Sambalpur University | April, 2009 – Feb., 2015 |
Ph.D. (Life Science) Department: School of Life Sciences Thesis Title: Reclamation of sponge iron solid waste dump with respect to vegetational development and microbiological characterization Areas: Environmental microbiology Advisor: Prof. Niranjan Behera |
Sambalpur University
Sambalpur University
January, 2008 – December, 2008
June, 2005 – May, 2007
M.Phil. (Life Science) Department: School of Life Sciences Thesis Title: Isolation and characterization of bacteria isolated from coal mine spoil with special reference to chemolithotrophic strains Areas: Microbiology Advisor: Prof. Niranjan Behera
M.Sc. (Life Science, Botany Stream) Department: School of Life Sciences Specialization: Microbiology
Sambalpur University | June, 2002 – May, 2005 | Bachelor of Science |
June, 2009 |
Department: Botany
Hons: Botany
UGC-NET (If Qualified) Subject: Life Science
Utkal University
Nov. 2015 –present
Assistant Professor
Berhampur University | April 2011 – Nov. 2015 | Lecturer
Course Name-Paper Name (Paper Code)
M.Sc. Botany- Diversity of Life (BOT-101) Diversity of Vascular Plants (BOT-102) Plant taxonomy, Ecology and Evolution (BOT-204) Conservation Biology (BOT-302) Plant physiology and Developmental Biology (BOT-303) Allied Elective Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BOT-401) Department of Botany and Utkal University Duties: taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2021-continuing |
Course Name-Paper Name (Paper Code) M.Sc. Botany- Diversity of Plant- I (BOT-101) Diversity of Plant-II (BOT-102) Plant taxonomy, Ecology and Evolution (BOT-204) Conservation Biology (BOT-302) Plant physiology and Developmental biology (BOT-303) Allied Elective Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BOT-401) Department of Botany and Utkal University Duties: taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2017-2020 |
Course Name-Practical Paper Name (Practical Paper Code) M.Sc. Botany – Practical (BOT-105) Practical (BOT-205) Advanced Practical (BOT-305) Dissertation (BOT-403) Department of Botany and Utkal University Duties: Organized laboratory hours, graded exams
2017- continuing |
Course Name-Paper Name (Paper Code) Ph.D Course work Botany- Research Methodology (Paper-I) Core Paper-Botany (Paper-II) Department of Botany and Utkal University Duties: taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2017-continuing |
Course Name-Paper Name (Paper Code) M.Phil. Botany- Techniques in Plant Science (Paper-I) core Plant Cell Tissue & Organ culture (Paper-II) Elective A Physiology & Biochemistry of Stress (Paper-II) Elective B Department of Botany and Utkal University Duties: taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2016-continuing |
Course Name-Paper Name (Paper Code) M.Sc. Botany- Diversity of Plant- I (Paper-I) Diversity of Plant-II (Paper-II) Plant Physiology & Biochemistry (Paper-II) Plant taxonomy, Ecology and Biostatistics (Paper-VIII) Developmental Biology (Paper- XII) Plant Development, reproduction and Economic Botany (Paper-IX) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Paper XIV) Department of Botany and Utkal University Duties: taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2015-2017 |
Course Name-Practical Paper Name (Practical Paper Code) M.Sc. Botany -Practical pertaining to Theory Papers – I, II, III & IV (Paper V) Practical Pertaining to Theory Papers-VI, VII, VIII & IX (Paper X) Dissertation (Paper-XVI) Department of Botany and Utkal University Duties: Organized laboratory hours, graded exams |
2015-2017 |
Course Name-Paper Name (Paper Code) M.Sc. Botany- Plant Diversity-I: Microbiology, Phycology & Mycology (Course No. 1.1) Plant Diversity-II: Bryophyta, Pteridophyta & Gymnosperm (Course No. 1.2) Plant Physiology (Course No. 2.3) Plant Embryology & Development (Course No. 3.3) Plant tissue culture & Biotechnology (Course No. 3.4) Environmental Biotechnology & Management (Course No. 4.1)
Department of Botany and Berhampur University Duties: taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2011-2015 |
Course Name-Practical Paper Name (Practical Paper Code) M.Sc. Botany – Practical (Course No. 1.5) Practical (Course No. 2.5) Practical (Course No. 3.5)
Department of Botany and Berhampur University Duties:organized programming laboratory hours |
2011-2015 |
Invited lectures:
- ‘Biofertilizer’ at Dalmia College, Rajgangpur, Odisha on the occasion of inauguration of a unit of Microbiologist Society India (MSI) on 12th February 2021.
