Sl. No. | Result Title | Publish Date | View |
1 | PhD Analytical & Applied Economics Entrance Result | Short List Candidates | |
2 | M.Phil Analytical & Applied Economics Entrance Result | Short List Candidates | |
3 | List of Candidates Shortlisted for appearing in Ph.D. Computer Science Viva Voce test | Short List Candidates | |
4 | List of Candidates Shortlisted for appearing in Ph.D. Business Admission Viva Voce test | Short List Candidates | |
5 | M.Phil Viva voice Test of History Utkal University for the session 2021-22 | Short List Candidates | |
6 | Ph.D. viva voce candidate list of philosophy – 2021 | Short List Candidates | |
7 | phd viva of english | Short List Candidates | |
8 | M.Phil Viva of Political Science | Short List Candidates | |
9 | M.Phil Viva Voice Result of Department of History 2021-22 | Short List Candidates | |
10 | Selected Candidates for PhD in A&A Economics 2021 | Short List Candidates | |
11 | M.Phil A&A Economics Merit & Waiting 2021 | Short List Candidates | |
12 | Mphil, sociology provisionally selected candidates for Viva- Voce , 2021-2022 | Short List Candidates | |
13 | Ph.D. and M.Phil Viva Voce Examination PHYSICS. | Provisionally selected candidates for PHYSICS Ph.D and M.Phil viva voce ON 23rd AND 24th DEC. |
14 | Ph. D. viva voce of Anthropology | Short List Candidates |
15 | M. Phil viva voce of Dept. of Anthropology | Short List Candidates |
16 | Ph. D. and M.Phil viva-voce of Physics | Short List Candidates |
17 | The list of candidates for the VIVA-VOCE test for admission into M.Phill in Geology | Short List Candidates |
18 | The list of candidates for the VIVA-VOCE test for admission into Ph.D. in Geology | Short List Candidates |
19 | The list of candidates for the VIVA-VOCE test for admission into Ph.D. in zoology | Short List Candidates | |
20 | The list of candidates for the VIVA-VOCE test for admission into M Phil in zoology | Short List Candidates | |
21 | Ph.D. & M.Phil Viva Voce Examination | Short List Candidates | |
22 | VIVA-VOCE TEST OF Ph.D. in SOCIAL WORK, NISWASS, 2021 | Short List Candidates | |
23 | Viva-voce test of M.Phil Sociology 0n 23.12.21 | Short List Candidates | |
24 | Results for the Viva in Ph. D Microbiology | Short List Candidates | |
25 | Results for the Viva in Ph.D. Environmental Science | Short List Candidates | |
26 | Results for the Viva in Ph.D. in Botany | Short List Candidates | |
27 | Results for the Viva in M.Phil Botany | Short List Candidates | |
28 | M.Phil Viva Voice Result of Department of History UU 2021-22 | Short List Candidates | |
29 | Ph.D. admission notice 2021-computer science | Short List Candidates | |
30 | M.Phil Viva voice Test of History Utkal University for the session 2021-22 | Short List Candidates | |
31 | Ph.D. viva-voce candidate list of philosophy - 2021 | Short List Candidates | |
32 | viva voce examination PHYSICS | Short List Candidates | |
33 | Ph. D result 2021 - Environmental Science | Short List Candidates | |
34 | Fourth Select list for admission into B.Ed. (Science) | Short List Candidates | |
35 | viva voce examination | Short List Candidates | |
36 | Selected List of M.Phil Candidates (PSYCHOLOGY) for admission. | Selected List of M.Phil Candidates (PSYCHOLOGY) |