Research Publications (2010-2016) :
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals :
- Surface Smoothing of NiO Thin Films Under Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation, P. Mallick, Chandana Rath, Jai Prakash, D.K. Mishra, R.J. Choudhary, D.M. Phase, A. Tripathi, D.K. Avasthi, D. Kanjilal and N.C. Mishra, Int. J. Mater. Sc., 5, 723-729 (2010)
- Evolution of structural and microstructural properties of TiO2 nanocrystalline thin films under swift heavy ion irradiation, N.C Mishra and Haripriya Rath, Int. J. Mater. Sc., 5, 639-650 (2010)
- Selective disorder in the CuO basal planes of YBa2Cu3O7-y by Swift Heavy Ion induced secondary electrons, R. Biswal, J. John, D. K. Avasthi, D. Kanjilal, P. Raychaudhuri and N. C. Mishra
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B 268, 3325–3330 (2010)
- Antiferro to superparamagnetic transition on Mn doping in NiO, P. Mallick, Chandana Rath, A. Banerjee and N. C. Mishra, Sol. St. Com. 150, 1342 (2010)
- UV–visible studies of nickel oxide thin film grown by thermal oxidation of nickel P. Mohanty, Chandana Rath, P. Mallick, R. Biswal, N.C. Mishra, Physica B 405, 2711–2714 (2010)
- Swift heavy ion irradiation induced modification of microstructure of NiO thin films, P. Mallick, Chandana Rath, Jai Prakash, D.K. Mishra, R.J. Choudhury, D.N. Phase, A. Tripathi, D.K. Avasthi, D. Kanjilal and N.C. Mishra, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 268, 1613-1617 (2010)
- Grain growth and crack formation in NiO thin films by swift heavy ion irradiation, P. Mallick, R. Biswal, Chandana Rath, D.C. Agarwal, A. Tripathi, D.K. Avasthi, D. Kanjilal, P.V. Satyam, N.C. Mishra, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 268, 470–475 (2010)
- Observation of grain growth in swift heavy ion irradiated NiO thin films, P Mallick, Chandana Rath, J K Dash, R Biswal, D C Agarwal, D Behera, D K Avasthi, D Kanjilal, P V Satyam and N C Mishra, Indian J. Phys. 84 (10), 1399-1404 (2010)
- Surface modifications of ultra-thin gold films by swift heavy ion irradiation, P Dash, P Mallick, H Rath, B N Dash, A Tripathi, Jai Prakash, D K Avasthi, P V Satyam and N C Mishra, Indian J. Phys. 84 (10), 1391-1397 (2010)
- Swift heavy ion irradiation induced modification of BiFeO3 thin films prepared by sol-gel method B N Dash, Priyadarshini Dash, Haripriya Rath, P Mallick, R Biswal, P K Kulriya and N C Mishra, Indian J. Phys. 84 (10), 1315-1320 (2010)
- BPS black holes, the Hesse potential and the topological string, Gabriel Lopes Cardoso, Bernard de Wit and Swapna Mahapatra, Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) 1006, 052, p1-29 (2010)
- Astrophysical constraints on primordial black holes in Brans-Dicke theory B. Nayak, A.S. Majumdar, L.P. Singh,JCAP 1008, 039 (2010)
- Note on nonstationarity and accretion of Primordial Black Holes in Brans-Dicke theory Bibekananda Nayak, Lambodar Prasad Singh.Phys.Rev. D82, 127301 (2010)
- Supersymmetric standard model and its particle spectrum from four dimensional superstring B.B. Deo, L. Maharana,Charney, Gerold B. (ed.): Superstring theory in the 21st Century 161-186 26 (2010).
- On the representations of chiral alternative to vierbein, Karmadeva Maharana, arXiv:1004.4575 (hep-th) (2010).
- Do Damped and Sub-damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers Arise in Galaxies of Different Masses?Varsha P. Kulkarni, Pushpa Khare, Debopam Som, Joseph Meiring, Donald G. York, Celine Peroux, James T. Lauroesch. New Astron. 15, 735-743 (2010)
- Structural and electrical properties of nanostructured silicon carbon films, G.Ambrosone, D.K. Basa, U.Coscia, L.Santamaria, N.Pinto, M.Ficcadenti, L.Morresi, L.Craglia, R.Murri, Energy Proceedia, 2, 3 (2010)
- Morphological and structural modifications induced in a − Si1−xCx : H films by the excimer laser annealing, U.Coscia, G.Ambrosone, D.K.Basa, E.Tresso, A.Chiodoni, N.Pinto, R.Murri, Appl. Phys. A, 100, 1163 (2010)
- Correlation between structural and opto electronic properties of a − Si1−xCx : H films deposited by PECVD, G.Ambrosone, D.K.Basa, U.Coscia, P.Rava, Thin Solid Films,518,5871(2010)
- Characterizations of nanostructured silicon carbon filmsdeposited on p-layer by PECVD U.Coscia, G.Ambrosone, D.K.Basa, S.Ferrero, P.Delli Veneri, L.V.Mercaldo, I.Usatii, M.Tucci, Physica Status Solidi, C,7,766 (2010)
- Plasma treatment studies of MIS devices, D.K.Basa, Cent. Eur. J. Phys, 8,400 (2010)
- Study on the excimer laser annealed amorphous hydrogenated silicon carbon films deposited by PECVD, G.Ambrosone, D.K.Basa U.Coscia, E.Tresso, A.Chiodoni, E.Celasco, N.Pinto,R.Murri, Physica Status Solidii, C,7,770 (2010)
- Spectroscopicellipsometry study of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbon alloy films deposited byplasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, D.K.Basa, G.Abbate, G.Ambrosone, U.Coscia, A.Marino, J.Appl.Phys.107, 023502 (2010).