- ‘Useful Plant and Plant products’ in ‘Certificate courses under green skill development programme’ organized by Centre for Environmental Studies Forest and Environment Dept., Gov. of Odisha, 29 Oct. 2018
- ‘Grassland Ecosystem’ in “Certificate courses under green skill development programme” organized by Centre for Environmental Studies Forest and Environment Dept., Gov. of Odisha, 29 Nov.2018
- ‘Fruits and Vegetables’ in “Certificate courses under green skill development programme” organized by Centre for Environmental Studies Forest and Environment Dept., Gov. of Odisha, 06 Dec.2018
Journal Articles
- Kullu, B. and Behera, N. (2011). Vegetational succession on different age series sponge iron solid waste dumps with respect to top soil application. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 3(1): 38-45. ISSN: 2041-0492.
- Kullu, B. and Behera, N. (2012). Status and diversity of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza in different age series sponge iron solid waste dumps with respect to reclamation. The Bioscan 7(3): 539-542. ISSN: 0973-7049.
- Kullu, B. and Behera, N. (2015). Physico-chemical characterization of different age series sponge iron solid waste dumps with respect to reclamation. International Journal of Environmental Sciences 5(6): 881-889. ISSN 0976-4402.
- Kullu, B. and Behera, N. (2016). A Study of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM) Root Colonization in the Herbaceous Vegetation of Different Age Series Sponge Iron Solid Waste Dumps. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 5(10): 968-979. ISSN: 2319-7706
- Kullu, B. and Behera, N. (2016). Soil microbial enzyme activities in different age series sponge iron solid waste dumps with respect to reclamation. Plant Science Research, 38(1 & 2): 19-22. ISSN: 0972-8546.
- Panigrahy, D., Sahoo, M. and Kullu, B. (2019). Effect of AM Rhizophagus irregularis inoculation on growth and physiology of Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. grown under Zn stress. Plant Science Research, 41(1&2):12-19, ISSN: 0972-8546.
- Sethy, R. and Kullu, B. (2020). Comparative phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of Calotropis spp. of ethnomedicinal significance. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 11(7):3243-3251. . ISSN: 0975-8232.
- Kullu, , Patra, D. K., Acharya, S., Pradhan, C. and Patra H. K. (2020). The roles of AM fungi on morpho-physiological parameters and chromium bioaccumulation in Brachiaria mutica (Forssk.) Stapf grown in chromium contaminated soil – a mycorrhizal phytoremediation approach. Chemosphere 258, 127337. ISSN: 0045-6535.
- Pradhan, A., Subudhi, H.N. and Kullu, B. (2020). A preliminary floristic survey of Baisipalli Wildlife Sanctuary, Odisha, India. Flora and Fauna 26(2):231-242. ISSN: 2456-9364.
- Sahoo, M. and Kullu B. (2020) Optimization of in vitro root organ culture and co-culture of AM fungi Claroideoglomus claroideum. Plant Science Research, 42 (1&2) : 10-20, ISSN: 0972-8546.
