
Name Designation Mobile Email
Prof. K.M. Sethy Warden, P.G. Hostel 7008426584 kabirmohan2006@yahoo.co.in
Prof. Mitali Chinara Director, Students’ Welfare 9437111456 mitali@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Prof. Jayanti Dora Prof. Dept. of History 9861064942 jayantidora69@gmail.com
Prof. S.K. Badamali Prof. Dept. of Chemistry 9937086718 skbadamali@gmail.com
Dr. M.K. Sadual Nodal Officer 8763185355 mksadual@yahoo.co.in
Dr. P. Sadangi Prof. Dept. of Public Admin 9438541777 dr.psarangi@gmail.com
Dr. Priyanka Khurana Dept. of Anthropology 9937252987 priyankakhurana09@gmail.com

Name Designation Mobile Email
Prof. K.M. Sethy Warden, P.G. Hostel 7008426584 kabirmohan2006@yahoo.co.in
Prof. Shreerup Goswami Director, Students’ Welfare 9437295624 goswamishreerup@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Prof. J.Dandapat Dept. of Biotechnology 9437466087 hodbiotechonology@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Prof. B. Patnaik Dept. of Psychology 9437039375 bhaswati.patnaik@gmail.com
Dr.Nandini Mishra Dept. of Philosophy 8763108935 mishranandini@gmail.com
Dr. Ramesh Ch. Mahanta Dept. of History 9437794121 rmahanta451@gmail.com

Name Designation Mobile Email
Prof. A.R. Parhi Dept. of English 9436049121 parhi.english@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Prof. S.S. Debasish Dept. of MBA
Dr. B.S. Mishra Prof. In-Charge, MSRC, U.U. Press
Dr.B.N. Patra Dept. of Chemistry 8895019001 brajapatra@gmail.com
Dr.G. Sahoo Dept. of Zoology 9438328039 Gunanidhi.nou@gmail.com
Dr. R.N Mohapatra Dept. of Odia 7377642037 rudrautkal@gmail.com

Name Designation Mobile Email
Prof. N.N.Das Professor, Dept. of Chemistry 9437320201 dasnn64@rediffmail.com
Prof. K.C. Rath Professor, Dept. of Geography 9438731131 kcrath65@gmail.com
Dr.C. Pradhan Asst. Professor, Dept. of Botany 9438676755 chinmay.uubot@gmail.com
Dr. Bandana Kullu Asst. Professor, Dept. of Botany
Dr. Ajaya Kumar Behera Professor, Dept. of Chemistry 8280098214 ajayabehera@gmail.com

Name Designation Mobile Email
Prof. K.M. Sethy Warden, P.G. Hostel 7008426584 kabirmohan2006@yahoo.co.in
Prof. Shreerup Goswami Director, Students’ Welfare 9437295624 goswamishreerup@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Prof.B. Pattnaik Dept. of Psychology 9437039375 bhaswati.patnaik@gmail.com
Dr. Manoranjan Senapati Dept. of Sanskrit 7787801183 drsenapatyscsvmv@gmail.com
Dr. Rabindra Swain Dept. of Commerce 9437375400 rabindraswain2@gmail.com
Dr.G. Sahu Dept. of Law – Convenor 9337127414 gyano11111@gmail.com

Name Designation Mobile Email
Dr. Mrutyunjay Panda Professor in-charge, Computer Centre 7008937695 mrutyunjaya.cs@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Dr.P.K. Behera Dept. of Computer Science 9437013358 Pkbehera.cs@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Dr.P.K. Panda Dept. of Physics 9692375901 prafulla.k.panda@gmail.com
Dr. S. Pal Dept. of Chemistry 8093122923 snpal75@gmail.com
Dr. Lalatendu Muduli Dept. of Computer Science 8249343536 lalatendu.cs@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Dr. Nibedita Adhikari Dept. of Computer Science 9437145188 nibedita.cs@utkaluniversity.ac.in

Name Designation Mobile Email
Prof. K.M. Sethy Warden, P.G. Hostel 7008426584 kabirmohan2006@yahoo.co.in
Prof. Shreerup Goswami Director, Students’ Welfare 9437295624 goswamishreerup@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Prof. J.Dandapat Dept. of Biotechnology 9437466087 hodbiotechnology@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Prof. B. Patnaik Dept. of Psychology 9437039375 bhaswati.patnaik@gmail.com
Dr. M. Mohanty Dept. of PM & IR 8763108935 madhuchhanda1@gmail.com
Dr.T.T. Panigrahy Dept. of English 9937022798 tanutrushna@ utkaluniversity.ac.in
Dr.Suresh Murmu Dept. of Anthropology 9937964151 smurmu10@gmail.com

