Author:- Nilamadhab Mishra, Sarojananda Mishra
Affiliation:-Department of Computer Science & Engineering Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha
Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Application Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, Dhenkanal, Odisha, India.
Keywords:-Morphological Operation, Lungs Tumor, Mean Shift Clustering, Squeeze Net, Epanechnikov kernel,
Cruel Move Clustering Calculation.
DOI :- Under Progress
Abstract:- Lungs malignancy is the abnormal proliferation of cells within the lung that can be fatal. Because the lungs are made up of lymph nodes and blood arteries, these cells can spread to other parts of the body. Lungs tumor has previously been identified and classified using supervised and non-supervised methods. However, segmentation exactness is exaggerated due to dimension reduction issues. This work provides a successful method
for the finding and classification of lung tumors. In the pre-processing phase, the noise in the initial CT scan image was first eliminated. Then, the lung region is separated using EZS -CMCC from the outmoded body parts.The next step is to perform morphological operations to remove any artifacts in the image, followed by the application of MEM-GS patch extractions. Finally, the arrangement of the lungs nodules is performed using the SeLu squeeze
net classifier. The experiments showed that the planned model performed better than the previous baseline approaches.
Citation (Text): M Nilamadhab and M Sarojananda, “A New Way to Find and Classify Lung Tumors Using EZS-CMCC and SELU-SQUEEZENET”, Utkal University Journal of Computing and Communications, Vol.1, Issue:1, pp: 63 to 69, Jun 2023.