Graduation- S.C.S. College , Puri Post Graduation –Department of Philosophy, Utkal University
Ph.D.- Utkal University Topic- Causality and Freedom in Indian Philosophy
Utkal University Utkal University |
May 2004 –Present | Assistant Professor (Stage-I) |
Utkal University Utkal University |
Designation: Assistant Professor Topics: Philosophy |
May 2004 -Present |
Course Name- MA 1st Sem – Paper Name- Indian Epistemology
2nd Sem. –Comparative Religion 3rd Sem.-Philosophy of Vedanta 4th– Philosophy of Social Science & M.Phil- Critical Evaluation of Metaphysical Thinking Ph.D-Philosophies of prominent Indian Renaissance thinkers
Research Methodology (Paper Code-III, XIV & I) Department-Philosophy and University Name-Utkal University 2021 Duties:taught recitations, organize class seminars, M.Phil. Scholar guidance held office hours, graded exams, Exam Copy Checking |
Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams,
Invited lectures:
National# and International## Conferences Attended ( 26)/Orally* Presented (18)
- PhD thesisInternational (Books)
- Man Freedom and Religion
National (Books)
- Freedom in Indian Thought
- Gandhian Philosophy: A critical review
- on Unity of Religions
- Status of Man in Major Religions
Research Paper published in Peer-ReveredJournal
The Concept of Prama in classical Indian Philosophy and its present-day perspective (ICPR Sponsored)
M.Phil. -28 Scholars have awarded / Ph. D. CANDIDATE MENTORED –Registered
Working as observer / Rapporteur in ##International and #national conferences-03
Other professional activities/Membership
- a) In editorial board of journals:01
1) Indian journal of Analytical Research (Editor)
b)Members of Academic Bodies / Professional Associations
Life Member All Odisha Philosophy Association.
Extracurricular activities / contribution to campus or Institutional Life of the University.