- CMB Polarization and Temperature Power Spectra Estimation using Linear Combination of WMAP 5-year Maps.” Pramoda Kumar Samal, Rajib Saha, Jacques Delabrouille, Simon Prunet, Pankaj Jain, Tarun Souradeep , Astrophysical Journal, Volume 714, Issue 1, Pages: 840-851, (2010)
- Compositional dependence on the optical properties of amorphous As2-xS3-xSbx thin films, Ramakanta Naik, R.Ganesan and K.S. Sangunni, Thin Solid Films, 518, 5437 (2010)
- Photoinduced optical changes in Sb/As2S3 multilayered film and (As2S3)0.93Sb0.07 film of equal thickness. Ramakanta Naik, R.Ganesan, K.S. Sangunni, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 505,249 (2010)
- Temperature dependent optical constants of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films. Vinod E. M., Ramakanta Naik, A. P. A. Faiyas, R. Ganesan, K. S. Sangunni, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356, 2172 (2010)
- Nuclear Structure correction on Parity Non-conservation in heavy ions, P.K. Panda and B.P. Das Ind. J. Phys. 84, 817 (2010).
- Warm stelar matter within the Quark Meson Coupling Model, P. K. Panda , D.P. Menezes, C. Providencia, Phys. Rev. C 82, 045801 (2010).
- Study of the Assymetric nuclear matter with pion dressing, S. Sarangi, P.K. Panda , S. K. Sahu, L. Maharana, Ind. J. Phys. 84, 431 (2010)
- Influence of Viscoelastic Behaviour During Peeling of an Adhesive Tape., Jagadish Kumar, G. Ananthakrishna, Physical Review E, 82, 016211, (2010).
- Correlation Between Stick-Slip Frictional Sliding and Charge Transfer., Jagadish Kumar, G. Ananthakrishna, Physical Review B, 82, 075414, (2010).
- eta/s at finite coupling ,Shesansu Sekhar Pal, Phys.Rev. D81, 045005 (2010)
- Quantum phase transition in a Dp-Dq system, Shesansu Sekhar Pal Phys.Rev. D82, 086013 (2010)
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals:
- Effect of Oxygen Vacancy on Magnetic Properties of Ti1-xCoxO2 Nanoparticles, P. Mohanty, P. Mallick, N.C. Mishra, A. Banerjee, T. Shripathi and Chandana Rath, International Journal of Nanotechnology and Applications. 5, 4, 383-393 (2011)
- Ultraviolet visible spectroscopy of CdS nano-wires doped ferroelectric liquid crystal, K. Pal, U.N. Maiti, T.P. Majumder, P. Dash, N.C. Mishra, N. Bennis, J.M. Otón, Journal of Molecular Liquids,164 , 233-238 (2011)
- Mesoscopic inhomogeneity creation in YBa2Cu3O7-y thin film by swift heavy ion irradiation at low temperature, R. Biswal, J. John, P Raychaudhuri, D. Behera, T. Mohanty, D. K. Avasthi, D. Kanjilal and N.C. Mishra, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 166, 628-634 (2011).
- Surface evolution of titanium oxide thin film with swift heavy ion irradiation, H. Rath, P. Dash, T. Som, Jai Prakash, A. Tripathi, D.K. Avasthi, U.P. Singh and N.C. Mishra, Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, 166, 571- 577 (2011).
- Swift heavy ion irradiation-induced phase transformation in oxide materials, N. C. Mishra, Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, 166 (8–9), 657–665 (2011)
- Accretion, Primordial Black Holes and Standard Cosmology, Bibekananda Nayak, Lambodar Prasad Singh, Pramana 76,173-181 (2011)
- Phantom energy accretion and primordial black holes evolution in Brans-Dicke theory B. Nayak, L.P. Singh, Eur.Phys.J. C71, 1837 (2011)
- Gravitating magnetic monopole in Vaidya geometry, Sushant G. Ghosh, L.P. Singh, Phys.Rev. D83, 067501 (2011)
- The Prediction of Mass of Z’-Boson from b0q−b0qbarmixing, S. Sahoo,C.K. Das ,L. Maharana, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A26, 3347-3356 (2011).
- Effect of Z’-mediated flavor-changing neutral current on B decays into Pi Pi, S. Sahoo, C.K. Das, L. Maharana, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 74, 1032-1039 (2011)
- SOAR Imaging of sub-Damped Lyman-Alpha Systems at z<1, Joseph D. Meiring, James T. Lauroesch, Lutz Haberzettl, Varsha P. Kulkarni, Celine Peroux, Pushpa Khare, Donald G. York. Mon.Not.Roy. Astron.Soc. 410,2516(2011).
- Exploring the dust content of SDSS DR7 damped Lyman alpha systems at 2.15≤zab<5.2, Pushpa Khare, Daniel Vanden Berk, Donald G. York, Britt Lundgren, Varsha P. Kulkarni. arXiv:1109.4225v1 [astro-ph.CO] , Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc ,20 Sep (2011)
- Role ofcarbon content in tuning the physical quantities of a-Si1-xCx:H alloys deposited by PECVD, G.Ambrosone, D.K.Basa, U.Coscia, A.Le Donne, S.Binetti, Phys. Status. Solidii C,8,800 (2011).
