- Gender and Development Studies; Public Policy & Governance.
University of Hyderabad | July 2006- December 2010 | Ph.D. Department: Political Science Thesis Title: Community Policing in a Democratic Society: A Study of Cyberabad Police Commissionerate in Andhra Pradesh Areas: Human Rights, Police Studies, Political Theory and Public Policy & Governance Advisor: Prof. Prakash Chandra Sarangi |
University of Hyderabad | June 2005 – July 2006 | M.Phil.
Department: Political Science Thesis Title: The Role of Women in Policing: A Study of Women Protection Cell & Women Police Stations in Hyderabad” Areas: Women Studies, Political Theory, Public Policy & Governance Advisor: Dr. Manjari Katju |
University of Hyderabad | June 2002 – July 2004 | Master of Arts |
Department: Political Science Papers: Indian Government & Politics, International Relations, Comparative Politics, Political Theory, Public Policy and Governance, Indian Political Thought and Western Political Thought, Human RightsUGC-NET (If Qualified): YES, UGC NET and JRFSubject: Political Science |
Osmania University | June 1999 – June 2002 | Bachelors of Arts |
Utkal University | April 2016 –present | Assistant Professor |
Fakir Mohan University | January 2014 – April 2016 | Assistant Professor |
National Law University Odisha | November 2011- June 2013 | Assistant Professor |
Ravenshaw University | November 2010 – October 2011 | Lecturer |
National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi | August 2010 – October 2010 | Research Officer |
ICFAI University, Hyderabad | June 2006- July 2007 | Research Associate |
Course Name– MA, M.Phil & Ph.D. (International Relations, India’s Foreign Policy and Indian Government & Politics) Department and University Name: Political Science, Utkal University, BhubaneswarDuties:Teaching and research |
2016 |
Course Name– MA (Political Theory) Department and University Name: School of Social Science, Fakir Mohan University, BalasoreDuties:Teaching and research |
2014 |
Course Name-BA-LLB (Western Political Thought and Indian Politics) Department and University Name: School of Liberal Arts, National Law University OdishaDuties:Teaching and research |
2011 |
Course Name– MA & BA (Western Political Thought & Human Rights) Department and University Name: Political Science, Ravenshaw University, CuttackDuties:Teaching and research |
2010 |
Publications in Journals:
- Community Policing and Informal Social Control Mechanisms: A socio-theoretical study, Indian Journal of Political Science (in peer review).
- Public Policy Debates in Childcare: The Case of Odisha, South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies, Vol. XXII No. 2 January-June 2022.
- Women, Energy and Empowerment: Reconstructing the Unconcealed Synergy, Bihar Journal of Public Administration, Indian Institute of Public Administration, Vol. XIX, No. 2, July- December 2022.
- Politics of Childcare: ‘Access to childcare’ as a Public Policy in Odisha, South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies, Vol. XXI No. 2, January – June 2021, pp.96-102. (ISSN 0972-4613).
- Remembering Mahatma Gandhi at Utkal University, Indian Anthropologist, 50:1&2, 2020, pp-113-123. ISSN:09700927.
- Terrorism, Secularism and the Spirit of Peace: A Contemporary Gandhian Perspective, Journal of Politics & Governance, Academy of Politics and Governance, New Delhi, Vol. 8, No. 5, May 2020, pp. 37-42. ISSN: 2278-473X
- Singh, Santosh, Dr. Swapna S Prabhu, International Initiatives in Combating Terrorism and the Role of India, in Global Journal for Research Analysis, Worldwide Journals, Gujarat, Vol.8, Issue-9, September 2019, ISSN: 2277-8160, pp.3-7.
- Mishra, Pritimayee, Dr. Swapna S Prabhu, Tibet as the factor in India-China Relations, Global Journal for Research Analysis, Worldwide Journals, Gujarat, Vol.8, Issue-9, September 2019, ISSN: 2277-8160, pp.12-13.
- Changing Political Contours in India: A Rising Convergence between Public Diplomacy and Constructivism, in Contemporary Social Sciences, Research Foundation International, New Delhi, Vol.27, No.4, October-December, 2018, ISSN 0302-9298, pp.1-12.
- In Search of the Perfect Cop: The Philosophy behind Community Policing, in Dialogue Quarterly, Astha Bharti, Delhi, Vol. 19, No. 4, April-June 2018, ISSN 09730095 pp. 123-135.
- Religious or Ideological Terrorism? Reconstructing the Unconcealed Synergy, in Journal of Politics and Governance, Academy of Politics and Governance, New Delhi, Vol.7, No.1, March, 2018, ISSN: 2278473X, pp. 15-23.
- Public Policy Education: Global Trends in Theory and Practice, Indian Journal of Public Administration (online), Vol. 58, Issue 2, Sage Journals, October 4, 2017, pp 173-183.
- Women Police as Agents of Social Change in India: Retrospect and Prospects, in Man and Society, A Journal of North-East Studies, Indian Council of Social Science Research, North Eastern Regional Centre, Meghalaya, Vol. XIV, Summer 2017, ISSN 2229-4058, pp.159-173.