- Sethy, R. and Kullu, B (2022) Micropropagation of ethnomedicinal plant Calotropis sp. and enhanced production of stigmasterol. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 149, 147–158
Book Chapters:
- Hansda, P. H. & Kullu, B (2019). Effects of Cadmium Induced Stress on Growth, Biochemical Parameters and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Root Association of Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek. In: Bioprospecting in Life Sciences (R.K. Behera & E. Kariali Eds), Narosa Publishing House, ISBN: 978-81-8487-651-2. Chapter-4 (pp.1-12)
- Prevalence antibiotic resistant Coli form bacteria in drinking water samples from slum areas of Bhubaneswar. B. Kullu (PI), Funding agency: Utkal University (Seed Grant), Duration: 2 years (2016-18), Amount Received: Rs. 1 Lakh (Completed)
- Axenic culture of Claroideoglomus claroideum and its application on micro-propagated Dr. B. Kullu (PI), Funding agency: DST, Govt. of Odisha, Duration: 3 years (2018-21), Amount Sanctioned : Rs. 9.16 Lakhs (Ongoing)
- Short term Research and Studies on Forest Fire Crisis occurring in the State, Dr. R. Garada (PI) & B.Kullu (Co-PI) Funding agency: Department of Forest, Govt. of Odisha, Amount Received: Rs.13.18 Lakhs (Ongoing)
- Paragati Nayak, Roll No. 3814, Berhampur University, Thesis Title: Mycorrhizal root colonization in pesticide treated soil. 2015
- Kalpana Naik, Roll No. 3514, Berhampur University, Thesis Title: Study of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) root association in some nursery saplings of Berhampur. 2016
- Rosalin Samal, Roll No. 715 Berhampur University, Thesis Title: Effect of pesticide treatment on mycorrhizal root association of some crop plants. 2016
- Arundhati Samal, Roll No. 415, Berhampur University, Thesis Title: A study of mycorrhizal root association of some crop plants in response to salt stress. 2016
- Lopamudra Mishra, Roll No. 815, Berhampur University, Thesis Title: Mycorrizal root association of some medicinal plants of Balugaon. 2016
- Monalisa Mallick, Roll No. 3714, Berhampur University, Thesis Title: Analysis of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) root association in some medicinal plants of Bhanja Bihar campus. 2017
- Poonam Hira Hansda, Roll No. 25816V16008, Utkal University, Thesis Title: Effects of induced cadmium stress on growth, biochemical parameters and mycorrhizal root association of Vigna radiate 2016
- Sarita Nalini Pradhan, Roll No. 25816V17007,Utkal University, Thesis Title: Effect of Glomus intraradices inoculation on morphological, physiological and biochemical parameters of Triticum aestivum under Zinc stress. 2017
- Deeptimayee Panigrahi, Roll No.25816V17003, Utkal University, Thesis Title: Effect of Glomus intraradices inoculation on morphological, physiological and biochemical parameters of Eleusine coracana under Zinc stress. 2017
- Mama Sahoo, Roll No. 25816V18008, Utkal University, Thesis Title: Prevalence of antibiotic resistant coliform bacteria in drinking water samples from slum areas of Bhubaneswar. 2018
- Ritishree Mallick, Roll No. 25816V18010, Utkal University, Thesis Title: Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) Glomus intraradices inoculation on growth and physiology of Eleusine coracana (L.) Var. Bhairabi under different concentration of Chromium (VI). 2018
- Subhasmita Panigrahi, Roll No. 15816V18010, Utkal University, Thesis Title: Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) Rhizophagus irregularis association on physiology of Vigna radiate grown under Manganese (Mn) stress. 2019
- Ashwariya Agarwal, Roll No. 15816V191001, Utkal University, Thesis Title: AMF symbiosis and drought tolerance in plants with special reference to Sesamum indicum: A critical review. 2021
Ph. D.
- Rasmita Sethy, No. 03 – BOTANY 2016-2017, Dt. 21/10/2016, Topic: Phytochemical characterization and biological activity study of in vitro cultured Calotropis sp. of ethnomedicinal importance. Fellowship – UGC-RGNF, Ph.D work in progress
- Anuradha Pradhan, Reg. No.04 – Botany 2017-2018, Dt. 26/02/2018, Topic: Eco-floristics studies of Baisipalli Wildlife Sancturay, Nayagargh district, Odisha. Ph.D work in progress
- Monalisa Mallick, Reg. No.01 – Botany 2019-20, Dt. 14/01/2020, Topic: Alteration in growth and physiology of Cicer arietinum with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under hexavalent chromium stress. Fellowship – UGC-RGNF, Ph. D work in progress
- Mama Sahoo, Reg. No.05 – Botany 2020-21, Dt. 31/03/2021 , Topic: Optimization of in vitro mass production of AM fungi Claroideglomus claroideum and their application in micropropagated plants. Fellowship – Project fellow in DST Govt. Odisha funded project, Ph. D work in progress
- Oral Presentation on “Changes in growth and physiology of Vigna radiate in association with arbuscular mycorrhiza under Manganese (Mn) stress” in National Conference on Recent Advances in Plant Sciences, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics- 2020” Organized by P.G. Department of Botany, Berhampur University from 17th to 18th February 2020.
- Poster presentation on “Physiology of Vigna radiate in association with AM Rhizophagus irregularis growing under Manganese (Mn) stress” in National Seminar on Green Technology for Environment Management & 44th Annual Conference of Orissa Botanical Society” Organized by Department of Botany, North Orissa University from 22nd to 23rd January 2020.
