
PG Anthropology Publication Details

Publications (2010-2015)2010

  • Comparative Delivery of Diltiazem Hydrochloride through Synthesized Polymer: Hydrogel and Hydrogel Microspheres, D. Ray, P. S. Gils, G. Mohanta, R. Manavalan, P. K. Sahoo, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 116(2), 959, 2010. [IF: 1.64]
  • Designing of silver nanoparticles in gum Arabic based semi-IPN hydrogel, P. S. Gils, D. Ray, P. K. Sahoo, Intl. J. Biological Macromolecules, 46,237, 2010. [IF: 3.096]
  • Co(III) complex mediated Microwave Assisted Synthesis of PAN, T. Biswal, R. Samal and P. K. Sahoo, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 117(3), 1837, 2010. [IF: 1.64]
  • Synthesis of a biodegradable polyacrylonitrile/sodium silicate nanocompositefire retardant R. Samal and P. K. Sahoo, Indian J. Chem. Technol. (NISCAIR), 17, March, 139, 2010. [IF: 0.58]
  • A quantitative HPLC determination of itaconic acid residuals in polymer hydrogels, P. S. Gils, D. Ray, P. K. Sahoo, Analytical Chemistry, 2010- In Press.
  • Controlled release of doxofylline from biopolymer based hydrogels, P. S. Gils, D. Ray, P. K. Sahoo, Am. J. Biomed. Sci., 2(4), 373, 2010. [IF: ICV:6.25]
  • Complex-mediated microwave-assisted synthesis of polyacrylonitrile nanoparticles, T. Biswal, R. Samal and P. K. Sahoo, Nanotechnology, Science and Applications, 3, 77, 2010.
  • Sensitive Hydrogels as controlled drug delivery devices, D. Ray, P. S. Gils, G. Mohanta, R. Manavalan, P. K. Sahoo, The Pharma Review, Jan-Feb, 146, 2010.
  • Oil content & fatty acid composition of Jatropha Curcasseedover Indian domain & Biodiesel preparation, S. Pradhan, L. C. Meher, S. N. Naik and P. K. Sahoo, JLST, 42(1), Jan-Mar, 19-23, 2010.
  • Estimation of Toxic Phorbol Ester in Jatropha Curcas oil, cake & biodiesel, S. Pradhan, N. K. Sahoo,S. N. Naik, P. K. Sahoo, Asian J. Chem, 22(5), 4069, 2010. [IF: 0.355]
  • Toxic Phorbol ester in Jatropha oil, cake & biodiesel, S. Pradhan, N. K. Sahoo, R. C. Pradhan, L. Das, S. N. Naik, P. K. Sahoo, SAARC Oils & Fats Today, 10-13,March, 2010.
  • Physico- Chemical and Bacteriological parameters in diffenet sources of Drinking water in the town planning area of Balasore, U. K. Biswal, J. Behera, N. K. Bhuyan and N. Pattnayk, J. T. R. Chem. 17(2), 6, 2010. [IF:0.63]
  • Inorganic Anious in drinking water collected from different sources of Balasore town planning area, N. Pattnayak, J. Behera and U. K. Biswal, Int. J. of Environment and Pollution 30(6), 460, 2010. [IF:0.626]
  • Studies on the potential of oscext: A formulated Botanical Product against pyriculariaGriseaincitant of Rice blast disease. S. Upadhyaya, J. Behera and S. N. Tiwari, J. App. Zool. Res. 21(1), 79, 2010.
  • Mechanistic studies of substitution reaction of trans-(diaqua) (N,N-ethylene-bis-salicylamide) chromium(II) ion. P. Mohanty, S. C. Dash, K. C. Behera, N. N. Dash, R. R. Jha, J. Indian Chem. Soc. 87, 1101, 2010. [IF:0.251]
  • Ambient air quality status in Choudwar area of Cuttack district P. K. Bhuyan, P. Samantray and S. P. Rout, Int. J. Env. Sci. 1(3), 343, 2010.
  • “Optimization for the chemical synthesis of conducting poly(m-aminophenol) in HCl using ammonium persulfate” P. Kar, A. K. Behera, N. C. Pradhan, and B. Adhikari High Performance Polymers, 22(4), 428, 2010. [I.F: 1.286]
  • Adsorptive removal of Phosphate using leached sea nodule residue generated by reduction-roasting ammoniacal leaching process. Behera, R. K., Satapathy, P.K., Randhawa, N.S., Das, N.N. Adsorption Sci. Technol. 28, 611-627, 2010.
  • Mechanistic studies of substitution reaction of trans-(diaqua)(N,N-ethylene-bis-salicylamide)chromium(III) ion. Dash, S. C., Behera, K. C., Das,N.N., Jha, R. R., Mohanty, P. J. Indian Chem. Soc.87, 1101-1107, 2010.
  • Reduction of hexavalent chromium by bacillus sp. isolated from chromite mine soils and characterization of reduced product. Dhal, B., Thatoi, H.N., Das, N.N., Pandey, B.D. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 85, 1471-1479, 2010.
  • Environmental quality of the Boula-Nuasahi chromite mine area in India. Dhal, B., Das, N.N., Pandey, B.D., Thatoi, H.N. Mine Water Environ. 30, 191-196, 2010.
  • Synthesis, characterization and activation of quaternary layered double hydroxides for one pot synthesis of methyl isobutyl ketone. Das, N.N., Das, R. React. Mech. Kinet. Catal., 99, 397, 2010.
  • Synthesis, characterization and adsorptive properties of hydrotalcite-like compounds derived from titanium rich bauxite. Das, N.N., Konar, J., Mohanta, M.K., Upadhaya, A.K. React. Kinet. Mech. Catal., 99, 167, 2010.
  • Synthesis of cationic amphiphilic diblock copolymers of poly(vinylbenzyl triethylammonium chloride) and polystyrene by reverse iodine transfer polymerization (RITP) B. N. Patra, David Rayeroux, Patrick Lacroix-Desmazes Rect. Funct. Polym, 70, 408, 2010. [IF:2.5]
  • Synthesis, Structure, Electrochemical Behaviours of Ru(II) and Pt(II)-carbene complexes of NCN-Pincer 1,3-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-1H Benzimidazolium Chloride S. Dasadhikari , T. Samanta, G. Roymahapatra, F. Loiseau, D. Jouvenot, J. Dinda* New J. Chem. 34, 1974, 2010. [IF = 3.0]


