures on temples of Bhubaneswar. 5 2000 Sushanta Ku. Patra A Study on Excavated Sites in the Coastal Belt of Orissa. 6 2001 Padmajyoti Sahu A Study of Dress and Ornaments as Depicted on the Temples of Bhubaneswar. 7 2001 Puspita Sahoo A Study of Popular Stories Depicted in the Sculptures of Ancient Monuments of Bhubaneswar. 8 2001 Smita Nanda A Study of Taleswara Temple of Bhubaneswar. 9 2001 Shushree Sangita Jena A Study of Minor temples inside the compound of Lingaraj Temple, Bhubaneswar. 10 2001 Swagati Deo A Study of monuments of Bhubaneswar (1432-1540). 11 2002 Anil Ku. Dora Manmohan Ganguly and Study of Antiquities of Orissa. 12 2002 Nilambar Parida Karunasagar Behera and the Study of Temple Architecture of Orissa. 13 2002 Paresh Ku. Sahu R.P.Mohapatra and Orissan Archaeology. 14 2002 Sangeeta Mishra A Study of Nrsimhanath Temple. 15 2002 Anita Nayak Paramananda Acharya and Archaeology of Orissa. 16 2003 Uday Ranjan Das A Study of Jaina and Buddhist Images of Balasore District, Orissa.
17 2003 Sarita Das Iconography of Ganesha in Temples of Bhubaneswar. 18 2003 Debajani Ratha Manifestation of Siva on the Temples of Bhubaneswar 6th C.A.D. to 11th C. A.D. 19 2003 Bijay Ku. Panigrahi A Study of Secular Sculptures on the Temples of Bhubaneswar. 20 2003 Alivarani Satapathy A Comparative Study of the Mukhasala of Mukteswara and Brahmesvara. 21 2004 Manorama Ojha Archaeological Remains of Keonjhar District. 22 2004 Mitarani Nayak A Study of Archaeological Remains in and around Pipili. 23 2004 Kuni Behera A Study on Khilesvara Temple at Pipili. 24 2004 Smaranika Das Archaeological Remains at Ganjam District. 25 2004 Lopamudra Bal A Study of Animal Figures in the temples of Bhubaneswar. 26 2005 Anumapa Behera Nataraj Images of Orissa with special reference to the temples of Bhubaneswar. 27 2005 Laxmi Priya Nayak Chamunda Images of Orissa. 28 2006 Tulika Mishra Archaeological remains in and around Boudh District. 29 2006 Manaswini Mishra Manifestation of Siva in the temples of Bhubaneswar. 30 2006 Managobinda Nayak Dress and Ornaments in the temples of Orissa – A Case Study of Bhubaneswar. 31 2006 Anandita Samal Brahmanical Monuments of Jajpur. 32 2007 Himanshu Sekhar Pradhan A Study of Decorative Motifs on Early Temples at Bhubaneswar. 33 2007 Kabita Tripathy A Study of Simhanath Temple at Baramba 34 2008 Sasmita Mishra Bramheswara Temple : A Case Study. 35 2008 Ksharabdi T Sahoo A Study of Vyala figures in the temples of Bhubaneswar 36 2008 Ipsita Rout Pidha Temples of Bhubaneswar. 37 2009 Arabinda Bose Archaeological Remains at Haripurgarh and its adjoining area. 38 2009 Ellora Jasmine Garnayak Dance and Music images in the Temples of Bhubaneswar and its importance. 39 2009 Sunil Kumar Sethi Chausathi Yogini Temple at Hirapur – A Study of Art, Architecture and Iconography. 40 2010 Rajesh Kumar Sahu A Study of Yogini worship in Orissa: With special reference to Chausathi Yogini temple at Ranipur Jharial. 41 2010 Sarbeswar Sethi Monuments of Bhubaneswar and their Conservation. 42 2011 Umakanta Moharana Excavation at Narisho 2012 : A Study on Red Ware. 43 2011 Sukanta Badu Archaeological Excavation at Narisho 2011-12 – A Study of Site and Environment. 44 2012 Swapnananda Das Economic Condition of Odisha as depicted on the walls of the Sun Temple at Konark. 45 2012 Manaswini Rout Votives Stupas at Ratnagiri: A Study. 46 2012 Diptimanjari Sahu Study on Terracotta Remains of Ratnagiri. 47 2012 Ujwala Mohanandia Socio-religious Belief and Practice: An ethno-archaeological Study of the Bonda tribe of Odisha. 48 2013 Sarita Nayak Historiography of Hindu Temples Architecture in Odisha. 49 2013 Manas Kumar Rout A Study on Architectural Vestiges of Dharpan Khas area in Jajpur. 50 2014 Maitreyee Mishra Archaeological remains in Dhenkanal District upto 19th Century A.D. 51 2014 Kaibalya Charan Pati A Study on the Socio-Economic life under the Imperial Gangas of Kalinga: As depicted in Inscriptions, Coins and art pieces of Kalinga. 52 2016 Neha Sharma Signs and Symbols in Rock Shelters of Odisha: A Study on its Design, Type and Interpretations. 53 2016 Laxmipriya Behera A Study on Animal Figures in the Temples of Bhubaneswar. 54 2016 Pradeepta Patel Archaeological Remains at Prachi valley. 55 2017 Shradhanjali Panda Gods and Goddesses as Depicted in the Brahmesvara Temple. 56 2017 Prabodha Mohapatra Making Process of Patta Painting : A Case Study on Raghurajpur. 57 2017 Sandhyarani Dalei Survey of Archaeological Antiquities in Nayagarh District. 58 2018 Chittaranjan Mohapatra Documentation of Puri Kushana Coins as preserved in Odisha State Museum 59 2018 Durga Charan Mangual Archaeological Remains of Banki Sub Division, Cuttack 60 2018 Krishna Mohanty A Study of Hair Style, Ornaments and Costumes as depicted in the Chausathi Yogini Temple, Hirapur 61 2018 Prasanta Kumar Swain Dikapalas in Odishan Temples : A case study of the Temples of Bhubaneswar 62 2019 Nirupama Dalai Contribution of Padmashree Paramananda Acharya to Odisha history, culture & archaeology. 63 2019 Rashmirekha Bari Ethno-Archaeology of Ho Tribes in Odisha: A Case Study on Mayurbhanj District. 64 2019 Sweta Barik Animal representation in the Temple Art of Odisha: A Case Study of the Temples of Bhubaneswar. 65 2019 Santosh Kumar Karjee Ethno-Archaeology of Saura Tribes in Odisha: A Case Study of Gajapati district. 66 2020 Bijaya Kumar Das Archaeological remains in and around Pipili. 67 2020 Anildutta Swain Documentation of Buddhist Images at Udayagiri.