Utkal University | April, 2013 – August, 2018 | Ph.D. in MicrobiologyDepartment: Botany Thesis Title: Molecular identification of cadmium induced antifungal protein against Pyricularia oryzae cav. in Rice plant.Areas: Host-Parasite interaction/ Plant PathologyAdvisor: Dr. Chinmay Pradhan & Prof. A. B. Das |
Utkal University | August, 2009 – August, 2011 | M.Sc. Degree in Applied MicrobiologyDepartment: Botany Thesis Title: Molecular identification of cadmium induced antifungal protein against Fusarium oxysporum in Maize plant.Areas: Host-Parasite interactionAdvisor: Prof. A. B. Das |
Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT) | May, 2006 – July, 2009 | Bachelor of ScienceDepartment: Science (Zoology)Hons: Zoology |
CSIR- UGC ICAR-NET | December,2015 April 2014, September 2015 |
CSIR/UGC-JRF Subject: Life ScienceARS/ICAR- NET Subject: Agricultural Microbiology |
Utkal University | May 2017–present | Assistant Professor |
M.Sc. Applied Microbiology (Paper Code: AM-101, 102, 103, 104, 201, 203, 204, 302, 303,304)
Department of Botany, Utkal University Duties: Taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2017 to till date |
M.Sc. Applied Microbiology (Paper Code: AM-105, AM-205 &AM-305)
Department of Botany, Utkal University Duties: organized programming laboratory hours, execution of experiment |
2017 to till date |
PhD thesis
Pallavi Jali, “Molecular identification of cadmium induced antifungal protein against Pyricularia oryzae cav. in rice plant”. Departmental Research Committee: Prof. A. B. Das (SRC chairperson/ Co-Guide), Dr. C. Pradhan (Guide), Prof. R.C. Mohanty, Prof. H. K. Patra, Prof. S.L. Sahoo, Dr. K. B. Satapathy, as Members, SRC-Microbiology, Department of Botany, Utkal University, 2018.
Book Articles (Autored/Edited)
[1]A. Panda, P. Jali, G. Mahalik (2020),” Effects of allelochemicals released by Japtropha gossypiifolia L. on morphology of Cicer aeretinum L.” Advances in Agronomy, AkiNik Publications, 13, ISSN: 9789390541829.
[2] P. Jali, G. Mahalik (2021), “Antimicrobial efficacy of nano-particles for crop protection and sustainable agriculture”, Nanotechnology- based Interventions for sustainable Agriculture, Bentham Science.
Journal Articles
[3] Jali, P., Samal, I. P., Jena, S., & Mahalik, G. (2021). Morphological and biochemical responses of Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc. to allelopathic effects of Mikania micrantha Kunth extracts. Heliyon, Elseviar, ISSN: 2405-8440.
[4] S. Tripathy, P. Jali, C. Parida, C. Pradhan (2020),“ Study on biodegradability and thermal behaviour of composites using poly lactic acid and gamma-irradiated fibres of Luffa cylindrical” ,Chemosphere, Elseviar, ISSN: 0045-6535.
[5] A. Dey, P. Jali, A. K. Behera, A.B. Das, C. Pradhan (2020),“A study on efficient microbial biodegradation of cellulose based jute composite”, Polymer Composites, Wiley, ISSN: 1548-0569.
[6] P. Tripathy, P. Jali, G. Mahalik (2020),”Overview of isolation and identification of different bacterial and fungal species from municipal solid waste” Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS), TSRO, 10, ISSN: 0976-0997.
[7] G. Mahalik, P. Jali, S. Sahoo, K.B. Satapathy (2020), “Ethnomedicinal, Phytochemical and Pharmacological properties of Mangifera indica L.: A Review”, International Journal of Botany Studies (IJBS), Gupta Publications, 5, ISSN: 2455-541X.
[8] P. Jali, S. Acharya, G. Mahalik, A.B. Das, C. Pradhan (2019),“Low dose cadmium (II) induced antifungal activity against blast disease in rice”, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, Elseviar, 108, ISSN : 0885-5765.
[9] G. Mahalik, P. Jali, S. Sahoo, K.B. Satapathy(2019),“Review on Ethnomedicinal, Pharmacological and Phytochemical Constituents of Abutilon Indicum (L.) Sweet”, Journal of The Gujarat Research Society, 21, ISSN: 0374-8588.
[10] P. Jali, A.B. Das, C. Pradhan (2016),“Cadmium modulated defense of rice plant against fungal blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) as evident by morphological and physiological changes”, Plant Science Research, ISSN 0972-8546.
[11] P. Jali, A.B. Das, C. Pradhan (2016),“Effects of Cadmium Toxicity in Plants: A Review Article”, Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences (SAJB), SAS Publications, 4, ISSN : 2321-6883.
[12] P. Jali, A.B. Das, C. Pradhan (2015),“Physiological and Biochemical Changes to Low Doses of Cadmium in Two Varieties of Oryza sativa L. of Odisha, India”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 4, ISSN : 2319-7064.
[13] P. Jali, A.B. Das, C. Pradhan (2014),“A Comparative Analysis of Physiological and Biochemical Responses to Low Doses of Cadmium in Two Important Varieties of Oryza sativa L. of Odisha, India”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 3, ISSN : 2319-7064.
