- Role of Judiciary to Protect the Democratic Rights and Human Rights of Individual India, M.S. Dash, International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 4, Issue:7, July, 2015, ISSN No. 2277-8179, Indexed with International ISSN Directory,Paris, Impact Factor-3.2416.
- One Person Company: A Critical Analysis, Dr. M.S. Dash, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol. 5, Issue: 6, June, 2015, ISSN 2249-555X, Indexed with International ISSN Directory, Paris, Impact Factor 6241,
- Corporate Crimes: The Need for a Corporate Penal Code, Dr. M.S. Dash, SEARCH,A journal of Arts, Humanities & Management, Vol-IX, Issue-II, July,2015, ISSN No. 0974-5416
- Position of the Finder of the Lost Goods under the Indian Contract Act: An Analysis, Paripex-Indian Journal of Research, Vol. 4, Issue 6, ISSN 2250-, Impact Factor 4163
- Corporate Crimes :The Need for a corporate penal Code, G.K. Sahu, SEARCH,A journal of Arts, Humanities & Management, Vol-IX, Issue-II, July,2015, ISSN No. 0974-5416
- White collar crimes : A legal challenge on Indian Corporate System, G.K. Sahu, International Journal of Current Research, Vol.7,issue 08,pp.19219-19222,Aug 2015,ISSN:0975-833X, Impact factor 6.226, 2015-16
- Corporate Social Responsibility in perspective of Indian Constitution. Dr. G.K. Sahu, International Journal of applied Research.V 1(10) pp 801-803,ISSN online :2394-5869,ISSN (Print) : 2394-7500, Impact factor-3.919, 2015-16
- Protection of Consumers Rights : A challenge to the efficacy of consumer forum, Dr. G.K. Sahu, International Journal of Law,Vol.2,Issue-I, ,pp.30-32, ISSN 2455-2194, Impact factor 5.12, 2015-16,
- The Class action suit: A challenge for protection of interest of investors, International Journal of Law, Vol.-2,Issue-2,ISSN 2455-2194pp.12-18, Impact factor-5.12, 2015-16
- A Critical Analysis of Changing Dimensions of Indian Labour Policy and Legislations,S. Dash, Personal Focus, NIPM, Utkal Chapter, Vol. 10, Issue 2, ISSN 2229-6506, April-July, 2014
- Rule of Law is not an absolute Rule of Justice, M.S. Dash, Global Journal for Research Analysis, Vo. 4, Issue. 3, Peer Reviewed & Referred International Journal, ISSN No. 2277-8160, Impact Factor: 3.1218, March, 2015.
- Socio-Legal Status of the Unorganised Women Workers with respect to Employment Security, M.S. Dash, Paripex-Indian Journal of Research, Vol. 4, Issue 4, Peer Reviewed & Referred International Journal, ISSN 2250-1991, Impact Factor: 3.4163. April, 2015.
- Surrogacy: The Socio-Legal Issues, M.S. Dash, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol. 5, Issue: 4, Peer Reviewed & Referred International Journal, ISSN 2249-555X, Impact Factor: 3.6241, April, 2015.
- Legal Position of Corporate Social Responsibility in Companies Act, 2013, M.S. Dash, Global Journal for Research Analysis, Vol. 4, Issue. 4, peer Reviewed & Referred International Journal, ISSN No. 2277-8160 Impact Factor: 3.1218, April, 2015.
- Plant Variety Protection in India- The Issues and Challenges, M.S. Dash, International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 4, Issue 5, Peer Review & Referred Journal, ISSN No. 2277-8179, Impact Factor: 3.2416, May, 2015
- Condition of Women Working in the Unorganised Sector, M.S. Dash, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol. 5, Issue:5, Peer Reviewed & Referred International Journal , Impact Factor: 3.6241, May, 2015
- Legal Interpretations of Section 8(1)(h) of the RTI Act, M.S. Dash, International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 4, Issue 6, Peer Review & Referred Journal, ISSN No. 2277-8179Impact Factor: 3.2416, May, 2015.
- Legal Interpretation of Public Interest under Right to Information Act, 2005, M.S. Dash & G.K.Sahu, Chhattisgarh Law Journal ,an Research Journal, Vol. 1, Issue.1, International Bi- annual Referred, ISSN 2394-528. Jan-June 2015
- Plant Breeders’ Rights(PBR): Analysis of International Legal Instruments, M.S. Dash, GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 3(5), E-Journal, ISSN 2347-6915. Impact Factor: 1.8, May, 2015.
- Test of Novelty under Indian Patent Law: A Critical Analysis, M.S. Dash, Global Journal for Research Analysis, Vol. 4, Issue. 5, A peer Reviewed & Referred International Journal ISSN No. 2277-8160 Impact Factor: 3.1218, May, 2015.
