Name: Dr. Jyotsnarani Pradhan
Designation: Assistant Professor Stage II
Qualification: Ph.D.
Phone No.:
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6490-9729
E-mail ID: jyotsna.biotech@utkaluniversity.ac.in
DownloadRedox Biology
Utkal University | 2007 – 2012 | Ph.D. Department: Biotechnology Thesis Title: “Screening, isolation and characterization of antioxidant compounds from seaweeds of Chilika Lake” Areas: Environmental Biotechnology Advisor: Prof. S.P. Adhikary and Dr. Luna Samanta |
Utkal University | 2003 – 2005 | M.Sc.in Biotechnology Department: Biotechnology |
Sambalpur University | 1999 – 2002 | Bachelor of Science Department: Zoology Hons:Zoology |
Utkal University | February. 2019–present | Assistant Professor (Stage-II) |
Utkal University | February. 2015- February. 2019 | Assistant Professor (Stage-I) |
Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar Designation: DBT-Research Associates Topics: ‘Development of scaffold based 3D glioblastoma tumor model for in vitro assessment of anticancer drugs loaded in nanoparticles for better therapeutic efficacy’ |
2011-2013 |
Tectona Biotech, Bhubaneswar Designation: BCIL Trainee Topics: “Plant tissue culture: Application and practice of in vitro response to hybrid plantlets multiple auxiliary shoot proliferation of banana Musa paradisiaca” |
Dec, 2006-June, 2007 |
M.Sc. Biotechnology-Biochemistry(Paper code-101), , Cell Biology(Paper Code-102), Molecular Biology (Paper Code-203), Animal Biotechnology (Paper-204), Genetic Engineering (Paper-301) Department of Biotechnology, Utkal University Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams | 2015-Continuing |
M.Phil. And Ph.D. Biotechnology-Tools and Techniques in Biotechnology Department of Biotechnology, Utkal University Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams | 2017-continuing |
M.Sc. Biotechnology-Practical Based on Theory Papers Department of Biotechnology, Utkal University Duties:organized programming laboratory hours | 2015-Continuing |
M.Phil.-Practical Based on Theory Papers Department of Biotechnology, Utkal University Duties:organized programming laboratory hours | 2017-continuing |
Book Articles (Authored)
- Bristy Ganguli, Manisha Hota & Jyotsnarani Pradhan “Reactive Oxygen Species” “Skin Aging: Implications of UV Radiation, Reactive Oxygen Species and Natural Antioxidants” 2021, IntechOpen London, SW7 2QJ, UK.
Journal Articles
- Covid 19 Cases and Co-Morbidities: Complementary and Alternative Medicinal Systems (CAM) For Integrated Management of the Pandemic. Jema JP, Pradhan J, Chainy GBN, Hati AK, Nayak D, Kausik, S, Dandapat J. Journal of Herbal Medicine. 23 August 2023, 100745. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hermed.2023.100745. (IF: 2.542)
- Epigenetic signature in neural plasticity: The journey so far and journey ahead. Nayak M, Das D, Pradhan J, Ahmed RG, Laureano-Melo R, Dandapat J. Heliyon. 2022 Dec 19: e12292. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e12292 (IF: 4.00)
- Epigenomic interplay in tumor heterogeneity: Potential of epidrugs as adjunct therapy. Rath S, Chakraborty D, Pradhan J, Khan MI, Dandapat J. Cytokine. 2022 Sep 1; 157:155967. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cyto.2022.155967 (IF: 3.926)
- The benzene metabolite p-benzoquinone inhibits the catalytic activity of bovine liver catalase: A biophysical study. 2021, Jena, AB, Samal RR, Kumari K, Pradhan J, Chainy GBN, Subudhi U, Pal S, Dandapat J. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules167, 871-880.(IF-6.95)
- A human epidermal growth factor-curcumin bandage bioconjugate loaded with mesenchymal stem cell for in vivo diabetic wound healing. 2020, Mohanty. C, Pradhan J., Materials Science and Engineering: C 111, 110751.(IF-7.32)
- Protective efficacy of crocetin and its nanoformulation against cyclosporine A-mediated toxicity in human embryonic kidney cells. 2019, Pradhan J, Mohanty C, Sahoo SK, Life Sciences216; 39–48.(IF-5.03)
- Curcumin restores hepatic epigenetic changes in propylthiouracil(PTU) induced hypothyroid male rats: A study on DNMTs, MBDs, GADD45a, C/EBP-β and PCNA. 2019, Bunker S.K., Dutta A, Pradhan J, Dandapat J, G.B.N. Chainy, Food and Chemical Toxicology 123;169–180.(IF-6.023)
- Host plant-derived allelochemicals and metal components are associated with oxidative predominance and antioxidant plasticity in the larval tissues of silkworm, Antheraeamylitta: Further evidence of joint effects hypothesis. 2018, Sahu S, Dutta A, Ray DK, Pradhan J, Dandapat J. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 223; 39–49.(IF-2.231)
- Antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties of macroalgaChaetomorphalinum against experimentally induced oxidative stress, 2016, Rautray P, Pradhan J, Samanta L, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research7, 7, 12688-12691.
