Name: Dr. Nandini Mishra
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: M.A., MPhil and LL.B, PhD
Phone No.: 8763108935
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5080-1146
E-mail ID: mishranandini73@gmail.com
DownloadAndhra University, Visakhapatnam | 22nd May 2009 | Ph.D.
Department: Philosophy Thesis Title : The Morality of Abortion and Euthanasia: An Analytical Study in Applied Ethics Area: Applied Ethics Advisor: Prof. Y.V. Satyanarayana
Utkal University | 23July 2006 | LL.B |
Utkal University | 19th March 1997 | M.Phil.
Department : Philosophy Thesis Title : The Kathopanisadic concept of Atman and It’s Realisation Area : Upanisadic Philosophy Advisor : Prof. BijayanandKar
Utkal University | 9th July 1995 | M.A
Department : Philosophy Special Paper : Advaita Vedanta
Utkal University | 31 April 1993 | B.A
Department : Philosophy
Ravenshaw University | 1st Dec.2010 – 27th Jan.2022 | Assistant Professor |
Utkal University | 28th Jan. 2022 – Continuing | Associate Professor |
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
Designation : Research Scholar Topic : The Morality of Abortion and Euthanasia: An Analytical study in Applied Ethics |
29th DEC2006-22ND May 2009 |
Utkal University
Designation : Research Scholar Topic: The Kathopanisadic concept of Atman and It’s Realisation |
21st Sep. 1996 ,19thMarch 1997 |
B.A Philosophy – Indian Philosophy 1st Dec. 2010 – 27th Jan 2022 |
Upanisadic Philosophy |
Bhagavad Geeta |
Philosophy of Religion |
M.A. philosophy – Advaita Vedanta 1st Dec. 2010 – 27th Jan 2022 |
Applied Ethics |
Upanisadic philosophy |
Indian Ethics |
M.Phil . Philosophy- Applied Ethics 1st Dec. 2010 – 27th Jan 2022 |
Indian Philosophy |
Department of Philosophy, Ravenshaw University |
Duties: Teaching, Examining and Evaluating 1st Dec. 2010 – 27th Jan 2022 |
M.A. Philosophy- Applied Ethics 28th Dec. 2022 – Continuing |
Indian Philosophy |
M.PHIL. Philosophy – Indian Philosophy 28th Dec. 2022 – Continuing |
Ph.D. Philosophy – Contemporary Indian Philosophy 28th Dec. 2022 – Continuing |
Department of Philosophy, Utkal University |
Duties : Teaching, Examining and Evaluating |
Edited Book (as Editor)
- “The Morality of Abortion and Euthanasia: An Analytical Study in Applied Ethics” by Dr. Nandini Mishra, Verlag Dr. Mueller, Germany, ISBN-13:978-3639373486, 2011.pp.1-188
- “The Kathoponisadic concept of Atman and its realization” by Dr.Nandini Mishra, VDM Publishing Company, Germany, ISBN – 978-3-659-26100-8.2013, p.1-81
1. Philosophy, Yoga and Spiritual Science, Walnut Publication International, Bhubaneswar, 6th January 2023. ISBN: 978-1-957302-63-8 as Associate Editor
2. Philosophy, Yoga and Language, Navyug Books International, New Delhi, 2023 ISBN: 978-93-93462-30-5
Journal (National)
1. Shunyavada of Madhyamika Buddhism: An Appraisal, “Philosophical Traditions of the World”, UGC Care Listed Journal, ISSN :2581-9577, Annual Vol., Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai Press, Mumbai, pg. 19-26. Sept.-2021- Oct.2022
2. A Philosophical Approach to Methodology: Hermeneutics and Deconstruction, “Indian Journal of Analytic Philosophy, V- VII, Issue-I, ISSN 09762337, , P. 87-92, Jan- Aug 2022
Journal (International)
1. Ecosophy and Biodiversity: A Philosophical Approach, Journal “International Journal of Novel Research and Development”, Vol. 7, Issue 8, pg. 1130-1133, IJNRD.ORG, 26/8/2022
2. Philosophy, Religion and Ethics on Gandhian Perspective, Innovations International Journal, listed Road, Cosmos, Scopus, French Foundation for Management Education, France, Journal ISSN :19650256(E)12674982(P), France44522, no. 70, Paper No. 20075, Sept.2022,
3. Impact of Media Ethics in Contemporary Period, “International Journal for Research and Studies”,Bi-Yearly Peer and referred Journal, Index Journal, Issue I ,Vol. XVI, New Delhi, ISSN:2395-6984 Co Prasanta Kumar Nath, Feb. 2023.
