Name: Dr. Mrutyunjaya Panda
Designation: Professor
Qualification: B.Engg., M.Engg., MBA, Ph.D.
Phone No.:
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5713-9220
E-mail ID: mrutyunjaya.cs@utkaluniversity.ac.in
DownloadBerhampur University | 2010 | Ph.D. Department: Computer Science Thesis Title: Areas: Data Mining and its applications Advisor: Prof. ManasRanjanPatra |
Sambalpur University | 2002 | Master of Engineering (Communication System Engineering) Department: Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering Thesis Title: Areas: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Advisor: Prof. N. G. P. C. Mahalik |
IGNOU University | 2009 | Master of Business Administration Department: IGNOU, New Delhi Area- Human resource management |
Utkal University | 1997 | Bachelor of Engineering Subject: Electronic and Telecom Engg. |
Utkal University | Dec. 2019–present Dec 2014- Dec 2019 |
Associate Professor Reader |
Gandhi Institute for Technological Advancement (GITA), Bhubaneswar | May 2011 – Dec. 2014 | Professor |
Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gunupur (Now GIET University) | June 1999 – May 2011 | Lecturer to Professor |
- Utkal University Dec 2014 – presentDesignation: Reader and Associate Professor
Topics: Data mining and its applications - GITA, Bhubaneswar 2011-14
Designation: Professor and Dean (R&D)
Topics: Machine learning, Multi-objective Optimization - GIET, Gunupur (GIET University) 2002-2011
Designation: Professor
Topics: Mobile Communication, Data Mining
Course Name-Computer Architecture (1.3) Course Name-Computer Organisation (1.3) Course Name-Microprocessor (3.5) Course Name-Artificial Intelligence (5.1, 2.4) Course Name-Data Warehousing and Data Mining (3.3) Course Name-Software Engineering (4.3) Course Name-Computer Network (4.1) Course Name-Digital Image processing (MTech) Department and University Name: Computer Science and Applications, Utkal University Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
Dec 2014 – Present |
Course Name-Mobile Computing (Mtech, MSc) Course Name-Data Mining (MTech,Msc) Department and University Name: Computer Science, Berhampur University Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams Course Name-Digital Communication (Paper Code) Course Name-Analog Communication Course Name-Digital signal processing Course Name-Digital Image processing Course Name-Soft Computing Course Name-Digital logic Design Course Name-Analog Electronic Circuits Department and University Name: Computer Science and Electronics, Berhampur University and BPUT Duties:taught recitations, held office hours, graded exams |
2008-2009 |
Course Name-Practical Paper Name (Practical Paper Code) Department and University Name: Computer Sc, Utkal University Course Name-Computer Architecture (1.3) Course Name-Computer Organisation (1.3) Course Name-Microprocessor (3.5) Course Name-Artificial Intelligence (5.1, 2.4) Course Name-Data Warehousing and Data Mining (3.3) Course Name-Software Engineering (4.3) Duties:organized programming laboratory hours |
2006 |
Course Name-Digital Communication Course Name-Analog Communication Course Name-Digital signal processing Course Name-Digital Image processing Course Name-Soft Computing Course Name-Digital logic Design Course Name-Analog Electronic Circuits Department and University Name: Dept. of ECE and CSE, GIET Gunupur and GITA,BBSR Duties:organized programming laboratory hours |
1999-2010 |
PhD thesis
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, “A data mining approach to anomaly-based intrusion detection”. Departmental Research Committee: Name of the DRC (chairperson), Dr. Manas Ranjan Patra (Guide), Berhampur University, 2010
Book Articles (Authored/Edited)
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, S. Mahanta, Explainable artificial intelligence for healthcare applications using Random Forest Classifier with LIME and SHAP, in: Transparent, Interpretable and Explainable AI Systems, BK Tripathy & Hari Seetha (Editors), CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2023, In Press.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Satchidananda Dehuri, Manas Ranjan Patra, Prafulla Kumar Behera, George A. Tsihrintzis, Sung-Bae Cho and Carlos A. Coello Coello; Innovations in Intelligent Computing and Communication, Proceedings pf First International Conference, ICIICC 2022, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, December 16-17, 2022,Springer CCIS series, ISBN: 978-3-031-23233-6. View
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Om Prakash Jena, Sudhansu Shekhar Patra, Zdzislaw Polkowski, Shanmugam Balamurugan, Industrial Transformation: Implementation and Essential Components and Processes of Digital Systems, CRC Press, 2022. ISBN 9781032133980.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and S. Mallick, Application of Deep Learning in Mental Disorder: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Tripathy, B.K., Lingras, P., Kar, A.K., Chowdhary, C.L. (eds) Next Generation Healthcare Informatics. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1039. Springer, Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-19-2416-3. View
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Ranjan Samal, B., Application of GAN in Guided Imagery Therapy. In: Tripathy, B.K., Lingras, P., Kar, A.K., Chowdhary, C.L. (eds) Next Generation Healthcare Informatics. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1039, 2022. Springer, Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-19-2416-3. View
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Behera, A.K., Nayak, S.C., Dash, C.K. An Artificial Electric Field Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network-Based Hybrid Model for Software Reliability Prediction. In: Nayak, J., Behera, H., Naik, B., Vimal, S., Pelusi, D. (eds) Computational Intelligence in Data Mining. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 281, 2022. ISBN: 978-981-16-9447-9. Springer, Singapore. View
- Mrutyunjaya Panda “Handbook of Research on Automated Feature Engineering and Advanced Applications in Data Science “, Edited Book, International 2021 ISBN:978-1-7998-6659-6 Utkal University IGI Global, USA
- M. Panda et al. Editors: Proceedings of IBICA 2019 Proceedings of IBICA 2019 Proceedings of IBICA 2019, AISC, Vol.1180, Springer IBICA 2019 International 2019 978-3-030-49339-4
- “Ashraf Darwish, Mrutyunjaya Panda and Aboul Ella Hassanien,, ” Journal special issue editor Special Issue on: Computational Intelligent Systems for Smart Life,”International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, Vol. 6 No. 2/3, 2017. Inderscience, UK” International 2017 1755-4985 Utkal University Indersscience, UK
- Mrutyunjaya Panda,Ajith Abraham, Aboul Ella Hassanien, Big Data Analytics: A Social Network Approach, Taylor and Francis. 2018. ISBN-13-978-1138082168.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, SatchidanandaDehuri and Wang, Social network: Mining, Visualization and Security, Springer, 2013.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, SatchidanandaDehuri and AlokJagdev, Multi-objective Swarm Intelligence: Theoretical Advances and Applications, computational Intelligence series, Springer, 2015.