- Judicial Approach towards Corporate Social Responsibility, M.S. Dash, Paripex-Indian Journal of Research, Vol. 4, Issue 5, Peer Reviewed & Referred International, Journal ISSN 2250-1991 Impact Factor: 3.4163, May, 2015.
- White Collar Crimes: A Legal Challenge on Indian Corporate System, G.K.Sahu, International Journal of Current Research, Vol.7, Issue-08, Peer Reviewed & Referred International Journal ISSN 0975-833x, Impact Factor: 5.3, Aug, 2015.
- Rule of Law is not an absolute Rule of Justice, G.K.Sahu, Global Journal for Research Analysis, Vo. 4, Issue. Peer Reviewed & Referred International Journal, ISSN No. 2277-8160, Impact Factor: 3.1218, 3, March, 2015
- Corporate Social responsibility in Perspective of Indian Constitution, G.K.Sahu, International Journal of Applied Research, Volume 1,Issue-10, , Peer Reviewed & Referred International Journal ISSN 2394-5869, Impact Factor: 5.2, Sep 2015
- Role of civil servants in India interpreting Good Governance – A socio-legal study, N.Parida(Guest Faculty), Indian Streams of Research Journal(ISRJ), international peer reviewed, ISSN no-2347-503, Feb. issue 2015.
- Bio-Piracy And Traditional Knowledge: A Discussion On Indian Legal Perspectives, Dr.M,K,Sadual, International Research Journal & Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol. I, Issue II, ISSN 2394-7950 of Interdisciplinary,2014-15.
- Protection From ‘Double Jeopardy’: A Constitutional Imperative, Dr.M,K,Sadual, International Journal Of Humanities & Social Science Studies, Vol. I, Issue V, ISSN 2349-6711, 2014-15
- Protection Of Human Rights Of Prisoners In India: Role Of Judiciary, Dr.M,K,Sadual, International Journal Of Scientific Research, Vol. 4, Issue 5,ISSN 2277-8179, Impact factor-3.2416, 2014-15
- Tribal Displacement In The Name Of Development In India: Legal Intervention And Redressal, Dr.M,K,Sadual, International Journal In Management And Social Science, Vol. 03, Issue 01,13-29, ISSN 2321-1784, impact factor 3.259, 2014-15,
- Protection Of Child Rights In India: Issues And Approaches, Dr.M,K,Sadual, International Journal Of Advanced Research, Vol. 03, Issue 02,820-826,ISSN 2320-5407, Impact factor-4.58,2014-15.
- Freedom Of Press In Indian Constitution: A Brief Analysis, International Journal Of Applied Research,Vol. 1, Issue 8, 194-198,ISSN 2394-7500, Drashta Research Journal,June 2015, Impact factor 5.2
- Constitutional Framework For Secularism In India: A Brief Review, Dr.M,K,Sadual, August 2015, Vol. 4, Issue15, 194-198,ISSN 2277-2480, Impact factor 2.64, 2014-15
- Privilege Against Self-Incrimination Under, Indian Constitution: An Appraisal, Dr.M,K,Sadual, Orient Journal Of Law And Social Sciences,Vol. IX, Issue 5, 57-67, ISSN 0973-7480, 2014-15
- Legal Aid To Poor And Access To Justice: The Indian Perspective, Dr.M,K,Sadual, Law And Social Sciences, Issue 3, 42-51, 2014-15
- The Socio-legal Status of Inter-state Migrant Workers with special Reference to Dadan Labourers of Orissa, M.S. Dash, International Journal of Development and Social Research, Xavier Institute of Management, Vol.II, Issue. II, International Journal ISSN NO: 2249-7293, December, 2013.
- Human Rights Issues and Challenges of Susceptible Children in Modern Indian Families, G.K.Sahu, Indian Journal of Human Rights and the Law, Vol.10 (No.1-2), ISSN No: 0973-0818, January-July, 2013.
- Human Rights Issues and Challenges of Susceptible Children in Modern Indian Families, G.K.Sahu, Indian Journal of Human Rights and the Law, Vol.10 (No.1-2), ISSN No: 0973-0818, January-July, 2013.
- Public Interest Litigation and Corporate Investors, G.K.Sahu, International Educational Research & Development, Vol.2, issue.1, ISSN No-2250-3862, April-June, 2012.
- Doctrine of Ultra Vires and the Investors Protection, G.K.Sahu, Taxman’s Corporate Professionals Today, Vol.27 Issue 6, ISSN-0975-9948, July16-31,2013,
- Development Induced Displacement and Settlement: Analysis of Judicial policy, P.K. Pattnaik, Journal of Indian Law Institute Vol. 55(3), (2013) p. 346.
