JNU University | July, 2010- , January, 2014 | Ph.D. Department: Centre for Philosophy Thesis Title:Contending claims on justice in virtue ethics: A study of Aristotle Alasdair MacIntyre and Amartya Sen Areas: Philosophy (Ethics) Advisor: M.Phil./ Any other Master Degree |
JNU University | July, 2008 – July, 2010 | Department: Centre for Philosophy Thesis Title: Concept of prudence in Aristotle and Philippa Foot: A comparative study in Virtue Ethics Areas: Philosophy (Medical Ethics & Virtue ethics) |
JNU University | July, 2005 – December, 2007 | M.A. Department: Philosophy Special Paper: Political Philosophy |
North Odisha University | May, 2002- June, 2005 | Bachelor of Arts Department: Philosophy Hons:Philosophy |
UGC | June,2012 | UGC-NET+JRF(If Qualified) Subject:JRF Philosophy |
Utkal University | January. 2016 –Present | Assistant Professor (Stage-II) |
M.P.C. College (O.E.S) | December, 2013–December, 2015. | Jr. Lecturer |
Utkal University Designation: Assistant Professor Topics: Philosophy |
January 2016 to present |
M.P.C. Jr. College Designation: Jr. Lecturer Topics: Logic & Philosophy |
December 2013 – December 2015 |
Ramadevi women University Designation: Guest Lecturer Topics: Logic & Philosophy |
July 2013– Nov 2013 |
Jawaharlal Nehru University Designation: Research & Teaching Assistance |
July 2010-May 2011 |
Course Name-MA 2nd Sem & 4th Sem-Paper Name-Western Ethics, Philosophy of Upanishads & Critical evaluation of Metaphysical thinking (Paper Code-III, XIV & III) Department-Philosophy and University Name-Utkal University Duties:taught recitations, organize class seminars, M.Phil. Scholar guidance held office hours, graded exams, Exam Copy Checking |
Course Name-MA 1st Sem, 3rd Sem & M.Phil. Paper Name-Indian Ethics, Political Philosophy, Applied ethics (Paper Code-III, XIV, II) Department-Philosophy and University Name-Utkal University Duties:taught recitations, organize class seminars, M.Phil. Scholar guidance, held office hours, graded exams, Exam Copy Checking |
2016 |
Course Name-MA 2nd Sem & 4th Sem-Paper Name-Western Ethics, Philosophy of Upanishads & Critical evaluation of Metaphysical thinking (Paper Code-III, XIV & III) Department-Philosophy and University Name-Utkal University Duties:taught recitations, organize class seminars, M.Phil. Scholar guidance held office hours, graded exams, Exam Copy Checking Course Name-MA 1st Sem, 3rd Sem & M.Phil. Paper Name-Indian Ethics, Political Philosophy, Applied ethics (Paper Code-III, XIV, II) Department-Philosophy and University Name-Utkal University Duties:taught recitations, organize class seminars, M.Phil. Scholar guidance, held office hours, graded exams, Exam Copy Checking |
2017 |
Course Name-MA 2nd Sem & 4th Sem-Paper Name-Western Ethics, Philosophy of Upanishads & Critical evaluation of Metaphysical thinking (Paper Code-III, XIV & III) Department-Philosophy and University Name-Utkal University Duties:taught recitations, organize class seminars, M.Phil. Scholar guidance held office hours, graded exams, Exam Copy Checking |
Course Name-MA 1st Sem, 3rd Sem & M.Phil. 2018 Paper Name-Indian Ethics, Political Philosophy, Applied ethics (Paper Code-III, XIV, II) Department-Philosophy and University Name-Utkal University Duties:taught recitations, organize class seminars, M.Phil. Scholar guidance, held office hours, graded exams, Exam Copy Checking |
Course Name-MA 2nd Sem & 4th Sem-Paper Name-Western Ethics, Philosophy of Upanishads & Critical evaluation of Metaphysical thinking (Paper Code-III, XIV & III) Department-Philosophy and University Name-Utkal University Duties:taught recitations, organize class seminars, M.Phil. Scholar guidance held office hours, graded exams, Exam Copy Checking |
Course Name-MA 1st Sem, 3rd Sem & M.Phil. & Ph.D. 2019 Paper Name-Indian Ethics, Political Philosophy, Applied ethics, Contemporary Indian Philosophy (Paper Code-III, XIV, II, III) Department-Philosophy and University Name-Utkal University Duties:taught recitations, organize class seminars, M.Phil. Scholar guidance, held office hours, graded exams, Exam Copy Checking |