- Invited talk on “Effect of Rhizophagus irregularis inoculation on growth & biochemical parameters of Triticum aestivum under different concentration of Zinc” in National Conference on Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics: Innovatoon and Emerging Trends-2019” Organized by P.G. Department of Botany, Berhampur University from 22nd to 23rd February 2019.
- Oral Presentation on “Effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza Rhizophagus irregularisinoculation on growth and biochemical parameters of Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. under different concentrations of Zinc” in National Conference on Recent Advances in Biological Sciences, Organized by School of Life Sciences, Sambalpur University, Odisha from 3rd to 4th April 2019.
- Poster Presentation on “Isolation and characterization of antibiotic resistant coliform bacteria in drinking water samples collected from slum areas of Bhubaneswar in ”National Seminar on Plants for Sustainable Development and Clean Environment & 43rd Annual conference of Orissa Botanical Society Department of Botany, School of Applied Sciences, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Bhubaneswar from 23rd to 24th December, 2018.
- Oral Presentation on “Isolation and characterization of antibiotic resistant coliform bacteria in drinking water samples collected from slum areas of Bhubaneswar”. National Conference on Biotechnological Interventions for Environmental Stress Management in Plants and Microbes & 42nd Annual conference of Orissa Botanical Society, held at P.G. Department of Botany, Utkal University, 20th & 21st January, 2018.
- Presented a paper entitled “Effect of Glomus intraradices inoculation on morphological, physiological and biochemical parameters of Triticum aestivum” in National Seminar on “Stress Management in Plants” P.G. Department of Botany, Utkal University, 27th March 2017.
- Presented a paper entitled “Arbuscular Mycorrhiza root colonization in pesticide treated crop field” in International Conference “Recent Tends of Chemical & Biological Sciences in Medicine, natural Product and Drug Discovery” held at P.G. Dept. of Chemistry, Berhampur University, 3rd to 5th March 2017.
- Presented a paper entitled “Microbial Biomass: an indicator of reclamatory process in sponge iron soild waste dump” in Annual Conference of Orissa Botanical Society held at P.G. Department of Bioscience & Biotechnology and P.G. department of Environmental Science, held at F.M. University, Balasore, Odisha from 9-10 February 2016.
- Presented a paper entitled “Plant secondary metabolites in pharmacology: present scenario” in International conference on “Innovative application of Chemistry in Pharmacology & Technology”, held from 06-08 February, 2015 at P.G. Dept. of Chemistry, Berhampur University.
- Presented a paper entitled “Status and diversity of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza in different age series sponge iron solid waste dumps with respect to reclamation” in National conference on “Current Trends in Life Sciences Research and Challenges ahead” (NCCTLSRCA), held from 28th to 2nd March 2014 at School of Life Sciences Sambalpur University, Odisha and presented a paper entitled
- Presented a paper entitled “ Microbial population and soil microbial enzymatic activities in activities in different age series sponge iron solid waste dumps with respect to reclamation” in National seminar “ Biodiversity and Conservation (BIOCON)” held at School of Life Sciences Sambalpur University, Odisha from February 16-17, 2013.
- Presented a paper entitled “Soil microbiological enzyme activities in different age series sponge iron solid waste dumps” in National seminar “Ecotoxicology and Human Health” organized by Dept. of Zoology in collaboration with dept. of Botany, Berhampur University, Odisha held from January 08-09, 2012.
- Presented a paper entitled “A study of mycorrhizal association with the herbaceous vegetation of different age series sponge iron solid waste dumps with respect to reclamation” in International Conference on “Climate change, Forest resource and Environment” organized by Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Kerala, Thiruvanathapuram and held from 9-11 December, 2011.
- Presented a paper entitled “Reclamation sponge iron solid waste dump with top soil application” in International Conference on “Energy, Environment and Development” organized by Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Odisha and held from 10-12 December, 2010.
- Poster presented on: “Ethnomedicinal use of plants by Kandha tribes in orissa” in National seminar “UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Medicinal Plants: Status, Conservation and Exploration” held at School of Life Sciences, Sambalpur University on 27th March, 2010.
- Presented a paper entitled “A study of vegetational analysis on Sponge iron solid waste dump with respect to reclamation” in National seminar “Present Scenario of Environmental Pollution and its Effect on Living Organisms” held at Govt. college of Arts & Science, Aurangabad, from 9th to 11th 2009.