Refereed Conference Publications
- Participated and presented paper on” Spectroscopic and Biophysical Interaction Studies of novel Ir(F2ppy)2 N hydroxypiconilamide complex with calf thymus DNA for its potential Application in cancer research” at 36th Annual Conference of Orissa Chemical Society and National conference on Advances in Materials Chemistry and Applications(OCS-AMCA-2022) organized by Department of Chemistry, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar during December 18-19, 2022.
- Participated and presented paper on “Assessment of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and photoprotective activities of hydroalcoholic extract of Gracilaria verrucosa” at Odisha Research Scholar Conclave 2022, (ORC 2022) jointly organised by OSHEC and Ravenshaw University Cuttack during 14-16 November 2022.
- Participated and presented paper on “Phytochemical analysis and evaluation of antioxidant and photoprotective activities of Gracilaria verrucosa extract against UV-induced oxidative damage in fibroblast cells” at Odisha Research Scholar Conclave 2021, (ORC 2021) jointly organised by OSHEC and Utkal University Bhubaneswar during 13-15 November 2021.
- Paper presented on “Enhanced antioxidant activity of Crocetin loaded nanoparticles: A nanomedicinal approach for cancer therapy” at fourth International Symposium on translational cancer research: Recent developments in cancer prevention, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, December 16th-19th, 2011.
- Paper presented on “Optimization of Hydrogen Peroxide Determination in Biological samples Using Ammonium ferrous sulfate and Xylenol orange Reagent” at 85th Annual Session of National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI) & Symposium on Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem for National Development, KIIT,Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 6th – 8th December 2015.
- Paper presented on “A sensitive microplate based method for the determination of Hydrogen peroxide in biological samples by mFOX reagent” at National Seminar on Recent Trends in Microbiology and Biotechnology organized by Department of Biotechnology, MITS School of Biotechnology and Society of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Bhubaneswar, Odisha. 16th and 17th March, 2018.
- Paper Presented on“A sensitive microplate based method for the estimation of hydrogen peroxide in biological sample by mFOX Reagent” at National seminar on future India: Science & Technology jointly organized by Indian Science Congress Association(ISCA) Bhubaneswar Chapter and KIIT Deemed to be University and KISS deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar on 1st-2nd February, 2019.
- Participated in national Seminar cum Workshop on“Proteomics in Public Health”, sponsored by World Bank-Odisha Higher Education Program for Excellence and Equity, organized by P.G. Department of Biotechnology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. 15th and 16th March, 2019.
- Paper Presented on ‘Antioxidative and UV protective potential of red algaGracilaria verrucosa from Chilika lake’ at National Conference On Recent Advances in Energy, Environment and Health Sciences (RAEEHS-2019) organized by Department of Chemistry, ITER, Siksha‘O’Anusandhan, Deemed to be university, Bhubaneswar, Odisha on October 18-19, 2019.