- Shifting Global Contours: The New Challenges to State Sovereignty, in International Journal of Applied Research, AkiNik Publications, Delhi, 2017; 3(5), ISSN: 2394-7500, pp. 663-667.
- Reconstructing India’s Identity in World Politics: An Emerging Convergence between Public Diplomacy and Constructivism, in Sociology and Anthropology, Horizon Publishers, USA,Vol.2, No-6, September 2014, ISSN-2331-6179, pp.-227-231.
- Sovereignty and Humanitarian Intervention: An Ethical Challenge, The Indian Journal of Political Science, Vol. LXXVI, No. 2, April-June,2015, ISSN- 0019-5510, pp.195-200.
- Political Re-engagement With the World : A New Sojourn with Modi, World Focus, xxxv, No-11, November 2014, ISSN – 2230-8458, pp.166 – 172.
- The New Private Sector in Higher Education in India, in GNLU Journal of Law, Development and Politics, Vol. 3, Issue.1, March 2013, ISSN-0975-0193, pp.67-87.
- Book Review of a book titled China Now: Doing Business in the World’s Most Dynamic Market, N. Mark Lam and John L. Graham (eds.) in The ICFAI Journal of Governance & Public Policy, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2008, ISSN 0973-3736, pp. 69-72.
Chapters in Edited Books
- Gender Sensitization in Law Enforcement: Major Issues and Challenges, in Dr. Smita Nayak (ed.) Combating Violence against Women: A Reality in the Making, Kalpaz Publications, Delhi, 2016, pp. 87-103. ISBN: 9789351281924.
- Liberalization and Transformation of Women’s Work in India, in Pankaj Kumar and Sadhana Gupta (eds.) Relocating Women’s Equality in Indian Society, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2015, pp.207-222. ISBN: 978-81-316-0742-8.
- The Crisis of Political Authority: A Look at the Criminalization and Degeneration of Politics in India, in Shyam Sundar Acharya and Prachi Madhumita Mohanty (eds.), Criminalization of Indian Politics : Multifarious Dimensions, Dominant Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2015. ISBN: 978-93-84161-91-0.
- Globalization: The New Challenges to State Sovereignty, in Prof. Shyam Sundar Acharya and Prof. Geetanjali Dash (eds.), Political Economy of Development of Odisha, F.M. University Press in collaboration with Elite Publications, Bhubaneswar, 2014.
- Water Resource Management in India: The Institutional Challenges, in R.K. Mishar and Samanta Sahu (eds.) Water Governance, Allied Publishers Ltd., New Delhi, 2012, pp.40-53. ISBN: 978-81-8424-752-7.
Book Authored:
- Prabhu, Swapna S., Community Policing in a Democratic Society: A Study of Cyberabad Police Commissionerate in Andhra Pradesh, India, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN 978-3-8454-4362-1, 2011.
- Prabhu, Swapna S., Isolated Activism and Child Care: A Socio-cultural Perspective, Asian Press, Kolkata, ISBN: 978-93-92288-83-8, 2022.
- Prabhu, Swapna S., In Search of the Perfect Cop: The Indian Experience of Community Policing, White Falcon Publishing, Chandigarh, ISBN: 9781636409689, 2023.
- Minus Mallick
Registration -2016-2017
Topic of Research: Social Constructivism and Public Diplomacy: A Study of India’s
Foreign Policy since 1990s.
- Pritimayee Mishra
Registration -2016-2017
Topic of Research: Refugee Settlement in India: A Case Study of Odisha
- Subhashree Parida
Registration – 2016-2017.
Topic of Research: Power of Politics Vs Poltics of Power: A Study of Women Representatives in Panchayats of Nilagiri, Bhadrak District, Odisha
- Santosh Singh
Registration .-2016-17
Topic of Research: Diplomatic Challenges and International Relations to combat
Terrorism : A case study of India-Pakistan relations (2000-2016)
- The Politics of Child Care: A Critical Study of ‘Access to Child Care’ as a Public Policy in Odisha,sponsored by Utkal University Seed Grant Research Project (2017-2019).
- Child Care and Isolated Activism: A Socio-Legal Perspective on Women Workers in Unorganized Sectors in Odisha sponsored by UGC, Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Utkal University (January- December 2019).
- ‘Women, Energy and Empowerment: A Study of the Impact of Rural Electrification on Women’s Employment in Odisha’ sponsored by Odisha University Research and Innovation Incentivization Plan, Government of Odisha (2021-2023).
- Understanding international conflict in the third world: A conceptual analysis’ in International Conference on ‘Science, Society and Politics in South Asia’ organized by the International Office and World Bank Program, Utkal University on 3-4 March, 2020.
- ‘Isolated Activism and Childcare: An Ethical Study’ in the 45th All India Sociological Conference of the Indian Sociological Society on the theme “Environment, Culture and Development: Discourses and Intersections” at the University of Kerala, December, 2019.