Name Designation Mobile Email
Prof. N.N. Das Dept. of Chemistry 9437320201 dasnn64@rediffmail.com
Prof. J.Dandapat Dept. of Biotechnology 9437466087 hodbiotechnology@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Prof. A.R. Parhi Dept. of English 9436049121 parhi.english@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Prof. Priyaranjan Dash Dept. of Statistics 9438206307 prdashjsp@gmail.com
Dr. B.S. Mishra Prof. In-Charge, MSRC, U.U. Press, Dept. of Sanskrit 9437441428 brajasundarmishra@gmial.com
Dr. Swayamprava Mishra Dept. of A & A Eco. 9177614197 swayampravamshr@gmail.com

Name Designation Mobile Email
Prof. K.M. Sethy Warden, P.G. Hostel 7008426584 kabirmohan2006@yahoo.co.in
Prof. Shreerup Goswami Director, Students’ Welfare 9437295624 goswamishreerup@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Prof. P.Dash Dept. of Statistics 9438206307 prdashjsp@gmail.com
Dr.G.Sahu Dept. of Zoology 9438328039 Gunanidhi.nou@gmail.com
Dr.H.S Rout Dept. of A & A Eco. 8895389346 hsrout1970@gmail.com
Dr. R.K. Swain Dept. of Commerce 9437375400 rabindraswain2@gmail.com

Name Designation Mobile Email
Prof. K.M. Sethy Warden, P.G. Hostel 7008426584 kabirmohan2006@yahoo.co.in
Prof. Shreerup Goswami Director, Students’ Welfare 9437295624 goswamishreerup@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Dr.J. Dinda Dept. of Chemistry 9733058113 joydevdinda@gmail.com
Dr.M.K. Sadual Dept. of Law 8763185355 mksadual@yahoo.co.in
Dr.Seema Malik Dept. of Pol. Science 9437930006 seema.mallik@gmail.com
Dr.Sasmita Soren Dept. of Sociology 7325906558 sorensasmita2010@gmail.com
Dr. Sanatan Majhi Dept. of Biotechnology 9938093250 santan.biotech@utkaluniversity.ac.in

Name Designation Mobile Email
Prof. K.M. Sethy Warden, P.G. Hostel 7008426584 kabirmohan2006@yahoo.co.in
Prof. Shreerup Goswami Director, Students’ Welfare 9437295624 goswamishreerup@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Prof. Jayanti Dora Dept. of History 9861064942 jayantidora69@yahoo.com
Dr.B.K Sundaray Dept. of PM & IR 9437309410 sundaraybijaya@gmail.com
Dr. Niranjan Sabar Dept. of Sanskrit 8338975713 niranjan@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Dr.Paramananda Naik Dept. of Anthropology 8456953394 paramananda090@gmail.com

Name Designation Mobile Email
Prof. Jayanti Dora Director, School of Women’s Studies– Presiding Officer 9861064942 jayantidora69@yahoo.com
Prof. N. Mohanta Dept. of Geology 8249619236 nandita@utkaluniversity.ac.in
Dr.M.K. Sadual Dept. of Law 8763185355 mksadual@yahoo.co.in
Dr.P. Sarangi Dept. of Public Admin 9438541777 Dr.psarangi@gmail.com
Smt. Tapasi Praharaj Women Activist, National Secretary of AIDWA


Advisor, Students’ AffairsProf. Prabodha Ku. HotaDept. of Commerce
Associate Advisor:
  1. Dr. K.C. Satapathy
  2. Dr. N. Tripathy
  3. Dr. D. Berua
  4. Dr. C. Pradhan
  5. Dr. Swayam Prava Mishra
  1. Dept. of Anthropology
  2. Dept. of English
  3. Dept. of Geology
  4. Dept. of Botany
  5. Dept. of A & A Eco.
Vice-President, Cultural ClubDr. Anasuya NathDept. Mathematics
Vice-President, Athletic ClubDr. K.R. MallickDepartment of Geology
Vice-President, SSGDr. Paramananda NaikDepartment of Anthropology
Vice-President, Vani VikashProf. A.R. ParhiDepartment of English