
The Utkal University has constituted following three different committees to deal all kinds of research related issues in the University.

  • Research Advisory Committee (RAC)
  • University Research Committee (URC) and
  • Departmental Research Committee (DRC)
Research Advisory Committee (RAC):

Research Advisory Committee (RAC) comprises both internal and external members covering different steams/disciplines with the Vice Chancellor as the Chairperson of the Committee. The primary roles of the Research Advisory Committee is to advice, support and promote the development, implementation, review and dissemination of all research and evaluation activities within the University.

University Research Committee (URC):

URC is the apex research advisory authority chaired by the Vice-chancellor, comprising internal faculty members of different subject and external experts from different research institutes. URC looks after the research policies, outcomes, issues related to research. URC/RAC evaluates the overall research activities of the university and judicious fund distribution for the support of research projects. The primary functions of URC are:

  • Evaluating research and administrative policies, procedures and advising project investigators for further improvement.
  • Consulting and encouraging new research ideas and promoting them to foster.
  • Informing the faculty on the availability of intramural support for research and possibility of extramural funding opportunities.
  • Recommending the competent authority to support research projects with intramural seed grants.
  • To give decision/recommendation on unresolved issues of Department Research Committee.
Department Research Committee (DRC):

Each postgraduate Department has a DRC, comprising faculty of the Department and external member covering various domains of the subject and Head of Department (HOD) of the respective department as the Chairperson. The DRC is termed for two years. The primary functions of DRC are:

  • Reviewing the research proposal, shaping the projects, design and methodology development.
  • Scrutinizing the research activities of Ph.D. scholars and postdoctoral fellows on a half-yearly basis.
  • Assessing the progress and advising them for further improvement.
  • Evaluation and recommendation for Ph.D. registration and thesis submission.
  • Communicating with the University Research Committee for the development of infrastructure, equipment and other constrain related to research.