Name: Dr. Nibedita Adhikari
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D (CSE), M.Tech.(CSE), MCA, M.Sc.(MATH)
Phone No.: 9437145188
E-mail ID:
DownloadSambalpur University | Jun 2008 – Dec 2012 | Ph.D.
Department: CSE Thesis Title: Some Studies on Parallel Interconnection Network Topologies Areas: Parallel and Distributed Systems Advisor: Dr Chitta Ranjan Tripathy |
National Institute of Technology, Rourela | August,2002 – Jun, 2004 | MTech
Department: CSE Thesis Title: Application of Soft Computing in Software Effort Estimation Areas: Software Engineering Advisor: Dr Bansidhar Majhi |
GM University | Aug, 1997 – Jun 2000, | MCA |
Utkal University | Aug 1995-Jun 1997 | MSc
Department: PG Department of Mathematics |
Utkal University | Dec 2021 – present | Assistant Professor |
HCE, BBSR | Jun 2020-Dec2021 | Professor, Department of CSE |
Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Biju Patnaik university, Odisha, rourkela | Aug 2019-May 2020 | Resource Person |
Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha, Rourkela | Mar. 2013 – May. 2019 | Deputy Director Examinations(MBA/MCA) |
PIET, Rkl | June 2008 – Mar 2013 | Assistant Professor |
DAMITS, Rkl | Aug 2004- Jun 2008 | Asst Prof and Head Dept. of Computer Sc |
PCE, Rkl | Jun 2001-Aug 2004 | Lecturer, Dept of CSE |
Course Name-Paper Name (Paper Code)
Advance Computer Architecture, Computer Graphics, Mobile Computing MTech (CSE) Department and University Name CSE, Centre for Advanced Post Graduate Studies, BPUT, Rkl
2019, 2020
Course Name-Paper Name (Paper Code)
Advance Computer Architecture, BIG Data, BTech Department and University Name CSE, HCE,BBSR
2020, 2021 |
Course Name-Paper Name (Paper Code)
Computer Organization, Computer Architecture and Organization I and II, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Operating Systems BTECH CSE Department and University Name CSE, PIET, Rkl, BPUT Microprocessor, Computer System Architecture, OS, Simulation and Modelling MCA
Duties: taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2008-2013 |
Course Name-Practical Paper Name (Practical Paper Code)
Microprocessor, Computer System Architecture, OS, Simulation and Modelling MCA Department and University Name Computer Sc, DAMITS, Rkl Duties: organized programming laboratory hours |
2004-2008 |
Course Name-Practical Paper Name (Practical Paper Code)
Microprocessor Laboratory OS Laboratory, Computer Organization Laboratory Department and University Name Duties: organized programming laboratory hours
2005 |
PhD thesis:
- Nibedita Adhikari, “Some Studied on Parallel Interconnection Network Topologies”. Departmental Research Committee: Name of the DRC (chairperson), Name of the Advisor Prof Chitta Ranjan Tripathy(Guide, Sambalpur University, 2012.
- Book Articles (Authored/Edited)
- Amardeep Das & Nibedita Adhikari , “A Novel Approach to Detect Rank Attack in IoT Ecosystem”10.1007/978-3-031-23233-6, Springer Book Series:Innovations in Intelligent Computing and Communication, Vol. 1737, Pp. 204-221, Dec 2022, ISBN: 978-3-031-23232-9
- Amardeep Das & Nibedita Adhikari, “Cyber-Physical System and Internet of Things: An Overview”,10.1142/13337 , A Practical Guide to the security and privacy of cyber-physical system: Foundation, Application, and Limitation, World Scientific Publisher, ISBN: 978-981-127-354-4, International
- N Adhikari and C R Tripathy, “Mstar: A New Two Level Interconnection Network”, Lecture Notes on
Computer Series, Vol.7154, pp.50-61, Feb 2012, Springer Nature, 2012.
- A Adhiakri, N Adhiakri & K C Patra , “Shear Force Analysis and Modelling for Discharge Estimation using Numerical and GP for Compound Channels”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 758, pp.319-331, ISSN2194-5357, March 2018.
- N Adhikari and CR Tripathy, “On Scalability of Parallel Interconnection Network Topologies”, Applications of Computing and Communication Technologies, Vol.899, pp.130-138, March 2018, ISBN: 978-981-13-2035-41865-0929, Springer.
