The Department has produced B. Pharm, M. Pharm & Ph.D. students. The students after successful completion of their course are well placed in Government as well as private sectors like Drugs Control Administration (Drugs Inspector), Drug Testing Laboratories (Scientific Officer/Drugs Analyst), NHM, OSMC, Hospitals (Pharmacist, Pharmacist-Quality Control, Health Worker, Procurement Manager- Drugs & Surgical, Vaccine & Cold Chain Manager, Logistic Manager, Consultants), Parma Industries & Bulk Drugs (Drugs Manufacturing Chemist, QA, QC, Regulatory Affairs, Patents &IPR), Pharmacovigilance, Research Organizations (R&D-Formulations, Analytical, Contract Research Organizations) and Educational Institutions. The AICTE (PG) Scholarship is being sanctioned to GPAT qualified students. Some of the students of UDPS are recipients of DST-Women Scientists, DST-Inspire Fellowship, JRF & SRF of ICMR & various research projects.