- M Panda, M.R.Patra and S.N. Dehuri Text Book Modern Approaches of Data Mining: Theory and Practice International 2016 978-81-8487-442-6 Utkal University Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas R. Patra, Soft Computing: Concepts and Techniques, Universal science Press, New Delhi, India, 2013. ISBN 13 9789381159668
- Mrutyunjaya Panda Hybrid Multi-Objective Grey Wolf Search Optimizer and Machine Learning Approach for Software Bug Prediction “Chapter in Edited Book: Handbook of Research on Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Complex Systems ” International 2021 9781799857884 Utkal University IGI Global, USA
- Mrutyunjaya Panda Applications of Feature Engineering Techniques for Text Data “Chapter in Edited Book: Handbook of Research on Automated Feature Engineering and Advanced Applications in Data Science, ” International 2021 978-1-7998-6659-6 Utkal University IGI Global, USA
- Mrutyunjaya Panda “Efficient Software Reliability Prediction With Evolutionary Virtual Data Position Exploration”, “Chapter in Edited Book: Handbook of Research on Automated Feature Engineering and Advanced Applications in Data Science” International 2021 978-1-7998-6659-6 Utkal University IGI Global, USA
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Odia Character Recognition, Chapter in Edited book titled: Machine Learning Applications International 2020, 9783110610987 Utkal University De ,Gruyter
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, “An Analysis on Non-linear Dimension Reduction Techniques “Chapter in Edited book titled: Machine Learning Applications International 2020 9783110610987 Utkal University De Gruyter
- M Panda and S. Mishra Artificial Intelligence in Medical Science Intelligent Systems for Healthcare Management and Delivery 2019 306-330 IGI Global, USA. 2019
- M. Panda, B. K. Tripathy Book chapter “Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence: A New Road to the Future Digital World, “Internet of Things (IoT): Technologies, Applications, Challenges and Solutions, ” International 2017 978-131-5269-849 Utkal University CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, London,
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and ManasRanjanPatra, Characterizing Intelligent Intrusion Detection and Prevention System Using Data Mining, in Global Trends in Knowledge Representation and Computational Intelligence, B.K.Tripathy et al. edns, IGI Global, USA, 2013.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Ajit Abraham, SatchidanandaDehuri and ManasPatra, Social network analysis using data mining techniques, Computational aspects of social network: mining and Visualization, Vol. 3, Springer Computer, Communication book series, Ajith Abraham et al. edns, 2011. Springer-Verlag, London.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Nashwa El-Bendary, Mostafa A. Salama, Aboul Ella Hassanien and Ajith Abraham, Computational Social Networks: Tools,Perspectives, and Challenges, Vol. 1, Springer Computer, Communication book series, Ajith Abraham et al. edns, 2011. Springer-Verlag, London.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda ,NeveenGhali, , Aboul Ella Hassanien, Ajith Abraham and Vaclav Snasel, Social Networks Analysis: Tools, Measures and Visualiziation, Vol. 1, Springer Computer, Communication book series, Ajith Abraham et al. edns, 2011. Springer-Verlag, London.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda ,SatchidanandaDehuri and ManasRanjanPatra, Building recommender system for NIDS, in Intelligent Techniques in Recommendation Systems: Contextual Advancements and New Methods, S.N. Dehuri et al. edns, IGI Global, USA, 2011.
- Mrutyunjaya panda and ManasRanjanPatra, “Mining knowledge from intrusion data using data mining techniques”. World Scientific Press, London. 2010. ISBN: 978-1-84816-386-7.