- N dhikari and A singh, “Leafycube: A Novel Hypercube Derivative for Parallel Systems”, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communication Technologies, ISSN: 2367-4512, VOL37, PP323-332, FEB 2019, Springer.
- I Nanda and N Adhikari, “ Analysis and Design of Ethernet to HDMI Gateway using Xilinx Vivado, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communication Technologies, ISSN: 2367-4512, VOL37, PP. 463-477, FEB. 2019, Springer.
- J Pramanik, A K Samal, N Adhikari and S K Mishra, “A Simple IoT Framework for Versatile Real-Time Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communication Technologies, ISSN: 2367-4512, VOL37, PP. 409-417, FEB. 2019, Springer.
- N K Swain, C R Padhan, and N Adhikari, “On Embedding Properties of Double Star Interconnection Network Topology”, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Dec 2021, ISSN: 2367-3389, Springer.
- I Nanda and N Adhikari, “Handbook of Research for Big Data: Concepts and Techniques”, Subject Name: Design and Analysis of Reconfigurable Computing of SOC for IOT Applications Apple Academic Press, ISBN No. 9781771889803, 2022.
Journal Articles
- Nibedita Adhikari and Akshaya Kumar Dash, “Unlocking Modern VLSI Placement with Cutting-Edge GPU Acceleration Integrated with Deep Learning Tool Kit”, Journal of Science and Technology. 17 (44), pp: 4600-4610, 2024, DOI: 10.17485/IJST/v17i44.2663.
- S Pati, V Singh, N Adhikari and G R Nayak, “On Graph Theoretical Properties of Extended Star Interconnection Network Topology”, Journal of Harbin Engineering University ISSN:1006-7043, Vol.44(7) pp.-2373-2382, July 2023.
- D P Mishra, Nibedita Adhikari and L Dash, “A Machine Learning Based Method for Improvement of DDoS Attack Defense in IoT Networks”, Journal of Harbin Engineering University, ISSN:1006-7043, Vol.44(8) pp.-589-60, Aug 2023.
- Rashmita Padhi and Nibedita Adhikari, “Leafy Tor-Cube: A New Scalable Hybrid Interconnection Network for High Performance Computing”, International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics, ISSN: 1752-5063, Aug 2023.
- C R Mohapatra, N Adhikari, “AMST: Accelerated Minimum Spanning Tree for Scalable Data”, International Journal of Science and Technology, Sept 2023.
- S Pati, L Singh, N Adhikari and V Singh Extended Double Star: A High Performance Parallel Big Data Network EUROPIAN Chemical Bulletin, Spl Issue
ISSN: 2063-5346 - Mohapatra, Chittaranjan, and Nibedita Adhikari. “ROBUST RECTILINEAR STEINER TREE CONSTRUCTION: A MULTI OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION USING GENETIC ALGORITHM.” Semiconductor Optoelectronics 42.1 (2023): 1215-1233.
- Padhi, Rashmita, and Nibedita Adhikari. “Tetrahedral Hyper-Cube: A New Scalable Hybrid Interconnection Network for Massive Parallel Processing.” Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 35.2 (2023): 9-29.
- A Adhikari, N Adhikari & K C Patra, ¨ Machine Learning Approach for Discharge Estimation in Compound Channels”, Name of the Journal, ISH Journal of Hydraulics Engineering (Taylor and Francis), Vol. 27 (1), pp.100-109, , ISSN: 0971-5010, DOI:1080/09715010.2018.1501773, Aug 2021
- A Adhiakri, N Adhikari & K C Patra, ¨ Genetic Programming: A Complementary Approach for Discharge Modeling in Smooth and Rough Compound Channels”, Journal of Institution of Engineers, India (A) Springer, Vol.100(9),pp.395-405, 2019, ISSN:2250-2149. DOI: 1007/s40030-019-00367-x, Feb 2019.
- I Nanda & N Adhikari, ¨System on Chips Design for Internet of Thing using Partial Reconfiguration”, Journal of Research in Dynamical Control and Systems ISSN: 1943023X, Vol.11 (1), pp.1023-1029, 2019.
