Jadavpur University | July 2005- October 2008 |
Ph.D. Department: Pharmaceutical Sciences Thesis Title: “Synthesis and Characterisation study of some novel Biodegaradable Polymers” Areas: Polymer Science Advisors: Prof. Tarun Kumar Pal, Jadavpur university Prof.Prafulla Kumar Sahoo, Utkal University |
Utkal University | Sept. 2001 – July 2003 | M.Pharm. Department: UDPS Thesis Title:“Synthesis and Antimicrobial Study of some Thiazolidinone Compounds” Areas: Heterocyclic Compounds Advisor: Dr.S.K.Sahu |
Utkal University | June 1996 – July 2001 | B.Pharm SJCPS, Naharkanta, Bhubaneswar |
Utkal University | December 2003-present | Assistant Professor |
Teaching and research- Dec.2003-present UDPS,Utkal University
Course Name- M.Pharm & B.Pharm
UDPS, Utkal university
Duties:Supervising Students of M. Pharm. Pharmachemistry and B.Pharm course.
Journal Articles
1. Ethnomedicinal plants of Odisha used against Breast Cancer- A review, RanjitMohapatra, Shaktiprasad Pradhan, and D Pradhan,IJCPRR,2395-3306, 1(2);pg.38-42; 2015
2. Ethnophamacological approach in extraction, bioactive compounds. R. Mohapatra,D. Pradhan, G. Tripathy, S. Pradhan, IJTPR, India, 0975-5160, 7(1); pg.42-49; 2015
3. Design and characterization of biodegradable polymer-clay nanocomposites prepared by solution mixing technique,R.Mohapatra, J.Roul, S.K. Sahoo, , Int.J.NanoDimens. 2008-88684(2), 135-139, 2013
4. Preparation, characterization and drug delivery behavior of biopolymer/hydroxyapatite nanocomposites beads. R.Mohapatra ,J.Roul, S.K. Sahoo, Asian J. of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2249-622X, 3(24), 33-38, 2013
5. Isolation, ssynthesis and pharmacological evaluation of some novel curcumin derivatives as anticancer agents. Dinesh Kumar, Puspesh Kumar Mishra, R.Mohapatra, Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 1996-0875, 4, 2012
6. Design and Characterization of Novel Biodegradable Polymer-Clay-Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposites for drug delivery applications,
R.Mohapatra, S. K.Sahoo, N. Tribhuvan,J. Roul, Asian J. of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2249-622, 2(11) ,2012
7. Development of ultraviolet spectrophotometric method for analysis of Lornoxicam in solid dosage forms.
Sunit Kumar sahoo, RanjitGiri, Sachin V Patil,, AmulyaRatnaBehera and RanjitMohapatra, Tropical journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 11(2),269-273, 2012
Some novel biodegradable aliphatic polyesters in pharmaceutical applications: A Review, JyotiranjanRoul, Ranjit Mohapatra, Sunit Kumar Sahoo, VijayalaxmiChavan, NiharPani, Inventi Rapid: Pharma Tech, 0976-3783, 4, 2011
9. Montomorillonite clay for novel nanoparticulate drug delivery applications: AComprehensive Review, JyotiranjanRoul, RanjitMohapatra, Sunit Kumar Sahoo, Inventi Impact: NDDS, 2229-4147, 4, 2011
10. Synthesis and biological activity study of diespiro ( benzothiazolidine)- 2, 2’(substituted phenyl thietane-2’, 3”(oxazoline-2”-ones) depravatives, Swain A.K, Mohapatra R, Dash U.N, Das D.J, Journal of techning and research in Chemistry, 15, 01, 85-88, 2009
11. Release Study of Alfuzosin Hydrochloride Loaded to Novel Hydrogel P( HEMA-co-AA), Mohapatra R¬, Ray D, Swain A K and Sahoo P K., J. Applied Polym. Sci., 108, 380-386, 2008
12. Synthesis and colon specific drug targeting of Poly(AA-co-AM)/MBA nanohydrogel. Ray D, Mohapatra R, Mohapatra D, Mohanta G P, Sahoo P K., J. Biomaterials Polym. Ed., 19,11,1487-1502, 2008
13. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity study of new 4-thiazolidinone derivatives. Swain A K, Sahoo P K, Mohapatra R, J.T.R. Chem., 13, 1, 66-69, 2006
14. Poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co-acrylic acid) as novel biodegradable macroporous hydrogel. Mohapatra R, Swain A,Mohapatra R, Rana P K,Sahoo P K. Polym. and Polym. Composites, 13 (8), 807, 2005.
15. Synthesis and pharmacological studies of Indole-2,3-dione derivatives. Sahu S K, Kar D M, Mohapatra R, Misro P K.
J. Indian Council of Chemists, 20(1), 38-41, 2003.
16. Plants used in ethno-medicine against breast cancer and their pharmacological review ,Journal of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Research and Training Institute( SCSTRTI), R.Mohapatr, M.K.Jena,B.Mohapatra&S.Pradhan, 56, 49-57, 2016
17. A Review on: Cytotoxic Activity of Indian Medicinal Plants Used Traditionally, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical , Biological and Chemical Sciences, S.L.Dash, S.K.Mishra, R.Mohapatra and A.Katiyar, 2018, 9(2), 200-209
1. Dinesh Kumar
Registration : 22-Pharmacy, 2007-08
Topic of Research:
“To Synthesize derivatives of curcumin and evaluation them for some pharmacological activities”
2. Jyotiranjan Roul
Registration : 28-Pharmacy,2007-08
Topic of Research:“Advanced biodegradable polymers in nanocomposite formulations”
UGC Major Research Project 2013-2015 on topic entitled : “Search of natural estrogen from the ethnomedicinal plants of Odisha and their use against Breast cancer in various models .”
