It pioneered modern physics research in the state. The Institute of Physics was conceived from the core of the
department. The department played a pivotal role in the establishment of Orissa Physical Society for Modernizing Physics Education in the State. The only computer, an IBM 1130 gifted by the UGC in fact marked the beginning of the Computer age in the State. A large number of institutes and industries were the users of this facility in those days. Subsequently, the department initiated the PGDCA programme, which emerged as a full-fledged department of Master in Computer Science and Applications with its own independent infrastructure. Reaching out to the peripheral sectors, our department was a nodal point for the NCERT ‘CLASS’ project for schools for about a decade. The department has hosted several national and international conferences/symposia and workshops. In addition, we have conducted several schools and awareness programmes. We contributed to the faculty improvement programme for colleges and other universities through several refresher courses.The programmes currently offered are M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph.D. Two special papers, Condensed Matter physics and Particle Physics are offered at M.Sc. level. The department is recognized by UGC under its DRS and BSR programmes, and DST under FIST, PURSE and INSPIRE programmes. It is also recognized by the Govt. of Odisha as a Centre of Excellence (Centre for High Energy and Condensed Matter Physics). Research in the frontier areas has resulted into 70 Ph.Ds and above 700 research publications in International Journals. Many of the research papers have more than 100 citations. Grants to the department, which includes individual research projects and departmental projects amount to about 164.75 Lakhs during the last five years. Faculty members have established collaboration with Renowned Institutions abroad and in the country. They have won awards and recognitions at the national and international level. Have been members of many committees and chaired such committees. Our faculty members have given many invited and plenary talks, and chaired sessions in many national and international conferences and also organized many such conferences.There is an active Alumni Association in the department since 1988. Our Alumni are in the Faculty/research staff of International Institutions like SLAC, ANA, CERN, KEK, GEC, IBM, Max Planck Institute and many other International institutions. They are occupying faculty positions in many universities, colleges and institutes in the country. They are recognized nationally and internationally as Hottest Researcher of the world in 2007, bagged Marie Curie Fellowship, K.S. Krishnan fellowship, INSA young associateship, Best Ph.D. thesis Award, two Bhatnagar Awardees, USA Presidents’ award, have been Fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences, and are presently occupying faculty positions at many prestigious institutes including TIFR, BARC, IITs and IBM.