ArXiv Preprints: NIL
Refereed Conference Publications: NIL
Refereed Workshop Publications: NIL
Selected Unrefereed Reports: NIL
[1] Namrata Parhi (2019). Evaluation of antimicrobial properties of some selected plants used against Urinary Tract Infection. A dissertation thesis submitted for partial fulfilment of the Master of Science in Applied Microbiology, Utkal University.
[2] Goodmilan Nath (2019). Biochemical aspects of cadmium toxicity and its possible role as antifungal agent against Fusarium oxysporumin Vigna radiata L. A dissertation thesis submitted for partial fulfilment of the Master of Science in Applied Microbiology, Utkal University.
[3] Ipsita Priyadarsini Samal (2019). Allelopathic effect of aqueous extract of Mikania micrantha Kunth on seed germination and seedling growth of Macrotyloma uniflorum Lam. A dissertation thesis submitted for partial fulfillment of the Master of Science in Botany, Centurion University.
[4] Samikshya Bastia (2020). Studies on cadmium induced antifungal activity against Fusarium oxysporum in Zea mays. A dissertation thesis submitted for partial fulfilment of the Master of Science in Applied Microbiology, Utkal University.
[5] Diptimayee Nayak (2020). Studies on cadmium induced antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger in Zea mays. A dissertation thesis submitted for partial fulfilment of the Master of Science in Biotechnology, Trident Academy of Creative Technology (TACT).
- Participated in Young Scientist Comptetion in the 44th Annual conference of Orissa Botanical Society on Green Technology for Environment Management at North Orissa University, Baripada, 22nd – 23rd January 2020.
- Presented poster at Utkal University Research Scholar’s Conclave “Low dose of cadmium induces resistance against leaf blast disease of rice caused by Pyricularia oryzae”, Utkal University, 30 April, 2016.
- Presented poster at 40th Annual conference of Orissa Botanical Society,’’Effect of different doses of cadmium on Oryza sativa ”Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, 9-10 Feb 2016.
- Presented poster at 103rd Indian Science Congress “Physiological and Biochemical characterization of cadmium toxicity in Oryza sativa L. of Odisha, India”, University of Mysore, Mysuru, 3-7 Jan 2016.
- Presented poster at 102nd Indian Science Congress “Biochemical characterization of cadmium induced antifungal activity against F. oxysporum in Zea mays”, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, 3-7 Jan 2015
- First Rank Holder, M.Sc Applied Microbiology, Utkal University, 2011.
- JRF under DST-INSPIRE scheme 2013-2017
- ICAR-NET/ LS in Agricultural Microbiology in April, 2014 and September, 2015
- CSIR/UGC JRF in Life Science December, 2015
- Life Member of Odisha Botanical Society, Odisha, India.
Journal Reviewing: List of Journals.
Reviewer: Research Journal of Pharmacy and technology(2020).Scopus
Refresher Courses/ Training Programmes/Workshops attended:
1. Participated in UGC Sponsored skill based workshop on Current Advances in microscope to molecules, P.G Department of Botany, Utkal University, November 17-18, 2016.
2. Participated in UGC Sponsored skill based workshop on Current Advances in microscope to molecules, P.G Department of Botany, Utkal University, November 17-18, 2015.
3. Participated in Advanced techniques in Life sciences (ATILS), organized by Department of Life Science, NIT, Rourkela, March 07-08, 2013.
4. Participated in ENOVEO KIIT.
42nd Orissa Botanical Society held at P.G. Department of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 21 – 22 January 2018.
1. Participated in the national seminar on “Plants for Sustainable development and clean Environment” at Centurion University, Bhubaneswar, 23rd- 24thdecember 2018.
2. Participated in the 43rd Annual conference of Orissa Botanical Society on at Centurion University, Bhubaneswar, 23rd- 24thdecember 2018.
3. Participated in the national seminar on “Stress management in Plants” at P.G. Department of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 17th March 2017.
4. Participated in 104th annual conference of Indian Science Congress, 3-7 Jan, 2017,S.V. University, Tirupati.
5. Attended a national seminar on Herbal therapy at Shailabala Women’s College, 13 Dec, 2016, Cuttack.
6. Participated in 18th national seminar of Odisha Bigyan ‘O’ Paribesh Congress, 3-4 Dec, 2016, OUAT, Bhubaneswar.
7. Participated in the national seminar on “Role of plants in mitigation of environmental stress” at P. G. Department of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar sponsored by UGC, New Delhi under SAP (DRS-III) Programme on 31st March, 2016.
8. Presented poster at 40th Annual conference of Orissa Botanical SocietyFakir Mohan University, Balasore, 9-10 Feb 2016.
9. Participated in 103rd annual conference of Indian Science Congress, 3-7 Jan, 2016, University of Mysore, Mysuru.
10. Attended 39th annual conference of Orissa Botanical Society, 22-23 Feb, 2015, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar.
11. Participated in 102nd annual conference of Indian Science Congress, 3-7 Jan, 2015, University of Mumbai, Mumbai.
12. Attended 101st annual conference of Indian Science Congress, 3-7 Feb, 2014, University of Jammu, Jammu.
13. Attended UGC (DRS-SAP II) sponsored national seminar on “Biotechnology and Stress Management” at Department of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar in 16th March, 2011.