- Influence of rf power on the properties of nanostructured silicon carbon films deposited by PECVD”, U.Coscia, G.Ambrosone, D.K.Basa, P.Rava, S.Ferrero, A.Virga, M.Tucci Phys. Status. Solidii C,8,823 (2011).
- Effect of foregrounds on the cosmic microwave background radiation multipole alignment.” Pavan Aluri, Pramoda Kumar Samal, Pankaj Jain, John P Ralston Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,Volume 414, Issue 2, Pages: 1032-1046, June (2011)
- Optical properties change in amorphous (As2S3)0.87Sb0.13 thinfilms by photo and thermal induced process, Ramakanta Naik, R.Ganesan ,K.S. Sangunni, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 125,505-509 (2011)
- Photo-induced changes in the optical properties of thermally evaporated As40Se50Sb10 films. Ramakanta Naik,Arpitha Jain,E.M.Vinod,R.Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni, Physica Status Solidi C, 8, No-9, 2785 (2011)
- Effect of Te addition on the optical properties of As2S3 thin film, Ramakanta Naik,C.Kumar, R. Ganesan, K. S. Sangunni, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 130,750 (2011)
- Photoinduced transparency of three photon absorption coefficient at femto second time scales in Ge16As29Se55 thin films, A.R.Barik, K.V.Adarsh, Ramakanta Naik, D.Zhao, Himanshu Jain Applied Physics Letter, 98,201111 (2011)
- Photo and thermal induced effects on (As2S3)0.85Sb0.15 amorphous thin films. Ramakanta Naik, R.Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 357, 2344 (2011)
- Role of rigidity and temperature on the kinetics of the photo darkening in Gex As45- xSe55 thin films. A.R.Barik, K.V.Adarsh, Ramakanta Naik, R.Ganesan, D.Zhao,Himanshu Jain Optics Express, 19(14), 15138 (2011)
- Giant photo induced optical bleaching at room and liquid helium temperatures in Sb/As2S3 multilayered films, Ramakanta Naik, K.V.Adarsh, R.Ganesan, K.S. Sangunni, Optics Communications, 284, 5319 (2011)
- Kinetics of photodarkening at room and liquid helium temperatures in a As45Se55 thin film, A.R.Barik, K.V.Adarsh, Ramakanta Naik , R.Ganesan.K.S.Sangunni, D.Zhao,H. Jain, Physica Status Solidi C, 8,No-9, 2770 (2011)
- Warm and dense stellar matter under strong magnetic fields, A. Rabhi, P. K. Panda , C. Providencia, Phys. Rev. C 84, 035803 (2011),
- Pion correlations in Dense Matter, P.K. Panda , S. Sarangi, J. da Providencia, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E20, 63 (2011).
- Multi-Scale modeling approach to acoustic emission during plastic deformation., Jagadish Kumar, G. Ananthakrishna, Physical Review Letters, 106, 106001,(2011).
- Model building in AdS/CMT: DC Conductivity and Hall angle, Shesansu Sekhar Pal, Phys.Rev. D84, 126009, (2011)
Publications in Conference Proceedings :
- Optical properties change in Te/As2S3 bilayer thin films, Ramakanta Naik, C.Kumar, E.M.Vinod, R.Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1349,777 (2011)
- Kaon condensation in quark meson coupling model at finite temperature, S. Lenka, P.K. Panda, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. Vol. 56 page-712 (2011).
- G. Ananthakrishna, Jagadish Kumar,. Dynamics Friction at Nano-Scales., Proceeding of II International Workshop on Correlation Microstructures – Properties and Multi-scale Modeling of Plasticity, p. 91, (2011).
- Supersymmetric standard model and its particle spectrum from four dimensional superstring B.B. Deo, L. Maharana, Charney, Gerold B. (ed.): Superstring theory in the 21st Century 161-186
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals :
- Oxygen vacancy induced phase formation and room temperature ferromagnetism in undoped and Co-doped TiO2 thin films, P Mohanty, N C Mishra, R J Choudhary, A Banerjee, T Shripathi, N P Lalla, S Annapoorni and Chandana Rath, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 ,325301 (2012).
- Evolution of superconducting and normal state properties of YBa2Cu3O7-y thick films under 200 MeV Ag ion irradiation, R. Biswal, D. Behera, D. Kanjilal, P.V. Satyam, N.C. Mishra, Physica C 480, 98–101 (2012)
- Evolution of Structure, Microstructure, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Nickel Oxide (NiO) with Transition Metal ion Doping.P. Mallick and N.C. Mishra, American Journal of Materials Science, 2(3): 66-71 (2012)
- Evolution of microstructure and crack pattern in NiO thin films under 200 MeV Au ion irradiationP. Mallick, D.C. Agarwal, Chandana Rath, D. Behera, D.K. Avasthi, D. Kanjilal, N.C. Mishra, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 81, 647–651 (2012).
- Nonleptonic two-body Bc-meson decays, Sk. Naimuddin, Susmita Kar , M. Priyadarsini, N. Barik, P.C. Dash, Phys. Rev. D86, 094028 (2012).
- Brans-Dicke Theory and primordial black holes in Early Matter-Dominated Era, Bibekananda Nayak, Lambodar Prasad Singh, Int.J.Theor.Phys. 51, 1386-1395 (2012).
- A Super-Damped Lyman-alpha QSO Absorber at z=2.2 ,Varsha P. ulkarni, Joseph, Meiring, Debopam Som, Celine Peroux, Donald G. York, Pushpa Khare, James T. Lauroesch. Astrophys.J. 49,176 (2012).
