
Author:- Dr. Suvendra Kumar Jayasingh, Kumar Janardan Patra, Soumya Ranjan Prusty

Affiliation:-Associate Professor, IMIT, Cuttack, 2,3 M. Tech. Scholar, IMIT, Cuttack


Keywords:- IPL Cricket, Data science, Machine learning, Data Clearing, Prediction, Sport analytics.

DOI :- Under Progress

Abstract:- Cricket is one of the most popular sports in India and other countries of the world. It is financially increasing day by day because BCCI organizes different leagues every year. The most popular league is the IPL (Indian Premier League) that started on September 19, 2008. The first IPL cup was won by Rajasthan Royals. Here the IPL score can be predicted using different methods, where they are playing, who won the toss, and based on the venue. There are two types of methods: 1) Statistical approach, and 2) Machine Learning approach used to predict the 1st innings score. Machine learning mechanisms consisting of Naïve Bayes, logistics, Adaboost, Linear Regression, Random Forests, SVM, gradient K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Model Trees are used for this purpose. By using Machine Learning, the proposed model is going to predict 1st innings score of any cricket match of the world with reliability and accuracy. Machine Learning mechanisms are employed on both feature sets to determine the appropriate model. Random Forest and Decision models perform very well in the proposed model for the cricket world as compared to other existing techniques.
Citation (Text): J Suvendra Kumar, P Kumar Janardan and P Soumya Ranjan, “Smart Prediction of 1st Innings Score of IPL Cricket Match Using Machine Learning”, Utkal University Journal of Computing and Communications, Vol.1, Issue:1, pp: 9 to 19, Jun 2023.