Course Name-MA 2nd Sem & 4th Sem-Paper Name-Western Ethics, Philosophy of Upanishads & Critical evaluation of Metaphysical thinking (Paper Code-III, XIV & III) Department-Philosophy and University Name-Utkal University Duties:taught recitations, organize class seminars, M.Phil. Scholar guidance held office hours, graded exams, Exam Copy Checking |
Course Name-MA 1st Sem, 3rd Sem & M.Phil. & Ph.D. 2020 Paper Name-Indian Ethics, Political Philosophy, Applied ethics, Contemporary Indian Philosophy (Paper Code-III, XIV, II, III) Department-Philosophy and University Name-Utkal University Duties:taught recitations, organize class seminars, M.Phil. Scholar guidance, held office hours, graded exams, Exam Copy Checking |
Course Name- MA 1st Sem & 4th Sem, M.Phil. & PH.D. Paper Name- Indian Ethics, Philosophy of Upanishads & Research Methodology (Paper Code-III, XIV & I) Department-Philosophy and University Name-Utkal University 2021 Duties:taught recitations, organize class seminars, M.Phil. Scholar guidance held office hours, graded exams, Exam Copy Checking |
Course Name- Logic &Philosophy Paper Name- Deductive and Inductive Logic (Paper Code- I & II) Department-Logic &Philosophy and College Name Name-M.P.C. Jr. College 2013-2015 Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams, |
Course Name- Logic &Philosophy Paper Name- Indian Philosophy, Ethics (Western & Indian), General Philosophy, Early Greek philosophy, Contemporary Indian Philosophy
(Paper Code- I, II, V, IX, X)
Department-Logic &Philosophy and University Name Name-Ramadevi Women UniversityJuly 2013-Dec2015
Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams,
Invited lectures:
- Das, Kabita., “Aristotle’s virtue and Phronesis: A way to improve moral and intellectual lives” in the Dept. of Philosophy, Pattamundei College, Pattamundei organized webinar on 3rd October 2020.
PhD thesis
2023. Das, K., Pattanaik, M., Basantia, S., Mishra, R., Das, D., Sahoo, KC., Paital, B., Informatics on a social view and need of ethical interventions for wellbeing via interference of artificial intelligence, Telematics and Informatics Reports, Volume 11, 2023, 100065, ISSN 2772-5030, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.teler.2023.100065.
- Das Kabita, “Contending claims on justice in virtue ethics: A study of Aristotle Alasdair MacIntyre and Amartya Sen”. Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, 2014
*2023. Das, K., Pattanaik, M., Paital, B. The Significance of Super Intelligence of Artificial Intelligence Agencies in the Social Savageries of COVID-19: An Appraisal. In: Rezaei, N. (eds) Integrated Science of Global Epidemics. Integrated Science, vol 14. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17778-1_16
#2022. Das, Kabita. “Need of Morality, phronesis, and responsibility in scientific management of Covid-19”, J of the All Ori. Philo Ass. ISSN: 2395-2784, Vol-III, Number-1, pp.31-44. UGC-Care list.
*2022. Das, K., Behera, T.R., Paital, B. (2021). COVID-19 Outbreak Challenges in Indian Migrant Pregnant and Lactating Mothers: Learnt Lesson Demands Phronesis and Hierarchical Strategies for Such Future Pandemics. In: Asea, A.A.A., Kaur, P. (eds) Coronavirus Therapeutics – Volume II. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1353. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85113-2_9
M.Phil. Thesis
- Das Kabita, “Concept of prudence in Aristotle and Philippa Foot: A comparative study in Virtue Ethics”, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, 2010
Book Articles (Authored/Edited)(05)(#National: 02 and *International: 01)
[3] *2021.Das, K., Behera, R.L., Paital, B. Socio-Economic Impact of COVID-19.In: “COVID-19 in the Environment.” Edited by Deepak Rawtani, Chaudhury Mustansar Hussain, Nitasha Khatri., Elsevier, USA.
[4] #2019. Das, Kabita, Swami Vivekananda’s Concept of Universal Religion and its Implication to Global world, “Understanding Swami Vivekananda: Rethinking Indian Thought in the 21st century” ed. by Prof S.Indira &Dr. K.Vengadachlam Pub by: Dept of Philosophy, Schol of humanities, Pondicherry university”, pp-56-89.
