Ph.D. at University of LEEDS, U.K. |
Utkal University | 17/4/2004 – Present | Reader/Asst. Professor Stage-III |
Lecturer | 16.8.1987-26.9.1987 | F.M. college, Balasore (govt college) after the selection in OPSC |
Senior Lecturer | 13.9.1993-30.12.1999 | Sambalpur University |
Reader in CAS | 31.12.1999-5.7.2001 | Sambalpur University |
Reader in open post | 6.7.2001-16.8.2004 | Sambalpur University |
Reader in open post | 17.8. 2004-30.12.2007 | Utkal University |
Professor(CAS) | 31.12 2007-20.11.2015 | Utkal University |
Professor in open post | 20.11.2015- till date continuing | Utkal University |
Utkal University | 17/4/2004 – Present | Reader/Asst. Professor Stage-III |
Lecturer | 16.8.1987-26.9.1987 | F.M. college, Balasore (govt college) after the selection in OPSC |
Senior Lecturer | 13.9.1993-30.12.1999 | Sambalpur University |
Reader in CAS | 31.12.1999-5.7.2001 | Sambalpur University |
Reader in open post | 6.7.2001-16.8.2004 | Sambalpur University |
Reader in open post | 17.8. 2004-30.12.2007 | Utkal University |
Professor(CAS) | 31.12 2007-20.11.2015 | Utkal University |
Professor in open post | 20.11.2015- till date continuing | Utkal University |
- Das, N. and J. R. Partington, Little Hankel operators on the half plane, Integral equations and operator theory, 20(1994),306-324. (International)
- Das, N., The kernel of a Hankel operator on the Bergman space, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 31(1999), 75-80.(International)
- Das, N., Fredholm Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space, Recent trends in Mathematical sciences, Narosa, vol.1(2000), 94-106.(National)
- Das, N.,Norm of Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space, Indian Journal of pure and applied Mathematics, INSA, New Delhi, 33(2)(2002),255-267. (National)
- Das, N., Operator valued Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space, Indian Journal of pure and applied Mathematics, INSA, New Delhi, 33(2)(2002), 193-202.(National)
- Das, N., Finite rank Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space, Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, 94(2)(2002), 113-120.(National)
- Das, N., Some ergodicity properties of the Berezin transform, Journal of the Orissa Mathematical society, vol. 21-22, 2002-2003, 121-141. (Na-tional)
- Das, N.,Pradhan, S.K., A generalized quadrature rule and its applications to special means, Journal of Science and technology, S. U., vol. xiv & xv(B)(2003), 51-58. (National)
- Das. N., Finite rank little Hankel operators on Bergman-type spaces, Vietnam journal of Maths (a Springer-Verlag publication), 32:4(2004), 361-369.(International)
- Das, N., On Toeplitz-like operators in L2h; Journal of the Indian Math. soc, vol.71, Nos 1-4 (2004), 245-252.(National)
- Das, N., Berezin symbols and bounded linear operators on the Bergman space, Proc. of the International conference on Analysis and discrete structures,Mathematical analysis and applications,2004, Narosa publish-ing house, New Delhi, 69-78.(National)
- Mohapatra, C.K., Das, N. Composition operators on weighted Hardy space, Indian J. of Maths, 48(1), 2006, 63-82.(National)
- Das, N. Little Hankel operators and inner functions,Journal of interna-tional academy of physical sciences, vol.11(2007), 31-39.(National)
- Das, N., Lal, R. P. and Mohapatra, C. K., On a class of composition oper-ators on Bergman space, International journal of Mathematics and Math-ematical sciences, vol. 2007,Article ID 39819, doi: 10,1155/2007/39819. (International)
- Das, N. and Sahoo, S., A Hardy-Hilbert type inequality, International Mathematical Forum,vol.3,No.28(2008), 1363-1374. (International)
- Das, N., Little Hankel operators between Bergman spaces of the right half plane, New Zeland Journal of Mathematics, vol. 38(2008), 99-119. (International)
- Das, N., Complemented subspaces in L1(D); Vietnam Journal of Mathe-matics, 36:4 (2008), 373-386.(International)
- Das, N. Sahoo, S., A generalization of multiple Hardy-Hilbert’s integral inequality, Journal of Mathematical inequalities, vol.3, No. 1 (2009), 139-154. (International)
- Das, N. and Jena, P.K., Asymptotic properties of composition operators on the Bergman space, New Zeland Journal of Mathematics, vol. 39(2009), 213-237.(International)
- Das, N. and Sahoo, S., On a generalization of Hardy-Hilbert’s integral in-equality,Buletinul Academiei De stinte, A research Moldova Mathematica, No.2(60), 2009, 91-110, ISSN 1024-7696. (International)
- Das, N., Schatten class Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space, Hindwai publishing corp., International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical sciences, 2009, Article ID 921324, 16 pages, doi 101155/2009/ 921324 (International)
- Das, N. Sahoo, S., New inequalities similar to Hardy-Hilbert’s inequality, Turkish journal of Mathematics 34(2010), 153-165. (International)
- Das, N. and Sahoo, S., New inequalities of Hardy-Hilbert type, Buletinul Academiei De stinte, A republicii Moldova Mathematica, No.2(63), 2010, 1-12. (International)
- Das, N, and Sahoo, M., On asymptotic properties of Toeplitz operators, Vietnam J. of Mathematics, 38:4(2010),381-393.(International)
- Das, N. and Jena, P.K., Hankel operators with vector valued symbols on the Hardy space, Vietnam J. of Mathematics 38:1(2010), 45-54. (Interna-tional)
- Mohapatra, C.K.,Das, N., Composition operators on weighted Bergman spaces, Journal of the Orissa Mathematical society, vol. 11&12(1991-92),81-93.(National)
- Mohapatra, C.K., Das, N. Composition operators on Bloch space, Journal of the Orissa Mathematical society, vol. 17-20 (1998-2001), 49-55.(National)
- Das, N.,Pradhan, S.K., Some quadrature rules for numerical integration of analytic functions, Proc. of the International conference on Analysis and discrete structures, Mathematical analysis and applications,2004, Narosa publishing house, New Delhi, 79-89. (National)
- Das, N., Inner functions and Toeplitz operators, Journal of Science and technology, S. U., vol. xiv & xv(B)(2003), 43-50. (National)
- Das, N.,Pradhan, S.K., A quadrature rule of higher precision, Journal of the Orissa Mathematical society, vol. 21-22, 2002-2003, 25-29.(National)
- Das, N., Certain uncomplemented subspaces in L1(D); Journal of Science and technology, S. U., vol. xvi(B)(2004), 40-45.(National)
- Das, N.,Mohapatra, C.K., On some properties of Composition operators, journal of the Orissa Mathematical society, vol. 23-24, 2004-2005, 122-131.(National)
- Das, N., Pradhan, S.K., A quadrature rule for numerical integration of functions of more than one real variable, Journal of Science and technology, S. U., vol. xvi(B)(2004),70-84.(National)
- Das, N., Big Hankel operators on Bergman-type spaces,journal of the Orissa Mathematical society, vol. 23-24, 2004-2005, 146-151.(National)
- Das, N., Lal, R.P., On the range of the Berezin transform, Journal of international academy of physical sciences, vol. 10(2006), 9-15.(National)
- Lal, R., Mohapatra, C. K. Das, N., A class of unitary operators on Siegal-Bargmann space, journal of the Orissa Mathematical society, vol. 23-24, 2004-2005, 304-315.(National)
- Das, N.,Mohapatra, C.K., A note on Composition operators on Bergman spaces,Journal of the Orissa Mathematical society, vol. 17-20 (1998-2001), 143-148. (National)
- Das, N. Sahoo, S., Weighted Hardy-Hilbert’s inequality, Bulletin of the Marathwada Mathematical society, vol.9, No.1, 2008, 18-30.(National)
- Das, N.,Pradhan, S.K., A generalized quadrature rule for functions of bounded variation and applications, Journal of the Orissa Mathematical society, vol.25 (1/2), 2006,75-82.(National)
- Das, N. and Pradhan, S.K., A mixed quadrature formula using rules of lower order, Bulletin of the Marathwada Mathematical society, vol.5, No. 1, 2004, 26-34.(National)
- Das, N.,Mohapatra, C.K., Composition operators, contractions and norm estimates, Journal of the Orissa Mathematical society, vol.21-22, 2002-2003, 159-169.(National)
- Das, N., Invertibility of Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space,Journal of the Orissa Mathematical society, vol. 26, No. 1 and 2 (2007), 1-8.(National)
- Das, N., Hankel-like operators in L2h; Journal of international academy of physical sciences, vol.12 (2008), 1-11.(National)
- Das, N.,Mohapatra, C.K., Linear system and Hankel norm approximation, Journal of the Orissa Mathematical society, vol.21-22, 2002-2003, 213-225.(National)
- Das, N. Sahoo, S., A generalization of Hardy-Hilbert’s inequality and its application, Bulletin of the Marathwada Mathematical society, vol. 9, No. 2, 2008, 41-54. (National)
- Mohapatra, C.K., Das, N. Composition operators on the Bergman space over the upper half plane, Journal of of international academy of physical sciences, vol. 12(2008), 13-23.(National)
- Das, N., The Berezin transform of bounded linear operators, Journal of Indian Mathematical society, vol.76, Nos. 1-4(2009), 47-60.(National)
- Das, N. and Jena, P.K., Hankel operators on the Bergman space for the disk, Journal of Orissa Mathematical society, vol. 29, No.1 and 2(2010), 17-25.(National)
- Das, N. Asymptotic Toeplitz and Hankel operators on the Bergman space, Indian Journal of pure and applied Mathematics, 41(2)(2010), 379-400. (National)
- Das, N. Fredholm Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space over bounded symmetric domains, Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc. 102(1)(2010), 89-98.(International)
- Das, N., Finite rank intermediate Hankel operators on Bergman space, Surveys in mathematics and its Applications, 6(2011), 195-202.(International)
- Das, N. and Sahoo, M., Positive operators on the Bergman space and Berezin transform, Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, 17(3)(2011), 204-210.(International)
- Das, N. Sahoo, S., Hilbert inequality for vector-valued functions, Archivum Mathematicum (BRNO) Tomus 47(2011),229-243.(International)
- Das, N. and Sahoo, S., A Generalization of Hardy-Hilbert’s Inequality for Non-homogeneous Kernel, Bul. Acad. Stiinte Repub. Mold. Mat. 2011:3, 29-44.(International)
- Das, N. and Jena, P. K., Schatten class operators on weighted Bergman spaces, Thai Journal of Mathematics, 10(2), (2012), 289-303.
- Das, N., Berezin transform on the L2 spaces with respect to the invariant measure, Communications in Mathematical Analysis, 12(1), (2012), 134-144.(International)
- Das, N. and Sahoo, S., A Generalization of Hardy-Hilbert’s Inequality with multi-parameter, Vietnam journal of Maths., 40:1(2012), 31-45.(International)
- Das, N., Intertwining properties of bounded linear operators on the Bergman space, Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, 18(3) ( 2012), 230-242.(International)
- Das, N. and Jena, P.K., On the range and kernel of Toeplitz and little Hankel operators, Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, 19(1), (2013), 55-67.(International)
- Das, N. and Lal, R.P., Algebraic and ergodicity properties of the Berezin transform, Communications in Mathematical Analysis, 14(1), (2013), 85-103.(International)
- Das, N. and Sahoo, M., Positive Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space, Ann. Funct. Anal. 4(2), (2013), 171-182.(International)
- Das, N., Invariant subspaces and kernel of Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space, Rocky mountain journal of mathematics, 44(1)(2014), 35-56.(International)
- Das, N., Toeplitz operators with bounded harmonic symbols, Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci.,Ser. Math. Appl. 6(1), (2014), 108-113.(International)
- Das, N. and Sahoo, M., Certain distance estimates for operators on the Bergman space, Banach J. Math. Anal. 8(2)(2014), 193-203.(International)
- Das, N. and Sahoo, M., Schatten class Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space over bounded symmetric domain, Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 20(3)(2014),193-212.(International)
- Das, N., On a class of weighted composition operators on Fock space, Bul. Acad. Stiinte Repub. Mold. Mat. 2(75) (2014),3-8.(International)
- Das, N. and Lal, R.P., Numerical solutions of a class of integral equations and the associated partial di erential equations, Vietnam Journal of Math-ematics, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s 10013-015-015-0153-z.(International)
- Das, N. and Lal, R.P., Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and the associ-ated integral equations, Azerbaijan journal of Mathematics,5(2) (2015),21-36.
- Das, N. and Sahoo, M., Dominations of Berezin transform, Vietnam J. of Mathematics, Springer DOI 10.1007/s 10013-014-0104-0.(International)
- Das, N. and Behera, J.K., Little Hankel operators and associated integral inequalities, Communications in Mathematical Analysis, 18(1)(2015),1-35.(International)
- Das, N. and Lal, R.P., Hyperbolic harmonic functions and the associ-ated integral equations , Analele Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara Seria Matematica-Informatica LIII,1,(2015), Doi: 10.1515/awutm-2015-0003, 37-56.
- Das, N., Toeplitz and Hankel operators on a vector-valued Bergman space, Khayyam Journal of Mathematics, 1(2)(2015),230-242.
- Das, N., The Space l1(X) Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci.,Ser. Math. Appl. 8(1) 2016.
- Das, N. and Jena, P.K. Little Hankel operators on the Bergman space, Arab Journal of Mathematics, 22(1)(2016),77-85.
- Das, N. and Behera, J.K., Toeplitz operators on L2a(C+); Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci.,Ser. Math. Appl., 8(2)(2016), 81-95.
- Das, N. and Lal, R.P., The numerical solution of a class of Fredholm integral equations of second kind, Modelling & Applications & Theory, 1(1)(2016), 36-55.
- Das, N., A Berezin-type map and a class of weighted composition opera-tors, Concrete Operators, 4(2017), 18-31.
- Das, N. and Sahoo, M., Majorization of Berezin transform , Advances in Mathematics: Scienti c Journal, 6(No.2)(2017),87-95.
- Das, N., A Berezin-type map on L2a(C+); accepted, 2017.
- Das, N. and Behera, J.K., Schatten class operators in L(L2a(C+)), Analele Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara Seria Matematica Informatica LV, 2, (2017), 91-117.
- Das, N., A Berezin-type map on L2a(C+); Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci.,Ser. Math. Appl., 9(2)(2017), 152-170.
- Das, N. and Behera, J.K., On a class of unitary operators on the Bergman space of the right half plane, Turk. J. Math., 42(2018), 471-486.
- Das, N. and Behera, J.K.,Fixed points of a class of unitary operators, Adv. Oper. Theory 3(No.3)(2018), 538-550.
- Behera, J.K. and Das, N., Essential norm estimates for little Hankel oper-ators on L2a(C+); Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci.,Ser. Math. Appl., 10(2)(2018), 383-401.
- Das, N. and Sahoo, M., Berezin transform of the absolute value of an operator, Ann. Funct. Anal., 9(No.2)(2018),151-165.
- Das, N. and Lal, R.P., Invariant mean value property and the associated integral equations Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci.,Ser. Math. Appl., accepted, 2018.
- Sahoo, S., Das, N. and Mishra, D., Numerical radius inequalities for op-erator matrices, Adv. Oper. Theory 4(No.1)(2019), 197-214..
- Das, N. and Das, S. K., On a Class of Weighted Composition Operators on the Bergman Space of the Upper Half Plane, Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci., Ser. Math. Appl., 11(2) (2019) 285-311.
- Das, N. and Das, S. K., Finite Rank little Hankel operators on $L_{a}^{2}(\mathbb{U}_{+})$, Khayyam J. Math. (2021), DOI 10.22034/KJM.2021.243561.1964.
- Sahoo, S., Das, N. and Mishra, D., Numerical radius inequalities for op-erator matrices, Adv. Oper. Theory 4(No.1)(2019), 197-214. (ESCI, Scopus)
Name of M. Phil Scholar | Title of Thesis | Year | University |
Aswini Ku. Sahu | Hankel operators on Hardy space | 1994 | Sambalpur University |
Pradeep Ku. Giri | Operatrs on Bergman space | 1995 | Sambalpur University |
Gopal krishna Mishra | On asymptotic Toeplitz and Hankel operators | 1995 | Sambalpur University |
Banashree Mishra | Interpolation in H1 | 1997 | Sambalpur University |
Pramod Ku. Sahu | Subnormal operators | 1998 | Sambalpur University |
Sauri Narayan Pradhan | Subharmonic Functions | 1998 | Sambalpur University |
Prafulla Ku. Sahu | Invariant Subspaces | 1999 | Sambalpur University |
Sonalika Hota | Hankel operators and approximation | 2000 | Sambalpur University |
by meromorphic functions | |||
Narmada Behera | Metrizable spaces | 2000 | Sambalpur University |
Mamata Patel | Berezin transform and | 2001 | Sambalpur University |
opertors on Bergman space | |||
Sudhir Ku. Pradhan | Inequalities and applications | 2002 | Sambalpur University |
in numerical integration | |||
Kedar Nath Senapati | The Hilbert Matrix | 2002 | Sambalpur University |
Deepak Ku. Behera | The Schwartz Lemma | 2002 | Sambalpur University |
Sangeeta Jaiswal | Operator Inequalities | 2003 | Sambalpur University |
Lalit Mohan Pradhan | Generalizations of Hilbert’s | 2003 | Sambalpur University |
and Hardy’s Inequalities | |||
Chitaranjan Swain | subharmonic Functions | 2004 | Utkal University |
B.J.Paikaray | Furuta inequality | 2006 | Utkal University |
and its application | |||
Laxmidhar Malik | A study of best | 2006 | Utkal University |
approximation in inner | |||
product spaces | |||
Litismita Jena | Ostrowski-type inequalities | 2005 | Utkal University |
and their applications | |||
Srinibas Sahoo | Generalizations of Hilbert’s | 2005 | Utkal University |
and Hardy-Hilbert’s inequality | |||
Rajkishore Samal | Retarded Integral inequalities | 2007 | Utkal University
and their applications |
Ratikanta Behera | Numerical integration methods | 2007 | Utkal University
for the evaluation of singular integrals |
Sagarika Sethy | Numerical integration based | 2008 | Utkal University |
on iterated cubic splines |
Mamita Mallik | The Construction and application | 2008 | Utkal University |
of wavelets in Numerical Analysis | |||
Kalyani Pradhan | Multidimensional | 2008 | Utkal University |
quadrature rules | |||
Ritanjali Behera | The Berezin transform | 2009 | Utkal University |
on Lp spaces | |||
Trilochan Behera | A study on power | 2009 | Utkal University |
bounded operators | |||
Laxmipriya Nayak | Banach limit and | 2010 | Utkal University |
its applications | |||
Swagatika Das | Partially isometric approximation | 2010 | Utkal University
of positive operators | |||
Debahuti Paikray | Algebraic properties | 2011 | Utkal University |
of hyponormal operators | |||
Puspanjali Mohapatra | Numerical radius of | 2011 | Utkal University |
bounded linear operators | |||
Rajalaxmi Rath | Algebraic properties | 2012 | Utkal University
of positive operators | |||
Biswajit Mallick | Inequalities between | 2012 | Utkal University
Hardy and Bergman space | |||
Badal Behera | Fredholm integral | 2012 | Utkal University |
equations of the second kind | |||
Nirmal chandra Rout | Algebraic properties of | 2013 | Utkal University |
unitary operators | |||
Satyajit Sahoo | A study on generalizations | 2014 | Utkal University |
of Hardy-Hilbert inequality | |||
Priyaranjan Mallick | A study on tensor | 2014 | Utkal University |
product of Hilbert spaces | |||
Atin Gayen | A Study on a stronger | 2015 | Utkal University |
notion of Connectedness | |||
Saroj kumar Sahoo | A study on numerical solutions | 2015 | Utkal University
of Volterra integral equations |
Smruti Ranjan Sahoo | On the numerical range of | 2016 | Utkal University
linear bounded operators | |||
Lucy Mohanty | Complemented subspaces of Banach spaces | 2016 | Utkal University |
Bhagyashree Parida | Schwarz lemma and its generalization | 2016 | Utkal University |
Satyajeet Beura | On certain distance estimates between | 2017 | Utkal University
bounded operators | |||
Byatikram Praharaj | Schatten-class operators on Hilbert space | 2017 | Utkal University |
Dillip Kumar Malika | Numerical radius inequalities for | 2018 | Utkal University
operator matrices | |||
Sonamani Sahoo | Riesz representation theorem and | 2018 | Utkal University |
its applications | |||
Pritipuspa Nanda | A numerical integration method to | 2018 | Utkal University |
evaluate multiple integrals | |||
Deepika Digal | A Study on Banach Algebra C(X) | 2019 | Utkal University |
Kishore Kumar Adek | Numerical Methods of Integration | 2019 | Utkal University |
Mamata rani Jena | Study on Certain Methods for | 2019 | Utkal University |
nding the zeros of Polynomials | |||
Siddharth Mitra | Generalization of Fibonacci and | 2019 | Utkal University |
Lucas Sequences | |||
Satyaprakash Satpathy | A Study on Numerical Solutions of | 2019 | Utkal University |
Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second kind | |||
Ph. D.
Name of the scholar | Registration No. | title of the thesis | Degree awarded |
Rajendra Prasad Lal(CSIR Fellow) | 02-Mathematics (Science)-2004-2005 | Computational methods and techniques of functional Analysis for solutions of certain integral equations | Degree awarded on 09.07.2013 (Noti cation No. EC-VI/1563-Math/1624/2013 dated 09.07.2013) |
Madhusmita Sahoo | 35-Mathematics (Science)-2006-2007 | Positive operators on Bergman spaces and their norm estimates | Degree awarded |
on 24.02.2014 | |||
(Noti cation No. EC-VI | |||
/1654-Math/745/2014 | |||
dated 24.02.2014) | |||
Pabitra kumar Jena(RGN Fellow) | 01-Mathematics (Science)-2007-2008 | Operators on the Bergman space | Degree awarded |
on 10.04.2014 | |||
(Noti cation No. EC-VI | |||
/1653-Math/1953/2014 | |||
dated 10.04.2014) | |||
Srinibas Sahoo | 09-Mathematics (Science)-2006-2007 |
Hardy-Hilbert type inequalities | submitted thesis |
on 15.09.2010 and | |||
expired on 24.05.2011 | |||
Jitendra Kumar Behera (RGN Fellow) |
01-Mathematics (Science)-2012-2013 |
Toeplitz and Hankel | submitted 2018 |
operators on certain | |||
function spaces | |||
Sworup Kumar Das(National Fellow) | 01-Mathematics (Science)-2017-2018 | Operators on the Bergman space of the upper half plane | Date of registration 15.09.2017 |
Swarupa Roy(RGN Fellow) | 02-Mathematics(Science)-2017-2018 | Operators on weighted Bergman spaces | Date of registration 15.09.2017 |
Satyajit Sahoo | 03-Mathematics (Science)-2017-2018 |
Hankel operators on Hilbert spaces | Date of registration 15.09.2017 |
- International Seminars Attended / Papers Presented
- National Seminars Attended / Papers Presented
- Awarded with the Commonwealth academic staff fellowship from 1990-1993 to do Ph.D. at University of LEEDS, U.K.
Name of the course | Univ./Inst. organized | Subject with specialisation | Duration | |
Summer Inst. | Sambalpur Univ. | Analysis, | 1.6.94 to | |
sponsored by UGC | Discrete Maths. | 30.6.94 | ||
under COSIST programme | and computing (UNIX) |
Refresher course in | Sambalpur University | Analysis and | 1.8.94 to | |
Maths. sponsored | computing | 28.8.94 | ||
by UGC | ||||
All India summer Inst. | Utkal Univ. | Computer sc., | 30.5.88 to | |
in Maths. and computer sc. | Numerical analysis, | 26.6.88 | ||
sponsored by UGC | applied functional analysis | |||
Winter School | ISI, Bangalore | Group representations and | 2.10. 95 to | |
function theory | 14.10.95 | |||
Instructional conference | Inst. of Mathematical sc., |
Nonlinear functional Anal. | 3.2.97 to |
sponsored by the NBHM | C.I.T. campus, Madras | 21.2.97 | ||
Instructional workshop | ISI, Bangalore | Anal. and algebra | 11.12.03 to | |
16.12.03 |
Orientation Programmes / Training programmes/Workshops Attended
Seminars/Workshop organized
Name of Seminar | Sponsors | Country and Date | Paper presented |
National seminar on Recent advances in Maths. | DRS(SAP) of UGC, New Delhi | Dept. of Maths, Burdwan, W.B., Feb. 01-03,2000 | Presented Asymptotic Toeplitz and Hankel operators on the Bergman space” |
National conf. on Recent trends in Maths and computing, 27th annual conf. of OMS | Dept of Maths,, U.U.,V.V. and Inst. of Maths and Appl, BBSR | Dept of Maths,U. U. V.V. 11th March 2000 to 12th March 2000 | \Certain uncomplemented subspaces of L1(D)” |
International conf. on Recent advances in Math. Sc. and symposium on challenges in for the New Millenium | Dept. of Maths, I.I.T. Kharagpur | Dept. of Maths, I.I.T. Kharagpur from Dec. 20-22.2000 | presented Fredholm Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space” |
Seminar on Quasiconformal mappings in several complex variables, | Inst. of Maths and Appl., BBSR | Inst. of Maths and Appl., BBSR from 02.01.2001 to 05.01.2001 | Attended Lectures of Prof. Adam Koranyi, City Univ., New York |