Journal Articles
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and M. Das, Seam carving, horizontal projection profile and contour tracing for line and word segmentation of language independent handwritten documents, Results in Engineering, Volume 18, June 2023, Elsevier. Scopus, ESCI, Impact Factor- 5.0 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rineng.2023.101110
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al., OPTIMAL FEATURE SELECTION AND RECOGNITION OF ODIA HANDWRITTEN DIGITS, In: Special issue of Recent studies and Research Advances in Bioengineering, Technology, Medical Technology, Nanotechnology and Management and Allied Fields, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 1-16, July 2023, Scopus. ISSN: 1880-9863, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/368EY
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Ajith Abraham, Leveraging Contractive Autoencoder with Fuzzy Lattice Reasoning and Resilient KNN for Detection of multi-level Bitcoin Ransomware, Journal of Information Assurance and Security. Volume 17(4), pp. 165-174, 2022, MIR Labs, USA. ISSN 1554-1010. ESCI. View
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Suryakanta Nayak, K. P. Swain, Rajesh Arunachalam, S. K. Sahu and G. Palai, Realization of Optical DEMUX using Machine Learning Model: A Future Paradigm for Optical-VLSI System, IETE Journal of Research, Taylor and Francis, 2022. SCIE, Scopus, IF-1.877, ISSN:View
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and AlQaheri, Hameed, “An Education Process Mining Framework: Unveiling Meaningful Information for Understanding Students’ Learning Behavior and Improving Teaching Quality” Information, 13(1), 29; 2022, MDPI Press. ESCI, Scopus, ISSN: 2078-2489. View
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Mamatarani Das, Shreela Dash, “Enhancing the Power of CNN Using Data Augmentation Techniques for Odia Handwritten Character Recognition”, Advances in Multimedia, vol. 2022, Article ID 6180701, 13 pages, 2022, Hindawi Press., ESCI, Scopus, ISSN: 1687-5699. View
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Sanjaya Kumar Sarangi, and Prafulla Kumar Behera, Fitness Sorted Red Deer-Cat Swarm Optimization-based Autonomous QoS-aware Multicast Communication System in MANET, Parallel Processing Letters, Vol. 32, No. 03-04, 2250007, 2022, World Scientific Press, ISSN:1793-642X , ESCI, Scopus, View
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al.,Developing an efficient feature engineering and machine learning model for detecting IoT-Botner cyber Attacks, IEEE Access, 2021, ISSN: 2169-3536.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al, “Spatial-Resolution Independent Object Detection Framework for Aerial Imagery ” .CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA, Tech Science Press, SCI,2021, ISSN: 1546-2226
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al., software reliability prediction by recurrent artificial chemical link network, International Journal of system assurance engineering quality and operations management,2021,ISSN: 0976-4348
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al., A State-of-the-Art Neuro-Swarm Approach for Prediction of Software Reliability, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, Inderscience, Scopus,2021, ISSN:1755-0394.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al, Elephant Search optimization combined with deep neural network for microarray data analysis, Journal of King Saud University- Computer and Information Science- Elsevier, SCI, 2020, ISSN:1319-1578
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al., Realization of optical ADDER circuit using photonic structure and KNN algorithm Optik, Elsevier, 2020, ISSN:0030-4026
- Mrutyunjaya Panda , Realization of VLSI Circuit Partitioning Using Advanced Genetic Algorithm, Solid State Technology, Scopus,2020, ISSN:0038-111x
- Mrutyunjaya Panda , Hybrid Approach of Medical Image Classification Using Sparsity Regularization and BAT Algorithm INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, UGC Care list, 2020, ISSN:1982-3363
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al., Software defect prediction using hybrid distribution base balance instance selection and radial basis function classifier ,International Journal of System Dynamics Applications (IJSDA),2019 ISSN:2160-9772
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al., Medical image thresholding using genetic algorithm and fuzzy membership functions: A comparative study, International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA),2019 ISSN:2156-177X
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al., “Combining multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with averaged one dependence estimators for big data analytics”,Int. J. Comput. Intell. Stud., Inderscience, 2018, ISSN:1755-4985
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al. “Bat algorithm for multilevel colour image segmentation using entropy based thresholding, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer 2018 ISSN:2191-4281
- Mrutyunjaya Panda “Developing an efficient text preprocessing method with sparse generative Naïve Bayes for text mining” International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science 2018 ISSN:2075-017X
- Mrutyunjaya Panda Intelligent data analysis for sustainable smart grids using hybrid classification by genetic algorithm based discretization Intelligent Decision Technologies (IDT)Journal, IOS Press 2017 ISSN:1875-8843
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al. A Histogram-based Classification of Image Database Using Scale Invariant Features International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, IJIGSP, 2017 ISSN:2074-9082
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al. Real Time Product Feedback Review and Analysis Using Apache Technologies and NOSQL Database International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science 2017 ISSN:2319-7242
- Mrutyunjaya Panda ,On the Effectiveness of Hybrid Canopy with Hoeffding Adaptive Naive Bayes Trees: Distributed Data Mining for Big Data Analytics International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation (IJAEC), IGI Global, USA 2017 ISSN:1942-3594
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al. Selection of an Efficient Image Classifier-A Critical Analysis CiiT Journal of Digital Image Processing 2017 ISSN:0974 –9586
