- Computer Labs: 02 (PG &M.Phil)
- Testing Lab: 01 (Around one hundred psychometric tests are available for assessing different aspects of human abilities and personality, such as Wechsler’s Tests, Raven’s Tests, Stanford-Binet scale, Luria-Nebraska scale, PASS, I6PF, TAT, CPI, EPQ, Rorschach Inkblot Test, to name a few)
- Psycho-Physical Lab: 01
- DARCEE(Demonstration and Research Centre for Early Education): also serves as an action- research oriented experimental laboratory-cum-demonstration center in early childhood development and education for the M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. students.
- University and Child Counselling Centre: MA and M.Phil. students (opting for Counselling as Specialisation) are helped to develop insight and skillsin counselling. Therefore, this centre also serves as a Lab for giving our students anexposure to Psycho-educational diagnoses as well as remediation programs recommended to the clients.