Power and Duties
In addition to the powers conferred by the Act, the Registrar shall exercise and perform the following powers and duties, namely :-
(a) To be the custodian of the records the common seal and such other property of the University as the Syndicate and the vice-Chancellor shall commit to his charge;
(b) To conduct the official correspondence of the Syndicate the Senate and the Academic Council;
(c) To issue all notice convening the meetings of the Senate the Syndicate, the Academic Council and Committees, if any appointed by them;
(d) To appoint Class IV employees of the University on the recommendation of a Selection Committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor for the purpose; and

(e) To exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may fromtime to time, be coffered and imposed on him by the Senate, the Syndicate, the Academic Council and the Vice-Chancellor.
- The registrar may with the approval of the Syndicate delegate such of his powers and duties, as may be necessary from time to time, to other officers subordinate to him.
- The Registrar shall be appointed by the Chancellor either on tenure or permanent basis on the recommendation of a Committee consisting of the Vice Chancellor, the Director and one member to be selected by the Syndicate from among themselves excluding the Vice-Chancellor and Director.
Unless appointed on tenure basis, the appointment of the Registrar shall in the first instant, be on probation for a period of two years. On satisfactory completion of the said period the officer shall be confirmed by the Chancellor in his appointment on the recommendation made by Vice Chancellor to the effect. The Vice-Chancellor shall on completion of the said probation period
submit a report regarding his performance to the Chancellor for consideration: Provided that if the Chancellor on consideration of the report receive from the Vice-Chancellor, does not feel satisfied with his performance, he may extend the period of probation by one year more or terminate his appointment and if at the end of extended probation period, his work is found unsatisfactory, the Chancellor may terminate his appointment.
(3) Not withstanding anything contained in sub-statutes (1) and (2), in the event of a temporary vacancy caused in the office of the Registrar, the Vice Chancellor shall with the prior approval of the Chancellor, make such arrangements to fill the temporary vacancy as may be necessary for performing the duties on such terms and conditions to be approved by the Chancellor.[ 9 ]
The Comptroller of Finance shall Act as the Secretary to the Finance Committee of the University constituted under theses Statutes and in addition to the powers conferred on him by the Act, he shall exercise the power and perform the duties specified below, namely :-
(a) receive all contributions, grants, gifts and endowments made in favour of, or for the purpose of the University;
(b) Collect income and fees received by the University and account for students loan and scholarship funds and make payment;
(c) Be responsible for day to day financial transactions of the University and for proper accounting thereof and of incidental matters including correspondence relating thereto;
(d) Establish and administer such petty cash funds as are needed;
(e) Shall be the treasure of all funds contributed for students organizations, if any of the University;
(f) Scrutinize all bills except those specified in clause (h) and if they are in order and within the budgetary provisions of the university and are not in violation of the rules of the University, make prompt payment;
(g) Prepare utilization certificate for funds, received from the Government, University Grants Commission and other funding agencies and cause them to be sent in time to the appropriate authority through the Registrar;
(h) Prepare pay and allowance bills of the officers, teachers and other employees of the University and draw and disburse the amounts thereof;
(i) Maintain accounts of the University in pursuance of the provision of the Odisha University Accounts Manual, 1987;
(j) Develop and operate an internal audit system so that the records of all officers of the University and employees responsible for the custody of the property and funds may be verified by the audit;
(k) Place statement of accounts at such intervals as may be decided by the Syndicate and report the financial position of the University to Finance Committee and Vice-Chancellor from time to time;
(l) Render such assistance to the Registrar as may be necessary in regard to the management of the properties and investments of the funds of the University and the scrutiny of the contracts to be signed by the Registrar;
(m) Bring any serious irregularity in financial transactions of the University to the notice of the Syndicate through the Vice-Chancellor and the Finance Committee; and
(n) Exercise such other power and perform such other functions as may from time to time be conferred and imposed on him by the Syndicate and the Vice-Chancellor.
SL.NO | Name and Address | Phone No. | Email ID |
1 | Prof. Sabita Acharya, Vice Chancellor, Utkal University, Chair Person | 9437015893 | vc@utkaluniversity.ac.in |
2 | Ms. Nibedita Mishra, Director, Higher Education Department | 9437150257 | dheodisha@gmail.com |
3 | Prof. Durga Shankar Pattanaik, Chairman, Post-Graduate Council, U.U. | 9437484999 | chairman@utkal-university.org |
4 | Prof. Nigamananda Das, Director, College Development Council, U.U. | 9437320201 | directorcdcul@gmail.com |
5 | Prof. Mitali Chinara, Director, Students’ Welfare, U.U. | 9437111456 | dswutkaluniversity@gmail.com |
6 | Prof. Navaneeta Rath, Director, Human Resources Development Centre, U.U. | 9437211588 | asc.utkal@gmail.com |
7 | Dr. Sabita Harichandan, Regional Director of Education, Higher Education Department, Bhubaneswar | 9438129893 | rdebbsr@rediffmail.com |
8 | Prof. Prabodha Kumar Hota, Head, Department of Commerce, Utkal University | 9437134777 | prabodhahota@gmail.com |
9 | Vacant | ||
10 | Vacant | ||
11 | Dr. Sasmita Sarangi, Principal, Rajdhani College, Baramunda, Near Fire Station, Bhubaneswar-751003 | 9337755762 | rajdhanicollegerj@yahoo.co.in |
12 | Sri Fakir Mohan Mallick, Principal, N.C. (Auto.) College, At/Po.- Jajpur Town, Dist- Jajpur-755001 | 6372514178 | ncautonomouscollege@yahoo.com |
13 | Vacant | ||
14 | Vacant | ||
15 | Vacant | ||
16 | Sri Suresh Kumar Pradhan, Principal, Nayagarh (Auto.) College, Nayagarh | 9437134323 | ngrautcol@yahoo.com |
17 | Vacant | ||
18 | Vacant | ||
19 | Dr. Bijaya Kumar Satpathy, Plot. No. 803, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar-751013 | 9437575805 | bksatpathy15@gmail.com |
20 | Prof. Jayanti Dora, P.G. Department of History, Utkal University | 9861064942 | jayantidora69@gmail.com |
21 | Prof. Samson Moharana, Plot No. GA-127, Niladri Vihar, PO. Sailashree Vihar, Bhubaneswar-21 | 9861086824 | samson.moharana@bgu.ac.in |
22 | Prof. Jayanta Kumar Mohapatra, Old Christian Street, Giri Road, Berhampur-760005 | 9937040567 | jkmbu567@gmail.com |
23 | Prof. (Dr.) Sonamali Bag, Flat No. A/103, Vipulgreens, Infront of AIIMS, Sijua, Patrapada, Bhubaneswar | 9439326340 | sonamalibag04@gmail.com |
24 | Vacant | ||
25 | Dr. Avaya Kumar Nayak, OAS (SS), Registrar, Utkal University. (Secretary) | 9437030100 | nayakavaya@yahoo.co.in |
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