- Mrutyunjaya Panda Hybrid Data Mining Approach for Image Segmentation Based Classification International Journal of Rough sets and Data Analysis (IJRSDA), IGI Global, USA 2016 ISSN:2334-4598
- Mrutyunjaya Panda et al. Soft granular computing based classification using hybrid fuzzy-KNN- SVM Intelligent Decision Technologies, IOS Press 2016 ISSN:1875-8843
- Hybrid Evolutionary algorithms for classification data mining, Neural Computing and Applications, Springer, ISSN:1433-3058, 26 (3), 507-523, 2015, peer reviewed. Scopus, WoS, SCIE, (TR Impact factor-4.664)
- Hybrid Intelligent system for network intrusion detection, Security and Communication network, 8(16),2741-2749, Wiley, ISSN:1939-0122, 2015, peer reviewed, Scopus, WoS SCIE, (TR Impact factor -1.376)
- Big data analytic using Hadoop: a survey, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE) ,5(7), 2015, ISSN:2277-128X, Peer reviewed, Google scholar
- Learning crisis management information system from open crisis data using hybrid soft computing, International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent system (IJHIS), IOS Press, Netherland. ISSN:1875-8819, 12(3), 145-156, 2015. peer reviewed, Scopus
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Ajith Abraham, Hybrid evolutionary algorithms for classification data mining, Neural Computing and Applications, Springer. 2014, SCIE, ISSN 0941-0643
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Ajith Abraham, Development of a Reliable Trust Management Model in Social Internet of Things. International journal of trust management in computing and communication, Inderscience, 2015. ISSN: 2048-8378, DBLP indexed
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Ajith Abraham, Hybrid Intelligent system for network intrusion detection, Wiley journal of communication and network security, 2012. SCIE, ISSN:1939-0114
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Ajith Abraham, Swagatam Das and Manas Ranjan Patra, Network intrusion detection system: A Machine Learning approach, International journal of intelligent decision technologies, 5(4): 347-356 (2011), IOS Press, Netherland. Scopus, WoS
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, performance measures of UWB communication system, sensor and transducer journal, 124(1), 2011. IFSA, Europe. Scopus
- Mrutyunjaya Panda , Application of swarm intelligence based routing protocols for wireless adhoc sensor networks, sensor and transducer journal, Vol. 130, Issue 7, July 2011, pp.48-60, IFSA, Europe.Scopus
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra, Modeling CSMA-MAC based routing protocols for Wireless sensor network, International Journal of Computer Applications 9(6): 6–11, November 2010. Foundation of Computer Science, USA.
- Mrutyunjaya panda and Manas Ranjan Patra Mining association rules for constructing a network intrusion detection model. International journal of applied engineering and research (IJAER), Vol.4, No.3, pp.381-398, 2009. ISSN-1087-1090. Scopus
- Mrutyunjaya panda and Manas Ranjan Patra Building an efficient network intrusion detection model using self organizing maps. International conference on information technology, Pennang, Malaysia. March 2009. World academy of Science, Engineering and Technology proceeding journal (PWASET), pp.1178-1184.2009. ISSN-2070-3740. Scopus
- Mrutyunjaya panda and Manas Ranjan Patra Evaluating machine learning algorithms for detecting network intrusions. International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering (IJRTE), Vol.1, No.1, pp.472-477, June 2009. Academy Publisher, Finland. ISSN-1797-9617.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra. Semi Naïve Bayesian method for anomaly based network intrusion detection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol.5863, pp.614-621, 2009. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra. A novel Classification via Clustering method for anomaly based network intrusion detection system. International journal of recent trends in engineering (IJRTE), Vol.2, No.1, pp.1-6, December 2009. Academy publisher, Finland. ISSN-1797-9617.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra, Ensemble voting system for detecting anomaly based network intrusions. International journal of recent trends in engineering (IJRTE), Vol.2, No.5, pp.8-13, December 2009. Academy publisher, Finland. ISSN-1797-9617.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra, A Hybrid Clustering approach for network intrusion detection using COBWEB and FFT. Journal of Intelligent System, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp.229-245, 2009.ISSN:0334-1860.Freund and Pettman Publishers, Israel. WoS indexed
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Sarat Kumar Patra, “Simulation study of OFDM, COFDM and MIMO-OFDM system”. Sensor and Transducer Journal. Vol. 106, Issue 7, pp. 123-133, July 2009. ISSN: 1726-5479. Scopus
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra, Bayesian Belief Networks with Genetic Local Search for Detecting Network Intrusions. International journal of secure digital information age (IJSDIA), Vol.1, No.1, June, 2009, pp.34-44.ISSN:0975-1823.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra, Anomaly based network intrusion detection- a clustering approach, International journal of secure digital information age (IJSDIA), Vol.1, No.2, December 2009. ISSN:0975-1823
- Mrutyunjaya panda and Manas Ranjan Patra Some clustering algorithms to enhance the performance of the network intrusion detection system. International journal of theoretical and applied information technology (JATIT), Vol.4, No.8, August 2008. pp.710-716. ISSN-1992-8645.
- Mrutyunjaya panda and Manas Ranjan Patra Network intrusion detection using naïve Bayes. International journal of computer science and network security (IJCSNS), Vol.7, No.12, 2007.pp.258-263. WoS indexed
- Mrutyunjaya panda and Manas Ranjan Patra. A comparative study of clustering algorithms for network intrusion detection. Accepted for publication in Journal of Computer Science, India, 2009, ISSN: 0973-2926.
- Mrutyunjaya panda and Manas Ranjan Patra Data Mining Techniques for Network Intrusion Detection- A Survey, ACCST Research Journal, Vol.VII, January 2009). ISSN-0972-7779.
- Mrutyunjaya panda and Manas Ranjan Patra Discovering significant rules for constructing a network intrusion detection model. Karpagam Journal of Computer science.Vol.2. Issue-4, May-June 2008. Pp.665-672. ISSN: 0973-2926.