- ‘Rural motherhood, ethic of care and justice: Reconstructing an unconcealed synergy’ in the three day International Conference on a theme “Interrogating the trends of rural development and social transformation in South Asia” on 2nd – 4th October, 2019 organized by Utkal University in collaboration with the Indian Sociological Society and the Indian Anthropological Association, University of Delhi.
- ‘Regional and Epistemological Understanding of Higher Education: A Case Study of Indigenous Universities of Guatemela’ in the World Bank sponsored National Seminar on Internationalization of Higher Education in India organized by the International Office, Utkal University in March, 2019.
- ‘Child Care and Isolated Activism: A Socio-Legal Perspective on Women Workers in Unorganized Sectors in India’ in the World Bank sponsored National Seminar on Inclusive Programs in India: Issues and Challenges organized by Utkal University in February, 2019.
- ‘Child Care as a subject of Public Policy in Odisha: A Study of the Impact of Rural Electrification on Child Care’ in the World Bank sponsored National Seminar on Rural Distress in India: Policy Concerns, Utkal University on 6th-7th March, 2019.
- Rapporteur for the two day symposium on Global Innovation Design organized by Utkal University in collaboration with Imperial College of London on 8th– 9th August, 2018.
- “Consumer Rights, Justice and Empowerment: A Theoretical Perspective” in the National Seminar on ‘Globalization, Market and Consumer Justice’ organized by Fakir Mohan University and Centre for Consumer Studies, IIPA, New Delhi on 17th– 18th March, 2018.
- ‘Terrorism, Religion and the Spirit of Peace: A Gandhian Perspective’ in the National Conference on “Remembering Mahatma Gandhi: Compassion and Relevance of Our Times’ organised by the Centre for Humanities and Compassion Studies at Xavier University January, 2018.
- Secured G. Rama Reddy Memorial Gold Medal in M.A. in 2004 at University of Hyderabad.
- Qualified UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) & Awarded Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) by University Grants Commission in 2008.
- Participated and presented a research proposal on ‘Transnationalization of Social Welfare: A Study of Kerala’s Social Protection Scheme NORKA ROOTS for its Emigrants’ in the workshop on ‘Developing an idea into a funded research project’ organized by OSHEC, Govt. of Odisha, on 15th September 2023.
- Organised and participated in a World Bank-OHEPEE sponsored National Seminar on Mother tongue, multilingualism and internationalism organized by the International Office, Utkal University on 27-28 April,2023.
- Participated and presented a paper on ‘Women, Energy and Empowerment: A study of rural electrification in Odisha’ in the International Seminar on ‘Empowerment of Women in Revitalizing World: Past & Present organized by Asiatic Society for Social Science Research in collaboration with School of Women’s Studies & Department of History, Utkal University on February 23-25, 2023.
- Successfully completed Refresher Course on Global Studies (Interdisciplinary): International Relations & World Politics organized by UGC HRDC- JNU from 9th– 21st January 2023 and obtained grade A.
- Participated in Poster presentation and discussion under the OURIIP in the second edition of the Odisha Research Conclave organized by the Odisha Higher Education Council, Govt. of Odisha during 14th– 16th November 2022 at Ravenshaw University.
- Organised a RUSA Centre of Excellence in Language, Literature and Culture sponsored National Seminar on ‘Idea of Swaraj and Contemporary Challenges’ as Organising Secretary on September 16, 2022 at Utkal University.
- Organised and coordinated a two-day World Bank-OHEPEE sponsored International Conference on ‘Building Intercultural Competence In Higher Education: Strengthening Local-Global Links’ by International Office, Utkal University on 23-24 September, 2021.
- Acted as Joint Organising Secretary for 29th All Odisha Political Science Association Conference on ‘Politics and Development in India: Issues & Challenges’ sponsored by ICSSR on 25th -26th December, 2021and presented paper on ‘India and China today: Competitors or Adversaries?”.
- Participated in Poster presentation and discussion under the OURIIP in the first edition of the Odisha Research Conclave organized by the Odisha Higher Education Council, Govt. of Odisha during 13th– 14th November 2021 at Utkal University.
- Acted as Member, Organising Committee for a two-day World Bank-OHEPEE sponsored National Seminar on ‘New Education Policy and Internationalization of Higher Education in India: Opportunities and Challenges’ organized by International Office Utkal University on 25-26 March, 2021 2021
- Participated in the Mentoring the Mentors Program organised by Utkal University in collaboration with iPREP TODAY Skills Foundation on March 2020.
- Attended the Refresher Course on Gender Studies organized by UGC, HRDC, Utkal University (22 January- 4 February, 2021).
- Participated and successfully completed a UGC sponsored short term course on ‘Disaster Management and Climate Change’ organized by the UGC HRDC Utkal University from 17-21 October, 2020.
- Participated in a Refresher course on the subject “Understanding Tribes in the Neo-Liberal Era” organized by UGC HRD Centre, Utkal University from 3rd December to 23rd December, 2018 and obtained Grade-A.
- Participated in the UGC Sponsored Orientation Course on the theme ‘Capacity Building in Higher Education’ at the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Utkal University from 18th August 2017 to 14th September 2017.