(Ed Book)
- Philosophy, Yoga and Spiritual Science, Walnut Publication, Bhubaneswar, 6th January 2023. ISBN: 978-1-957302-63-8 as Associate Editor
{Chapter in Edited Books}:
- An article entitled “Philosophy Morality and Social leaving a criticalexposition of Kant’s theory” of Morality published in Edited Book “Relevance of Philosophy in 21stCentury,” By Dr. K.R. Rajani, Associated publishers A.P. Andhra Pradesh 2006. P.347-354
- An article entitled “Human Supremacy and Concern For the Rights of the Animals”, published in edited book “Applied ethics theory and practice” by Dr. Harish Sahoo, Odisha, Bhubaneswar 2018, ISBN No.- 978-81-89778-92-7, p175-177
- “Can Religion contribute in Humanizing the World” Published in Edited Book “Global Philoshy and Yoga for a new world order” DrBasavaraj, in Karnatak India, 2019, ISBN No-978-81-92452-6-0,p.83-89
- Philosophical Anthropology and Communitarian Approach to Clinical Bioethics, An Introduction to practical Ethics.(Ed),Kalyani Publisher, Bhubaneswar, 2020 ,ISBN 978-93-89987-38-6, p.177-180
- Ecosophy and Wellbeing of Society, published in edited book, Global Philosophy and yoga for a new Social order, Prof. Basavaraj ,2020, Karnatak ISBN 978-81942149-53, p. 68-76
- The Covid-19 as a Challenge for Human life, Crisis of Covid -19 and Indian Economy, by Dr. Uma Devi, ISBN 978-935472-199-1,
- “Women Empowerment and Societal Development: an Assessment” Published in Edited Book “Social Philososhy, Yoga and Future of Global Harmony” Prof. Basavaraj, in Karnataka India, 2022, ISBN No-978-81-942149-0-8-, p.72-84
- “Gender Equality and Progressive Growth of Women in India” Published in Ed. Book ” “Women Empowerment in India: Challenges and Prospects” Dr. R. Uma Devi,Nitya Publications, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh , India, 2022,ISBN : 978-93-93694-17-1, pg. no.
- ” Ecosophy and Future of Planet Earth” Published ED. Book by Prof. S. Panneerselvam & Dr. Saji Vargessi” Philosophy and The Calling of Global Responsibility; New Initiatives in Justice, Ecology and Peace” Shillong, Meghalaya, India, 2022
- “The Path of action for mankind: As universal approach in the Bhagabad Gita” in Souvenir, Edt. By A. K. Maikap, Kupari College, Balasore, 2011.
- Philosophical Methodologypublished in proceeding of Indian Philosophical Congress, Surat, Gujarat, 2018.
