The P.G. Department of Mathematics was established in 1966 with only two faculty members, Viz., Dr. S. Pattanayak and Dr. B.P. Acharya. Prof. S.C. Dash, the then Professor and Head, Department of Statistics was appointed as the Head of the Department of Mathematics. The Mathematics education under the aegis of the Department has come a long way and boost of producing excellent teachers and researchers besides scores of successful people in other allied professions. To make the mathematics education in Odisha more broad based and participatory, the department took a leading role in founding the ORISSA MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY in 1972 and continues till date as the Head Quarters of the society. Its PG centre has successfully provided a leadership and exhibited farsightedness in modifying the syllabi in commensurate with the requirement of time and subject. It has remained as an active centre for quite some time in holding the mathematics fraternity together under the banner of Orissa Mathematical Society. It has engaged itself in modernizing the school mathematics curriculum and writing books in vernacular language to remove the conceptual gaps found in earlier books and with emphasis on lucidity.
The School of Mathematics-Statistics-Computer Science comprising of the P.G. Department of Mathematics, Department of Statistics and the Department of Computer Science and Applications was established in 1999 for intra collaboration in teaching/research activities. The following self financingprogrammes are successfully running under the school of since its inception.
M.Tech. (Computer Science)-2 yrs.
M.Sc (Computer Science)-2 Yrs.
5 Yr. Integrated MCA
To improve the quality of research so as to make this Department a Centre for Advanced Studies in Mathematics.To work closely, not only with colleagues from other disciplines within the University, but also with colleagues from the Schools/Colleges who share the responsibility of ensuring the flow of mathematically literate and confident generation of new students.Placement of the students.
To pursue teaching, research & service in the areas of Mathematics and provide an environment, where the students can learn and become competent users of Mathematics & Mathematical tools.To contribute to the development of students as mathematical thinkers, enabling them to become lifelong learners, to continue to grow in their chosen professions, and to function as productive citizens.
on Number Theory , Cryptography and Fractional Calculus
An Academic Training Programme on CBCS Syllabus sponsored by WB-OHEPEE-SAC for faculties of different +3 colleges of Odisha has been organized during in the Department of Mathematics, Utkal University.