Name: Dr. Paramananda Naik
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D (Utkal)
Phone No.: 9438559082
ORCID: 0000-0002-3543-3469
E-mail ID: paramananda090@gmail.com
DownloadSocial-Cultural Anthropology
[1]Utkal University July, 2016 – February, 2021 Ph.D.
Department: Anthropology
Thesis Title: Bio-Cultural Perspectives of Health and Health Seeking Behaviour among Kandha Tribe of Odisha
Areas: Social-Cultural Anthropology
Advisor: Prof. Sabita Acharya
[2]Utkal University,August, 2014 – July, 2015 M.Phil.
Department: Anthropology
Thesis Title: Tribal Transformation: Impact of Development Projects on Land and Livelihood of people in Kalinganagar, Jajpur District, Odisha
Areas: Social-Cultural Anthropology
Advisor: Prof. Sabita Acharya
[3]Utkal University July, 2012 – May, 2014 M.A.
Department: Anthropology
Thesis Title: Implementation of Micro Planning Projects towards the Development among Juangs in Banspal Block of Keonjhar District, Orissa
Areas: Social-Cultural Anthropology
Advisor: Prof. Sabita Acharya
[4]B.J.B Autonomous College July, 2009 – August, 2012 B.A.
Department: Anthropology
Hons: Anthropology
20th December, 2021 –present (ASSISTANT PROFESSOR)
Organisation Name: Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Research and Training Institute (SCSTRTI), Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Designation: Research Assistant
Time Period: 22th March-2021-15th December 2021
Topic: Impact Assessment of the Development Interventions on the Socio-Economic Conditions and Culture of the Major Tribal Communities in 4 OMBADC Districts and Explore their Felt Needs for Holistic Development
Organisation Name: Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC), Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Designation: Research Assistant
Time Period: 25th June 2015 – 30th June 2016
Topic: Improving Health Status of Under Five Children in Rayagada District of Odisha
Organisation Name: Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC), Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Designation: Field Investigator (Supervisor) 13th March Time Period: 2015- 15th April 2015
Topic: End line Survey of Malaria Project review in 10 District of Odisha
Papers Teaching to P.G. Students are:
1. Social-Cultural Anthropology
2. Anthropological Thoughts
3. Psychological Anthropology
4. Anthropology of Gender
5. Linguistic Anthropology
6. Research Methods and Ethnography Readings
7. Tribes of India: Their Problems and Development
Papers Teaching to M.Phil. Students are:
1. Indian Society and Issues of Development
2. Theories in Social Anthropology
3. Advanced Research Methods in Social Anthropology
Book Articles (Authored/Edited)
• Naik,P., “Tribal Health: Perception and Realization”, “An Analytical Study of IEC/BCC and Its Impact on Tribal Health in Odisha: An Anthropological Perspective.”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing., ISBN N: 2456-2165, 134-145, 2019.
• Naik,P., “Anthropology in Public Health”, Anthropological Insights of Health Awareness among Kandha in Rayagada District, Odisha, Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, ISBN NO: 978-93-8668-28-7, 17-29, 2019.
• Naik,P., “Women in Indian Society on A Resurgent Path: A New Perspective”, Role of Women Health Workers and IEC/BCC Materials for Health Awareness among Kandha Tribes of Rayagada District, Odisha., Kunal Books Publisher & Distributors, New Delhi, ISBN NO: 978-93-86714-51-0, 296-304, 2018.
• Naik,P., “Ethnography of Juang Tribe Odisha”, A study on micro planning projects towards the development of Juang of Odisha., Gyanajuga Publication, Bhubaneswar, ISBN No: 9385-79-8448, 220-240, 2015.
Journal Articles
- Name of the Journal: Man in Society
Publisher: 24by7Publishing, Kolkata
ISSN NO: 2347-1530
Year of Publication: 2022
Title Name: Status of Working Women in Angul District: A Critical Appraisal.
- Name of the Journal: Man in Society
Publisher: 24by7Publishing, Kolkata
ISSN NO: 2347-1530
Year of Publication: 2021
Title Name: Development Induced Displacement: With Special Reference to Sansailo Rehabilitation Colony of Odisha.
- Name of the Book: Women in Society: Issues and Challenges
Publisher: Kunal Books Publisher & Distributors, New Delhi
ISBN NO: 978-93-95651-09-7
Year of Publication: 2022
Title Name: Equity, Public Health and Tribal Women: An Anthropological Perspective.
- Name of the Journal: Journal of Xián University of Architecture & Technology (JXUAT)
Publisher: Journal of Xián University of Architecture & Technology (JXUAT)
ISSN NO: 1006-7930
Year of Publication: 2022
Title Name: Transformations of Santal House Structure: Continuity and Change
- Name of the Journal: International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT)
Publisher: International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT)
ISSN NO: 2456-2165
Year of Publication: 2021
Title Name: Role of Digital Technology in Museum Development: A Special Reference to Odisha State Tribal Museum.
- Name of the Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Publisher: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
ISSN NO: 2349-5162
Year of Publication: 2019
Title Name: Health, Culture and Behaviour: A Bio-Cultural Perspectives.
- Name of the Book: Tribal Health: Perception and Realization
Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
ISBN NO: 9786200440648
Year of Publication: 2019
Title Name: An Analytical Study of IEC/BCC and Its Impact on Tribal Health in Odisha: An Anthropological Perspective.