- N Nanda, K K Patra and N Adhikari, “Responsive Organisational Culture and Their Implications for Industrial Relations System and Practices in Indian Organisation”, MERC Global’s International Journal of Management, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp.180-183, April 2019.
- I Nanda & N Adhikari, “Accelerator Design for Ethernet and HDMI IP Systems for IoT using Xilinx Vivado 18.X, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-10, pp.652-656, August 2019.
- J Parmanik, A Samal and N Adhikari, “ A Low overhead Image Registration Algorithm using DWT and WIPSO for Resource Constrained SBC based Embedded System Application”, Int. Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol. 8, Issue 3, Sept 2019.
- N Adhiakri, N K Swain and A Singh, “LeafyCube: A Scalable and Load Balanced Interconnection Network Topology”, Int. Journal of Research and Analytical Review , Vol 6, No 2,pp.873-881, Jun 2019, ISSN: 2348-1269.
- N Adhiakri, N KSwain and A Singh, “Reliable, Effective and Fault-Tolerant Design of LeafyCube Interconnection Network Topology”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, pp. 3163-3170, October 2019
- I Nanda & N Adhikari, ¨Implementation and analysis of Partial Reconfiguration based Xilinx ISE Design of Processor Peripherals”, IOSR Journal of Engineering, pp.1-4, 2018, ISSN:22788719, 2018.
- I Nanda & N Adhikari , “Study and Design of Reconfigurable Processor Peripherals using Xilinx Tools”, Journal of Electronic Design Technology, Vol 9(1): PP.17–23, ISSN:2229-6980, DOI:37591/joedt.v9i1.620, 2018.
- N Nanda, K K Patra and N Adhikari, “Impact of Organizational Culture in a Changing Scenario: Analysis on Rourkela Steel Plant, Odisha”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 254-259, 2018.
- I Nanda & N Adhikari , “An Approach to Execution of Partial Reconfiguration in FPGA using XILINX PlanAhead”, Int. Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.117, No. 19, pp. 217-223, ISSN-13118080, 2017.
- Nibedita Adhikari, “Extended Crossed cube: A New Fault Tolerant Interconnection Network”, Int. Journal of Engineering Science Invention, Vol.6 (9), pp. 60-70, 2017, ISSN: 2319-6734.
- A Adhikari, N Adhikari & K C Patra , “Stream Flow Behaviour Studies using Neural Networks”, Int. Journal of Engineering Science Invention, Vol 6(10),pp. 99-108, 2017, ISSN: 2319-6734.
- A Adhikari, N Adhikari & K C Patra , “Prediction of Discharge in Straight Compound Channels using Conventional and Soft Computing Tools”, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application, Vol. 7 No.8(Part-2), pp.42-51, 2017, ISSN : 2248-9622.
- N Adhikari and C R Tripathy, “Star crossed cube: an alternative to star graph”, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Vol.22, pp. 719-734, 2014, ISSN: 1300-0632.
- N Adhikari and B Nag, “Star varietal cube: A New Large Scale Parallel Interconnection Network”, International Journal of Communication and Network Security, Vol.1, issue II, 2011, pp.37-44, ISSN: 2231-1882.
- N Adhikari and C R Tripathy, “The Folded crossed cube: A New Interconnection Network for Parallel Systems”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 4 No. 3, July 2010, pp.42-50.DOI:
- N Adhikari and C R Tripathy, “Metacrossedcube: A New Interconnection Topology for Large Scale Parallel Systems, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Computer Applications, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 15-22, 2011.
- N Adhikari and C R Tripathy, “On A New Multicomputer Interconnection Topology for Massively Parallel Systems, International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS) Vol. 2, No. 4, pp.162-180 July 2011. DOI: 10.5121/ijdps.2011.2414
- N Adhikari and C R Tripathy, “On A New Interconnection Network for Large Scale Parallel Systems, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.23, No.1, pp. 39-46, Jun 2011. DOI: 10.5120/2850-3656
- A Adhikari, C K Biswas and N Adhikari, “Optimization of Job Scheduling In A Machine Shop Using Genetic Algorithm”, Journal of The Institution of Engineers, India, Vol. 83, Sept, 2002 pp.15-19, Springer.
- U Mahesh, N Adhikari,K C Patra, “Long-term Forecasting of Rainfall for Brahmani River Basin, (Under Revision) International Journal of Environment, Development and Sustainability, Springer Nature.
- S Pati, Lipsa Priyadarrshini and N Adhikari, “ Extended Double Star: A Massively Parallel Big Data Network, Extended Paper accepted , Journal of Microsystems, Springer Nature.
Conference Publications
S.N. Author(s) Title of Paper Title of Proceedings Year/Vol//Page Conference National/ International
Name Place Year 1 A Adhikari, N Adhiakri, K C Patra Discharge Estimation in Rough Compound Channels using Numerical and Genetic Programming 8th International Conference on Advances on Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering 2018/8 12-17
ACSM 2018
Paris 2018 International Abroad
2 N Adhikari On extension of Star based Parallel Interconnection Networks 8th International Conference on Advances on Computers, Computing and Networks 2018/8 1-4
ACCN2018 Paris 2018 International Abroad
3 N Adhikari, C R Tripathy On Scalability of Parallel Interconnection Network Topologies International Conference on Applications of Computing and Communication Technologies 2018/1 130-138
IACCT2018 Delhi 2018 International (Within Country)
4 Ipsita Nanda, N Adhikari
Application and Performance of FPGA using Partial Reconfiguration with Xilinx PlanAhead IEEE conference on International Transportation Electrification Conference India 2017 2017 1-5
ITEC2017 Pune 2017 International (Within Country)
5 N Adhikari Parallel Processing and Architecture, 1st Int. Conference on Computing, Communication and Sensor Network 2012 CCSN2012 Rourkela, odisha 2012 6 N Adhikari, B Nag, C R Tripathy On Topological Properties of A Star based Large Scale Parallel System IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Networks and Computer Communications 2011 336-341
ETNCC11 Udaipur 2011 International (Within Country)
7 N Adhikari, Kalpataru Sethi, C R Tripathy Metastar: A Massive Large Scale Parallel Interconnection Network IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Networks and Computer Communications 2011 359-364
ETNCC2011 Udaipur 2011 International (Within Country)
9 N Adhikari, C R Tripathy Performance and Topological Properties of Folded Crossed Cube IEEE Int. Conference on Inf. Tech 2009 239-243
ICIT2009 BBSR, Odisha 2009 International (Within Country)
10 N Adhikari, C R Tripathy Extended Crossed cube: An Improved Fault Tolerant Interconnection Network IEEE International Conference on Networked Computing 2009 86-91
INC2009 Seol , Korea 2009 International Abroad
11 N Adhikari, C R Tripathy Folded Metacube: An Efficient Large Scale Parallel Interconnection Network, IEEE International Advance Computing Conference 2009 1281-1285
IACC2009 Patiala, Punjab 2009 International (Within Country)
12 N Adhikari, C R Tripathy Folded Dual Cube: A New Interconnection Topology for Parallel Systems IEEE Int. Conference on Inf. Tech 2008 75-78
ICIT2008 BBSR, Odisha 2008 International (Within Country)
13 N Adhikari Automated Test Data Generation TECHNOLOGIA-2004 2004 Technologia2004 Bhilar, Chhatishgarh 2004 National 14 N Adhikari Session Chair MICRO2016 2016 International (Within Country)
15 N Adhikari Session Chair MICRO2018 2018 International (Within Country)
16 Rao, Madhuri and Kamila, Narendra Kumar and Adhikari, Nibedita, Evaluation of Elicitation and Specification of the Requirements for an Internet of Things (IoT) System SSRN: SSRN/
2019 I3SET2K19 Kolkata International (Within Country)
17 Majhi, Deepak and Adhikari, Nibedita and Rao, Madhuri and Sahoo, Sampa A Fuzzy Approach for Accident Prediction in IoT based Mining System SSRN: SSRN/
2019 I3SET2K19 Kolkata International (Within Country)
18 Mohanty, Ankita Ananya and Adhikari, Nibedita, Folded Leafy Cube: A Derivative For High Performance Computing SSRN: SSRN/
2019 I3SET2K19 Kolkata International (Within Country)
19 Barik, Himansu and Adhikari, Nibedita and Routa, Lipsa and Swain, Nirmal, Double Star: A High Performance Network for Big Data SSRN: SSRN/
2019 I3SET2K19 Kolkata International (Within Country)
20 Adhikari, Nibedita and Dash, Tapaswini, Leafy Crossed Cube: An Efficient PIN for High Speed Computing SSRN: SSRN/
2019 I3SET2K19 Kolkata International (Within Country)
21 Nibedita Adhiakri Session Chair IEEE 2020 ICCSEA Gunupur, Odisha March 2020 International (Within Country)
22 Barik, Himansu and Adhikari, Nibedita and Swain, Nirmal, Load Balancing In Double star Network IEEE 2020 ICCSEA Gunupur, Odisha March 2020 International (Within Country)
- Dr. Ipseeta Nanda, Intern candidate, (Biju Patnaik university of Technology, Odisha) – ECE/Parallel Reconfiguration of Low power System on Chip Design for Internet of Things, Summer 2016 PhD. Awarded under the Biju Patnaik university of Technology, Odisha in 2019.
- Dr. Sadashib Pati, Ph.D. candidate, (Usha Martin University, Ranchi) – Computer Application/ A STUDY ON STAR BASED PARALLEL SYSTEM FOR BIG DATA, March 2024.
- Dr. Rashmita Padhi, Ph.D. Utkal University, Computer Application/ “STUDY OF INTERCONNECTION NETWORKS FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING” Awarded Oct 2024.
- Chitta Ranjan Mohapatra, Ph.D. candidate, Computer Sc and Engg. / “HIGH PERFORMANCE ALGORITHMS FOR VLSI PHYSICAL DESIGN”. Currently working as Asst Professor, Dept of CSE, Silicon University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
- Amardeep Dash, Ph.D. candidate, Computer Sc and Engg., / “Energy Efficient Network Layer Attack Detection and Mitigation Approach for IOT Networks”. Currently working as Asst Professor, CV Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
- Akshaya Kumar Dash, Ph.D. candidate, Computer Sc and Engg., / “Efficient Algorithms for Mix Size Placement in VLSI Design”. Currently working as Asst Professor, SOA University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
- Debi Prasad Mishra, Ph.D. candidate, Computer Sc and Engg., / “Performance Improvement of DDOS Attack Detection in IOT Networks”. Currently working as Asst Professor, OUTR, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Currently working as Associate Professor, CSE Dept, Sarala Birla University, Ranchi, Jharkhand- 835103.
Presently working as Lecturer, IMCA Dept, Utkal University.
Mtech Students Guided:
Sl.No | Name of the Student guided | Thesis Title | Degree Awarded | Year of Award
(YYYY) |
Name of University/Institute Awarding the Degree |
1 | Gitashree | Face Recognition Based Attendance System | Yes | 2019 | BPUT, Odisha |
2 | Sarada | Webpage Classification for Safer Browsing | Yes | 2019 | BPUT, Odisha |
3 | Snighda | Customer requirement analysis using User Generated Content | Yes | 2019 | BPUT, Odisha |
4 | Rabi Narayan Mohanty | Consumer Behaviour Analysis using User Generated Content | Yes | 2019 | BPUT, Odisha |
5 | Sheemashree | Automated Machine Translation for Regional Languages | Yes | 2019 | BPUT, Odisha |
6 | Archana Singh | Leafycube-A Novel Hypercube Derivative for Parallel Systems | Yes | 2019 | BPUT, Odisha |
7 | Sasmita Murmu | Finding an Optimal Time Quantum of Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm | Yes | 2019 | BPUT, Odisha |
8 | Krishna Patra | A New Variant of Move to Front (VMTF) List Accessing Algorithm | Yes | 2019 | BPUT, Odisha |
9 | Girija Nandini Kunar | Anew version of dynamic scheduling using EDF algorithm | Yes | 2018 | CAPGS,BPUT, Odisha |
10 | Pramod Dubey | Star Varietal Cube Network | Yes | 2018 | CAPGS,BPUT, Odisha |
11 | Nandita Sahoo | Map-Reduced based K-Means Algorithm for Clustering in Big Data | Yes | 2017 | BPUT, Odisha |
12 | Lipsa Tripathy | Fault Tolerant scheduling of Real Time Task on Cloud Computing Environment | Yes | 2017 | BPUT, Odisha |
13 | Debajani Ratha | Soft Computing Based Simulation study of Nano-2Biosensors for Enhanced Bio Imaging Contrast | Yes | 2017 | BPUT, Odisha |
14 | Rajendra Patel | SoftComputing Techniques for Data Mining Applications | Yes | 2017 | BPUT, Odisha |
15 | Dwiti Krushna Sabat | On the Extension of Star Based Interconnection Network Topology | Yes | 2015 | CAPGS,BPUT, Odisha |
16 | Mahabir Prasad Dash | On the Extension of Star Based Interconnection Network Topology | Yes | 2015 | CAPGS, BPUT, Odisha |
