Welcome to
Department of M.Sc. in Applied Microbiology
About Department
Year of Establishment: 2000
a) Venue: Post Graduate Department of Botany
b) Duration: Two Years
c) Number of Seats: 20 (Twenty)
d) Eligibility: Any Science Graduate having Botany/ Zoology / Microbiology / Biotechnology / Life Sciences/ Agriculture / Forestry/ Fishery / Horticulture / Environmental Science with second class Honours in the subject
e) Selection Procedure: Career (50%) + Entrance test (50%)
f) Course Fee: Rs. 60,000/- per annum
g) Course Structure: The course consists of four semesters: Three (03) Theory papers with unit-wise pattern and One (01) Practical paper per semester. In Semesters I-III, the practical assignments are conducted along with theory classes. In Semester-IV each of the five (05) Elective Papers consists of Two (02) theory papers, One (01) Seminar presentation paper and One (01) Project-work based Dissertation.
h) Laboratory/Library Facilities: There is a well-equipped M.Sc. Practical Laboratory with Digital Weighing Balance (01), Laminar Air-flow facility (01), Compound Microscope with LED illumination (02), Bacteriological Incubator (01), Overhead Projectors (01), Double Distillation Unit (01), Autoclave (01), Digital pH Meter (01), Hot Air Oven (01) and other necessary facilities. A Library exists that holds text/reference books relevant to the course curriculum.
i) Contact Person:
Prof. A.B. Das, Course Co-ordinator,
Department of Botany,
Tel: 0674- 2567798 (O), 9437633091 (Mob)