- Galaxies with Background QSOs, I: A Search for Strong Galactic H-alpha Lines Donald G. York, Lorrie A. Straka, Michael Bishof, Seth Kuttruff, David Bowen, Varsha P. Kulkarni, Mark Subbarao, Gordon Richards, Daniel Vanden Berk, Patrick B. Hall, P.Khare Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 423, 3692-3708 (2012)
- Growth and characterization of silicon nanocrystallitesembedded in amorphous silicon carbon matrix by PECVD, U.Coscia, G.Ambrosone, D.K.Basa, V.Rigato, M.Ballarini, A.Virga S.Ferrero, L.V.Mercaldo, Phys. Status. Solidii C,9,1869 (2012)
- Evolution ofstructural and optical properties of nanostructured silicon carbon films deposited by4plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, G.Ambrosone, D.K.Basa, U.Coscia, M.Passacantando, Thin Solid Films,520,4875 (2012).
- Optical properties change in Sb40S40Se20 thin films by light induced effect, Ramakanta Naik, Sanjit K Parida, C. Kumar, R. Ganesan,K.S.Sangunni, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 522, 172 (2012)
- Compositional dependence optical properties of As40Se60-xSbx thin films, Ramakanta Naik, Arpitha Jain, R.Ganesan, K. S. Sangunni, Thin Solid Films, 520, 2510 (2012)
- Signature of Ge2Sb2Te5 film at structural transitions, E.M. Vinod, Ramakanta Naik, R.Ganesan, K. S. Sangunni, Journal of Non Crystalline Solids, 358, 2927 (2012)
- Compact stars within a soft symmetry energy quark meson coupling model, Prafulla K. Panda , Alexandre M. Santos, Debora P. Menezes, Constanca Providencia, Phys. Rev. C 85, 055802 (2012).
- BCS theory of high density matter, H. Bohr, P. K. Panda , C. Providencia, J. da Providencia, Braz. J. Physics, 42, 59 (2012).
- Effects of symmetry energy on compact stars, Constanca Providencia, Rafael Cavagnoli, Debora P. Menezes, Prafulla K. Panda , J. Phys: conf. Ser 342, 012008 (2012).
- RG flow of transport quantities ,Bum-Hoon Lee, Shesansu Sekhar Pal, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A27 1250071, (2012)
- Thickness Dependent Magnetic Properties of Amorphous FeTaC Films, A.K. Singh, Bhagaban Kisan, Debabrata Mishra and A. perumal, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 093915 (2012).
Publications in Conference Proceedings:
- 1. Photo induced effects on the optical properties of Sb40Se20S40 thin films, Ramakanta Naik, C. Kumar, Sanjit K. Parida, R. Ganesan, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1447,559 (2012)
- Optical Properties Study of S40Se60-xSbx Bulk Alloys, Ramakanta Naik, C. Kumar, R. Ganesan, K. S. Sangunni, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1447, 545 (2012)
- Effect of thickness on the optical properties change in Bi/As2S3 bilayer thin films. Ramakanta Naik, C. Kumar, R. Ganesan, K. S. Sangunni AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1447,623 (2012)
- Light induced optical properties change in Sb20S40Se40 thin films, Ramakanta Naik, Sanjit K. Parida, R. Ganesan, K. S. Sangunni, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1461,358 (2012)
- Multiferroic bismuth ferrite material core based inductive displacement sensor, R. Rajeswari, M. R. Biswal, J. Nanda, and N. C. Mishra, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1461, 324-327 (2012)
- Structural and optical characterization of NiO nanoparticles synthesized by sol-gel route, P. Mallick, C. S. Sahoo, and N. C. Mishra, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1461, 229-232 (2012)
- Evolution of Microstructure and Surface Topography of Gold Thin Films under Thermal Annealing, P. Dash, H. Rath, B. N. Dash, P. Mallick, T. Basu, T. Som, U. P. Singh and N.C. Mishra, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1461, 214-217 (2012)
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals:
- Swift heavy ion irradiation induced modification of structure and surface morphology of BiFeO3 thin film, BN Dash, P Mallick, Pdash, R. Biswal, Jai Prakash, A. Tripathi, D Kanjilal and NC Mishra, Bull. Mater. Sci., 36, 813–818. (2013).
- Non-holomorphic deformations of special geometry and their applications, Gabriel Lopes Cardoso, Bernard de Wit and Swapna Mahapatra, e-Print: arXiv:1206.0577 (hep-th), Springer Proc.Phys. 144 (2013)
- Nonleptonic Bc→VV decays, Susmita Kar, P.C. Dash, M. Priyadarsini, Sk. Naimuddin, N. Barik Phys. Rev. D88, 9, 094014 (2013).
- Nuclear equation of state in a relativistic independent quark model with chiral symmetry and dependence on quark masses, N. Barik, R.N. Mishra, D.K. Mohanty, P.K. Panda , T. Frederico Phys. Rev. C88 ,1, 015206 (2013).
- Evolution of Primordial Black Hole Mass Spectrum in Brans-Dicke Theory, Debabrata Dwivedee, Bibekananda Nayak, Lambodar Prasad Singh, Int.J.Mod.Phys. D22 ,1350022 (2013).
- Vacuum Energy Accretion and Primordial Black Holes in Brans-Dicke theory D. Dwivedee, B. Nayak, L.P. Singh , e-Print: arXiv:1310.2706 [gr-qc]
- Nanostructured silicon carbon thin films grown by PECVD technique, U.Coscia, G.Ambrosone, D.K.Basa, V.Rigato, S.Ferrero,A.Virga, Thin Solid Films,543, 27,2013.