National Conf. on Recent trends in Maths (on the occasion of 3rd foundation day of Inst. of Maths and Appl and 28th annual conf. of OMS) | OMS and Inst. of Maths and Appl., BBSR | Inst. of Maths and Appl,BBSR from 27.05.2001 to 28.05.2001 | presented Some ergodicity properties of the Berezin transform” |
Conf. on Functional Anal. and its appl. | Theoretical Stats and Maths division ISI,Kolkata | ISI Kolkata from 13.06.2001 to 15.06.2001 | attended Lectures of many eminent Mathematicians |
29th annual convention of OMS and National Conf. on \Maths and appl.” | OEC, BBSR with OMS | OEC,BBSR, Feb. 23-24,2002, | presented A note on Composition operators on Bergman spaces” |
International Conf. on Anal. and Discrete Struct. | I.I.T. Kharagpur | Dept. of Maths., I.I.T. Kharagpur, 22-24,Dec. 2002 | presented Berezin symbols and bounded linear operators on the Bergman space” |
30th Annual Conf. on OMS and National Conf. on “Role of Maths in Engg.and Technology” | CSIR,New Delhi | Inst. of Advanced Computer and Research, Prajukti Vihar,Rayagada, 22nd and 23rd Feb.,2003 | Contributed Kernel of Hankel operators on weighted Bergman spaces” |
National conf. on anal. and related topics in honour of Prof.G.Das | Inst. of Maths and Appl.,Planetarium square,BBSR,751013 | Inst. of Physics, BBSR,26.05.2003 to 27.05.2003 | presented Little Hankel operators and inner functions” |
National conf. on analysis and related topics in honour of Prof.G.Das | Inst. of Maths and Appl.,Planetarium square,BBSR,751013 | Inst. of Physics, BBSR,26.05.2003 to 27.05.2003 | Presented On a class of weighted Composition operators on Fock space” |
National conf. on recent trends in anal. with emphasis on History of Maths | NBHM,AICTE,CCOST,CSIR | School of studies in Maths.,Pt.Ravishankar Shukla Univ.,Raipur, Chhattisgarh,Dec. 04-06,2003 | presented Little Hankel operators on the Bergman space and best approximation” |
The Joint India-AMS Maths meeting,American Mathematical society | NBHM,DST, INSA, New Delhi, ISI,Bangalore | I.I.Sc.Bangalore, India,17th-20th Dec. 2003 | |
LAKE 2004 | Inst. of Maths and Appl.,BBSR | Hotel Swosti-Plaza Dec.08-11,2004 | |
Annual conf. of OMS and National conf. On Math.Anal. and Appl. | NIST,Berhampur | Berhampur, Feb 05-06,2005 | presented an invited talk on Little Hankel operators between Bergman spaces of the right half plane” |
National seminar on recent advances in Analysis and appl. | UGC,New Delhi | Dept. of Maths, Utkal Univ.,Vanivihar, 12th March 13th March 2005 | presented Kernel of little Hankel operators on weighted Bergman spaces” |
National seminar on recent advances on Fluid Dynamics and Appl. | UGC,New Delhi | Dept.of Maths, Utkal Univ., Vanivihar,19th and 20th March,2005 |
National conf. on Fluid dynamics and computation | UGC,New Delhi | Dept. of Maths(DRS) Utkal Univ.,V.V., BBSR,July 29-30,2006 | |
National seminar on
Analysis and Appl. |
UGC,New Delhi | Dept. of Maths(DRS),
Utkal Univ., Vanivihar ,BBSR, 30.03.06 to 31.03.06 |
Presented The
Berezin transform of bounded operators on the Bergman space” |
Instructional conf. on
Mathematical techniques in computer Sc. |
UGC,New Delhi | Dept. of Maths,
Utkal Univ., Vanivihar ,BBSR, March 25-30,2007 |
Delivered an invited talk
on Numerical optimization methods” |
National conf. on
Fluid dynamics and Applications |
UGC, New Delhi | Dept. of Maths,
Utkal University, Vani Vihar ,BBSR, March 25-30,2007 |
National conf. in
Analysis and applications |
UGC, New Delhi | Dept. of Maths,
Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, 24.03.2007 to 25.03.2007 |
Annual OMS conf.,
2009 |
Inst. of Maths and
Appl., BBSR |
Inst. of Maths
and Appl., BBSR, Feb.07-08,2009
National seminar on
recent advances in Fluid dynamics and appl. |
UGC, New Delhi | Dept. of Maths, Utkal
Univ.,Vani Vihar, BBSR,March 7th 2009
National seminar on
recent advances in Analysis and appl. |
UGC, New Delhi | Dept. of Maths, Utkal
Univ.,Vani Vihar, BBSR, March, 24-25, 2012 |
Indian Science
Congress |
KIIT Univ.,
Bhubaneswar |
KIIT Univ.
