Welcome to the Department
The Centre for Study Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy was established in Utkal University in February 2008 as a part of the UGC scheme to establish such centres all across the country facilitating a deeper understanding of the multiple spheres in society that eventually result in the inability of the socially and economically marginalised groups from participating in the basic social, political, economic and social functioning of the society.
Since its inception, the CSSEIP has been organising several workshops, conferences, seminars and extramural lectures on very relevant and integral issues of national and international importance pertaining to social exclusion and inclusive policies and related concerns. Apart from various academic discourses, the Centre, in the past few years has also organised Spoken English classes, NET coaching programs, Research Scholar’s Conclave, Research Methodology classes etc. for students from the socially deprived sections. Important days of national relevance are also observed meticulously by the Centre every year like the Gandhi Jayanti and AmbedkarJayanti with a view to disseminate and spread information about the relevance of their ideas and values. Besides, the Centre has also sponsored several individual faculty projects resulting in quality publications in several reputed journals and magazines including Mainstream, The Fourth World, Seminar and so on.
The Centre has also successfully guided the completion of Ph.D. and M.Phil courses with one scholar awarded Ph.D. degree and nearly 6 scholars awarded M.Phil. degrees in the last 10 years. One scholar pursuing Ph.D. and four are pursuing M.Phil courses presently.
Thrust Areas of Research:
Caste system in India, minorities and social exclusion, disability and social exclusion, marginalization and scheduled tribes, poverty and public policy, gender studies, linguistic minorities and exclusion; and Language Policy.
Year of Establishment: 2008 Programmes Offered: M.Phil. and Ph.D courses
Vision& Mission:
- To be a centre of excellence for taking efforts towards a more socially inclusive and just society;
- Developing strategies and policy advocacy for groups denied of basic healthcare, education and housing;
- Encouraging a social change to ensure the right of participation of all sections of the society in social, economic, political and cultural life;
- Developing policy recommendations for safeguarding and upholding human rights and human dignity.
- Conceptualising discrimination, exclusion and inclusion based on caste, ethnicity or religion;
- Developing and understanding the nature and dynamics of discrimination and exclusion in Indian society.
Core Functions of the Centre:
- Collecting information on Social Exclusion and building up a data base and carrying out detailed analysis based on the socio-economic data generated by government agencies;
- Organizing special events, conferences, seminars, talks and special lectures on the theme Social Exclusion;
- Establishing links with Civil Society Organizations engaged in combating Social Exclusion and organising short-term courses;
- Disseminate information on issues relating to social exclusion and inclusive policies and programs through publications of journals, books, research papers and reports and strengthen critical public discourses in India.
Associate Professors:
- Dr. Smita Nayak, I/C, Director, CSSEIP
Assistant Professors
- Ramesh Chandra Mallik, Asst. Director, CSSEIP
- JyotirmayeeTudu, Asst. Director, CSSEIP
- Swapna S Prabhu, Asst. Director, CSSEIP
- Computer Lab with one laptop and three desktops, two printers, one Xerox machine.
- Departmental Librarywith around 980 books, seven book shelves and four Almirahs.
- ICSSR Sponsored Project on “Educational Status of the Scheduled Castes in Odisha: Attainments and Challenges” by Prof. B. K. Mallik. (2013-2016)
The mini projects undertaken (funded by the Centre) during 2018-2019 are:
- Ramesh Chandra Malik, Asst. Director, CSSEIP
Title of the Project: Status of Scheduled Caste Languages: Issues and Challenges
- JyotirmayeeTudu, Asst. Director, CSSEIP
Title of the Project: Ethnic Confusion and Social Exclusion: A Study on Two Communities in Coastal Districts of Odisha
- Swapna S Prabhu, Asst. Director, CSSEIP
Title of the Project: Ethics of Care and Isolated Activism: A theoretical perspective on childcare practices among the marginalised women workers in Odisha.
The Centre had conducted the following activities and programs during 2016-2021:
- Extramural lecture on “Legacy of Madhusudan Das: An Enduring Significance for 21st Century” on 25th June 2016.
- A one-day workshop on ‘Financial Education’ in collaboration with Department of A & A Economics and Abhyutthana Financial Learning Centre (an NGO registered with Ministry of Corporate Affairs) organised on 30th August, 2016.
- A State Level Research Scholar’s Conclave titled ‘Anusandhan’ on Social Exclusion organised at Parija Library, Utkal University on 3rd November, 2016.