- Optical properties change with the addition and diffusion of Bi to As2S3 in the Bi/As2S3 bilayer thin film, Ramakanta Naik, R. Ganesan, K. S. Sangunni, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 554,298 (2013)
- Intensity dependent transient photo darkening in visible and far infrared absorption spectra of As50Se50 thin film, A.R. Barik, Ramakanta Naik, Udaya Deshpandey, T.Shripathi and K. V.Adarsh, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 138, 479 (2013)
- Unusual observation of fast photo darkening and slow photo bleaching a-GeSe2 thin Film, A. R. Barik, Ramakanta Naik, and K. V. Adarsh, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 377, 179 (2013)
- Nuclear equation of state in a relativistic independent quark model with chiral symmetry and variation with quark masses, N. Barik, R.N. Mishra, D.K. Mohanty, Prafulla K. Panda and T. frederico, Phys. Rev. C 88, 015206 (2013).
- The effect of isoscalar-isovector coupling in infinite nuclear matter, S. K. Singh, M. Bhuyan, Prafulla K. Panda, and S. K. Patra, J. Phys.(Nucl. and Part. Phys.) G40, 085104 (2013).
- Spin polarization in high density quark matter, H. Bohr, P. K. Panda , C. Providencia, J. da Providencia, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E22, 1350019 (2013).
- Compact stars and symmetry energy, Constanca Providencia, Rafael Cavagnoli, Debora P. Menezes, Prafulla K. Panda, Aziz Rabhi J. Phys: Conf. Ser 413, 012023 (2013).
- Fermi-like Liquid From Einstein-DBI-Dilaton System , Shesansu Sekhar Pal, JHEP 1304 007 (2013)
Publications in Conference Proceedings:
- The effect of isoscalar-isovector coupling in infinite nuclear matter, S. K. Singh, M. Bhuyan, P. K. Panda , and S. K. Patra, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 1524, 77 (2013)
- Photo induced effects in Bi/As2Se3 bilayer thin films., Ramakanta Naik, E.M.Vinod, C. Kumar, R.Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1512, 534 (2013)
- Optical properties change of Ge12..5Sb25Se62.5 thin films by laser irradiation, Ramakanta Naik, E. M. Vinod, C. Kumar, R. Ganesan, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1512,622 (2013)
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals:
- Evolution of structural and magnetic properties of Co-doped TiO2 thin films irradiated with 100MeV Ag7+ ions, P Mohanty, V P Singh, N C Mishra, S Ojha, D Kanjilal and Chandana Rath, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47, 315001 (2014)
- Grain Growth Stagnation in Gold Thin Films on Annealing in Vacuum P. Dash, H. Rath, B. N. Dash, T. Som, U. P. Singh, S. Ojha, D. Kanjilal, and N. C. Mishra, Adv. Sci. Lett. 20, 552-558 (2014)
- Effect of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation on the Microstructure, Optical and Electrical Properties of BiFeO3Thin Film, B. N. Dash, P. Dash, R. Biswal, P. Mallick, D. Kanjilal, and N. C. Mishra, Adv. Sci. Lett. 20, 601-606 (2014)
- In-SituX-Ray Diffraction Study of the Evolution of NiO Microstructure Under 120 MeV Au Ion Irradiation, P. Mallick, B. N. Dash, P. K. Kulriya, D. C. Agarwal, D. K. Avasthi, D.Kanjilal, and N. C. Mishra, Adv. Sci. Lett. 20, 607-611 (2014)
- Evolution of Structural and Optical Properties in TiO2Nanoparticles Prepared by High-Energy Ball Milling, B. B. Tripathy, P. K. Sahoo, D. K. Mishra, S. K. S. Parashar, and N. C. Mishra Adv. Sci. Lett. 20, 612-616 (2014)
- Optimization of Selenization and Sintering Conditions of DC Magnetron Sputtered Ag/In/Ag/In Multi-Layer Metal Precursor for Preparation of AgInSe2 Thin Films R. Panda, M. Panda, H. Rath, P. Dash, R. Naik, U. P. Singh, and N. C. Mishra Adv. Sci. Lett. 20, 631-634 (2014)
- Direct Transformation of Amorphous to Preferentially Oriented Rutile Phase in DC Sputtered TiO2Thin Film, H. Rath, P. Dash, T. Som, U. P. Singh, and N. C. Mishra, Adv. Sci. Lett. 20, 638-642 (2014)
- Conductivity Studies on Nickel Doped Bismuth Ferrites, M. R. Biswal, J. Nanda, D. K. Mishra, and N. C. Mishra, Adv. Sci. Lett. 20, 722-725 (2014)
- Deformations of special geometry: in search of the topological string,Gabriel Lopes Cardoso, Bernard de Wit and Swapna Mahapatra, JHEP, 09 (2014) 096
- Evolution of Primordial Black Holes in Loop Quantum Gravity Debabrata Dwivedee, Bibekananda Nayak, Mubasher Jamil , Lambodar Prasad Singh, J. Astrophys.Astron. 35,97-106 (2014).
- Vacuum energy and Primordial Black Holes in Brans-Dicke Theory, Debabrata Dwivedee, Bibekananda Nayak, Lambodar Prasad Singh,e-Print: arXiv:1403.2983[gr-qc]|
- In-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry and structural study of HfO2 thin films deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering, A Cantas, G Aygun, DK Basa, Journal of Applied Physics 116 (8), 083517 (2014).
