About Department
The Department of Library and Information science came into existence in the year 1981 on persistence demand of students as well as public at large. Initially, one year BLISc programme with 32 students on roll was started with part-time teachers. The Department had the credit of introduction of one year MLISc programme in the year 1983 with 16 students in its roll. On the recommendation of UGC sixth plan one Professor, one Reader and two Lecturers and subsequently anther one Reader and one Lecturer was sanctioned by the UGC. Since, the Department was not a regular Department up to 1984; it was kept under Officer in-Charge, Late D. Panda, Deputy Registrar of the University. When the Department became a regular Department, Professor S. N Rath of Department of Political Science was kept under charge till Dr. M. M. Mahapatra took over as its Reader and Head. He subsequently became the first Professor of the Department.
Now the teaching work load is shouldered by Prof. P. Jena, Dr K. C. Das and Dr. K. Singh along with other visiting Faculty. So, far the Department has the credit of awarding 35 Ph.D Degrees and one D.Litt. degree guided by different research guides of this Department as well as of other Universities. All the Faculty are actively engaged with teaching and research and have published number of articles in different International and National Journals. They have also contributed number of papers in different seminars, conferences as resource persons. The Department has also to its credit conducted number of seminars, workshops and UGC refresher courses. The department has produced many eminent alumni who are working throughout India on various capacities as University Teaching faculty, Information Scientist in different Institutions. The Department is also conducting every year seminar, conference and workshops. Besides, the department celebrates 12th August as Librarian’s Day and creates consciousness among all the LIS students and professionals regarding the importance of the Libraries and its use.
Provide training for building up leadership qualities among the LIS professionals.Develop knowledge on the latest technique of information storage and retrieval.Help to acquire necessary skills in handling of electronic equipments for access of electronic resources.Help LIS professionals to use the latest development in IT in the organization and management of various Libraries and Information centres.Promote Library and Information Science Education through Training and Research.
Realising the impact of Information Technology particularly, on Library and Information centres, every effort has been taken to design the curriculum keeping the following thrust areas in view. Provides Computer Application in Libraries ,Information Technology and Networking,Information Storage and Retrieval, Digital Library and its management ,Information Management on Electronic Information Sources, Hands on experience in Computer Operation and Communication Technology, Exposure to Library Software packages including On-line and CD-ROM databases,Information technology & Networks, Information Management,Electronic resources management,Quantitative Analysis,Content Analysis & management, Library Software packages,Library Automation,Virtual Library,Library 2.0,Web 2.0,Web Architecture, Scientometrics study,Webometrics study,Advances in Information Science,Bibliometric study,Citation Analysis, Information Literacy,Research Methodology & Statistical Techniques,Knowledge Management & Knowledge Engineering
Lecture Method with ICT application,Group discussion,Tutorial Method,Seminar,Practical Method using Computers and LCD Projectors,Assignment, Library Educational Visits and Tours for practical exposure and in-hand experience.