- Computer Networks
- Mobile Communication
- Cloud Computing
- Wireless Sensor Network
- IoT
- Soft Computing
- 15 years of teaching experience.
- 5 Years of research experience/
- Programming Using C
- Data Structures
- Operating Systems
- Computer Networks
- Core Java
- Distributed System
- Cloud Computing
- Multimedia and Applications
- Python Programming
- Internet of Things
- “Exploiting Predictability of Random Vector Functional Link Networks in Forecasting Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters of IoT-Based Web Services Data.” International Journal of Sensors Wireless Communications and Control 13.2 (2023): 57-70.
- “Forecasting Quality of Service(QoS) parameters of IoT based Web Services with an Artificial Electric Field Algorithm trained Artificial Neural Network”. Karabala International Journal of Modern Science 9(1),13,2023.
- “Quality of Service (QoS) Enhancement of IoT based Wireless Sensor Network using Fuzzy Best First Search Approach” International Conference on Intelligent Controller and Computing for Smart Power (ICICCSP), IEEE,2022.
- “QoS Enhancement of Hospital e-Healthcare Management using IoT”, 19th OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT), IEEE,2021.
- “QoS Provisioning-Based Cost-Effective Routing in WSN Based IoT Network Using Fuzzy IDA* Technique”, 15th INDIACom (17th March2021) IEEE Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”.
- “A Compendium on QoS matrices in IoT”, IJRTE, ISSN:2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-6, March-2020.
- “An Optimal Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network”, International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC-17), published in IEEE.
Guidance :
- MTech Guidance:
Sl No | Name of the Scholar | Year of award of Degree | Topic of MTech Thesis | Summary of the Research Outcome(In 100 Words) |
- PhD Guidance:
Sl No | Name of the Scholar | Year of award of Degree | Registration No | Name of the Co-guide if any | Fellowship received if any during research | Topic of PhD Thesis | Summary of the Research Outcome(In 100 Words) |
Journal Publications :
- International Publications: 3
- National Publications:
- Review Articles(State Level Publications):
Conference- 4 Publication(Presented/Published in proceedings):
- Organized Workshop on IOT held on 17th & 18th of November, 2017 at IMCA Department, Utkal University.
- Participated in a short-term course on “Machine Learning and its Applications” at Silicon Institute of from 4th -6th March 2021.Participated in AICTE sponsored short-term training on “Applications of AI, ML and Deep Learning in Science, Engineering and Management” at Trident Academy of Technology, Bhubaneswar from 16th-21st August 2021.
- Organized online workshop on “Dynamic and Competitive Programming” in IMCA, Utkal University, on 27th November 2020
- Participated in National Workshop on “IoT and Sensor Embedded Applications (ISEA)” at Silicon Institute of Technology during 16th -20th December 2019.
- Organized Workshop on IOT held on 17th & 18th of November, 2017 at IMCA Department, Utkal University.
- Seminars:
- Participated and contributed paper in 19th OCIT International Conference in Information Technology (OITS), IEEE-2021 at Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar.
- Participated and Contributed paper in 15th INDIACom IEEE International conference on “Computing for Sustainable Development”, March-2021.
- Organized two-days webinar on “AI & ML and Robotics” by TCS in IMCA, Utkal University in 22nd and 23rd December 2020.
- National Conference on “Recent Innovation and Machine Learning and Communication (RIMLCN)”, Aryan Institute of Technology, BBSR. (7th March,2020).
- Participated in International Conference on “Recent Advances in Statistic and Data Science” for sustainable development in P.G Dept. of Statistics, Utkal University during 21st -23rd December, 2019.
- Participated and contributed paper in IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC-17) at Karunya University, Coimbatore on 29th July, 2017.
- Teaching:
Total 14 years of teaching experience. Working as a faculty in IMCA, U.U from 2008. - Important Activities:
- Research Projects Undertaken:
- Invited Lectures:
- Administrative/Executive experience:
- Conference organized as Organizing Secretary: