Name: Dr. Navaneeta Rath
Designation: Professor
Qualification: M.A, Ph.D, Post doctoral (University of Wuppertal, Germany)
Phone No.:
ORCID: https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-5615-2770
E-mail ID: navaneeta.rath@gmail.com
Download- Gender Studies
Utkal University | July,1989–July,1992 | Ph.D. Department: Sociology Thesis Title: Participation of Women in Rural development Programmes: A Study in the Bhandari Pokhari Block of Balasore Areas: Women’s Studies and Sociology of Development Advisor: Late Prof. R.N. Srivastav |
Utkal University | July, 1985–May ,1989 | M.A./ M.Phil. Department: Sociology Thesis Title: Women in Development Programmes Working Women and Role Conflict: A Study in the City of Bhubaneswar Areas: Women’s Studies and Sociology of Development Advisor: Late Prof. R.N. Srivastav |
Utkal University | June, 1983–May ,1985 | Bachelor of Arts Department: Political Science, R.D. Women’s College Hons:Political Science |
Utkal University | June. 2010 – present | Professor |
Odisha Educational Service | July,2002-2010 June. | Reader |
Odisha Educational Service | July1989-2002 July. | Lecturer |
Consultant to World Bank Designation: Consultant Topics: Social Assessment of DPEP districts in Odisha (07 districts in three phases) |
1994 – 1997 |
Consultant to UNDP Designation: Consultant Topics: Social Security for Urban Informal Worker: A Study of the Craft Workers in the Golden Triangle Region of Odisha. Third Party Evaluator for OXFAM on Education project and ONGC on CSR project Prepared The Odisha Child Policy, 2017 with OSCPCR and UNICEF |
1999 – 2001 |
Course Name- Sociological Concepts (Soc-01) Sociological Concepts (Soc-01) Research Methods (Soc-03) Globalisation and Society (Soc-06) Sociology of Gender (Soc-13) Gender and Society (M.Phil. Soc.03) |
2010-2015 |
Globalisation and Society (Soc-06) Applied Research Methodology (Soc-C-12 /OE-01) Sociology of Environment & Climate Change (Soc-14) Advanced Sociological Theory (M.Phil. Soc.03) |
2015-2021 |
Qualitative Research Tools (PrePh.d. Course Work Soc-02) Review of Literature ( PrePh.d. Course Work Soc-02 ) Department of Sociology and University Name-Utkal University Duties:Taught and conducted evaluations |
2012-2017 |
Invited lectures:
- Declining Labour force participation among Women in Odisha: A Regional Perspective at National Law university invited by National Commission for Women and V.V.Giri Labour Institute, Noida,6th March,2020
- Challenges and Opportunities for SHGs in the Post Lockdown Period for Odisha Livelihood Mission, 15th of May2020
- Role of frontline Workers in COVID19 Management at the press Information Bureau,Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, ,22nd July,2020
- “Social and Cultural Challenges during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indian Society: Local and Global Concerns”, organised by the Department of Sociology, F.M.University in collaboration with Indian Sociological Society & Ethnographic and Folk Culture Society, 29th July,2020
- Paradigm Shifts in Gender Development During and Post COVID19 period organised by BBMK University Dhanbad, 21st July,2020
- COVID19 & Society: the Shocking Ins and Outs, in the Global lecture Series organized by S.S.L.N.T.MahlilaMahavidyalaya, Dhnabad, Jharkhand, 31st July,2020
- Inclusivity in Livelihood Programmes: Rethinking Rural Women’s Livelihood in the Post COVID Scape, FDP Address at the Joint programme organized by Miranda House and R.D.W.U, 1st September,2020
- Migrant Returnee Rural Women in Odisha: Felt Issues and Needed Interventions”at theRegional Centre for Urban & Environmental Studies Lucknow,31st January,2021
- Techniques of data Collection- Observation and Case Study,Presentation at National Law University Odisha,18.06.2021
- The Social Costs of Population Explosion& The Need for Global Governance,Global Peace Foundation, 20-06-2021
PhD thesis
Department: Sociology
Thesis Title: Participation of Women in Rural development Programmes: A Study in the Bhandari Pokhari Block of Balasore , Guide and Supervisor Prof. R. N. Srivastav.
Book Articles (Authored/Edited)
- The Panorama of Odisha’s Rural Culture: A Kaleidoscopic View (ed.), Mittal Publications,2022, ISBN- 978-93-9069-285-9
- Rural Studies: An Annotated Bibliography from Global to Regional (Co. Edt.), Gyan Publishing House,2021, ISBN- 978-81-2126-143-2
- Understanding Gender Responsive Budgeting(ed.), Mayur Publications,2019, ISBN-978-81-89626-80-8
- Women in Rural Society: A Quest for Development, M.D. Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1996, ISBN: 81-855880-89-1
- Women in India: A Search for Identity (Co-edited) Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1999, ISBN: 81-261-0450-3
- Gender and Social Exclusion: Some Reflections (edt. with co-editors) Abhijit Publications, New Delhi, 2012, ISBN: 978-93-5074001-9
- Women in Indian Politics: Tradition, Transition and Transformation (co edited), Mittal 2016 ISBN-10: 8183248071
Text Books
- Ethics & Values, Volume-I, Women, Social Institutions and Practices (Co-authored), Odisha State Bureau of Textbook Preparation & Production, Pustaka Bhawan, Bhubaneswar,2021, ISBN-978 81-8005-431-0
- Globalisation: Dynamics, Developments and Discourses, Kalyani Publishers,2021, ISBN-10: 9327283740
- Sociology of Gender, Mayur Publications ,2021, ISBN-978-81-89626-84-6
- Sociology of Movements, Kalyani Publications,2020, KLYDEL0000106
- Urban Sociology, Kalyani Publications,2018, ISBN-978-93-272-9942-7
Selected Chapters or articles contributed
- Rath Navaneeta and Rath Atasi (2016) Women’s Participation in Post-Independence Odisha Politics pp.68-77 in Gitanjali Dash edt. Politics of Under development, ISBN:978-93-8315-851-5
- Rath Navaneeta and Patra, Amita (2018)Gender Divide to Gender Development: A Reflection on the Discourses and the Dilemmas in SIRD published book on Gender and Development, ISBN-978-81-939771-0-1
- Rath Navaneeta(2018) Contextualising Feminism in India’s Past and Present in Urmimala Das edt. Marxist Feminism and Women Empowerment in India, ISBN978-81-934214
- Rath Navaneeta and Mishra Subhra (2019) Technical Education and Women’s Empowerment in India: Challenges, Changes and Choices in T Gopinath, Sindhu K.K(Ed.) Wellness, Skill Development and Women Empowerment, Shipra publications, ISBN: 978-81-938382-7-3
- Rath Navaneeta (2021) COVID19 and Education: Looking Beyond in Prof. Sudhakar Patra, AsokBhukta and Sukant Kumar Taraiedt. Social Sector in India: COVID19 Issues and Challenges, Bharati Publications, New Delhi ISBN-978-93-90818
Journal Articles
- Mishra, C., Rath, N. (2023) Rural women and disaster: an ethnographic account of their experiences of cyclone ‘Fani’. Environ Dev Sustain (Forthcoming). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-03220-1. View
- Jena, B., Rath, N. and Mohanty, N. (2023) Social Exclusion to Inclusive Framework: The Third Gender Community under Transformation. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Vol. 11, Issue. 05, pp. 329-341. View
- Rath, N. (2023). Emic and Etic Approaches in Conventional and Contemporary Social Science Research. In Ethnographic Research in the Social Sciences (pp. 29-38). New Delhi: Routledge. View
- Sahoo, Roopa Roshan & Rath , Navaneeta(2023) Interrelations of Myths and Motifs: A Socio-Cultural Viewpoint, Lakhomi Journal : Scientific Journal of Culture, Britain International for Academic Research Publisher (BIAR-Publisher), Volume 3, No. 4, pp. 147-157. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/lakhomi.v3i4.838 View
- Sahoo, A., Rath, N. (2023) Assessment of climate change, water poverty and risk communities: some insights from Western Odisha. GeoJournal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-022-10819-w View
- Patra, Archita B. and Rath, N. (2023) “Child Poverty: A Cross Approach Analysis, International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology (IJRSA), Vol 8, No. 1, pp. 01-09. ISSN(Print): ISSN 2454-8677. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20431/2454-8677.0801001. View
- Biswal, B. and Rath, N. (2022) Digital Divide and Risked Communities: A Case Study of the Vulnerabilities of Women In India during the Pandemic. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Educational Studies (IJITES), Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 19-24. ISSN (Print): 2682-3918. DOI: 10.21608/ihites.2022.118464.1106. View
- Acharya, Sabita Kishor K. Basa, Navaneeta Rath, Siba Sankar Mohanty, SubhrajitRath(2021) CSR and Community Development: A Study of Project Villages of NALCO Foundation in Damanjodi Mining Area of Koraput, Orissa Journal of Commerce, Volume 41, Issue 4, ISSN: 0974-8482, (U.G.C. CARE Listed Group-I). View
- Biswal, Barsha , Rath, Navaneeta, Ridwan, Muhammad(2021) Navigation through the Literature on Domestic Violence: Discovering the Told and the Untold, Konfrontasi Journal: Culture, Economy and Social Changes, (1) ,March 2021, 1-11, ISSN: 1410-881X (Print), 2716-2095 (Online), DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/konfrontasi2.v8i1.136 , View
- Pattnaik, Annapurna and Rath, Navaneeta (2021) Institutional Child Care Home: Reaching Out to the Unreached, International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol 2, Issue 9. pp. 726-73. View
- Pattnaik, Annapurna and Rath, Navaneeta (2021) Institutional Child Care Homes: Identifying the Ailments and Rethinking Reforms, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), Volume 12, Issue 7, pp. 12176-12187. ISSN: 13096591. View
- Mishra, Chinmayee and Rath, Navaneeta(2020), Social solidarity during a pandemic: Through and beyond Durkheimian Lens, Social Sciences & Humanities, Volume 2, Issue 1, Elsevier, ISSN: 2590-2911, Pp 01-07, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2020.100079, View
- Biswal, Barsha and Rath, Navaneeta(2020) Domestic violence: Unfolding the realities and Breaking the Myths, Journal of the Social Sciences, Vol No. 48(3), July 2020, pp342-354, Academic Publication Council (APC),Kuwait, ISSN: 0253-1097
- Biswal, Barsha and Rath Navaneeta(2020) Domestic Violence Research: Formidable Challenges, Responses Innovated and the Lessons Learned, GIS Business, Volume 15, Issue 4, Pp. 406-418, ISSN: 1430-3663. View
- Pattnaik, Annapurna and Rath, Navaneeta(2020) Position of Orphan Children in Orphanage Home in India, Tathapi (UGC Care Journal), Volume 19, Issue 09, Pp. 279-307, ISSN: 0971-2143.
- Rath, Navaneeta(2020) Declining Labour force Participation among Women in India: Exploring the Unexplored, Mahila Prastistha, Volume 5, Issue 4. pp01-17,MahilaPrastitha Publications, ISSN No: 2454-7891.
- Kalinga, Kirti K. and Rath Navaneeta (2019) A comparative assessment of climate change related knowledge and perception of Coastal and Tribal community, Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal,https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/3602, (Winter)11-5.2019, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, ISSN-1522-0222. View
- Pattnaik, Annapurna and Rath Navaneeta(2019) Status of Children in Care Homes in Odisha A Socio-legal Analysis, Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal),https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/2925/, (Summer) 6-7-2019,University of Nebraska – Lincoln, ISSN-1522-0222. View
- Kalinga, Kirti K. and Rath Navaneeta (2019) Interrogating Climate Change through the Cultural Theory of Risk, Adalya Journal, Volume 8, Issue 10, Pp. 1477 – 1482. ISSN: 1301-2746. DOI:16.10089.AJ.2019.V8I10.285311.6427, View
- Rath, Navaneeta and Annapurna Pandey (2018) “The Role of Non State Actors in Ensuring Indigenous Right to Education in Na Era of Neoliberalism: An Experiential Account from India”. Abya-Yala: Revista Sobre Acesso à Justiça E Direitos Nas Américas, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp.111-39. https://doi.org/10.26512/abyayala.v2i1.10698. View
- Umakanta Mohapatra and Navneeta Ratha (2018,) Voluntarism In Odisha: The Indigenous And Exogenous Traits. Int J Recent Sci Res. Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 24265-24272. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijrsr.2018.0902.1629. View
- Kumar, Renuka and Rath, Navaneeta (2018) Bringing Higher education from Far to near in India: The Role of Distance Education in World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp. 160-166. View
- Rath Navaneeta and Mishra Subhra (2017) Globalisation and Consumer Rights: the Developments, Debates and Defence, GE-International Journal of Management Research, Vol. 5, Issue 4, April, Association of Academic Researchers and Faculties, ISSN: 2321-1709. View
- Rath, Navaneeta and Mishra, Subhra (2017) Gender Divide in Science: Breaking the Glass Ceiling, International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology (IJRSA), Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 1-8, ISSN 2454-8677 http://dx.doi.org/10.20431/2454-8677.0301001. View
- Panda, Sasmita and Rath, Navaneeta (2017) Over viewing the Literature on Handlooms and Detecting the Grey Areas, Desh Vikash, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 202-216,ISSN-2394-1782.
- Rath Navaneeta and and Panda, Sasmita (2017) Traditional Hand-woven Khandua of Nuapatna and Maniabandha -A Navigation into its Ancestry and Analyzing the Present, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education ,Volume 3, Issue 4 2017,ISSN: 2395- 4396. View
- Rath, Atasi and Rath, Navaneeta (2016) Farmers’ Suicide: Trends and Trials, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Volume 6, Issue 10, pp. 570-589, ISSN: 2249-2496.
- Satpathy, Jyotirmaya and Rath, Navaneeta, (2016) Proclaiming Neurosocionomics, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2800075, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2800075. View
- Rath, Navaneeta (2016) Gender Budgeting: A Means to Attain Gender Equality in Mahila Prastitha, International Multidisciplinary Journal of Women and Gender Studies, Volume 1 Issue 4, ISSN 2454-7891.
- Rath, Navaneeta (2016) Energy Use Pattern in the Poor Households and Its Impact on Women’s Empowerment: a Study in the Urban Slums of Bhubaneswar, IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 21, Issue 5, pp. 53-61, ISSN: 2279-0845. View
- Rath, Navaneeta (2016) Impact of Globalization on the Urban Informal Economy: A Study of the Women Craft Workers of Odisha, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), Volume 2, Issue 6, pp 839-846, ISSN: 2454-1362. View
- Satpathy, J. and Rath, N. (2015). Voyage into Neuro-Absenteeism, International Journal of Research and Development – A Management Review (IJRDMR), Volume-5, Issue–1, pp. 50-63. ISSN: 2319–5479. View
- Satpathy, Jyotirmaya and Rath, Navaneeta, (2015) Neurosocio – Economic Inquisition into Absenteeism, SSRN, (uploaded on 09 December 2015), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2701184. View
- Satpathy, J. and Rath, N. (2015). Behavioural Inquisition into Absenteeism, Cognitive Social Science eJournal, SSRN, (December 3, 2015), USA., International Tecnology and Innovation Research Journal, Volume 1, Issue 2, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2698575. View
- Rath, N. (2015) Child Poverty: The Shocking ins and Outs, International Journal of Development Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, pp. 5172-5177, ISSN: 2230-9926. View
- Satpathy, J. and Rath, N. (2015). Clinical Reflections On Some Models In Absenteeism, International Technology and Innovation Research Journal, Volume 01, Issue 02, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2624395. View
- Rath, N. (2015) Inclusive Governance, Panchayats and Women’s Empowerment: Ideas, Issues and Interventions, Orissa Review, ISSN 0970-8669.View
- Rath, N. (2014) After Care for Aging out Inmates from Care Homes: The Odishan Experiment and Experience, Odisha Review, ISSN 0970-8669. View
- Rath, Navaneeta, (2014) Including the Excluded through After Care: The Odishan Experiment and Experience with the Aging Out Orphan Girls from the Care Homes, SSRN, (Uploaded on February 13, 2014). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2395362. View
- Rath, N. (2013) Women’s Empowerment in the 21st Century India: Vision and Realities, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Volume 2, Issue 12(2), ISSN:2277-7881.
- Rath, N. (2012) Women in New Economic Frontiers: The Women Corporate Professionals of Odisha, Journal of Extension Education, Volume 17, Number 1, ISSN: 0976-8246.
Research Manographs/Occasional Papers
- Bhaswati Patnaik, Navaneeta Rath and Srijit Mishra (2020) COVID-19: Dos and Don’ts for Media, Policy Brief 21, NCDS, June 16.
- Srijit Mishra, Bhaswati Patnaik, Navaneeta Rath (2020) COVID-19: FAQs on Serological Antibody Test for SARS COV-2 in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, Policy Brief, 17 April, 2020.
- Rath Navaneeta and Dr. Namita Mohanty (2018) Background Policy paper for Odisha Child Policy,2017.
- Rath, N. (1996) A Study of the Promises and Performances of Mahila Banks in Orissa, Occasional Paper No. 30, NCDS.
- Rath, N. (1995) Development Scenario of Women in Orissa, Occasional Paper No. 18, N.C.D.S., Bhubaneswar.
- Rath, N. (1995) Women Social Movements in India, Occasional Paper No. 20, N.C.D.S., Bhubaneswar.
- Rath, N. (1994) Women specific Social Legislations in India and Germany: A Comparative Study. Occasional Paper No. 10, N.C.D.S., Bhubaneswar.
- Annapurna Pattanaik , The Status of Children in Child Care Homes in Odisha: A Sociological Analysis , 02-Sociology-2014-15.
- Gargee Pradhan , Corporatization of Health Care Services: A Study Among Women in Nursing Profession , 04 Women’s Studies 2015-16, (U.G.C.S.R.F.).
- Kasturi Mohanty, Changing Health Care Landscape and People’s Perception of and Participation in Public and Private Health Care System in the City of Bhubaneswar: A sociological analysis, 03-Sociology-2016-17.
- Susmita Rath, Industrial Displacement and Its cost on the Human Rights of Tribal Women: A Sociological Study in Odisha, 04 Sociology -2016-17, (U.G.C.J.R.F.).
- Biswa Rajan Jena, Tradition and Transformation of Third Gender Population: A Study in Odisha, 09 Sociology,2017-2018.
- Chinmayee Mishra, Women and Disaster:AStudy on Vulnerability and Resilience , 01 Sociology, 2019-2020(U.G.C.J.R.F.).
- Myths and Realities behind Motifs:A Sociological Study of the Handloom Sarees of Odisha, 02 Sociology,2020.
- Invited to serve as a review panel member/FNFR 2022, for Multidisciplinary Review for the New Frontiers in Research set up by the Canada Research Coordinating Committee (CRCC) , Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada outlined in the UN Research Roadmap for the COVID- 19 Recovery.
- Odisha Child Policy,2017, A Project sponsored by UNICEF and OSCPCR, Odisha.
- Socio-economic Impact Assessment (SIA) of CSR Projects Implemented by NALCO Foundation,2018, A Project sponsored by NALCO Foundation,2018, (Co-PI).
- Project on Gender Sensitization ((Action Project),2018-2019, A Project sponsored by the Department of WCD, 2018, Government of Odisha (P.I.).
- Project on Gender Budgeting(2 Action Projects),2018-2019,2019-2020, A Project sponsored by Ministry of WCD, Government of India (P.I.).
- Impact Assessment of the CSR Interventions at ASSVM, Kendujiani,2018-2019, A Project sponsored by ONGC(P.I.).
- The Social Consequences of Natural Disaster on Women: A Study of the Victims of “Fani”-2019-2020, A Project sponsored by CWDS(P.I.).
- Presented a paper titled “Climate Change, Water Poverty and Risk Community: Some Insights from Western Odisha” at an International Conference on Climate Crisis and Future Implications (7th -8th May, 2022) organized by VIT-AP School of Social Sciences and Humanities, VIT-AP University, Andhra Pradesh, India.
- Presented paper “Analysing the matthew effect in e-learning during Covid-19: Insights from India” at The International Conference on Global Developments in the Corona and Post-Corona Eras, 06 March 2022, Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran, Iran.
- Looking Beyond Feminism at the International Workshop organized by the Gender Cell of Birla Global University on 27-03-2021.
- Inclusivity in School Education in the Post COVID19 Period: Rethinking Strategies, Valedictory Address at the National Webinar organised by the Department of Sociology, and Gender Studies, Pondicherry Central University on23rd October,2020.
- Green Engineering and Women: The Whys and the Hows, at a National Seminar organized by the Department of Gender Studies, Rama Devi Women’s University on 29th of February,2020.
- Transgender Movements and Achievements in India: A Saga in the Gender Identity Search Movements Valedictory Address in the U.G.C. sponsored National Seminar organized by the Department of Sociology, Ravenshaw University, 4th January, 2020.
- Key note address on Innovative Education: A Step towards Inclusive Education, National Seminar at ABS Academy of Science, Technology and Management, Durgapur, March,2017.
- The Role of Non State Actors in Ensuring Indigenous Right to Education in an Era of Neo liberalism: an Experiential Account from India at the International Conference of Social Anthropology “World in Motion”at OTTAWA, 3rd May,2017(As remote presenter).
- Obtained Post-doctoral degree in Sociology from the University of Wuppertal, Germany.
- Stood in First in order of merit in the examinations for the post of lecturers conducted by Orissa Public Service Commission,1989.
- Stood in First in order of merit in M.Phil Examinations in1989 in Sociology under Utkal University.
- Stood in First in order of merit in Political Science Hons in 1985 under Utkal University.
- Stood First in order of merit in Sociology at Master’s degree in 1987 under Utkal University
- National Scholarship awardee from Highschool to Masters’ degree.
- Gender and Development: The Changing Approaches,atPattamundai College 20th October ,2020
- Narratives: A Powerful Tool in Qualitative Research, at the U.G.C. sponsored Refresher Course organised by H.R.D.C.,Utkal University,12th March,2021
- Sociological Researches Today,D. Programmes, KITTS, 05-06-2021
- Prepared two policy briefs with co authors.
- Mishra ,Srijit , Bhaswati Patnaik, Navaneeta Rath(2020) Policy Brief -17 COVID-19: FAQs on Serological Antibody Test for SARS COV-2 in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, Published by NCDS ,20 April and the Odia Version on 23 rd April, Published inTheSamaj,samajlive.in/corona on 24 th April.
- Pattnaik Bhaswati, Navaneeta Rath, Srijit Mishra(2020)Policy Brief-21 COVID-19: Dos and Don’ts for Media, 20th June,2020 Published by NCDS ,20 June and the Odia Version on 22 nd June
Reviewed Research Papers for Journals:
- Sociological Bulletin, e-journal, Indian Sociological Society (2016-2017).
- International Journal of Epidemology.
- Journal of Social Sciences’ (JSS),Kamla-Raj Enterprises’ journals, co published by Taylor & Francis, UK(2018-2021)
- Member, Organ Transplant Committee of Kalinga Hospital.
- Member ,Internal Ethics Committee of AIIMS.
- Member ,Stem Cell Research Ethics Committee of AIIMS.
- Member of the Governing body of Sikshasandhan
- Member, Board of Governors VISWASS.
- Chancellor’s Nominee to the Academic Council of Rama Devi Women’s University.
- Member, D.R.C. NISER.
- Member O.B.C. Commission, Odisha.