[5] #2020. Das, Kabita. The Ethics of Abortion, An Introduction to Practical Ethics, (ed.), Dr. Harish Chandra Sahoo, Kalyani Publishers, pp-73-82.
Journal Articles :Full Papers: 12, Total Impact Factors: 11.875 (Thomson Reuter JCR), Total citation-157, h-index=04, i10 index=02 (#National: 04 and *International: 010), **Popular article: 02]
Web link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=L0s2zrQAAAAJ&hl=en
[3] *2021.Mousazadeh, M.; Ashoori, R.; Paital, B.; Kabda¸slı, I.; Frontistis, Z.; Hashemi, M.; Sandoval, M.A.; Sherchan, S.; Das, K.; Emamjomeh, M.M., “Wastewater Based Epidemiology Perspective as a Faster Protocol for Detecting Coronavirus RNA in Human Populations: A Review with Specific Reference to SARS-CoV-2 Virus”. Pathogens 2021, 10, 1008. https://doi.org/10.3390/ pathogens10081008
[4] *2021. Das, K, Pingali, M.S.,Paital, B, Panda, F, Pati SG, Singh A, Varadwaj PK, Samanta, S.K. “A detailed review of the outbreak of COVID-19”. Frontiers of Bioscience (Landmark Ed). 6, 149-170, DOI:10.52586/4931. IF 2.474. ISSN: 1945-0524.
[5] *2021.Das, K. &Paital, B. “Future call for policy making to speed up interdisciplinarity between natural and social sciences and humanities in countries such as India”, Heliyon, 7(3) (e06484). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06484, IF2.85.ISSN:2405-8440.
[6] *2020. Paital, B, Das K, Parida SK. “Inter nation social lockdown versus medical care against COVID-19, a mild environmental insight with special reference to India”. Science of Total Environment. 2020; 728:138914. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138914 IF 6.551, ISSN: 0048-9697.
[7] *2020. Das, K., Paital, B., “First Week of Social Lockdown versus Medical Care against COVID-19 – with Special Reference to India”. Current Trends of Biotechnology and Pharmacy. 14 (2) 196-216, doi.10.5530/ctbp.2020.2.20. IF 0.00, ISSN: 0973-8916.
[8] #2020. Paital, B.,Das, K., Behera, T.R. “Social lockdown and ecological intervention for the prevention of the community spread of COVID‑19”.Cancer Research Statistics Treatment 3(3), 667-669. doi.10.4103/CRST.CRST_222_20. IF 0.00, ISSN: 2590-3233.
[10] *2020.Das, Kabita,“The mechanism of golden mean and middle path: The pursuit of happiness”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research9(3), IF 00ISSN: 2277-7881.
[11] *2020. Das, K.,Paital, B.“The Synergy between Philosophy and Science, need of the contemporary society”. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research. 6(1), 45-51. IF 00ISSN: 2455-2070.
[12] *2017. Das, Kabita, “On Abortion: Spontaneous Or Induced”. International Journal of Advance Research,ISSN NO: 2320-5407, V(4), PP-20-26, DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/3777.
[13] **2020. Nayek, M., Das, K., “Revisiting Aristotelian concept of State: A present day perspective”. Journal of the All-Orissa Philosophical association. ISSN: 2395-2784, pp-55-59. IF 0.00, ISSN: 2590-3233.
[14]**2016.Das, Kabita,“MacIntyreconcept of justice in virtue ethics and Aristotle’s practical wisdom”. Journal of All Orissa Philosophy Association, ISSN: 2395-2784, pp-167-176.
[15] **2016.Das, Kabita,“Plato’s Ideas On Goodness And Justice: Aristotle As Critique”. Indian Journal of Analytical Philosophy(ISSN NO:0976-2337, 6(2), PP-88-107.
[16]*2013.Das, Kabita,“Concept of Prudence and its Relevance to contemporary Virtue Ethics”. International. Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN NO: 2277-7881, 2(4), PP-320-334.
Refereed Conference Publications
- Das, Kabita, ¨ Swami Vivekananda and Vedanta: Basis of religious Universalism” (Conference Name: 24th International Congress of Vedanta Practical Vedanta). Sponsored and organized by: Centre of philosophy SSS and School of Sanskrit and Indic studies, JNU, New Delhi, Centre of Indic studies, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA. January10–12, 2020 JNU, New Delhi.
- Kabita, ¨ Concept of middle path and its implication to present society” (Conference Name: Indian society for Budhist Studies ISBS). ICPR, ICSSR, Kalyani University, 2018.