Articles in Journals:
- An article entitled “Critical Review of Ancient Indian Values:Purusarthas”published in a peer reviewed journal “Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science”. Vol. 39, No. 2 October 2014, ISSN: 0258-1701.121-130
- An article entitled “Morality and Moral Reasoning”, in Journal of Philosophy and Critical Thinking, Vol. 1, No. 1 Nov. 2014. P.78-94
- An article entitled “Arthapatti as an Independent source of knowledge”in journal of the All-Odisha Philosophy Association, Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2016, ISSN: 2395-2784., P.141-144
- An article entitled “Relation of Philosophy and Society: G. Mishra’s Stand” in Ravenshaw Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 2, Dec. 2016, ISSN: 2395-3209.87-90
- Sciences, An Article entitled ” Buddhist Ethics for a Meaningful Life” Research Journal of Philosophy and Social June 2019, vol.45,, issue no. 1,ISSN no. 0048-7325, UGC approved journal. Anu books,106-109
- Humanism of Tagore and Gandhi, Journal of global values, vol. 10, no.1, ISSN 0976-2454-8391, Anu books, P.60-64
- Is SabdaPramana an AntyamPramana? Research Journal of Political Philosophy, Anu books, vol. 47, no.1, P. 114 – 116,
- Covid-19: History, Challenges and Future actions, Keanean Journal of Arts, vol.7, Issue 1, November 2020, ISSN 2348-1110, Shillong, Meghalaya. 209-213
- Post Pandemic: A Turning Point in Human History, Keanean Journal of Arts, Vol.8, May 2021, p.48-51, ISSN 2348-1110, Shillong, Meghalaya,
- Relevance of Current Technology in Educational Research, Inigo Edu Journal, vol 14, Issue no. 1, St. College of Education, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli,ISSN 2278-6899, p. 20-22, June 2021
- Shunyavada of Madhyamika Buddhism: An Appraisal, “Philosophical Traditions of the World”, UGC Care Listed Journal, ISSN :2581-9577, Annual Vol. Sept.-2021- Oct.2022, Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai Press, Mumbai, pg. 19-26.
- An article entitled “Ethics of Sankhya and Yoga” in an International Journal “Research Journal of Philosophy and Social Science”, Vol. 40, No. 2, Dec. 2014, ISSN: 0048-7325.53-60
- An article entitled “Philosophical Methodology in peer reviewed and referred International Journal, Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science”, Vol. 43, No. 1, March 2018, ISSN: (P) 0258-1701(C) 2454-3403. ICRJIFR Impact Factor-3.9819 UGC approved list No. 4705. P.216-220
- An article entitled “Value considerations in the Kathopanishad”, in peer reviewed and referred International Journal, “Journal Global Values’ ‘, Vol. IX, No. 1, April special issue 2018, ISSN: (P) 0976-9447 (C) 2454-839, Impact factor 6.482 (SJIF), UGC approved journal list No. 63651. P.1-6
- An article entitled “The Necessity of Religion and Swami Vivekananda’s Approach”, in peer review and referred International Journal, “Review Journal of Political Philosophy”, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2018, ISSN: (P) -3635 (E) 2454-3411, Impact Factor: 4.0000 UGC 0976Approved journal No. 43279.69-74
- An Article entitled “Contemporary Relevance of the Upanisad Message: Tutona of Vijigupsate”, in a peer review International Journal, “Research Journal of Philosophy and Social Science”, Vol. 44, No. 1, April special issue 2018, ISSN: (P) 0048-7325 (E) 2454-7026, ICRAJIFR Impact Factor-4.0012, UGC approved Journal No. 47384.,b P.14-18
- Gender Equality in Decision Making and Sustainable development, International Journal of Social Science and Management Studies, peer reviewed journal, ISSN 2454-4655, p.108-111, August 2021, Madhya Pradesh, Jabalpur
- Ecosophy and Biodiversity: A Philosophical Approach, E-Journal “International Journal of Novel Research and Development”,Vol. 7, Issue 8, pg. 1130-1133, IJNRD.ORG, 26/8/2022
- Philosophy, Religion and Ethics on Gandhian Perspective, Innovations International Journal, listed Road, Cosmos, Scopus, French Foundation for Management Education, France, E-Journal ISSN :19650256(E)12674982(P), France44522, no. 70, Sept.2022, Paper No. 20075
- KanhuCharanSahoo,(16LPL007 ), ‘ Ravenshaw University Socio-religious view of Dr. S.Radhakrishnan’ , awarded 2018
- SuibhalaxmiSethi, (15LPL 007), ” Ravenshaw University Refutation of JTB Account of Knoledge’, awarded 2018
- PriyadarshiniMohanty, (16LPL 002), Ravenshaw University ‘Animal Rights: A Critical Study ‘ awarded 2018.
