University Computer Centre ( ESTD-1971)
Since 1971, an IBM 1130 computer was commissioned inside the premises of P.G. Department of Physics, marking the establishment of Computer Centre of Utkal University. The above computer was one out of eleven such systems installed in the country at that time.
Besides meeting the academic use all over the state, the computing facilities have also been used for nonacademic purposes by the Orissa State Electricity Board, Rourkela Steel Plant, FCI Talcher Heavy Water Project, Talcher and CRESSIDA etc.

Dr. Mrutyunjaya Panda, Professor
Prof. I/C, Computer Centre/Website
Computer Centre remains open from 10 AM to 5:30 PM on every working days. Second Saturday & fourth Saturday is a holiday.
Rules for use of Computer Centre:
- Users are not allowed without identity card and necessary permission from Head of the Department and System Manager.
- Users are required to use this Centre only during the time allotted to them.
- They are not allowed beyond the time allotted to them.
- Making disturbances in some form or other inside the Computer Centre is strictly prohibited. Users have to maintain discipline during their stay in the Computer Centre.
- Every user has to sign the Logbook and make necessary entries in space provided.
- Users have to bear with the staff of the Computer Centre during power failure and other such condition.
- The users who disturb others or do not obey the rules shall be debarred from the use of Computer Centre.
Activities of Computer Centre
- Preparation of monthly salary for all the University Employees.
- Preparation of monthly pension of all the pensioners/family pensioners of this University.
- Imparting training to the Teaching and Nonteaching staff of the University.
- To provide assistance to students of different P.G. Departments and sponsored courses for using computers
- Calculation and maintenance of G.P.F. Accounts of the staff of the University.
- To provide computational facilities to the faculty members and Research Scholars of the University.
- Extending the laboratory facilities to the students of different sponsored programme.
- Extending the facility to different recruiters for online examination for campus selection.
- Calculating Income tax of employees of this university.
- Maintaining NKN network across the campus.
- Actively associated with the Library Automation and maintained the library database..
- Maintained the wired and wireless network across the campus.
Sl. No. | Name | Designation | Contacts |
1 | Dr. Mrutyunjaya Panda | Prof. I/c | |
2 | Dr. Lalatendu Muduli | Asst. Professor – Dy. Co-ordinator | |
3 | Ms. Damayanti Mohapatra | System Manager I/c | |
4 | Mr. Sarat Behera | Peon | 9437074123 |
All communication to computer Center shall be made in email :
- Five Servers
- Two Super Computer (PARAM Shavak)
- Forty Desktop
- Tow laptop
- Tow L3 Switches
- Fifty Eight L2 Switch installed across the campus
- Thirty wi-fi indoor and outdoor access point across the campus
- Two Firewalls
- Two Routers
- Line Matrix printer:-1 No.
- Laser Printer:-1 No.
- Xerox Cum Printer and Scanner:-1 No.
- Scanner:-1 No.
- NAS:-1 No.& LTO:1 No. for backup.
- External HDD:-1 No.
- Overhead projector:-1 No.
- Windows 2012 Server
- Linux
- Window 10,8.1&7
- Oracle,
- Microsoft Office
- Visual Studio.
- SQL Server.
PARAM Shavak @Computer Centre
The system consists of 2 multicore CPUs each with minimum 12 cores along with two number of accelerator cards. The entire configuration is available in a single server in a table top model. Regardless to the traditional HPC systems/supercomputers, this system does not require specific support infrastructure like precision air-conditioned environment, controlled humidity etc. Also, the accepted sound level is very less when compared to the traditional servers. This brings down the infrastructure cost of the system.

Salient Features
- Supercomputer in a Box system in a table top model
- Powered with 2 multicore CPUs each with minimum 12 cores
- 2 numbers of accelerator cards
- 3 Tera-Flops peak computing power with 8 TB of storage
- Easy to deploy solution with no additional datacenter infrastructure
- Pre-loaded with parallel programming development tools and libraries
- Preinstalled tools for scheduling and resource management
- Video Tutorials, learning materials and user manuals etc.
- Indigenous HPC portal- CHReME
- Indigenous applications interface – Onama
Built-in HPC Applications
- Bio-informatics: mpiBLAST
- Molecular Dynamics: GROMACS
- Materials Science: Quantum Espresso
- Quantum Chemistry: NWChem, ABINIT
- Atmospheric and Ocean Modeling: WRF, MOM
- CFD: Open FOAM
- Mailing services, Websitesite Maintenance
In this category the service like creation, maintenance and deletion of university email for the all employees (including Teaching and Group-B & C of Administrative Staff) are carried out centrally in the Computer Centre, Utkal University. Apart from this, the Computer Centre Coordinates the maintenance of the University Website in best possible way by taking the help of National Informatics Center (NIC), Govt of India. For this purpose NIC has deployed two Programmers to maintain our University Website in real time basis.
- Network Management, Wi-Fi and File sharing
In this Category, the services like Network Connectivity issues and installation / maintenance of University’s Wi-Fi Wireless Access Points are carried out centrally by the Computer Centre, Utkal University. This Service is the priority service of the Computer Centre and for this purpose, two dedicated Resident Engineers are deployed by the Internet Service Provider (BSNL).
- Research Computing and Printing Services
In this Category the service includes (1) Computing Machinery Accessibility to the students and the research scholars for their study and research. (2) Printing service to the research scholars and Post Graduate students For this purpose we have installed two workstation machine (under the Pathine Samanta High Performance Computing Scheme , Govt of ODISHA) . These two machine are supplied by by CDAC Pune,one for the purpose of High-Performance Computing and the another is for Deep Learning. Apart from these two machine we have one dot matrix printer which is generally used for pension slip printing. In the field of research survey data can also be printed by research scholar when they need. For this Poster Printing we have RICOH printer cum copier, that can print a standard sized research poster over the A3 size paper.
- Traning and Software Services
In this category, the sevices includes, (1) in house ICT training of the employees (Including Teaching and Group B and C of Administrative Staffs) are generally carried out in periodic manner (2) Software related issues are also attended by the System Manager (I/C) and senior Techanical assistents of Computer Centre when needed.