Publications of the department (faculty wise)
Prof. Himansu S. Mohapatra
Peer Reviewed Journal
- “The secret of Ganeswar Mishra’s story telling art. Journal of the Odisha Association of English Studies.6. 2016.
- “In Search of the Writerly Text.”Journal of the Odisha Association of English Studies. Vol. 5. 2015.
- “Odia Literature, Pomophobia and the Fiction of Biyotkesh Tripathy.”Journal of the Odisha Association of English Studies.Vol 4. 2014.
- “English against Englishing: The Case of an Early EnglishTranslation of an Oriya Novel.”TTR. December 2010.
Edited Books
- Vistas and Visions: A Textbook of Prose and Poetry. Orient BlackSwan, India(K. Samantray, H.S. Mohapatra, J.K. Nayak, Arun K. Mohanty and Gopa Mishra). 2015.
- Endless Adventures: A Collection of English Prose. Orient Black Swan, India. UG General English Prose Textbook (Prof. H.S. Mohapatra et al). 2012.
Book Chapters
- “Babu Fiction in Disguise: Reading Arvind Adiga’s The White Tiger.” University of Amsterdam Press, 2013.
- “Two Classic Tales of Village India” in Satya P. Mohanty (ed) Colonialism, Modernity and Literature: A View from India. London: Palgrave-Macmillan. 2012.
Authored Books
- Model of the Middle: Essays and Musings. BirdNest, Bhubaneswar. 2014.
- Pitching for the Middle. Createspace, South Carolina, USA. 2013.
Prof. Jatindra Kumar Nayak
Peer Reviewed Journal
- ‘Gopinath Mohanty: A Centenary Tribute’, Indian Literature, September- October, 2014.
- “Re-viewing the West: A Perspective on Gyanakosh or Encyclopedia Orissana.”Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature. 2012.
- ‘Story-teller, Poet and Playwright:Three Odia Translations of Shakespeare in Orissa’, Shakespearean International Yearbook, Tom Bishop. Sukanta Chaudhury (ed), Ashgate Publishers, U.K. 2012.
Edited Books
- Vistas and Visions: A Textbook of Prose and Poetry. Orient BlackSwan, India(K. Samantray, H.S. Mohapatra, J.K. Nayak, Arun K. Mohanty and Gopa R. Mishra). 2015.
- A World Elsewhere: Images of Kolkata in Oriya Autobiographies. Bhubaneswar:
Department of English, Utkal University and Grassroots, UGCSAP Publication. 2010.
- Reflections on Literature and Culture: J P Das , Rupantar, 2010.
- Memory, Images, Imagination: Bengalis and Oriyas in Burma (1900-1948). Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University, 2010.
Conference Proceedings
- “Autobiographies as a Counterarchive.” Proceedings of the National seminar on Autobiography held in Ravenshaw University, January 2014
Prof. Asim Ranjan Parhi
- Peer Reviewed Journal “Language as Effective Cultural Practice: The English Language and the Glocal Narrative”. IJMT (International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought, CD-ROM. ISSN- 2156-6992). 5 (1): 285–293 (2015)
- “Rekindling Innocence: Environmental Justice in Children’s Ecofiction”. Inter Views (Joint with Harini P Das).Vol-2, No.1, July 2015,pp.39-55. ISSN“-2349-400X. 2015.
Edited Books
- The Widening Arc: A Selection of Prose and Stories. (Ed) by Asima R. Parhi, S.Deepika and Pulastya Jani. Bhubaneswar: Kitab Bhavan, 2016
Pulastya Jani
Edited Books
- The Widening Arc: A Selection of Prose and Stories. (Ed) by Asima R. Parhi, S.Deepika and Pulastya Jani. Bhubaneswar: Kitab Bhavan, 2016
S Deepika
Edited Books
- The Widening Arc: A Selection of Prose and Stories. (Ed) by Asima R. Parhi, S.Deepika and Pulastya Jani. Bhubaneswar: Kitab Bhavan, 2016