- Presented paper entitled “Antioxidant and Photoprotective Properties of Mycosporine Like Amino Acids from Red Alga, Gracilariaverrucosa of Chilika Lake” at 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research India (SFRR-INDIA-2020) &International Conference on “Role and Management of Oxidative Stress in Human Disease” organized by Society For Free Radical Research-India &Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai on February 12-15, 2020.
- Participated and paper submitted “Attenuation of UVB-induced oxidative damages in 3T3 fibroblast cells by ethanolic extract of red alga Gracilariaverrucosa” in the International Virtual Conference, Emerging Frontiers in Healthcare and Delivery (EFHD-2020), held on September 12-14, 2020, organized by Department of Biology, School of Applied Science atKalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
- Participated and paper submitted “Antioxidant and photoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Gracilariaverrucosaagainst UVB-induced oxidative damages in 3T3 fibroblast cells” in the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology (ICETB) organized by School of Bio Sciences and Technology, Vellore Institute of Technology along with Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy, from December 14-16, 2020.
Workshops Attended
- Participated in Two-day workshop on Recombinant Protein purification and protein Crystallography 20-21 October, 2022, organized by Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar
- Participated in3 week online hands-on workshop on Course 1: Target Development, Course 2: Drug Development, Course 3: Drug Screening organized jointly by Crescent Innovation &Incubation Council (CIIC), Chennai & Hains Biosolutions, Chennai Dt. 20-22 May, 2021, 27-29, May, 2021 & 3-5 June, 2021.
- Participated in Department of Science and Technology sponsored 2- week workshop on “Basic and Advanced Proteomics Approaches” organized by IIT Bombay from 15 ‐26 February 2021.
- Participated in virtual workshopof“Sars-CoV-2 Diagnosis By Real-time PCR” Organised jointly byImmugenix Biosciences (IGB), Chennai & Crescent Innovation & Incubation Council (CIIC), Chennai on 30th May 2020.
- Participated in virtual hands-on workshop on Primer and Probe Designingheld on 27th-May 2020 at ImmuGenix Biosciences Pvt Ltd, Chennai.
- Participated in the Live Workshop entitled “Foldscope Microscope – Sample Preparation and Digital Documentation” on 25.08.2020, organized by Centre for Molecular and Nano medical Sciences, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- Participated in hands-on training workshop on “Basic Cell Culture Technology” from October 22nd – 25th, 2019, at National Center for Cell Science (NCCS), Pune. India.
- Participated in DBT sponsored workshop on “Cloning and identification of abiotic stress-induced gene” held at Institute of Life science, Bhubaneswar from 11th -15th March 2008.
- Participated in seminar-cum-workshop on “Freshwater algae and their utilization” at the P.G. Department of Biotechnology, Utkal University on 18th& 19th May 2007.
- Ph.D. : 01
Poonam Das, Ph.D. Student (Utkal University)-Topic: Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Microbial Chitin Deacetylase in Improved Production of Chitosan with Bio Adsorption Efficiency, (Continuing)
Project Fellow:02
Deepak Pradhan, Project fellow, Project title: Signature of redox regulatory proteins, transcription factors and Biological clock genes in hypothyroid rat: impact of time-restricted feeding (TRF) and curcumin
Asmita Priyadarshini, Project Fellow, Project title: Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory potential of red alga Gracilaria verrucosa
M.Sc. Project/Dissertation: 24
Summer Training: 05
Manisha Hota, Project Fellow (Utkal University)- Topic: Isolation, characterization and screening of bioactive compounds with UV protective and antioxidant potential from Gracilaria verrucosa of Chilika lake, (2020-2022)
Manisha Hota, M.Phil. (Utkal University)- Topic:Isolation, characterization and screening of bioactive compounds with UV protective and antioxidant potential from Gracilaria verrucosa of Chilika lake, 2019 Currently Project fellow at Utkal University.
