The proposed research activities of CoE-AMA are as follows:
Module-I: Carbon dioxide capture, Catalytic conversion and molecular level understanding by computational studies
Sequestration of atmospheric CO2 by chemical method.
Conversion of CO2 to valuable chemicals like methanol, formic acid, carbohydrates and other fuels.
Theoretical studies of probable mechanism, molecular dynamics.
Module-II: Nanomaterials for wastewaters treatment and sustainable energy
Development of nano-adsorbents (mesoporous oxide/phosphate, nanoporous silica, Polymer/Polymer nanocomposites etc.) with high capacity and selectivity for treatment of wastewaters.
Visible/Solar light driven hybrid materials for treatment of wastewaters and their suitability in hybrid treatment method.
Hybrid materials for design of catalyst modified anode and cathode towards water splitting study (HER and OER).
- Coordinator: Prof. N. Das,, P.G. Department of Chemistry
- Co-coordinator: Dr. B. Kisan, Department of Physics
- Module-I in Charge: Dr. S.K. Badamali and Dr. S. N. Pal
- Module-II in charge: Prof. N. Das and Dr. B. N. Patra
- All the faculty members of Department of Chemistry and some faculty of other departments are involved in the CoE.
- PDFs: (i) Dr. Rajesh Kumar Jena
(ii) Dr. Himadri Tanaya Das
- Professor (Dr.) G. D. Yadav, Vice Chancellor, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (Main Campus); Indian Oil Odisha Campus Bhubaneswar (Off campus 1) and Marathwada Campus Jalna (Off Campus 2).
- Dr. (Mrs). SadhanaRayalu,, Sr. Principal Scientist & Head, CSIR- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute.
The CoE has established collaborations with the following national level Institutions for working together in area of mutual interest.
- CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar
- CIPET, Bhubaneswar
- CSIR-Central Electro Chemical Research Institute, Madras Complex, Chennai
Progress of Research Work
- Polyaniline based polymeric adsorbents have been synthesized, characterization and used for remediation of organic dyes from contaminated water.
- Synthesis and characterization different poly-carboxylates based transition metal multifunctional metal organic framework (MOFs) and Metal organic gel (MOGs). The adsorption behaviour of a synthesized MGO towards different organic dyes has been studied.
- Synthesised of different heterobimetallic helical polymeric complexes of Mo–M(II) and characterised with special reference to structural diversity. Evaluation of their adsorption and photocatalytic properties are under progress.
- Bio-resource derived CaO and its composites with biomass derived chitin and magnetic iron oxides as adsorbents for removal organic dyes and heavy metals. In a wider application, these biomass-derived nanomaterials will be implemented in electrochemical applications.
- Synthesis of a highly electrochemical active nanomaterials such as Ni(OH)2/Co3O4 as efficient electrocatalyst for HER and OER applications. Characterization and application study are under progress.
- Developed some bi-metallic selenides for electrochemical energy storage applications. Characterization and electrochemical studies are in progress.
- Designed a few heterostructure 2D-layered materials for adsorption and photocatalytic applications water treatment and clean energy generations.
Due to lack of proper infrastructure, the CoE has mostly confined its activities under Module 2.
Research Article Published:
- Rajesh K. Jena, H. T. Das, B. N. Patra, and N. Das*. MXene based Nanomaterials used as Adsorbent for Waste Water Treatment: A Review on Recent Trends. Frontiers of Materials Science (Accepted).
- Rajesh K. Jena* and D. Das. Enantio- and Regioselective Asymmetric Allylic Substitution by a Chiral Aminophosphinite Ruthenium Complex: An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation. RSC Adv. 2021, 11, 39319-39327. DOI: 10.1039/d1ra06824e.
- S. Vinoth, K.H. Prasad, Himadri Tanaya Das, Kanimozhi Ganapathy, Satyanarayana Nallani, and Thandavarayan Maiyalagan. “Novel Dispersion of 1D Nanofiber Fillers for Fast Ion-Conducting Nanocomposite Polymer Blend Quasi-Solid Electrolytes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.” ACS Omega, 2022, 7, 2, 1658–1670.
- S.S. Shaheen+, Himadri Tanaya Das*, Hasi Rani Barai, and Md Aziz. “Boosting the Electrochemical Performance of Polyaniline by One-Step Electrochemical Deposition on Nickel Foam for High-Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitor.” Polymers 14, no. 2 2022: 270.
- S. Vinoth, Himadri Tanaya Das, M. Govindasamy, S-F Wang, Facile Solid-state Synthesis of Layered MoB-based Electrode for Efficient Electrochemical Aqueous Asymmetric Supercapacitor, J. Alloys Compd., 2021, 877, 160192-160205 2021.160192
- Himadri Tanaya Das, S. Vinoth, T Alshahrani, S. AlFaify, Tuning the optical, electrical and optoelectronic properties of CuO thin films fabricated by facile SILAR dip-coating technique for photosensing applications, J. Inorg. Organomet Polym Mater, 2021, 31, 2606-2614.
- K.K. Jaiswal, S. Dutta, I. Banerjee, Himadri Tanaya Das, Bhaskar Jha, Monu Verma, and Waseem Ahmad, Bio-fabrication of selenium nanoparticles/micro-rods using cabbage leaves extract for photocatalytic dye degradation under natural sunlight irradiation, Int. J. Environ Anal Chem., 2021,
- T. Elango Balaji, Himadri Tanaya Das, M. Thandavarayan, Recent trends in Bimetallic Oxides and their composites as electrodes materials for supercapacitors applications, ChemElectroChem, 2021, 8, 1723-1746. doi:10.1002/celc.202100098
- K. K. Jaiswal,S. Dutta, I. Banerjee, C.B. Pohrmen, R.K. Singh, Himadri Tanaya Das, S. Dubey, V. Kumar, Impact of aquatic microplastics and nanoplastics pollution on ecological systems and sustainable remediation strategies of biodegradation and photodegradation, Science of Total Enviornment, 2021, 806, 3, 151358.