- ChhabiraniSethi, (15LPL001),’Buddha Nirvana and SamkhyaKaivalya: A Comparative Study’, awarded 2018
- Sashwati Sumya Mishra, Roll No. 15806V212004, Utkal University, “Wittgenstein on Forms of Life, awarded 2022
- Sangram Mohalik, Roll No.15806V212002, Utkal University “Wittgenstein’s on Metaphysics, awarded 2022
Title of the Project:
Nilakantha Das on the concepts of Dharma and Manava Dhrama, sanctioned by Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi.
Period of Project: Three (3) Year
Sanctioned Amount: Five (5) Lakh
Sanctioned Date of the Project: 26-03-2023
- Presented a paper on “The concept of Atman in Kathopanisad at Indian Philosophical Congress, West Bengal in 2005.
- Presented a paper on “The Issues on Abortion” at National Seminar on A Philosophical approach to Applied Ethics at Andhra Pradesh in 2006.
- Presented a paper on “The Immorality of Euthanasia” at Interim World Philosophy Congress at New Delhi, in 2006.
- Present a paper on ‘The Kathopanisadic concept of Atman and its realization’ at Indian Philosophical Congress, Tirupati, 2007.
- Presented a paper on “Morality and Moral Reasoning” at all Orissa Philosophy association, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar in 2009.
- Presented a paper as a speaker on “The Path of action for mankind: As universal approach in the Bhagabad Gita”National Seminar on Bhagvad Gita, H.K. Mahatab College, Balasore, in 2011.
- Presented a paper on “Social Justice and gender equity” in UGC personnel National seminar on Human Rights and social justice, Choudwar College, Cuttack, 2011.
- Presented a paper on “An analytical exposition of Brahman in Upanisad at all Orissa Philosophy association”, Choudwar, Cuttack in 2012.
- Presented a paper “Active Euthanasia: “An ethical prospective” inICPR sponsored national Seminar “Contemporary issues in applied ethics”, in Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, 2012.
- Presented a paper on “Relation of Philosophy and Society : G.Misra’s stand” ICPR sponsored national on Prof. G. Misra’s in Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, 2015.
- Presented a paper on “Arthapatti as an Independent source of knowledge”, All Odisha Philosophy Association, Maharshi College of Natural Law, Bhubaneswar, 2015.
- Presented a paper of “Valuational significant in the Kathopanisad” at All Odisa Philosophy Association, Shree Jayadev College of Education and Technology, Naharkanta, Bhubaneswar, 2017.
- Presented a paper on “The necessity of Religion and Swami Vivekananda Approach” in Global Spiritual Conclave, sponsored by ICPR and ICRC in Santigiri, Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala, 2017.
- Presented a paper on “Importance of Upanisadic message TatonaVijugupsate” in this modern world in Indian Philosophical Congress, at Sanchi University of Buddhist Indic studies, Barla, Madhya Pradesh, 2017.
- Presented a paper on “Humanism of Tagore and Radhakrishnan” in Asian Philosophy Conference, Sanchi University, Mandhya Pradesh, 2017.
- Presented a paper in symposium “Philosophical Methodology in Indian Philosophical Congress, Surat, Gujarat, 2018.
- Presented a paper on “Human Supremacy and concern for the rights of the animals”,inICSSR sponsored National Seminar in BJB College, Bhubaneswar, 2018.
- Presented a paper in symposium Biomedical Ethicsin All Orissa Philosophy Association”, Rama Devi University, Bhubaneswar, 2018.
- Presented a paper on “Jaina Ethics in general”, in All Orissa Philosophy Association, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, 2019.
- Presented a paper on “Ethics of Mahima Dharma” in National seminar on Central concept of Indian Philosophy in S.B.Womens College. Cuttack, 2019
- Presented a paper on “Universality of Culture in influence of Jaina Tradition on Odishan Culture” in National Seminar on Jaina Philosophy in Culture University, Bhubaneswar, 2019.