- M Panda and SK Dash, Image Classification using Data Mining Techniques, Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSIT) 3 (3), 157-162. (2016)
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra. A comparative study of clustering algorithms for network intrusion detection. Accepted for publication in Karpagam Journal of Computer Science, India, 2009, ISSN: 0973-2926.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra Data Mining Techniques for Network Intrusion Detection- A Survey, ACCST Research Journal, Vol.VII, January 2009). ISSN-0972-7779.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra, Discovering significant rules for constructing a network intrusion detection model. Karpagam Journal of Computer science.Vol.2. Issue-4, May-June 2008. Pp.665-672. ISSN: 0973-2926.
Conference Papers:
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and S. Mallick, Application of Efficient Feature Selection and Machine Learning Algorithms in Mental Health Disorder Identification. In: M.Panda, et al. Innovations in Intelligent Computing and Communication. ICIICC 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), vol. 1737., 2022. Springer, Cham. (Best Paper award)
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Das, S.N., Digital Image Watermarking Techniques Using Machine Learning—A Comprehensive Survey. In: Kumar, R., Pattnaik, P.K., R. S. Tavares, J.M. (eds) Next Generation of Internet of Things: Proceedings of ICNGIoT 2022, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 445, 2023. Springer, Singapore. View
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Majhi, A., Sethy, K.M., Machine Learning Approach for Change Detection of Chandaka Wildlife Sanctuary with the Help of Remote Sensing Data. In: Udgata, S.K., Sethi, S., Gao, XZ. (eds) Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of ICMIB 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 431, 2022, ISBN: 978-981-19-0901-6. Springer, Singapore. View
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and M. Das, An ensemble method of feature selection and classification of Odia characters, in: ODICON-2021″ 2021 1st Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology(ODICON),2021, ISBN: 978-1-7281-7664-2, IEEE
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and B. R. Samal, Integrative Review on Vision-Based Dynamic Indian Sign Language Recognition Systems ODICON-2021 ” 2021 1st Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology(ODICON), 2021, ISBN: 978-1-7281-7664-2, IEEE
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and S. K. Sarangi, “Ant Colony Optimization Based QoS Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Network: A Mobility Model in Urban Environments,” 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, & Communication (AESPC), Bhubaneswar, India, 2021, pp. 1-7, DOI: 10.1109/AESPC52704.2021.9708528
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Application of ARIMA and Holt-Winters forecasting model to predict the spreading of COVID-19 for India and its states, medRxiv, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2020, View
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, S. K. Nayak, Hardware Partitioning Using Parallel Genetic Algorithm to Improve the Performance of Multi-core CPU, Proc. of ICAC conference, Lecture Notes inNetworks and Systems book series (LNNS, volume 109), 2020, ISBN:978-981-15-2773-9, Springer
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Behera, A.K., Software Reliability Prediction with Ensemble Method and Virtual Data Point Incorporation. In: Dehuri, S., Mishra, B., Mallick, P., Cho, SB., Favorskaya, M. (eds) Biologically Inspired Techniques in Many-Criteria Decision Making. BITMDM 2019. Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems, vol 10., pp. 69-77, 2020. Springer, Cham. View
- Mrutyunjaya panda, Das, Mamatarani, and Dash, Shreela. “4 A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Odia Character Recognition”. Machine Learning Applications: Emerging Trends, edited by Rik Das, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya and Sudarshan Nandy, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020, pp. 65-90. View
- M. Panda, N. Gandhi and A. Abraham, Decision Forest classifier with flower search optimization algorithm for efficient detection of BHP flooding attacks in Optical Burst Switching Network, In Proc. Of IBICA-2019, Springer,
- M. Panda, S. Nayak, Hardware Partitioning Using Parallel Genetic Algorithm to Improve the Performance of Multicore CPU , Advances in Intelligent Computing and Communication, 467-474, Springer, 2019.
- M.Panda, S. Mishra, Image Retrieval using BAT optimization and Image Entropy, In: Proc. Of International Conference, IBICA, Gunupur, 2019, Springer,
- M. Panda, S. Sarangi, Analytical Study of Scalability in Coastal Communication Using Hybridization of Mobile Ad-hoc Network: An Assessment to Coastal Bed of Odisha”. International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications, December 16-18, 2019, Springer,
- M Panda, M. Das. ”Analysis of Pre-processing Techniques for Odia Character Recognition”, International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA)-2019, Springer,
- M. panda, S. Mishra, Histogram of oriented gradient based digit classification, In: proc. Of progress in computing, analytics and networking, pp. 285-294, 2018, Springer.
- M. Panda, S. Nayak, Circuit Partitioning optimization using Parallel refinement algorithm, 2018 International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing , IEEE. View
- Performance analysis of supervised machine learning techniques for sentiment analysis, Third International Conference on Sensing, Signal Processing and Security (ICSSS), 2017 , 128-133, IEEE Press, USA.
- Rotsnarani Sethy, Santosh Kumar Dash, Mrutyunjaya Panda: Performance Comparison Between Apache Hive and Oracle SQL for Big Data Analytics. SoCPaR 2016: 130-141, Springer
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Manas Nanda and Manas Ranjan Patra, Cloud Computing based hybrid intrusion detection system, International conference on communication, control and Instrumentation, October 2013, Gunupur, India.
- Mrutyunjaya panda, Ajith Abraham and Manas Patra, A hybrid intelligent approach for NIDS, IccTSD-2011, December 2011, Amrita University, Proceedia Engineering, Elsevier.
- Mrutyunjaya panda, Ajith abraham and Manas Ranjan Patra, Discriminative multi-nomial Naïve Bayes for NIDS, International conference on information assurance and security (IAS-2010), USA, IEEE press.