- Structural and photoconductivity properties of silicon carbon thin films, U Coscia, G Ambrosone, DK Basa, V Rigato, S Binetti, Physica status solidi (c) 11 (11 12), 1669 (2014)
- Photo induced optical properties change of Sb10S40Se50 thin films studied by various spectroscopic experiments, Ramakanta Naik, Shuvendu Jena, R. Ganesan, N.K.Sahoo. Physica Status Solidi B, 251(3) 661 (2014)
- Thickness effect on the optical properties of Bi/As2S3 bilayer thin films, Ramakanta Naik,, R. Ganesan, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 385, 142 (2014)
- Laser induced optical photo darkening in Sb30S40Se30 chalcogenide thin films, Ramakanta Naik, Namita Behera, R.Ganesan, Advanced Science Letters, 20,559 (2014)
- Optimization of selenization and sintering conditions of DC magnetron sputtered Ag/In/Ag/In multi-layer metal precursor for preparation of AgInSe2 thin films, R. Panda, M. Panda, H. Rath, P. Dash, Ramakanta Naik, U.P. Singh, N.C. Mishra, Advanced Science Letters, 20, 631 (2014)
- Compositional dependence properties change in S40Se60-xSbx alloys. Ramakanta Naik,, R. Ganesan,Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics,52, 444 (2014)
- Effects of the symmetry energy on the kaon condensates in the QMC model, Prafulla K. Panda, Debora P. Menezes, and Constanca Providencia, Phys. Rev. C 89, 045803 (2014).
- Extremal Surfaces And Entanglement Entropy , Shesansu Sekhar Pal, Nucl.Phys. B882 352- 385, (2014)
21. Real spectra in isospectral non-hermitian Hamiltonian”, Biswanath Rath, Pravanjan Mallick and Pramoda Kumar Samal, The African Review of Physics, 9, 0027 (2014)
22. Finite size effect in magnetic and optical properties of antiferromagnetic NiO nanoparticles. Bhagaban Kisan, P. C. Shyni, Samar Layek, H. C. Verma, David Hesp, Vinod Dhanak, Satheesh Krishnamurthy and A. Perumal. IEEE Trans. Magn. 50, 2300704 (2014).
23. Room temperature ferromagnetism in finite sized ZnO nanoparticles, Bhagaban Kisan and A. Perumal, Physica B: condensed matter, 448, 115 (2014).
24. Magnetic properties of Co doped MgTiO3 ceramics, T. Santosh, P. Gogoi, Sharma, Bhagaban Kisan, A. Perumal and D. Pamumal, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 448, 330 (2014).
- Effect of Sb addition on optical properties change in As40Se60 chalcogenide thin films Ramakanta Naik, International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials, 5(4) 236-242 (2014)
- Dielectric and impedance spectroscopic studies of multiferroic BiFe1-xNixO3,,
- R. Biswal, J. Nanda, N. C. Mishra, S. Anwar, A. Mishra, Adv. Mat. Lett., 5(9),
531-537 (2014)
Publications in Conference Proceedings:
- Asymmetric nuclear matter in a modified quark meson coupling model, R.N. Mishra, H. S. Sahoo, P.K. Panda , and N. Barik, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 59, page-792 (2014)
- Photo induced diffusion of Bi and Te into As2S3 thin film: A comparative optical property study, Ramakanta Naik, ICEMP Conference Proceeding.1-5, (2014).
- Haqqani, A., Marek, S., Kumar, J., Davenport, M., and Tilton, J. The vast majority of unstimulated primary CD4+ T cells are refractory to HIV infection regardless of viral concentration. Keystone symposia on HIV Pathogenesis, Banff, Canada. March 2014.
- Sharmili Rudra, Akhilesh P. Nandan, Himangshu Neog, S. Biswas, S. Mahapatra, B. Mohanty, and P. K. Samal “Cosmic ray spectroscopy using plastic scintillator detector” Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 59, 2014
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals:
- Nuclear symmetry energy in a modified quark meson coupling model, R.N. Mishra, H.S. Sahoo, P.K. Panda, N. Barik, and T. Frederico, Phys. Rev. C 92, 045203 (2015)
- Effects of the cosmological constant in compact star in quark meson coupling model, S.N. Nayak, P.K. Parida, and P.K. Panda, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E.24, 1550068 (2015)
- Weak Minimal Area In Entanglement Entropy , Shesansu Sekhar Pal, Subhalaxmi Rath ,Adv.High Energy Phys. 2015 (2015) 523408
- Entanglement temperature with Gauss–Bonnet term, Shesansu Sekhar Pal, Sudhakar Panda, Nucl.Phys. B898 (2015) 401-414
- Physics potential of the ICAL detector at the India based Neutrino observatory (INO), (ICAL collaboration), e-Print arXiv: 1505.07380, p1-134 (2015)
- Aiman A Haqqani, M.S.; Samantha L Marek; Jagadish Kumar; Miles Davenport, Heng Wang, John Tilton, Central memory CD4+ T cells are preferential targets of double infection by HIV-1, Virology Journal, (2015).
