Name: Dr. Suresh Chandra Murmu
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D
Phone No.: 9937964151
ORCID: http://0000-0002-2356-5931
E-mail ID: smurmu10@gmail.com
DownloadEthnicity and Identity, Indigenous Knowledge, Tribal Studies, Religious Studies, Ethnography
University | Duration | Degree
Title of the thesis Area of Specialization |
Utkal University | 2018 | Ph.D.
Subject: Anthropology Thesis Title: The Rise and Development of Santal Subnationalism in Orissa Advisor: Prof. Jagannath Dash
Utkal University | 2007-2008 | M. Phil. Subject: Anthropology Thesis Title: Santal Symbolism: An Anthropological DiscourseAdvisor: Prof. Jagannath Dash |
Utkal University | 2005-2007 | M.A.
Subject: Anthropology Thesis Title: Shamanistic Beliefs and Practices Among the Santals of Mayurbhanj District Advisor: Prof. P.K. Naik
Utkal University | 2002-2005 | B.A.
Hons. Subject: Anthropology
UGC NET/JRF | 2009 | UGC NET & JRF |
University | Duration | Designation |
Sambalpur University | 2012-2022 | Assistant Professor |
Utkal University | 2022- Present | Associate Professor |
- Gold Medal for securing first class first position in M.A. In Anthropology Examination, 2007.
- University Grants Commission NET & Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)
Department of Anthropology, Sambalpur University
Course Name : M.A./M.Sc in Anthropology Papers on: Course Name: M.PHIL. in Anthropology Papers On: Duties: Course framing, taught the course, evaluation of answer script, paper setting, observer, member of squad. |
December 2012 – May 2022 |
Department of Anthropology, Utkal University
Course Name: M.A./M.Sc. in Anthropology Anthropological Thought (ANTH-C-8) Linguistic Anthropology |
May 2022- Present |
Department of Anthropology, Utkal University
Course Name: M.A./M.Sc. in Anthropology Course Name: Ph.D. Course Work (Anthropology) |
May 2022- Present |
Department of Anthropology, Utkal University
Designation: Junior Research Fellow Mentor: Prof. Jagannath Dash |
2010- Nov. 2012 |
Centre of Excellence in Regional Development and Tribal Studies
Sambalpur University Designation: One of the Principal Investigators |
2019- April, 2022 |
- Paper presented in National Seminar on “Tribal Transformation and Development in Eastern India” Organised by Department of Anthropology and Tribal Studies, Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanja Deo University, Baripada (20th -21st May 2023).
- Presented a paper on “Beliefs and Practices Associated with Pregnancy and Childbirth among the Paudi Bhuyan of Odisha: An Anthropological Analysis” in a National Seminar on “Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups: Status and Strategies” held on 29th -30th November, 2022 at Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi.
- Presented a paper on “Changing Dimensions of Santal Shamanism: A Study from Mayurbhanj district of Odisha” in an International Seminar on “Understanding Tribes in Neo-Liberal Era” held on 09-10, March 2019 organised by Department of Anthropology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
- Presented a paper in International Conference on Rural Management (ICRM) organized by Xavier School of Rural Management, Xavier University, Bhubaneswar, on 23rd and 24th November, 2017.
- Presented a paper on “Indigenous Knowledge on Forest Management: An Approach Towards Sustainable Development” in a ICSSR sponsored national seminar on “Participation of Indigenous Tribes in Biodiversity Conservation” held on 21-22, January,2019 organized by CSS and Department of Anthropology and Tribal Studies, North Orissa University, Odisha.
- Presented a paper on “Role of Elites in Santal Solidarity Movement in Odisha” in a national seminar on “Tribal Situations with Special Reference to Eastern India”, organized by Department of Anthropology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 28th -30th March, 2018.
- Presented a Paper on “Negotiating Construction of Insiders and Outsiders: Understanding the Space In-between” in a national seminar on “Contemporary Anthropology and North East India”, Organized by Dept. Of Anthropology, Cotton University, Guwahati, Assam in Collaboration with Indian Anthropological Society, Kolkata, 1st -3rd November, 2018.
- Presented a paper on “Traditional Knowledge on Dance and Music: Vanishing Cultural Prints”, in a national seminar on ‘Anthropological Research in North East India: Tradition and Transition’, organized by department of Anthropology, Dibrugarh University, Assam on 18 & 19 March, 2016.
- Presented a paper in a national seminar organized by the Institute of Social Research and Applied Anthropology (ISRA) Bidisha, West Bengal on 7th -8th December, 2015.
- Presented a paper on “Missing Culture: Revitalizing the Lost Identity Among the Santals of Odisha”. In A National Seminar on Empowering the Marginalized Communities: From Theory to Praxsis (27th -28th , 2014)
- Participated in ‘National Workshop & Conference of Voluntary Blood Donor’s organizations and Motivators with International Participation on “Target 100% Voluntary Blood Programme”, Organized by Tyaga, Burla on 14th -15th December, 2013.
- Participated in ‘National Workshop on “Current Trends in Home Science” Organized on 23rd March, 2013 by the Department of Home Science, Sambalpur University, Burla, Odisha.
S.C. Murmu, J. Dash & L.K. Naik (2012). Santal Shamanism. Published by Department of Anthropology and Tribal Studies, North Orissa University, Baripada. ISBN: 978-81-91012217.
Chapters in Edited Books
S.C. Murmu, and S. Bhattacharya; “Indigenous Knowledge on Forest Management: An Approach Towards Sustainable Development” in Pramanik, Skoda & Lidia Guz (eds.) “Vulnerability, Marginalization and Culture” (2018), Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd-New Delhi (ISBN-13:978-93-86682-55-0).
Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journal
[11] S.C. Murmu & Puspa Marandi (2022). A Study on Sacred Centre of Paknapat in the Mayurbhanj District of Odisha. South Asian History, Culture and Archaeology. Vol.2 (2), PP:315-324. http://www.esijournals.com/sahca
[10] Sanjib Patel, Sanghamitra Panda & S.C. Murmu (2021), Myths of the Chuktia Bhunjia Tribe of Western Odisha: An Anthropological Analysis. Society Culture and Development in India. Vol. 1(2). ISSN:2583-0694. https://arfjournals.com/image/catalog/Journals%20Papers/SCDI/no%202%20(2021)/5_Sanjib%20Patel.pdf
[9] S.C. Murmu & Sanjib Patel (2020): Marriage among the Binjhal of Western Odisha: Relocating Rules and Identity Issues. The Eastern Anthropologist, Volume-73 Number 3-4 (pp. 549-564). ISSN:0012-8686. https://serialsjournals.com/abstract/33625_13-suresh_chandra_murmu_2020_marriage_among_the_binjhal_of_western_odisha.pdf
[8] S.C. Murmu & Joyeeta Singha (2020): Religious Transformation of the Birhor Tribe: An Anthropological Analysis. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies, Vol. VI, Issue-IV, PP-23-32 (ISSN: 2349-6711). https://www.ijhsss.com/files/4_79471i9s.-Dr.-Suresh-Chandra-Murmu-17-01-20.pdf
[7] S. Bhattacharya & S.C. Murmu(2019): Women in Tribal Society: Balancing Multiple Roles in a Family. Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology, SRYAHWA Publications, USA. Volume 1, Issue 4, PP 01-12, ISSN: 2642-8237. https://www.sryahwapublications.com/journal-of-cultural-and-social-anthropology/volume-1-issue-4/
[6] R. Pramanik & S.C. Murmu (2019); Health Status of Tribal Women and Children in the Mining Areas of Western Odisha. BANAJA, Journal of Academy of Tribal Language and Culture, Govt. Of Odisha, Bhubaneswar.
[5] Murmu, S.C. & R. Pramanik (2018). Shamanistic Beliefs and Practices: Emerging Trends Towards a New Horizon. Remarking: An Analisation (Multi-Disciplinary International Journal), Vol.3, Issue-8, pp.39-44, (ISSN No.2394-0344). http://www.socialresearchfoundation.com/upoadreserchpapers/5/234/1901170653031st%20suresh%20murmu.pd
[4] Murmu, S.C. & R. Pramanik (2018); Medicinal Plants in Primary Health Care: A Traditional Knowledge. Asian Resonance (Peer Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary International Journal), Vol. 7, Issue-3, pp. 123-129, ISSN No.: 0976-8602. http://www.socialresearchfoundation.com/upoadreserchpapers/1/223/1907100808091st%20suresh%20chandra.pdf
[3] Pramanik, R. &S.C. Murmu (2018); “Women Working in an Informal Sector: Glimpse from Beedi Workers in Odisha”, International Journal for Social Development (ISDR). Vol.6 (1), pp. 95-112, ISSN-2320-9283.
[2] Murmu, S. C. & N. Kahanr (2014), “Santal Durbar and Its Democratic Role”. ADIVASI: Journal of SC & ST Research and Training Institute, Bhubaneswar, Vol.-54 (1&2) pp. 84-92, ISSN-2277-7245.
[1] Murmu, S. C. & J, Dash (2012), “Nature-based Ol Chiki and Santal Ethno-nationalism”, ADIVASI: Journal of SC & ST Research and Training Institute, Bhubaneswar, Vol.-52 (1&2) pp.86-96, ISSN-2277-7245.
- Coordinator, P.G. Department of Social Work, Sambalpur University from 15th March 2017 to March 2022.
- Assistant Superintendent, Mahodadhi M. Phil. Gents’ Hostel from 13th June, 2018 to 10th August, 2020.
- Assistant Coordinator, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, Sambalpur University from 7th March, 2018-30th June 2019.
- One of the Principal Investigator, Centre of Excellence for Regional Development and Tribal Studies, Sambalpur University (July, 2018- May 2022).
- Associate Vice-President, Students’ Aid Fund, Sambalpur University (Academic Session 2014-15).
- Member, Core Committee of IQAR, Sambalpur University, (2018-2019).
- Programme Officer, NSS PG Unit, Sambalpur University, (2021-2022)
• Murmu, S.C. and S. Bhattacharya (2018); “Indigenous Knowledge on Forest Management: An Approach Towards Sustainable Development” in Pramanik, Skoda & Lidia Guz (eds.) “Vulnerability, Marginalization and Culture”, Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd-New Delhi (ISBN-13:978-93-86682- 55-0).
- Member, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)
- Life Member, Indian National Confederation and Academy of Anthropologists (INCAA)
- Life Member, Indian Anthropological Society (IAS), Kolkata
- Member, Tribal Advisory Committee, Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar.
- Life Member, United India Anthropology Forum (UIAF).
Members of Professional Bodies
- Life Member, Indian National Confederation and Academy of Anthropologists (INCAA), West Bengal
- Life Member, Indian Anthropological Society (IAS), Kolkata, West Bengal
- Life Member, United India Anthropology Forum (UIAF).
Refresher/Orientation/Workshop Attended
- UGC sponsored Winter Course on “Sustainable Development” conducted by UGC-Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) & Regional Centre for Capacity Building (RCCB) Sambalpur University, Sambalpur during 18th January, 2018 to 7th February 2018.
- UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme conducted by UGC-Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) & Regional Centre for Capacity Building (RCCB) Sambalpur University, Sambalpur during 3rd November, 2016 to 30th November 2016.
- Three Days Workshop on “The Craft of Research Methodology: Advances and Applications” organized by the Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi (27th July-29th July, 2020)