Research and Review Article Communicated:
- Rajesh K. Jena* and Manish Bhattacharjee. Auto Resolution of a Cationic Ruthenium(II) compound and its Catalytic Activity Towards Allylation of Diketones by Cinnamyl Alcohol. (under review)
- Rajesh K. Jena, H. T. Das, B. N. Patra and N. Das*. Metal-Organic Gels (MOG) as the Recyclable Materials for Selective Dye Adsorption and Separation. (under preparation)
- Himadri Tanaya Das, T. Elango Balaji, Swapnamoy Dutta, Nigamananda Das, T. Maiyalagan. Recent Advances in MXene as Electrocatalysts for Sustainable Energy Generation: A review on Surface Engineering and Compositing of MXene. International Energy Research. (under minor revision)
- Himadri Tanaya Das, Swapnamoy Dutta, RosalinBeura, Nigamananda Das. PANI accomplishment for sustainable environment: Photocatalytic removal of dye and heavy metals. (communicated)
Book Chapters:
- Book Title: Waste-Recycling Technologies for Nanomaterials Manufacturing (Springer); HimadriTanaya Das*, T. E. Balaji, K.Mahendraprabhu, S.Vinoth,Chapter: Cost-Effective Nanomaterials Fabricated by Recycling the Spent Batteries, 2021, 147-174, ISBN: 978-3-030-68031-2, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-68031-2.
- Book Title: 2-D Advanced Functionalized Nanomaterials (Wiley); HimadriTanaya Das*, T. ElangoBalaji,H. P. Kamatam, Chapter- Graphene and its Analogous 2D-Layered Materials for Flexible Persistent Energy Storage Devices in Consumer Electronic, 2021, ISBN: 978-3-527-34677-6.
- Book Title: Nanobiotechnology for Green Environment (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis); C. Ram, B. Zaman, Rajesh K. Jena, A. Kumar, Chapter: Recent trends in solar photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants using TiO2nanomaterials, 2021, 165-194, ISBN: 978-0-367-46068-6.
Indian Patent:
- HimadriTanaya Das, K. Hari Prasad, “Graphitic carbon from waste paper by liquid exfoliation for Na-ion capacitor: Waste to Energy”, (Provisional application of March, 2021).
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized
- National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Materials Chemistry” (RAMC-2021), 8-9th March 2021.
- Conducted the value added course jointly with Department of Chemistry on “Modern Methods of Materials Characterization”, 13-23rd December 2021.
Invited talks/Participation in seminar/conferences
- Online National Seminar on “Recent Advances In Materials Chemistry” (RAMC-2021), 8-9th March 2021. Oral presentation
- International Online Conference on Energy Sciences (ICES 2021)10th-12th December 2021, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Organized by, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India & Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland.(Invited Speaker & Chairperson of one session)
- International virtual conference on Frontiers in Materials for Technological Applications (FIMTA 2021) organized by CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar on August 04-06, 2021.
- 35thAnnual conference of Orissa Chemical Society and National Seminar on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (FCS-2021)(oral presentation)
- Faculty development programme (FDP) organized by AICTE, ATAL, Indiaorganized by Institute of Aeronitical engineering Hydrebad, 17th to 21st May, 2021. (Invited Speaker for 2 session, Materials for Supercapacitors and Advanced Battery Technology)
- Faculty development programme (FDP) organized by Department of Chemistry,MepcoSchlenk Engineering College (Autonomous), Sivakasi, India, 20th to 24th September, 2021.(Invited Speaker for 1 session, Cost effective methods for generating Materials for Supercapacitors)
- Faculty development programme (FDP) organized by AICTE, ATAL, Manakulavinayak Engineering College, India, 20th to 24th September 2021.(Invited Speaker for 2 session,
- Recycling and reuse of Materials for Supercapacitors and Anode free technology for Batteries)
- Poster presentation in Utkal Research Scholars Conclave 2021, 22nd December 2021.
- HimadriTanaya Das, Rajesh Kumar Jena, Nigamananda Das, Centre of Excellence (CoE), Advanced Materials and Applications (CAMA), Best poster award in Research Scholars Conclave-2021
- The facilities developed in the Department of Chemistry under DST-FIST grant and other department as well as Central Instrumental facility will be utilized for experimental work.
- The facilities developed through individual projects of faculty of Department of Chemistry will be utilized as per requirement.
- A few research proposals in the core of the research of the CoE have been developed and will be submitted to different funding agencies.
Way forward/Future work:
- The activity of module-I could not be executed due to lack adequate infrastructure and will be started after the procurement of some equipment along with chemicals and consumables.
- Evaluation of adsorption potential and photocatalytic actvity of synthesised heterobimetallic helical polymeric complexes towards organic dyes.
- Assessment of electrochemical applications, like HER, OER catalysis, energy storage using the synthesised heterobimetallic helical polymeric complexes.
- Different nanomaterials (MOF derived mesoporous metal oxides and LDHs) and their carbon or conducting polymer-based composites will be synthesized and characterized for wastewater treatment.
- Development of ion-capacitors by fabricating electrode materials based on metal oxides and their composites with carbon.
- Natural polymer, as well as recycled nanomaterials from waste, will be generated for electrochemical analysis and nano-adsorbents to retain the sustainability of the environment.
- Interesting outcomes will be published in the form papers in highly reputed international journals as well as patent.