- Das, Kabita, ¨ The Virtue of Non-Violence in the Contemporary world: Gandhian Approach” (Conference Name: Gandhirama 2012 A feast of ideas and Festival of Art an international conference on Gandhi). New- Delhi, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal NehruUniversity, from 17th – 22nd October, 2012, New Delhi.
- Manaswini Pattanaik, Phil. Scholar, (Utkal University) – Topic/ Thesis Title: Revisiting Ethical values in human race for nurturing the environment: A philosophical Appraisal, 2021.
- Madhusmita Nayek, Phil. Scholar, (Utkal University) – Topic/ Thesis Title: Aristotle’s eudaimonia and erogon in the making of good life, 2019.
- Sreedhara Jally,Phil. Scholar, (Utkal University) – Topic/ Thesis Title: Concept of virtue and practice: A comparative study of Aristotle and AlsdairMacIntyre, 2019.
- Etishree Patra, Phil. Scholar, (Utkal University) –Topic/ Thesis Title: The concept of Universal religion in Swami Vivekananda’s Philosophy, 2017.
- Biswabhusan Nayek, Phil. Scholar, (Utkal University) – Topic/ Thesis Title: Exploring the Ethical Dimensions of Doctor Patient Relationship In Bio Ethics, 2017.
- Tapaswani Devi, Phil. Scholar, (Utkal University)- Topic/ Thesis Title: The Ideas of Practical Reason and Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Philosophy, 2018.
- Girish Chandra Mutha Majhi, Phil. Scholar, (Utkal University)- Topic/ Thesis Title: The Idea of Gandhian Philosophy, 2018.
- Title of The Project: Evaluation and Implication of Aristotle’s concept of Phronesis in the making of societyPI:Dr. Kabita Das, Funding Agency: Odisha State Higher education council (OSHEC)under seed fund, OURIIP Amount received: 4.32 Lakhs
2023. *Das K. Phronetic value of open-air teaching-learning system: A Vedantic approach, 26TH International Congress of Vedanta Vedāntic Perspective on Consciousness and Intelligence Jointly Organized by Center for Indic Studies at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and Institute of Advanced Sciences, August 11 – 14, 2023
- National# and International## Conferences Attended (18)/Orally* Presented (08) 2021.#*Das, Kabita,Need of morality, Phronesis and responsibility in scientific management of Covid-19, Science and Morality, 33rd Annual conference All Orissa philosophical association (AOPA) organized by VikramDev college, Jaypur, Koraput, Sponsored by ICPR, New Delhi, India.2020.##Participated International conference on science, society, and politics in South Asia, funded by RUSA and world bank, organized by Utkal university, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, on March 3-4.2020.##* Das, Kabita, Swami Vivekananda and Vedanta: Basis of religious Universalism, 24th International Congress of Vedanta Practical Vedanta, Organized by, Center of philosophy SSS and School of Sanskrit and Indic studies, JNU, New Delhi, Center of Indic studies, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA, 10-12, 2020.
- 2020. #Participated in world philosophy day on Science and Technology sponsored by ICPR New Delhi organized by Dept. of Philosophy, Utkal University, Odisha 30th January 2019.
2020.#* Das, Kabita, Right to die with dignity: Euthanasia Revisited, 32nd Annual Conference of All Orissa Philosophical Association (AOPA), U.N.Auto College, Odospur, 23rd and 25thJanuary.
2019.#ICPR and OHEPE Sponsored World Philosophy Day organized by the department of philosophy Utkal University, Vani Vihar, on 30th January
2018.##* Das, Kabita,Revisiting Virtue Ethics, Two days seminar on Future Generations: Responses and ResponsibilitiesOrganized by Satya Nilayam Research Institute (SNRI), Chennai, Tamilnadu, on Dec 14 and 15,
2018.##* Das, Kabita,Concept of middle path and its implication to present society, three days ICPR, ICSSR and ICHR sponsored International seminar on Indian Society of Buddhist Studies organized by the department of Philosophy, Kalyani University, West Bengal, on September, 28-30, 2018.
2018.#Das, Kabita,Revisited Aristotle, 30th Annual Conference of All Orissa Philosophical Association (AOPA), Ramadevi Women’s University, Bhubaneswar, 23rd and 25th January 2018.
- 2018. #ICPR Sponsored Periodical Lecture Programme on “Environment Ethics, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, World Peace and Inter-Religious Harmony”, organized by the Dept. of Philosophy, B.J.B. Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar on 14th to 15thJanuary
- #Contemporary Relevance of Budhist Ethics, Dept. of Philosophy, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, India, 30thJanuary.
- #Inter-Disciplinary State Level Seminar on “Basic Values in Indian Culture”, organized by the Dept. of Philosophy, B.J.B. Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar on 5th August 2017.
- #National Periodical Lecture Programme on “The Philosophy of ISA Upanisad”, organized by the Dept. of Philosophy, B.J.B. Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar on 18th November 2017.
2012.##*Das, Kabita,Concept of nonviolence and its implication to present Society, International Conference on Gandhirama 2012: A Feast of Ideas and Festival of Art, Organised by Indian Council of Philosophical Research at Jawaharlal Nehru University, from 17th – 22nd October, 2012, New Delhi.
- ##Participated in Twentieth International Congress of Vedanta organized by Centre for Indic Studies, University of Massachusetts (Dartmouth), USA and special centre for Sanskrit Studies and Centre for Philosophy, JNU, New Delhi at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, from 28th – 31st
- 2010. ##*Das, Kabita,Concept of Prudence in Aristotle and its relevance to contemporary virtue ethics in Asia, First Asian Philosophy Congress organized by ICPR at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, from 6th – 9th March,.
2010.##Participated in ICPR sponsored national Lecture on “Experience and Perceptual Judgment” by Professor Anil Gupta, University of Pittsburg, USA, on 26th Nov. 2010 at 11:00 a.m. in the Conference Room, Centre for Philosophy, School of Social Sciences, JNU, New Delhi.
- ##Participated in International Conference on From Experience to Thought: Debates in Consciousness, Cognition and Agency, from 7th -9th January, 2010 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
- #Attended A one-day colloquium on “Reading of Discourses on Consciousness” was organized to mark the celebration of World Philosophy Day 2010 on 29th November by Centre for Philosophy, Jawaharlal Nehru University in collaboration with ICPR, New Delhi.
2009.##Participated in ICPR and Centre for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, Inc. U.S.A sponsored and organized International conference on Phenomenology, Globalization and Indian Philosophy, from 5th -8th January, 2009 at India International Centre, New Delhi.
- #Attended the lecture series given by Prof. Mrinal Miri on Ethical life organized by Dr. Bhagat Oinam at Centre for Philosophy, SSS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and New Delhi.
- b) Working as observer / Rapporteur in ##International and #national conferences-03
- Worked as Rapporteur, in International conference on science, society, and politics in South Asia, funded by RUSA and world bank, organized by Utkal university, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, on March 3-4.
- 2012. Worked as Rapporteur, International Conference on Gandhirama 2012: A Feast of Ideas and Festival of Art, Organized by Indian Council of Philosophical Research at Jawaharlal Nehru University, from 17th – 22nd October, 2012, New Delhi.
- 2011. Worked as Observer,Twentieth International Congress of Vedanta organized by Centre for Indic Studies, University of Massachusetts (Dartmouth), USA and special centre for Sanskrit Studies and Centre for Philosophy, JNU, New Delhi at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, from 28th – 31st
2023. *Das K. “Management of mental health during pandemics”, International Conference on disaster management: Global Pandemic and its impact, Organized by Binghamton University, New York. January 25-27, 2023.
2022.*Das Kabita, Attention towards evolution of electronic gadgets and study attitude in young students of Odisha needs implementation of phronetic pedagogy, in Odisha research conclave 2022, organized by OSHEC, Govt. of Odisha and Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, November 14-16, 2022
2022. # Attended National Seminar on Indian Philosophy of Religions organized by Department of Philosophy, Utkal University, March 2022.
2021. #* Das, Kabita “Environmental ethics in Philosophy” National seminar on Overcoming the challenges: Role of science and technology on 22nd Odisha Bigyan ‘O’ Paribesh congress. Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, November 20-21, 2021.
2021. #* Das, Kabita, Basantia, Smitimayee, “Need of Atistotelian phronetic approaches in classroom teaching for college students in Odisha”, under OURIIP scheme, funded by Govt. of Odisha, state research conclave organized by Utkal University.
2021.* Das Kabita, “Spirituality in environmental health” 24th International Congress of Vedanta Practical Vedanta, Center of philosophy SSS and School of Sanskrit and Indic studies, JNU, New Delhi, Center of Indic studies, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA
2021. #*Das, Kabita, “Need of morality, Phronesis and responsibility in scientific management of Covid-19”, Science and Morality, 33rd Annual conference All Orissa philosophical association (AOPA) organized by Vikram Dev college, Jaypur, Koraput, Sponsored by ICPR, New Delhi, India.