- Participated Orientation Programme from Dt. 05.03.2012 to 01.04.2012 (28 days) Organized by UGC-Academic Staff College, Sambalpur University.
- Participated Refresher Course in Life Science from Dt. 10.09.2014 to 30.09.2014 (21 days) Organized by UGC-Academic Staff College, Sambalpur University.
- Participated Winter School in the theme Research Methodology in Applied Sciences from Dt. 24.01.2018 to 13.02.2018 (21 days) Organized by UGC-HRDC, Utkal University.
- Participated Refresher Course in Bio Technology & Bio Science Dt. 25.01.2020 to 07.02.2020 (14 days) Organized by UGC-HRDC, Utkal University.
- Participated Faculty Development Programme from 2nd – 6th March, 2020 (one week) Organized by NIEPA, New Delhi.
Training Programmes / Workshops attended
- Participated in “STEM Teacher Training Workshop on Research Based Pedagogical Tools” held at Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur from 6th to 9th October 2017.
- Participated in Skill Development workshop on “Modern Biological Techniques in Genetics to Transgenics” Organized by P.G Department of Botany, Utkal University from 27th & 28th March, 2017
- Participated in UGC sponsored Skill Based workshop on “Current Advances in microscope to Molecules” Organized by P.G Department of Botany, Utkal University from 17th & 18th November, 2015
- Participated in DST sponsored training programme on “Forest, Ecosystem, Biodiversity and Climate Change: Vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies”, held at ICFRE, Dehradun from 9th to 13th 2013.
- Participated in short term course on “Solid waste management” held from 4th to 6th 2013, organized by UGC- Academic staff college, Sambalpur University.
- Attended the workshop on “Sensitization–cum-Awareness Programme for Technology Development and Utilization for Woman” organized by P.G. Dept. of Home Sciences, Sambalpur University in collaboration with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. India on 14th December, 2010 held at Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar.
- Participated in the National Level “SPSS Workshop on Data Analysis using PASW Statistics” organized by Sambalpur University in collaboration with AIMSCS, Hyderabad and SPSS South Asia, Bangalore from 17th – 19th September, 2009 at School of mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences, Sambalpur University, Odisha, INDIA.
- Participated in the 60th BRNS-IANCS workshop “Radioisotopes & its application” sponsored by BARC, Mumbai, 17th – 18thAugust 2006 and conduct by P.G. Department of Chemistry, Sambalpur University, Odisha, INDIA.
Conference/ Seminars Organized
- Associate Organizing Secretary, National Conference on Biotechnological Interventions for Environmental Stress Management in Plants and Microbes & 42nd Annual conference of Orissa Botanical Society
Administrative experience:
- Member, Working Committee, Odisha Research Conclave-2021
- Entrance examination and admission In-Charge, M.Sc. Applied Microbiology / Ph.D Microbiology, Utkal University (2019-2020,2020-21, 2021-22)
- Member, NIRF Data Compilation Committee, Utkal University (2018-2019)
- Assistant Superintendent, Ladies Hostel VII, UU from July 2017- continuing
- Treasurer, Old Students Association, Dept. of Botany, Utkal University Since 2017
- Member of DRC in the subject of Botany, Microbiology & Environmental Science, UU
- Seminar advisor, Parijatak Seminar, Dept. of Botany Utkal University
- Co-ordinator, Dept. Of Botany, Berhampur University (from Dec. 2014 to Oct. 2015).
- Assistant Superintendent of Ladies Hostel, Berhampur University (2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14)
- Associate Vice-president, Athletic Association, Berhampur University (2013-2015)
- Member, Complaint Committee on Sexual harassment of Women at work Place, Berhampur University (2013-2015)
- Member discipline Committee, P.G. Departments, Berhampur Univ. (2014-15)
- Member, Gender Audit Committee, NAAC Cell, Berhampur University (2015)
- Member, Infrastructure and Learning Resources Committee, NAAC Cell, Berhampur University (2015)
- Life Member, Orissa Botanical Society,
- Life Member, Alumni Association, School of Life Sciences, Sambalpur University
- Life Member, Microbiologist Society India (MSI)
- Member, Old Students Association, Dept. of Botany, Utkal University
- Member, Utkal University Teachers Association (UUTA)