- Mrutyunjaya panda and Manas Ranjan Patra, Ensemble of Classifier for detecting network intrusions. International conf. on computing, communication and control (ICAC3’09).23-24 Jan-2009.India. ACM Press, USA. ISBN: 978-1-60558-351-8.pp.510-515.
- Mrutyunjaya panda and Manas Ranjan Patra Anomaly based intrusion detection using boosting support vector classifiers. 2009 IEEE advance computing conference (IEEE IACC’09), India. 6-7 March 2009. ISBN- 978-981-08-2465-5.pp.926-931. IEEE Press, USA
- Mrutyunjaya panda and Manas Ranjan Patra, A comparative study of data mining algorithms for network intrusion detection. 1st International conference on emerging trends in engineering and technology (ICETET-08), India. pp 504-507.IEEEXplore.ISBN-978-0-7695-3267-7. IEEE,USA.
- Mrutyunjaya panda and Manas Ranjan Patra, Unsupervised Information Bottleneck clustering for anomaly based network intrusion detection model. In. proc. Of Indian international conference on Artificial intelligence (IICAI-09), Tumkur, Bangalore, India, Dec14-16, 2009.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra, Unsupervised anomaly based network intrusion detection using Farthest First and hierarchical conceptual Clustering In. proc. Of Indian international conference on Artificial intelligence (IICAI-09), Bangalore, India, Dec14-16, 2009.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra. Ensembling Rule based classifiers for detecting network intrusions. In proc. Of International conference on advances in recent technologies in communication and computing (ARTCom), October 2009, Trivandrum, India. IEEE Computer society. IEEE Xplore. IEEE CS Press, USA.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra, Hybrid DTNB- A novel method for building anomaly based network intrusion detection system. International conference on Information Technology (ICIT), Dec’2009, Bhubaneswar. Tata McGraw-Hill Press.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda. Channel coding in OFDM. In Proc. Of International conference on Modeling and Simulation (CITICOMS),August 2007, S.R.K.Prasad, et.al Editors, pp.1045-1050, Allied Publisher.ISBN:81-8424-219-0.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra. Simulation study of Ultra wideband modulation system. In Proc. Of International conference on Communication and Power systems (ICCPS), Dec.14-16,2006, Chennai,pp.158-162.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Sarat Kumar Patra. OFDM, COFDM, MIMO-OFDM system simulation for the future broadband wireless access. In Proc. Of International conference on wireless networking and mobile computing (ICWNMC), Chennai, Dec 28-30, 2005.pp.49-54.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Ultra Wideband Radio for fourth generation mobile communication, NCAICT-08, 15-16 march 2008. In Proc. of Computer Society of India, Allahabad Chapter.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra. Application of data Mining techniques in Network Intrusion detection. In proc. Of national Conference on Data Mining applications(NCDMA), 23-24 march, 2008, Bhubaneswar,India,pp.32-37.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda and Manas Ranjan Patra. A survey on data mining Techniques for Intrusion detection. In Proc. Of national conference on Information security-Issues and Challenges (NCISIC), 19-20 January 2008. Pp.93-100.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda, Virtual Instrumentation-The need of the future. In proc. Of National conference on Recent advances in control and instrumentation (RACICON), 8-9, Nov.2008, Gunupur, India, pp.143-150.
- Mrutyunjaya Panda . Characterization and Mitigation of Rayleigh fading channels in Mobile digital communication system . In Proc. Of AICTE sponsored National Seminar on Mobile Communication (NSMC), 31stOct.-1st. Nov.-2003, Bhubaneswar,India,pp.14-22.
- Shaswati Mishra, 01-comp.sc.-2016-17, Medical Image classification and Retrieval using Hybrid Soft computing based classifier, Completed in 2021
- SuryakantaNayak, 05-comp.sc.-2017-18 , VLSI cell partitioning using Data Mining techniques, Completed on 2021
- Sanjay Ku. Sarangi , No: 03-comp.sc.-2014-15, (RGNF), Development of Autonomous QoS based multicast communication system in Mobile ad-hoc network, Completed 2021
- AjitkumarBehera, 06-comp.sc.-2017-18, Hybrid intelligent system for software reliability prediction, In Progress
- Mamata Rani Das, Odia Character Recognition using hybrid data mining techniques, In Progress UU
- Sumitra Mallick, A precision medicine approach for mental illness using Deep learning techniques, In Progress UU
- BiswaRanjanSamal, Mobile App based dynamic indian sign language recognition system using hybrid meta heuristics and deep learning, 02-Comp.sc-2019-20, In progress
- Satya Narayan Das, Digital image watermarking techniques using machine learning, 07-Comp.sc.-2020-21, In progress
M.Tech (CSE) students mentored under Utkal University
Sl No | Name of the Scholar | Year of award of Degree | Topic of M. Tech Thesis |
2 | AlibhaHaiburu
Musicgenre classification using
Machine learning |
3 | Fredrik Ekka | A Study Of Bitcoin Stock
Market Predictoin: Methods, Techniques and Tools |
4 | SidharthSamanta | 2018-19 | SRCNN-Extending faster R-CNN framework to deal with the Spatial resolution factor in Remote sensing Imagery |
5 | Ashis Kumar Kar | Comparative Analysis of Image Edge Detection Techniques using Different parameters | |
6 | SonalishaMohapatra | 2017-18 | An Improved Communication in Banking system in message security using MSMQ |
7 | SmitamayeeMahanta | Application of K-Means Clustering algorithm for Academic Performance | |
8 | PriyadarshiniSamal | Cluster-based Data Aggregation for WSN using Fuzzy Logic | |
9 | AnanyaPreetipadma | Utkal Browser using PageRank | |
10 | RatnamanjariSrichandan | Rough Set Rule-Based Technique for Malaria Disease Diagnosis | |
11 | Ananya Das | 2017-18 | Energy Efficient Hierarchical Cluster Routing Algorithms for WSN |
12 | Mr. Anil Kumar Behera | 2016-17 | Performance analysis of Supervised Machine learning techniques for sentiment analysis in text classification |
13 | Ms. PravainiSethi | Development of a novel platfor for IoT distributed applications over socially connected objects | |
14 | Mr. BiswaRanjanSamal | 2015-16
Human Being character analysis from their social networking profiles: A supervised machine learning approach |
15 | Mr. Santosh Kumar Dash | Image classification using Data Mining Technique | |
16 | Mr. DharmendraBiswal | 2014-15 | Energy Efficient clutering using Jumper firefly algorithm in wireless sensor network |
- 2 Lakh as Convener-AICTE sponsored Faculty development program on Machine Learning Methodologies and Their Applications, 27th April to 11th May 2010, Gunupur, India.