Invited Talks:
2022. “Meta-Ethics” in Alumni Association, Department of Philosophy, Bardhaman University, 26th August 2022
2020. “Aristotle’s virtue and Phronesis: A way to improve moral and intellectual lives” in the Dept. of Philosophy, Pattamundei College, Pattamundei organized webinar on 3rd October 2020
Professional Activities and service
2022. UGC sponsored refresher course, on “Indian Language and culture” UGC, HRDC, UTKAL UNIVERSITY, 19th January to 1st February, 2022, Grade (A)
2021. 5 Days online FDP on “Recent trends on Educational Technology”, organized by (IQAC) cell of College of Basic Science OUAT University, 24th to 28th September 2021.
2021. 5 Days online FDP on “Research Methodology and project writing”, organized by (IDP, OHPEE) cell of Rama Devi Women’s University, 7th to 11th July 2021.
2021. 1 Days FDP on “Microgrid system Design &simulation using HOMER pro & Homer Grid Software,” of HOMER energy by UL, USA in association with, Dellsoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 10-11th August, 2021.
2021. 2 Days FDP on “Power system design simulation and analysis using Dlgsilent Power factory software dlgsilent Gmbh,” Germany, Dell soft Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Newdelhi. 10-11th August, 2021.
2021. 1 day FDP on “Automation system Design and simulation using Automation studio software”, of M/S Famic technologies in, Canada in association with Dell soft technologies pvt. New Delhi, 30th July 2021.
2019. Short term Course in Community Participation and outreach Programme, At UGC, HRDC, JNU, New Delhi, 9th December to 13th December.
- Highest grade A+ in Refresher course
- Junior Research Fellow, (JRF)UGC, New Delhi.
- National Eligibility Test for Lectureship (UGC NET)
- Secured highest grade ‘A-’ in M.Phil. dissertation.
- Highest grade in M.Phil. course work
- First prizefor essay competition (Prof. Braja Bihari Memorial Essay Competition) in M.A Part I. at Utkal University, Odisha.
- Secured second Highest mark in M.A.
Editorial Board
• Indian Journal of Analytical Philosophy, Utkal University
• Athens Journal of Philosophy, Greece
Articles Review: 18
Attendee of Refresher Course in “Ethics, Value, Culture and Society”, From 24thNovember to 22ndDecember, 2019 at HRDC, The University of Burdawan, West Bengal.
Attendee of Short-term Course in “Short term Course in Community Participation and outreach Programme”, From 9th December to13th December2019 atHRDC, JNU, New Delhi
Attendee of Orientation Course in “Higher Education and Social Transformation”, 2017 at HRDC, Utkal University.
Journal Reviewing: List of Journals.08
- Journal of Tourism and Hospitality
- Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.
- Indian Journal of Analytical Philosophy
Working as observer / Rapporteur in ##International and #national conferences-03
- Worked as Rapporteur, in international conference on science, society, and politics in South Asia, funded by RUSA and world bank, organized by Utkal university, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, on March 3-4.
- 2012. Worked as Rapporteur, International Conference on Gandhirama 2012: A Feast of Ideas and Festival of Art, Organized by Indian Council of Philosophical Research at Jawaharlal Nehru University, from 17th – 22nd October, 2012, New Delhi.
- 2011. Worked as Observer,Twentieth International Congress of Vedanta organized by Centre for Indic Studies, University of Massachusetts (Dartmouth), USA and special centre for Sanskrit Studies and Centre for Philosophy, JNU, New Delhi at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, from 28th – 31st
Other professional activities/Membership
- a) In editorial board of journals:01
1)Indian journal of Analytical Research
b)Members of Academic Bodies / Professional Associations
Life Member All Odisha Philosophy Association.
Extracurricular activities / contribution to campus or Institutional Life of the University.
2007 PGDCA (Post graduate Diploma in Computer Application) Grade: A++, (SSI, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India)
- a) Assistant Superintendent, Ladies Hostel-III, Utkal University.
- b) Secretary Teacher’s Council, P.G. Dept. of Philosophy, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
c)Programme Officer NSS, Ladies Hostel-III, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
- d) Research scholar adviser, Dept of Philosophy, Utkal University, Odisha, India.