- Testing isotropy of Cosmos with WMAP and PLANCK data.” Pranati Rath, Pramoda Kumar Samal, Modern Physics Letters A (World Scientific). Vol. 30, No. 27, 1550131 (2015)
8. A study of Spectral Instability in V (x) = ix3 Through Internal Perturbation: Breakdown of Unbroken PT Symmetry ” Biswanath Rath, Pravanjan Mallick and Pramoda Kumar Samal, The African Review of Physics, 10, 007(2015)
- Photo induced optical bleaching in Ge12Sb25S63 amorphous chalcogenide thin films: Effect of 532 nm laser illumination, Ramakanta Naik,, Shuvendu Jena, R. Ganesan, N. K. Sahoo, Laser Physics, 25, 036001 (2015)
- 10. Effect of laser irradiation on the optical properties of Ge12Sb25Se63 amorphous chalcogenide thin films, Ramakanta Naik, Shuvendu Jena, R. Ganesan, N.K.Sahoo, Indian Journal of Physics, 89 (10) 1031-1040 (2015)
- 11. Effect of compositional variations on the optical properties of SbxSe60-xS40 thin films. Ramakanta Naik Ganesan, Thin Solid Films, 579,95 (2015)
- Influence of laser irradiation on the optical properties of As40Se45Sb15 thin films by thermal evaporation technique, Ramakanta Naik, Advanced Materials Letters, 6(6),531 (2015)
- Photo induced effects on the optical properties of As20Sb20S60thin films., Ramakanta Naik, Vinod E.M, S. Parida, R. Ganesan, K. S. Sangunni, Materials Science and Engineering 73, 012045 (2015).
- Effect of laser irradiation on the optical properties of As40Sb15Se45 chalcogenide thin film. Ramakanta Naik R.Ganesan, K.S.Sangunni, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 619(1), 12042 (2015)
- Enhanced room temperature ferromagnetism in antiferromagnetic NiO nanoparticles, Patta Raikumar, Bhagaban Kisan, and A. Perumal, AIP Advances. 5 , 087116 (2015).
- Structural, Vibrational, Optical and magnetic properties of NiO nanoparticles, Bhagaban Kisan, P. Ravikumar, Arnab Das, A. Srinivasan and A. perumal, Science Letter. 4, 160 (2015).
- Effect of annealing on the magnetic properties of mechanicall alloyed NiO nanoparticles, Bhagaban Kisan, P. Sarvanam, Samar Layek, H. C. Verma, Vinod Dhanak, Satheesh Krishnamurthy and A. Perumal, J. Magn. Magn. Materials 384, 296 (2015).
- Physics Potential of the ICAL detector at the India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO), Swapna Mahapatra (ICAL Collaboration), e-Print: arXiv:1505.07380 [physics.ins-det], May 27, 134 pages (2015)
- Swift heavy ion irradiation induced surface sputtering and micro structural
modification of gold thin films, Priyadarshini Dash, Haripriya Rath, Udai B. Singh,
Sunil Ojha, Devesh K. Avasthi, Naresh C. Mishra Adv. Mater. Lett., 6(4), 359-364
- Room Temperature Superparamagnetism in Rutile TiO2 Quantum Dots Produced
via ECR Sputtering, Vanaraj Solanki , I. Mishra , S. R. Joshi , P. Mishra , P. Dash,
N.C. Mishra, D. Kanjilal, Shikha Varma, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in
Physics Research, B (2015) (in Press)
- Modification of the microstructure and electronic properties of rutile TiO2 thin
films with 79 Mev Br ion irradiation, Haripriya Rath, P. Dash, U.P. Singh, D.K.
Avasthi, D. Kanjilal, N. C. Mishra, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
Research, B (2015) (in Press)
- Study of thickness dependent sputtering in gold thin films by swift heavy ion
irradiation, P. Dash, P.K. Sahoo, V. Solanki, U.B. Singh, D. K.
Avasthi, N. C. Mishra, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B
(2015) (in Press)
23., General framework for acoustic emission during plastic deformation, .
Jagadish Kumar, Ritupan Sarmah, and G. Ananthakrishna
Physical Review B, 92, 144109, (2015).
- Solar-wind ion-driven x-ray emission from cometary and planetary atmospheres:
measurements and theoretical predictions of charge-exchange cross-sections and
emission spectra for o6++h2o, co, co2, ch4, n2, no, n2o, and ar
- R. Machacek, D. P. Mahapatra, D. R. Schultz, Yu. Ralchenko, A. Moradmand, M.
- A. El Ghazaly, and A. Chutjian
The Astrophysical Journal, 809:75 8, (2015)
Publications in Conference Proceedings:
- Compact stars in a modified quark meson coupling model”
R.N. Mishra , H. S. Sahoo, P.K. Panda, and N. Barik, Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS
Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 60, 874 (2015).
- Symmetry energy parameters in pion-dressed asymmetric nuclear matter”
- Sarangi, P.K. Panda , S.K. Sahu, and L. Maharana Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS
Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 60, 862 (2015)
- 3. Photo induced optical bleaching in Ge12Sb25S63 amorphous chalcogenide thin films, Ramakanta Naik, S.Jena, R.Ganesan, N.K.Sahoo, AIP Conference Proceedings, (2015)
- Structural and optical modification in Bi doped in As40S60 thin films, Ramakanta Naik, S. Chinnaiyah, R.Ganesan, AIP Conference Proceedings, (2015)
- Effect of Te addition into As2Se3 thin film:Optical property study by FTIR and XPS, T.Panda, Ramakanta Naik, S. Chinnaiyah, R.Ganesan, AIP Conference Proceedings, (2015)
- Electrostatic Storage Ring for Physics and Space Studies
- Chutjian, M. O. A. El Ghazaly, D. P. Mahapatra, A. Moradmand
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015) 032099
- Measurements and Theoretical Predictions of Charge Exchange Cross Sections and
Emission Spectra for O6+ with H2O, CO, CO2, CH4, N2, NO, N2O and Ar
- R. Machacek, D. P. Mahapatra, D. R. Schultz, Yu. Ralchenko, A. Moradmand,
- O. A. El Ghazaly, and A. Chutjian
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015) 022076
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals:
- Accretion of radiation and rotating Primordial black holes, Swapna Mahapatra and
Bibekananda Nayak, JETP, 122, no. 2, 243-247 (2016)
- A comparative study of 2d Ising model at different boundary conditions
using Cellular Automata, Jahangir Mohammed and Swapna Mahapatra, e-Print arXiv:
1601.00518 , p1-19 (2016)
- QMC approach based on the Bogoliubov independent quark model of the nucleon
Henrik Bohr, Steven A. Moszkowski, Prafulla K. Panda, Constata Providencia and
Joao da Providencia, Int J Mod Phys E24, 1650007 (2016)
- Thickness effect on nano-multilayered Sb/As2S3 chalcogenide thin films
Ramakanta Naik, Advanced Materials Letters, 7(10), 861 (2016)
- Effect of laser irradiation on the optical properties of As40Se55Sb5 thin films
Ramakanta Naik, Tribikram Panda, R. Ganesan, Adv. Sci. Lett. 22, 294 (2016)
- Generalization of SUSY quantum mechanics for PT symmetric systems.” Biswanath
Rath, Asiri Nanayakkara, P.Mallick and P.K. Samal, Accepted in Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, Springer
- Thickness dependent ferromagnetism in thermally decomposed NiO thin films, Journal
of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Patta Ravikumar, Bhagaban Kisan and A.