- Rs. 1 Lakh as Convener- AICTE sponsored 2nd National conference on recent advances in control and instrumentation (RACICON), Feb 26-17, 2011, Gunupur, India
- New IoT Laboratory Set up with support from WB-OHEPEE, Utkal University
- Utkal University, HRDC, 2021, Introduction to data mining in Refresher course on ICT, 2021
- CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Two Day Online Workshop On Tools and Techniques of Machine Learning, 2021
- GIETU GUNUPUR, IEEE-iSSSC-2020, Department ofEEE, Odisha, 2020
- GIETU, AICTE sponsored STTP under AQIS on “Advance & Emerging Trends in Signal Processing and Machine Learning” , 2020
- GIET, Baniatangi, Short Term Training Program on “Machine Learning and its applications on Cyber Security”, 2020
- Gandhi Engineering College, FDP on Machine Learning and Data Analytics, 2019
- Aryan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Smart Home Automation System using IoT
- Resource Person to deliver a talk on Data Communication: concepts and techniques , in GIET University, Gunupur, India on 26 March 2019
- Invited Talk on “Machine Learning” in OUAT, Bhubaneswar on 16-04-2019
- Resource person to deliver a talk on “ Machinelearing and soft computing”, in: AICTE-ISTE sponsored induction program on 11-07-2018 a Seemanta Engineering college, Mayurbhanj, Odisha.
- Invited Talk on IoT and 5G in short term course under QIP on Wireless communication,: Issues, Challenges and Techniques (WCICT-2018) at VSSUT, Burla during 23 to 28-04-2018
- Key Note speaker for seminar on: Practices and Challenges in IoT, at GIFT, Bhubaneswar on 19-01-2018
- Resource person to NITTTR, Kolkata, Bhubaneswar Extn. Centre on: Research Methodology, during STTP Induction Training program, dated: 07.06.2018
- Resource person to NITTTR, Kolkata, Bhubaneswar Extn. Centre on: Research Methodology, during STTP Induction Training program, dated: Dec 26-30, 2017
- Resource Person delivered 4-invited lecture on Data Mining and its applications, issues and trends held at HRDC , Utkal university
- Delivered Ph.D. course work lecture in CSA Dept. , UU.
- Invited Lecture in RC in Information Technology, Academic staff college, Utkal University during 3-12-2016 o 23-12-2016
- Invited Lecture in RC in Research Methodology, Academic staff college, Utkal University during 05-01-2016 to 25-01-2016
- Invited Lecture on Teaching Learning Process and Role of a Teacher & Research Methodology during 12-07-2016 and 13-07-2016 at NITTTR, Kolkata, Bhubaneswar Extension Centre,
- Best project proposal award, GIET Gunupur, .
- Best Teacher award nomination, NFED, Hyderabad.
- Listed in Morquis Who’s Who
- Program Committee member- International Conference WICT and IBICA-2019, at GIET, Gunupur
- BOS member for Utkal Univ., G.M. University, Sambalpur University, RevenshawUniv, BJB College, GIET University, C. V. Raman Engg. College, BBSR
- Track Chair for “Data mining for Information security” Track No-15, in IEEE World congress on communication and Information technology (WICT-2011), Mumbai, Dec-2011.
- Program Committee member of International conference on soft computing for problem solving , December 20-22, 2011 , IIT Roorkee Campus
- Managing Editor and Reviewer of International Journal of Secure Digital Information Age (IJSDIA), India, 2010-11
- Member, Editorial Board of International Journal of Network Security, ACEEE Press, USA.
- Session Chair in 4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-2009), Tumkur, Bangalore, India.
- Session Chair in International conference IBICA 2019, GIET Univ, 2019
- Session Chair, International conference ICCIDM, VSSUT, Burla, 2015
- Session Chair, IEEE ISSSC international Conference, GIET University, Gunupur, 2020
- Associate Editor : International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI), IGI Global, USA. Web of Science ESCI indexed.
- Editorial Board member of International Journal of Knowledge engineering and soft data paradigm (IJKESDP), Inderscience, UK
- Editorial member of MIR labs journal , USA
Conference/Seminars/FDP/Value added course organized
- 30-days value added course on ORACLE database during 27.11.21 to 8.12.21 at Dept. of CSA, UU.