- Presented a paper on “Consequentialisitc Approach to Buddhist Ethics” in Asian Philosophy Conference, at NabaNalandaMahavidyalaya, Nalanda, Bihar, 2019.
- Presented a paper on Sabtapramana in Indian Philosophical Congress, Nalanda, Bihar, 2019
- Presented a paper on “Can Religion contribute in humanism the World?” in International Conference, Yellapur, Karnataka, 2019
- Presented a paper on “Feministic approach for personal life” in National seminar on Feminism : A philosophical approach in S.B.Womens College, Cuttack 2020
- Presented a paper on Ecosophy and well-being of Humanity, in International Conference on Social Philosophy Tamilnadu,2020
- Presented a paper on Religion and Morality: An analysis, in AOPA, Adashpur,2020
- Invited lecture on “Verbal Testimony: An analysis“ as a resource person in S.B. Women’s College,Cuttack,Odisha,2020
- Pressed a paper on “The Covdt-19 Impacts on Social Life’ in a national seminar on Societal Trends , in St. Mary College,Thootkudi,2021
- A paper presented on ‘Sociality ,Optimism And Man: A post pandemic Reflection” in All Odisha Philosophy Association, VikramDev College, Koraput, 2021
- Present a paper on Relevant of Current Technology in Educational Research, International Conference, stignatius college,Terenvuli,June2021
- Present a paper on The Covid-19 : Threats on Human Life as a Whole, Situational analysis of Human and Legal Rights in the times of Pandemic: Challenges and State Duties in University College of Law,30th June 2021
- Presented a paper on Ecosophy and Evolution of Man in Nature, International Conference in Geography, Environment and Sustainable Development, July 2021
- Presented a paper on Spirit of Harmony and Brotherhood : A Humanistic Approach to Attain Peaceful Life, webinar, The Philosophy of Love and Peace, Vidyasagar University, West Bengal, 25th July2021
- Presented a paper on Philosophical Reflections on Pandemic and Education , Impact of Covid-19 on Higher Education System, IBRF 6th-8th Aug 2021
- Presented a paper on Gender Equality in Decision Making and Sustainable development, in International Conference on Role of Women, Jabalpur, M.P, 20th August 2021
- Invited as a resource person on Formation and Foundations of Society: An Appraisal, in a seminar, sponsored by UGC, Salipur Autonomous College, Cuttack,22nd March 2022
- Presented a paper on “Women Empowerment and Societal Development” in International Conference of Social Philosophy, Hubli, Karnataka, April 28th to30th 2022
- Presented a paper on Philosophical Implication of Yoga and Spirituality in Practical Life, International Conference of 9th International Congress of Yoga and Spiritual Science, 7th to 9th January 2023, Department of Philosophy, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
- Presented a paper on Compatibility between Devotion and Social Wellbeing In the writings of Santha Bhima Bhoi, Eastern Zone Philosophy Teachers’ Meet, Department of Philosophy, Ravenshaw University,Cuttack, 11th to 13th January 2023
- Presented a paper in Symposium “The Concept of Value and the Objectivity of Values” at all Orissa Philosophy association, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar in 2023.
- Presented a paper entitled “ Brahma Vihara and Integral Ecology: “An Appraisal in Buddhism “ , ICPR sponsored two days International Seminar on “Buddhism and Ecological Paradigm “on 22nd and 23rd March 2023 , Raiganj University West Bengal.
1. Invited as a resource person on Formation and Foundations of Society: An Appraisal, in a seminar, sponsored by UGC, Salipur Autonomous College, Cuttack,22nd March 2022
2. Presented a paper on “Women Empowerment and Societal Development” in International Conference of Social Philosophy, Hubli, Karnataka, April 28th to30th 2022
3. Presented a paper on Philosophical Implication of Yoga and Spirituality in Practical Life, International Conference of 9th International Congress of Yoga and Spiritual Science, 7th to 9th January 2023, Department of Philosophy, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
4. Presented a paper on Compatibility between Devotion and Social Wellbeing In the writings of Santha Bhima Bhoi, Eastern Zone Philosophy Teachers’ Meet, Department of Philosophy, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, 11th to 13th January 2023
5. Presented a paper in Symposium “The Concept of Value and the Objectivity of Values” at all Orissa Philosophy association, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar in 2023.
