About Department
The Post Graduate Department of Political Science was established in 1958 in the Ravenshaw College, Cuttack and was shifted to its present campus in 1962. At present the Department of Political Science offers M.A, M. Phil, Ph.D and D.Litt. programmes. In 1996, the Department of Public Administration was carved out of the Department of Political Science. In the Department, M.A. in Women Studies, P.G. Diploma in Chinese Studies and Development Journalism and Electronic Communication were instituted and subsequently Women Studies and Development Journalism and Electronic Communication, have become independent departments after due recognition by the U.G.C. The Department has regularly updated its syllabus to meet the challenges of changing times. In the year 2000 semester system and in 2013 Choice Based Credit System was introduced. It is noteworthy to mention that the Department was inducted into the UGC- DRS (SAP -III) in the 2004-05 and successfully completed it in the year 2008-09. After a review of DRS-I, UGC approved the DRS-II from 2011-12 to 2015-16. This is the first and the only Political Science Department in the state to get inducted into UGC- DRS-II.Dr. K.V Rao was the first head of the Department and was succeeded by Prof. Shreeram Chandra Das in 1963. The Department in particular owes a deep sense of gratitude to late lamented Prof. Shreeram Chandra Dash, a legendary figure and doyen in the field of Political Science. The Department has instituted the Shreeram Chandra Dash Memorial Foundation, which conducts the Annual Memorial lecture programme in his honour since 1995. Besides, late Dr. Manindra Kumar Mohapatra, Professor of Political Science and Director, Center for Governmental Services, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, United States of America has instituted two endowments i.e. Urmila Foundation for American Studies and Urmila Foundation for Orissa Policy Studies in the Department. Under this two seminars are conducted annually both at International and National level on different themes since 2000.
To develop the Department into a Centre for Excellence in Political Studies and create and develop new frontiers of knowledge in the field of Political Science.
To develop collaborative research programmes with Government and other Research Institutions of International & National repute. Exploring new areas of studies like New Social Movements, Green Politics, Gender Studies, Terrorism, Conflict Resolution, and Social Capital. To open a Centre for Peace and Gandhian Studies. To establish a Centre for South Asian Studies in collaboration with other Universities of the country. To make Documentation and prepare a Data Base on the Functioning of the PRIs? covering all the districts of Odisha.