- Organised webinar on Cyber safety and security in collaboration with C-DAC, Bangalore, 2021, UU
- Organised soft skill workshop “beyond books”, in association with UUEH, 2021
- Organised 2-days workshop on industry orientation for engineers and Python in AI, Machine Learning and Robotics, in collaboration with TCS, 2020
- Organised workshop on industry orientation for engineers and Python in AI, Machine Learning and Robotics, in collaboration with TCS, 01.12.2021 and 08.12.2021
- International conference on innovations in engineering and technology (ISRIET-2014), April 19-20, 2014. GITA, Bhubaneswar, India.
- International seminar on swarm Intelligence and evolutionary computation, December 22, 2012, GITA, Bhubaneswar, India.
- National conference on emerging trends in information and communication technology, April 11-12, 2011, GITA, Bhubaneswar, India.
- Faculty development programme on cryptography, coding, wireless communication, optimization, and power quality during 11 April to 22nd April 2014, GITA, Bhubaneswar, India.
- AICTE sponsored Faculty development programme on machine learning methodologies and their applications, 27April to 11th May 2010, GIET, Gunupur, India.
- AICTE sponsored 2nd National conference on recent advances in control and instrumentation, Feb 26-17, 2011, GIET, Gunupur, India.
- 1st National conference on recent advances in control and instrumentation, Nov 8-9, 2008, GIET, Gunupur, India.
- National Conference on Information Security-Issues and Challenges, 19-20 Jan.2008, ,GIET, Gunupur, India.
- AICTE sponsored National Seminar on Mobile Computing, 17-18 March 2006, GIET, Gunupur, India.
- Short Term Course ON PLC, DCS AND SCADA, 8-9 Aug. 2008, GIET, Gunupur, India.
- National Workshop on Embedded System Design, 6-7 Sept.2008, GIET, Gunupur, India
- 2-days 1st workshop on PCB Design, 6-7 October, 2012, GITA, Bhubaneswar, India.
Special session organized:
- 1st World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT-2011), Mumbai.
- 2nd World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT-2012), Trivandrum.
Administrative experience
- Head of the Department (Computer Sc. And Applications, UU) from 01.06.2021.
- Course coordinator, 5-years, Integrated MCA, Sept. 2020- December 2021.
- In-charge of University Computer Center, Utkal University (2018-19)
- Hostel Superintendent of Gents Hostel-1 (GopabandhuChhatrabas), Utkal University since 27-03-2015 to 2017.
- Acted as Faculty in-charge academics/ Examination at GIET, Gunupur
- Hostel Superintendent for Venkateswar and Rukmini Boys Hostel for 2 years at GIET,Gunupur (1999-2001)
- Acted as HOD- AE&IE for AICTE-NBA accreditation, NAAC Accreditation at GIET, Gunupur (2007-2011)
- Acted as HOD-ECE for AICTE-NBA accreditation at GITA, Bhubaneswar (2011-2014)
- Acted as Dean (R&D) at GITA, Bhubaneswar (2013-14)
- Acted as M.Tech (ECE) Coordinator from 2007 to 2008 in GIET, Gunupur under BPUT scheme.
- Signed MoU with NITTTR, Kolkata as a coordinator.
- Signed MoU with Prudent SoftTechPvt. Limited, Hyderabad, as a coordinator in GIET, Gunupur.
- Signed MoU with Prolific Systems Pvt. Limited, BBSR as a Coordinator for imparting training to the students in GIET, Gunupur
National Seminar/workshop
- Guest of Honour at workshop NW:IoT-2018 duing 28-29 September 2018 at GIET Baniatangi, Bhubaneswar
- Guest of Honour at National level workshop on “ Big Data Analytics using Hadoop Technology” during 24-25 February 2017 at Rajdhani Engineering college, Bhubaneswar.
- Workshop on Data Miningan Business Intelligence in Chaitanya Engg. College, Vishakhapatnam, from 11-08-2007 to 12-08-2007
- National Conference on Recent advances in control and signal processing (RACP 2011), during 5-6, November 2011, GITA, Bhubaneswar
Refresher Courses/ Training Programmes/Workshops attended:
- FDP on data Analytics using Python, Swayam, NPTEL, IIT, Roorkee, 2020
- FDP on Introduction to IoT through Swayam , NPTEL, IIT, Kharagpur, 2019
- FDP on Natural Language Processing through Swayam , NPTEL, IIT, Kharagpur, 2019
- FDP on Digital Signal Processing in ESCI Hyderabad from 29-09-2003 to 01-10-2003
- FDP on VLSI Design, OEC, BBSR from 15-12-2011 to 31-12-2011
- FDP on Machine Learning and its applications at GIET, Gunupur from 27th April to 11th May 2010
List of Journals.Reviewer:
- Reviewer of Knowledge based system, Elsevier
- Reviewer of International journal of electrical, electronic engineering research (JEER), Academic Journal, USA.
- Reviewer of International Journal of Physical Science, USA
- Reviewer of IJRSDA, IGI Global Journal, USA
- Reviewer of Journal of King Saud Univ of CIS, Elsevier
- Reviewer of Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier
- Reviewer of Neural Computing and Applications, Springer
- Reviewer of IEEE Access Journal
- Reviewer of Artificial Intelligence Review Journal