6. Presented a paper entitled “Brahma Vihara and Integral Ecology: “An Appraisal in Buddhism “, ICPR sponsored two days International Seminar on “Buddhism and Ecological Paradigm “on 22nd and 23rd March 2023, Raiganj University West Bengal.
7. Presented a Paper as a resource person in ICPR sponsored national seminar “The Concept of Liberation and its Relevance in Present Society”, in Government Autonomous College, Raurkela, 4th May 2023
8. Invited and attended in a Collaborative (Four colleges) academic programme as a Guest of Honor in Udayanath College of Science and technology, 19/08/2023.
- Best Paper Award in International Conference of social Philosophy,Karnataka,2019
- Junior Research fellow of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 2007-2009.
- Third position in B.A. in Philosophy, Utkal University.
- Refresher Course in 5th -20th Feb .2021 in SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Under MHRD,with grade A
- Refresher Course in 15th -30th June 2021
- FDP in 1st -7th March.2021,Pragati College, under MHRD, ITEC
- FDP in 1st -12th — May 2021, Jain DiwakarMahavidyalaya, MHRD, ITEC
- FDP on quizzes on Research Methodology in 22nd -30th May2021,in Balaji Institute of Management, Warangal, Telangana
- FDP 1st -12th June 2021,Guru Govind Singh College of Education, ITEC, MHRD
- Workshop in 22 -23July 2021,
- Fdp in 5th -19th July 2021, Pragati College Raipur, ITEC, MHRD
- Orientation Course– 8th – 7th Dec 2021, Government of India Ministry of Education, Guru AnnangaDev Teaching and Learning Centre.
- Appointed as Nodal Officer for PWD, 29th March 2022 ,Utkal University.
- Nominated as a Member of Board of Studies in Talcher Autonomous College from 2022 to 2025
- Nominated as a Member of Board of Studies in Nayagarh Autonomous College from 2022 to 2025
- Organizing Secretary of ICPR sponsored 8th International Day of Yoga, 21st June 2022
- Organizing Secretary of 14th International congress of Social Philosophy and 9th International Congress of Yoga and Spiritual Science, IshwariyaViswavidyalaya,Bairidevarakoppa, Hubli,Karnataka,28th April to30th April2022
- Organized as a Convener of the joint International Conference of 15th International congress of Social Philosophy and 9th International Congress of Yoga and Spiritual Science, 7th – 9th January of 2023, Department of Philosophy, Utkal University, Odisha.
1. Continuing as a Nodal Officer for PWD in Utkal University, 2022
2. Nominated as a Member of Board of Studies in Talcher Autonomous College from 2022 to 2025
3. Nominated as a Member of Board of Studies in Nayagarh Autonomous College from 2022 to 2025
4. Organizing Secretary of ICPR sponsored 8th International Day of Yoga, 21st June 2022
5. Organizing Secretary of 9th International Congress of Yoga and Spiritual Science, Ishwariya Viswavidyalaya, Bairidevarakoppa, Hubli, Karnataka,28th April to30th April2022
6. Organized as a Convener of the joint International Conference of 15th International congress of Social Philosophy and 9th International Congress of Yoga and Spiritual Science, 7th – 9th January of 2023, Department of Philosophy, Utkal University, Odisha.
7. Bridge Course on Research Methodology, Department of Philosophy, Utkal University, From 22nd May to 6th June 2023
- Life Member in All Odisha Philosophy
- Life member in Indian Philosophical Congress
- Active Member in Asian Philosophy Congress
- Active member in International Conference of Social Philosophy
- General Secretary of International Conference of Yoga and Spiritual science
Applied Ethics, AdvaitaVedanta, Indian Philosophy
- Indian Philosophy, Philosophy of Kant, Philosophy of Wittgenstein, Upanisadic Philosophy.