Bhubaneswar, 03-07, January 2012 |
39th Annual OMS conf.,
and National seminar on Cryptography |
VIVTECH and OMS | Vivekananda Inst. of
and Tech., BBSR, Feb.04-05,2012 |
41st Annual OMS conf.,
and International conference on Industrial Mathematics and Scienti c computing |
KIIT University
and OMS |
Dept. of Mathematics,
School of Applied Sciences KIIT University, Jan.04-05,2014
National seminar on
Analysis and its Applications |
programme, New Delhi |
Dept. of Maths, Utkal
Univ., Vani Vihar, BBSR, March 21-22, 2015 |
on Analysis |
UGC-DRS | Dept. of Maths, Utkal
Univ., Vani Vihar, BBSR, March 19-20, 2015 |
Skill Based workshop
Utkal University | Dept. of Maths, Utkal
Univ.,Vanivihar, BBSR, November 20-21, 2015 |
43rd Annual OMS conf.,
and national conference on Application of computational techniques to real world problems |
Indus College of
Engineering, Bhubaneswar and OMS |
Indus College
16th-17th January, 2016 |
Skill Based workshop
Utkal University | Dept. of Maths, Utkal
Univ., Vani Vihar, BBSR, 19th March, 2016 |
Skill Based workshop
on \MATLAB and MAPLE” |
UGC | P.G. Dept. of Maths, Utkal
Univ., Vani Vihar, BBSR, MARCH 24-25, 2017 |
7th International conference
on soft computing for problem solving |
SocPros, 2017 | Indian Institute of Technology,
Bhubaneswar 23rd-24th December 2017 |
National Seminar
on \Functional Analysis and its Applications” |
WB-OHEPEE | P.G. Dept. of Mathematics, Utkal
University, Vani Vihar, BBSR, 11th March 2019 |
National Seminar
on \Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications” |
UGC | P.G. Dept. of Mathematics, Utkal
University, Vani Vihar, BBSR, 28th Feb-01st March 2019 |
46th Annual Conference of
Orissa Mathematical Society on National conference on Data Science” |
UGC | Silicon Institute of Technology,
Bhubaneswar,Jan19-20, 2019 |
Administrative experience:
Institutional Governance Responsibilities:
- Associate Course Coordinator(M.Tech.(Comp. Sc.))-01.08.2006 to 31.05.2012
- O.D. Mathematics-01.06.2012 to 31.05.2014
- Course Co-ordinator (M. Tech.(Comp. Sc.))- 15.10.2014 to till date
- Deputy Coordinator (DRS(SAP)): 2010-2012, 2013-2015.
- DRC, Chairman (Dept. of Mathematics) June 2012-January 2014 and from July 2018 to till date continuing.
- Coordinator (DRS(SAP)): from July 2018 to till date continuing.
- O.D. Mathematics-03.06.2016 to till date continuing.
- Syndicate Member- From July 2019.
Professional Experience
a. Teaching: 28 years, Research: 28 years
b. Important Activities :
(i) HOD, P.G. Department of Mathematics, Utkal University
(1st June 2012 to 31st May 2014)
(ii) Course Coordinator, M. Tech(Computer Science) from 15th October 2014 to till date
(iii) Deputy Coordinator DRS(SAP) from 2010-2012, 2013 to till date continuing.
(iv) Chairman SRC, Dept of Mathematics from June 2012 to February 2014
(v) Associate Course Coordinator(M.Tech.(Comp. Sc.))- 01.08. 2006 to 31.05. 2012
Member of Board of Studies
- Member of Board of Studies, Mathematics, Utkal University
- Institute of Mathematics, Andharua
Member of Department Research Committee
- G. Department of Mathematics, Utkal University
- G. Department of Commerce, Utkal University