- A One Week Workshop on ‘Econometric Application in Social Sciences’ organised in collaboration with Indian Econometric Society TIES and Department of A & A Economics, Utkal University for Ph.D. scholars and young faculty from different Universities within and outside Odisha from 15-21 December, 2016.
- National Seminar on ‘Poverty and State Failures in India: Theoretical and Practical Implication’ organised in collaboration with Department of Public Administration, Utkal University on 7th January, 2017.
- Organised a program on ‘SurakshitBachpanSurakshit Bharat’ on 7th March, 2017 which was addressed by Nobel laureate Sri. Kailash Satyarthy.
- A panel discussion ‘Economic Empowerment in Odisha: Strategies and Policy Interventions’ organised for students and teachers on 17th August, 2017.
- A panel discussion on ‘Social Exclusion and Social Justice: Prospects and Challenges’ organised on 26th September, 2017.
- A lecture program on ‘Inclusive Mulitlingualism in India’ organised on 4th December, 2017.Prof. Panchanan Mohanty, Dean, School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad, delivered the lecture.
- Observation of 127th Birth Anniversary of Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was organised in collaboration with Centre for Ambedkar Studies, Utkal University, on 14th April, 2018.
- Celebrated Gandhi Jayanti to mark the 150th Birth Anniversary of the Father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi on October 2, 2018 and a talk was organised on a topic titled “Gandhi and the Inclusive Programs in India”.
- Organised a one-day National Seminar on “Exploring the Margins: Opportunities, Possibilities and Challenges” on November 26, 2018 to observe the Constitution Day.
- Organised a World Bank-OHEPEE sponsored one-day National Seminar on “Inclusive Programs in India: Issues and Challenges” on 16th February, 2019.
- Organised a two day UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Diversities of Social Exclusion in India: Past and Present” on 30-31st March, 2019.
- CSSEIP in collaboration with the Centre for Ambedkar Studies, celebrated 128th birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on April 14, 2019. Prof.Suryanarayan Mishra (Retd. Head, Dept. of Political Science, Utkal University) and Shri. ArabindaBehera, IAS (Retd.) were the Chief Guest and Guest of Honour respectively.
- Webinar on ‘Education of the Margins in the present context’ organized by the UGC-Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Utkal University on 3rd September, 2020.
- National Symposium on “Dr.B. R. Ambedkar: Maker of Modern India” organized by the Centre for Ambedkar Studies in collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion andInclusive Policy”, Utkal University on 14th April 2022 for observation for AmbedkarJayanti.
Special Lecture Series
- The Centre also organised special lecture series on “Why India needs an inclusive Language Policy” by Prof.PanchananMohanty on 11th March, 2019.
- Organised a talk on “Minorities and Social Exclusion: A Case of Scheduled Tribes in Odisha” by Shri. Kamala Kanta Mishra, Vice Chancellor, Utkal University of Culture on 31st January, 2019.
The Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP) intends to:
- Build an egalitarian society in Odisha by adopting innovative teaching learning methods especially targeted towards the weaker sections of the society through dynamic and inclusive modes of quality education and research.
- Preserving Odisha’s cultural diversity including various tribes, languages and religious communities while promoting communal harmony at all levels of its social progress.
- To further strengthen the social fabric of the state, the Centre aspires to establish networking with various civil society groups including the SHGs and the local Media groups to conduct training workshops for the students and research scholars hailing from marginalized sections of the society and to subsequently provide them with internship opportunities leading to better employment avenues for them.
- The Centre also visualizes establishing a language lab to intensively and critically study the tribal languages in the state emphasizing mainly on their role, relevance and sustainability in the contemporary times.
- Adopting an inclusive approach to its programs and activities, the Centre aims to transmit the rich socio-cultural values of the state to all sections of the society by developing coordination with the NSS and Youth wings of the state.

A panel discussion ‘Economic Empowerment in Odisha: Strategies and Policy Interventions’ organised for students and teachers on 17th August, 2017.

A panel discussion on ‘Social Exclusion and Social Justice: Prospects and Challenges’ organised on 26th September 2017.

Celebrated Gandhi Jayanti to mark the 150th Birth Anniversary of the Father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi on October 2, 2018 and a talk was organised on a topic titled “Gandhi and the Inclusive Programs in India”.

Organised a World Bank-OHEPEE sponsored one-day National Seminar on “Inclusive Programs in India: Issues and Challenges” on 16th February 2019.