- Civil servants Accountability for good governance, N.Parida (Guest Faculty), Odisha Review, Volume LXX NO.5, ISSN 0970-8669, ,December, 2013
- Dynamics of judicial Analysis relating to Civil servants accountability for good Governance, N.Parida(Guest Faculty)Global Journal of Management and Research, Volume: 2 Number- 4,ISSN 2278-0955,international peer reviewed, October – December 2013
- Right to information and Good Governance, N.Parida (Guest Faculty), Research Revolution, Volume 01 issue no 1, ISSN:2319-300, june,2013
- Rational of Honour Killing, M.S. Dash, , Indian Bar Review, Vol. XXXIX, No. 3, Peer Reviewed & Index Journa,l P. 145-152, July-Sept, 2012
- Security to Insured: The Initiatives of the State, M.S. Dash, The Research Network, Journal of creative thinkers, Vol. VII, No. 2&3, ISSN 0975 0517, June-July, 2012
- Dynamics of judicial analysis relating to civil servants Accountability for good governance, N.Parida (Guest Faculty), Odisha Review, VOLUME , LXVIII NO.12, ISSN0970-8669, JULY – 2012
- Property Rights of Indian Women, M.S. Dash, Orissa Judicial Report, Vol. 1, Issue 5, Peer Reviewed, May 2012.
- History of Corporate Law in India, G.K.Sahu, Academic Views & Reviews, International Journal of Education, Research &Innovation, , Vol.1(No.3), ISSN No.:2249-7242, January-March,2012
- Civil servant’s accountability and good Governance India, N.Parida(Guest Faculty), PRANGYA, Volume -2 issue no-1, ISSN-2229-9864, Sept 11
- An Overview of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, G.K.Sahu, Global Education Society and Development, (An International Journal of Academicians), ISSN-0975-1319, July-Sep.2011
- Sebi and the Protection of the Investors, G.K.Sahu, International Educational Research &Development, Vol.1,issue.1, ISSN No2250-3862, October-December,2011
- Investor Protection: The Class Action Suits, G.K.Sahu, Academic Views & Reviews, International Journal of Education, Research & Innovation, Vol.1 (No.2), ISSN No: 2249-7242, October-December, 2011
- Investors Protection:The Derivative Action, G.K.Sahu, Global Education,Society and Development, (An International Journal of Academicians), Vol.3(No.1), ISSN-0975-1319, April-June 2011
- The Securities Laws(Amendment)Bill,2003 in Indian Securities Market, G.K.Sahu, Orient Journal of Law and Social Sciences, Volume-V, Issue-6, ISSN-0973-7480, May 2011
- Economic Empowerment of Women: The micro credit,K.Sahu, Orient Journal of Law and Social Sciences, system Volume-V,Issue-6, ISSN-0973-7480, May2011
- Improving Common Investor Confidence in Public issues of India”,K.Sahu, Orient Journal of Law and Social Sciences, Vol.V,Issue-5, ISSN-0973-7480, April 2011
- History of Stock Market In India,K.Sahu, Studies in History and Culture bearing, Vol13,No1&2 , pp81-92, ISSN-09719326, 2011
- Safe Motherhood: The Human Rights Response,K.Sahu, Research Journal of Berhampur University, Vol.1, Peer reviewed ,ISSN No.:2250-1681,2011
Conference Proceeding
- Judiciary, Democracy and Tradition: An Evaluation (With Special Reference to Human Rights),Dr. M.S. Dash, Chief Editor, NHRC sponsored National Seminar on held on 5th & 6th February, 2015, organized by P.G. Dept of Law, Utkal University in collaboration of Utkal University.
- Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility in Legal Perspectives, M.S. Dash, National Seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility in India, P.G. Department of P.M. & I.R, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, held on 9th & 10th May 2015
- Glass Ceiling: A Major Challenges to Human Resource Management, M.S.Dash & D. Mohapatra, National Conference on Novelty and Challenges in Management, , organized by Ravenshaw Business School, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, held on 14th March 2015
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Perspective of Indian Constitution, M.S. Dash & G.K.Sahu, International Seminar on Emerging Business Opportunities for Sustainable Development, P.G. Department of Business Administration, Berhampur University, held on 6th&7th April 2015
- Rationale of Honour Killing, M.S. Dash, National Seminar on Honour Killing vis-à-vis Human Rights: Contemporary Issues and Challenges, University Law College, Bhubaneswar, held on 12th & 13th May 2012.
- Human Rights Issues & Implications of Vulnerable Children in Indian Families, G.K.Sahu, 2012 IUAES Inter-Congress titled “Children and youth in a changing World, IUAES Commission on Anthropology of Children, Youth and Childhood and KISS & KIIT University,Bhubaneswar,India, November 26-30,2012.