1. National Workshop On Project Management & Research Methodology (21st And 22nd April 2019), Organized by N.C Autonomous College, Jajpur
2. International Conference On Biodiversity And Sustainable Development: Strategies For Future (29th And 30th January 2019), Organized by N.C.Autonomous College, Jajpur
3. International Conference On Nanomedicine In Diagnostics And Theranostics In Cancer ( 09th To 11th March 2018), Organized by UDPS, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar.
4. Workshop On Modernization Of Teaching Methodology: A Need Of The Hour (19thMarch 2017) organized by APTICON, Odisha at Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar.
5. 6th International Symposium on Current Trends in Drug Discovery & Research, 25th -28th Feb, 2016, CSIR,Lucknow
6. National Seminar on Forestry and Agriculture for Sustainable Future, 03-04 Dec.2016, OUAT, BBSR
7. 4th National Workshop on Drug Design and Discovery, 8th to 11th March-2016,Institute of Life Sciences, BBSR
8. International Conference On Nanomedicine, Organized By Institute Of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar (2007),
R. Mohapatra&P.K.Sahoo; Synthesis, characterization and drug delivery of biodegradable poly( acrylic acid-co-acrylamide) nanoparticles, 2007
9. JCP, Rondapalli, Jeypore, Emerging trends in pharmaceutical technology & new drug discovery. IPA and APTI level Convention, 2007. “Synthesis and antibacterial activity of some 4-benzlidene-2-phenyl-5-oxazolones”.
10. Pharmanext and Kathmandu University , Nepal, 2012“Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Science: Transferring Knowledge from Education to Practice”, Nepal, Antiproliferative and antioxidative studies of Syzygiumcumini on SKBR3 human breast cancer cell line.
17th annual conference, Orissa Chemical society (2003)R.Mohapatra, D.M.Kar , A.k.Swain , S.Mandal , M.Banarjee & S.pattanayak; Synthesis and anti-inflammatory activity of Isatin and Isatin Derivatives , Orissa Chemical society(OCS) ,2003.
12. 18th annual conference, Orissa Chemical society (2004)R.Mohapatra, A.K. Swain, P.K.Sahoo , S.Negi and N.G.Kutty. Synthesis , Characterisation and anti-inflamatory study of 4-thiazolidinone derivatives. Orissa Chemical society (OCS) ,2004.
13. AICTE – ISTE sponsored short term training programme on professional refinement in pharmacy, Organized by IPT Salipur, 2004
14. National Seminar on perspective of pharmaceutical research in post WTO era, UDPS, Utkal University, 2005
15. IPC-1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006 & 2007
16. IPA and APTI state level convention, Orissa state branches , Organized by Indian Pharmaceutical Association(O.S.B) & Association of Pharmaceutocal teachers of India(O.S.B), (2006)
State Award For Prgramme Officer NSS, Utkal Universityfor the year 2018-19
Chaired a scientific session during International Conference on biodiversity and sustainable development: strategies for future, organised by N.C Autonomous College, Jajpur ( 29th and 30th January 2019)
Participated in Faculty Development Programme held at NIEPA, New Delhi from 02.03.20 to 06.03.20
APTICON, Odisha-2017, 19.03.2017, Co-Convenor,UDPS Pharmacon-2018, Nanomedicine in Diagnostics &Theranostics in cancer, 9th to 11th March,2018, Utkal University
Training of Trainer Programme on Enviornment Education and Sustainable Development for the NSS Programme Officers, 31st to 2nd Feb.2018, Rajib Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sriperiumbudur, Tamil Nadu
Training for NSS programme Officer,NSS Empanelled Training Institute, 4th to 10thJanuary -2018, OUAT, BBSR
Participated in 5th State level Youth Convention, Awaaz Do-2017, ISD, BBSR
Coordinated and organized a National Seminar on “Impact of food and drug adulteration on health care systems” Utkal University on 15thNovember,2015.
Participated in an National virtual Webinar on “Health and Hygiene to Fight Covid-19” organized by N.CAutonomousCollege,Jajpur and Sakham Society, Jaipur,Rajsthan, held on 2nd and 3rd May 2020
Participated in an National virtual Webinar on Research Grants and Funding-A Guide to acquiring Vitamin M, organized by APTI Indi, held on May 2020
Participated in an National virtual Webinar on “Post Covid-19: Resurgence of Indian Industry and R & D”, Organised by SRM University-AP , held on 15th May 2020
Participated in the -IFS Forensic Science Quiz and a pledge to adopt best practices on prevention of Corona Disease as specified by World Health Organisation(WHO), Organised by IFS: International Forensic Sciences, Pune, held on 20th May 2020
Participated A practical guide to QbD product development a course of study offered by Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India on May 2020
Participated in Fulbright Fellowships offered by USIEF, conducted by APTI India on May 2020
Participated in Flip Classroom-Millennial Choice, conducted by APTI India on May 2020
Participated in National webinar on “Effect of Covid-19 on Global Enviornment and its Prevention”, organised by IQAC and Department of Botany, N.C.Autonomous College, Jajpur, held on 2nd and 3rd June 2020
Attended UGC Refresher course in collaboration with ASC, Organised by Academic Staff College, Utkal University, held on 10/08/2011 to 30/08/2011
Attened Computer Aided Drug Design for Development of Lead Molecule in ILS, Bhubaneswar, held on 15/05/2015