17 | Binod Nag | Studies on Variation of Star Graph | Yes | 2011 | SUIIT, Sambalpur Uinversity |
18 | Himanshu Barik | Double star Network | Yes | 2020 | CAPGS, BPUT |
19 | Ankita Mohanty | Folded Leafy Cube | Yes | 2020 | CAPGS, BPUT |
20 | Deepak Majhi | IOT based Mining System | Yes | 2020 | CAPGS, BPUT |
21 | Tapaswini Dash | Leafy Crossed Cube | Yes | 2021 | CAPGS, BPUT |
22 | Lipsa Rout | Double Star Interconnection Network Topology | Yes | 2021 | CAPGS, BPUT |
23 | Chinmaya Ranjan Padhan | Embedding properties of Double star(Ring) | Cont | 2022 | CAPGS, BPUT |
24 | Lipsa Priyadarsini Singh | Extended Double Star Network Topology | Cont | 2022 | CAPGS, BPUT |
25 | Gyana Ranjan Nayak | Embedding properties of Double star(Mesh) | Cont | 2022 | CAPGS, BPUT |
-Expert Talk delievered at IEI, Rourkela Chapter on “NETBOOK OS”.
– Invited talk at RIMS, Rourkela Presented “Soft Computing Technique and Its Application in Research ” / WORKSHOP on Soft Computing on 08.03.2017
– Invited talk at the RTSCA2K17, Workshop on Soft Computing at GIET, Baniatangi, Odisha
– Expert Talk Delievered at GIET, Baniatangi on Application of IOT in Europian Road Transport- A Case Study in National Workshop on IOT during Feb 2018.
-RESSEN2018 TEQIP III Sponsored Workshop organized as Convener on 26.12.2018 in Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha
- Best paper award nomination, International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Analytics, 2018 .
Member in Professional Body
IE, India
Journal Review
Name of Journal | Publisher | Status |
SN Computer Science | Springer | International |
Journal of Supercomputing | Elsevier | International |
Array | Elsevier | International |
Int Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems | AIRCC, UK | International |
Category | Title of Patent/Copyright Identification
Owner(s)/Inventor(s) | Applicant | Status | Date |
Patent | Design and Development of
an IOT based Real Time Mine Environment Safety Monitoring |
Abhaya Samal,
Singam Jayathu, Nibedita Adhiakri, J PAramanik |
Samal and Nibedita Adhiakri |
Filed | 28 Dec 2018
Patent | System and Method for IPs for Ethernet and HDMI using XILINX VIVADO for IOT Applications | 021102694 | Dr Ispeeta Nanda
Dr Nibedita Adhikari |
Dr Ispeeta Nanda
Dr Nibedita Adhikari |
Awarded |
Feb 2022 |
Copyright | A Novel Digital User Community Based Mobile App for Women Personal safety and Others | L-93895/2020 | Dr Nibedita Adhikari | Dr Nibedita Adhikari | Granted | 20.08.2020 |
CQEMS (Continuous Quality Evaluation and Monitoring Systems)
A multidisciplinary platform for improving quality of Technical Education in Odisha as well as in India. It aims to involve faculties of Technical Institutions in CSR activities to upgrade the student community during the pandemic. The students of any stream any branch can enhance their understanding of the subjects and make themselves Industry Ready through a flexible at Any Time Learning approach.
WILD ORCHID: A Personalized Fashion Consultancy for every one for every occasion. Fashion Blogging and Dress Designing. Mobile App is under development.
MO SURAKSHYA: An initiative for IOT based personal safety under continuous monitoring. The main idea is to provide help to anybody in distress and save lives. Copyright of the Idea is already granted. Patent is under processing.