Perumal, 418 (2016) 86-91.
- Oxygen vacancy mediated enhanced photo-absorption from ZnO(0001) nanostructures
fabricated by atom beam sputtering. Vanaraj Solanki, Shalik R. Joshi, Indrani Mishra, D.
Kabiraj, N. C. Mishra, D. K. Avasthi and Shikha Varma. Journal of Applied Physics
120, 054303 (2016)
- Annealing Temperature Dependent Structural and Optical Properties of
SnO2 Nanoparticles, Sumit Kumar Behera, Urmishree Routray, Jyoshnarani
Mohapatra, Priyadarshini Dash, G. K. Dash, D. K. Mishra, N. C. Mishra, Advanced Science Letters, 22, 2, 392-394(3) (2016)
- Electrical and Magnetoelectric Properties of Ni–Co Doped BiFeO3Ceramics, M. R.
Biswal, J. Nanda, N. C. Mishra, S. Anwar, Advanced Science Letters, 22, 2, 363-
366(4) (2016)
11.Measurement of the decay B → Dlνl in fully reconstructed events and determination of
the Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |Vcb|, R. Glattauer, Subhashree
Mohanty et al. (Belle Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D 93, 032006 (2016).
12.Study of B0 → ρ+ρ– decays and implications for the CKM angle 2, P. Vanhoefer,
Subhashree Mohanty et al. (Belle Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D 93, 032010 (2016). 13.Observation of the decay Bs0 → K0 K0-bar, B.Pal, Subhashree Mohanty et al. (Belle
Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 161801 (2016).
- Inclusive and Exclusive measurements of B decays to χc1 and χc2 at Belle, V.
Bhardwaj, Subhashree Mohanty et al. (Belle Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D 93, 052016
- 15.Search for the rare decay D0 → γγ at Belle, N.K.Nisar, Subhashree Mohanty et al. (Belle
- Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D 93, 051102(R) 2016.
- 16.First Observation of the decay B0 → ψ(2S) π0, V. Chobanova, Subhashree Mohanty et al.
- (Belle Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D 93, 031101(R) (2016).
- Laser induced optical properties change in Bi doped As40S60 chalcogenide thin films
studied by FTIR and XPS
Ramakanta Naik,,, Pragyan Paramita Sahoo, C. Sripan, R.Ganesan
Optical Materials, 62,211 (2016)
- Characterization of thermally evaporated CZTSe thin films used by non-
stoichiometric alloys.
Chinnaiyah Sripan, R. Ganesan, Ramakanta Naik,, Annamraju Kasi Viswanath
Optical Materials, 62, 199 (2016)
- Optical properties change in laser induced Te/As2Se3 chalcogenide thin film.
Mukta Behera, Ramakanta Naik
Applied Physics A, 122, 913 (2016)
- Photo darkening in As50Se50 thin films by 532nm laser irradiation.
Ramakanta Naik, C. Srpan, R. Ganesan
Accepted: Journal of Optics and Laser Technology (2016)
- Laser induced Te diffusion in amorphous As50Se50 thin films studied by FTIR and XPS
Mukta Behera, Rozalin Panda, Ramakanta Naik
Accepted: Indian Journal of Physics (2016)
- Publications in Conference Proceedings:
- Optical properties change in Te diffused As50Se50 chalcogenide thin film
Ramakanta Naik, M. Behera, R. Panda, N.C. Mishra
AIP Conference Proceedings,1731, 080003 (2016)
- Optical property modification by Sb addition into As40Se60 alloy
Ramakanta Naik, Bibekananda Das
Orissa Journal of Physics, 23(1), 49 (2016)
- Influence of Bi addition on the optical properties of As40Se60 thin films.
- Behera, R. Panda, N. C. Mishra, Ramakanta Naik
Advanced Materials Proceedings 1(1),200 (2016)
- Effect of thermal annealing on the structural, optical and microstructural properties of AgInSe2 thin films.
- Panda, Ramakanta Naik, U.P.Singh, N.C. Mishra
Advanced Materials Proceedings1(1)109 (2016)
- A simple technique for gamma ray and cosmic ray spectroscopy using plastic
scintillator” Akhilesh P. Nandan, Sharmili Rudra, Himangshu Neog, S. Biswas,
- Mahapatra, B. Mohanty, P. K. Samal, Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A , Vol 824 11, 606 (2016)