- Collaborative Research Project Grant in Biotechnology, DST Govt. of Odisha, (Co-PI) “Understanding the molecular mechanism of anti thyroid drug (propylthiouracil)-induced redox imbalance and epigenetic alteration” (2023-2026)
- Project entitled “Signature of redox regulatory proteins, transcription factors and Biological clock genes in hypothyroid rat: impact of time-restricted feeding (TRF) and curcumin” funded by DBT/DST, Govt. of Odisha, Odisha, (PI) (2022-2025) (on going)
- Project entitled “Modified assay procedure for the estimation of hydrogen peroxide in Biological samples using microwell reader”, funded by Utkal University research grant (PI) (2017-2019) (Completed)
- Project entitled “Signature of DNA methylation machinery in the brain of propyl thiouracil (PTU)-induced hypothyroid rat: Effect of green tea catechins” funded by DST, Govt. of Odisha(Co-PI) (2018-2021) (On going)
- Project entitled “Efficacy of homoeopathic medicines (30 c) on propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced hypothyroid rat” funded by AYUSH, Govt of India (Co-PI)(2019-2022) (On going)
- Project entitled “Isolation, characterization and screening of bioactive compounds with UV protective and antioxidant potential from the Red alga, Gracilariaverrucosa of Chilika lake” funded by Odisha University Research and Innovation Incentivisation Plan (OURIIP) Seed Grant, Odisha State Higher Education Council, Govt. of Odisha.(PI)(2020-2022) (On going)
- Project entitled “Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and Immunomodulatory potential of red alga Gracilaria verrucosa” funded by WB-OHEPEE Program Utkal University, Odisha, (PI) (2022-2023) (on going)
- DBT- Research Associateship
- Utkal University Seed grant.
- Odisha University Research and Innovation Incentivisation Plan (OURIIP) Seed Grant.
- Got 1st prize in Poster presentation at Odisha Research Scholar Conclave-2021
- Attendee of Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) “Teaching Skill Development” from 20th March to 25th March, 2015 at UGC-HRDC, Utkal University.
- Attendee of Orientation programme “Capacity Building in Higher Education” from 18thAugust to 14th September, 2017 at UGC-HRDC, Utkal University.
- Attendee of Refresher course in Bio Sciences “Prospectives in Biological Science” from 21st August to 10th September, 2018 at UGC-HRDC, Utkal University.
- Attendee of capacity building programme on “Woman Manager in Higher Education” from 29th-31st May, 2018 organized by Centre for Dalit and Subaltern Studies, RGNIYD, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, Under the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India and the Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), Bhubaneswar, Odisha held at kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
- Attendee of Online Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) “Reboot: Teaching and Learning” from 6th July to 10th July, 2020 organised by the Department of Business Administration, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore.
- Attendee of AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Leadership & Excellence” from 7th September to 11th September, 2020 at Utkal University.
- Attendee of online Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) “Advances in Biological, Biochemical, Biomedical and Bioenergy (AB4)” from 9th November to 13th November 2020 conducted by the Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology, Warangal.
- Attendee of AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Drug Disposition: An Important Factor in Drug Engineering” from 1st June to 5th June 2021at Bombay College of Pharmacy (Autonomous-Affiliated to University of Mumbai).
- Participated in DST sponsored workshop on “Basic and Advanced proteomic Approaches” from 15 – 26 February, 2021 organized by IIT Bombay
Journal Reviewing: Frontiers in Pharmacology (2021)
- Membership of professional bodies:
- Life member of Society of Free Radical Research (SFFR), India
- Life member of Proteomics Society of India (PSI)
- Life member of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)
- Life member of Association Of Gerontology (INDIA)
- Life member of Indian Gerontological Association (IGA)
- Life member of Odisha Bigyan Academy (OBA)
- Administration of University/ Department:
- Co-Coordinator, Center of Excellence of Environment, Climate Change and Public Health
- Member of Subject Research Committee (SRC), Biotechnology, Utkal University
- Admission In charge, MSc Biotechnology programme
- Center Superintendent for conducting M.Sc. examination
Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, August 23, 2021