Sl. No. Result TitlePublish Date View
1PhD Analytical & Applied Economics Entrance ResultShort List Candidates
2M.Phil Analytical & Applied Economics Entrance ResultShort List Candidates
3List of Candidates Shortlisted for appearing in Ph.D. Computer Science Viva Voce testShort List Candidates
4List of Candidates Shortlisted for appearing in Ph.D. Business
Admission Viva Voce test
Short List Candidates
5M.Phil Viva voice Test of History Utkal University for the session 2021-22Short List Candidates
6Ph.D. viva voce candidate list of philosophy – 2021Short List Candidates
7phd viva of englishShort List Candidates
8M.Phil Viva of Political ScienceShort List Candidates
9M.Phil Viva Voice Result of Department of History 2021-22Short List Candidates
10Selected Candidates for PhD in A&A Economics 2021Short List Candidates
11M.Phil A&A Economics Merit & Waiting 2021Short List Candidates
12Mphil, sociology provisionally selected candidates for Viva- Voce , 2021-2022Short List Candidates
13Ph.D. and M.Phil Viva Voce Examination PHYSICS.Provisionally selected candidates for PHYSICS Ph.D and M.Phil viva voce ON 23rd AND 24th DEC.
14Ph. D. viva voce of AnthropologyShort List Candidates
15M. Phil viva voce of Dept. of AnthropologyShort List Candidates
16Ph. D. and M.Phil viva-voce of PhysicsShort List Candidates
17The list of candidates for the VIVA-VOCE test for admission into M.Phill in GeologyShort List Candidates
18The list of candidates for the VIVA-VOCE test for admission into Ph.D. in GeologyShort List Candidates
19The list of candidates for the VIVA-VOCE test for admission into Ph.D. in zoologyShort List Candidates
20The list of candidates for the VIVA-VOCE test for admission into M Phil in zoologyShort List Candidates
21Ph.D. & M.Phil Viva Voce ExaminationShort List Candidates
22VIVA-VOCE TEST OF Ph.D. in SOCIAL WORK, NISWASS, 2021Short List Candidates
23Viva-voce test of M.Phil Sociology 0n 23.12.21Short List Candidates
24Results for the Viva in Ph. D MicrobiologyShort List Candidates
25Results for the Viva in Ph.D. Environmental ScienceShort List Candidates
26Results for the Viva in Ph.D. in BotanyShort List Candidates
27Results for the Viva in M.Phil BotanyShort List Candidates
28M.Phil Viva Voice Result of Department of History UU 2021-22Short List Candidates
29Ph.D. admission notice 2021-computer scienceShort List Candidates
30M.Phil Viva voice Test of History Utkal University for the session 2021-22Short List Candidates
31Ph.D. viva-voce candidate list of philosophy - 2021Short List Candidates
32viva voce examination PHYSICSShort List Candidates
33Ph. D result 2021 - Environmental ScienceShort List Candidates
34Fourth Select list for admission into B.Ed. (Science)Short List Candidates
35viva voce examinationShort List Candidates
36Selected List of M.Phil Candidates (PSYCHOLOGY) for admission.Selected List of M.Phil Candidates (PSYCHOLOGY)