- Name of the Journal: The Research Journal of Social Sciences
Publisher: American – Eurasian Network for Scientific Information
ISSN NO: 0025-1348
Year of Publication: 2019
Title Name: Health Seeking Behaviour Patterns among Desia Kandha Populations in Odisha.
- Name of the Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Review (IJRAR)
Publisher: International Journal of Research and Analytical Review
ISSN NO: 2348-1269
Year of Publication: 2019
Title Name: Perception and Dimensions of Healthcare Practices among Desia Kandha in Odisha
- Name of the Book: Women in Indian Society on A Resurgent Path: A New Perspective
Publisher: Kunal Books Publisher & Distributors, New Delhi
ISBN NO: 978-93-86714-51-0
Year of Publication: 2018
Title Name: Role of Women Health Workers and IEC/BCC Materials for Health Awareness among Kandha Tribes of Rayagada District, Odisha.
- Name of the Journal: International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
Publisher: International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
ISSN NO: 2320-2882
Year of Publication: 2020
Title Name: Gender Role in Handicraft Promotion: A Case Study among Dongria Kandha Women in Rayagada District, Odisha.
- Name of the Journal: International Journal of Applied Research (IJAR)
Publisher: International Journal of Applied Research (IJAR)
ISSN NO: 2394-5869
Year of Publication: 2020
Title Name: Cultural Perspective on Shifting Cultivation: A Case Study of Dongria Kandha in South Odisha.
- Name of the Book: Anthropology in Public Health
Publisher: Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
ISBN NO: 978-93-86682-87
Year of Publication: 2019
Title Name: Anthropological Insights of Health Awareness among Kandha in Rayagada District, Odisha.
- Name of the Journal: ADIVASI
Publisher: SCSTRTI, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
ISSN NO: 2277-7245
Year of Publication: 2016
Title Name: Dhokra Craft: A Case Study of Jhigidi Village in Rayagada District, Odisha
- Name of the Book: Ethnography of Juang Tribe Odisha
Publisher: Gyanajuga Publication, Bhubaneswar
ISBN NO: 9385798448
Year of Publication: 2015
Title Name: A study on micro planning projects towards the development of Juang of Odisha.
- Name of the Journal: Man in Society
Publisher: 24by7Publishing, Kolkata
ISSN NO: 2347-1530
Year of Publication: 2015
Title Name: Tribal Transformation: Impact of Development Projects on Land and Livelihood of People in Kalinganagar, Jajpur District, Odisha.
Review Articles
- Name of the Journal: Society and Culture Development in India
Publisher: ARF India, New Delhi
ISSN NO: 2583-0694
Year of Publication: 2023
Title Name: Tribal Health: Perception and Realisation: A Book Review. - Name of the Journal: SKYLINES OF ANTHROPOLOGY
Publisher: ARF India
ISSN NO: 2583-1402
Year of Publication: 2022
Title Name: Nutrition and Demography: An Anthropological Study on the Kondh of Odisha: A Book Review - Name of the Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)Publisher: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)ISSN NO: 2348-1269
Year of Publication: 2022
Title Name: Health Disparity and Health Equity: A Book Review
[1]Presented a paper in one day National Seminar on titled “Public Health Promotion: An Anthropological Perspective”, in the year 2018, organised by IGNTU, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh.
[2]Presented a paper in two days International Conference on titled “Health Behaviour Pattern among Kandha Populations of Odisha”, in the year 2018, organised by the Department of Anthropology, Sree Chaitanya College, Habra & Department of Anthropology, West Bengal State University, Barasat.
[3]Presented a paper in three days National Seminar on titled “Perception and Dimensions of Healthcare Practices among the Kandha tribal communities of South Odisha”, in the year 2018, organised by the Department of Anthropology, Gauhati University, Assam.
[4]Presented a paper in two days National Seminar on titled “Anthropological Insights of Health Awareness among Kandha in Rayagada District,Odisha”, in the year 2017, organised by the Department of Anthropology, Sree Chaitanya College, Habra & Department of Anthropology, West Bengal State University, Barasat.
[5]Presented a paper in two days National Seminar on titled “An Analytical Study of IEC/BCC and Its Impact on Tribes Health Awareness in Odsiah: An Anthropological Perspective”, in the year 2017, organised by the Department of Anthropology, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh.
UGC-Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF)-2015-17-SC-ORI-407
[1]Participated in one day International Workshop on “Building Intercultural Competency: Perspectives from India and Italy”, organised by Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi, New Delhi in the year 2018.
[2]Participated in three days national workshop on “Research Methodology in Social Sciences”, organised by Department of Anthropology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha in the year 2018.
[3]Participated in one day national workshop on “Anthropological Data Analysis Using R Software”, organised by Department of Anthropology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha in the year 2017.
[4]Participated in ten days national workshop on “Qualitative Research Methods in Education”, organised by Department of Education Policy, NUEPA, New Delhi in the year 2017.
- Vice-President, SSG (Utkal University(2023-24))
- Public Information Officer, RTI CELL (Utkal University (22-05-2023-Continue))
- Anthropos India Foundation (Delhi)-2022
- Indian Anthropological Society (Kolkata)-2022
- United Indian Anthropological Forum (Odisha)-2022
- Indian National Confederation and the Academy of Anthropologists (Kolkata)-2022
- Anthropological Association for Humankind (Hyderabad)-2022