- Dr. S. P. Bhunya joined as a Lecturer in the Department of Zoology in January 1970 and superannuated as a Professor on 31 st May, 2000. He had also worked as a UGC visiting Professor in Berhampur University, Berhampur and visiting teacher in F.M. University, Balasore. He was a popular teacher and researcher. He had the honour to receive prestigious Post- doctoral fellowships like Common wealth Academic Staff Fellowship (UK, 1978-79) and Senior Fulbright Fellowship (USA, 1990); small term visiting Scientist grants in the University of Leiden, the Netherlands (1996); and delivered invited talks at University of Erlangen (Germany, 1979) and Institute of Toxicology, University of Zurich (Switzerland, 1989). Major areas of his research included Animal cytotaxonomy, Genetic toxicology, Cell Kinetics, Cancer epidemiology, Alternative to animal use in experimentations of animal sciences, etc. For the first time he established the bird as an animal model for testing the mutagenicity of environmental chemicals which has been published in a prestigious journal like Mutation Research. Prof. Bhuyan received research grants from UGC and CSIR and also associated with Eastern Ghats and Wetland projects. He has supervised 14 Ph.D. and 27 M Phil students. In addition, he was the invited co-author of two books “Teacher’s guide for Science” Part I and part II, published by NCERT, New Delhi in 1983.
- Prof. Bhunya was the Life member and Fellows of multiple academic bodies in India and abroad.
- Besides being the Head of the Department, he has served as the hostel Superintendent, N.S.S. officer, Director of Academic Staff College and Director, College Development Council for the university.
- He was the recipient of the prestigious Samanta Chandra Sekhar award in Life sciences in 1996 awarded by the Odisha Bigyan Academy).