  • Air quality index in Balasore area M. K. Dash, B. Mishra and S. P. Rout, ICFAI J. Envi. Sci. 5(1), 26, 2011.
  • Assessment of quality of ground water and surface water Choudwar area of Cuttack district S. P. Rout, Asi. J. Res. Chem. 4(80), 1214, 2011.
  • Ambient air quality status in the twin cities of Bhubaneswar and Cuttack, B. N. Bhol, S. K. Mohanty and S. P. Rout, IUP J. Envi, Sci. 5(3), 18, 2011.
  • Microwave-Assisted Preparation of Biodegradable Water Absorbent Polyacrylonitrile/Montmorillonite Clay Nanocomposite, P. K. Sahoo, R. Samal and T. Biswal, J. Nanotechnology, 2011, 1, 2011. [IF: 1.611]
  • Towards the understanding the selective oxidation of lignin: Co(salen)/SBA-15 catalysed oxidation of β-O-4 phenolic dimer under microwave irradiation. S. K. Badamali, R. Luque,J. H. Clark, S. W. Breeden, Catal. Commun.12, 993, 2011. [IF:3.32]
  • Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of L-Cysteine and DL- Methionine by morpholiniumchlorochromate in aq. Acidic medium. B. Mohanty, J. Behera, S.Acharya and A. K. Pattanaik, J. Indian chem. Soc. 88, 1561, 2011. [IF:0.251]
  • Kinetics and Mechanism of the interaction of Hexaaquachromium (III) with L-Dopa in aqueous medium. Comparative antiparkinsonian studies P. Mohanty, D. K. Baral, S. S. Rout, J. Behera, S. C. Sai, Trans-Met. Chem. 36, 231, 2011. [IF:1.402]
  • Reactivity of aquadiethylenetriamineplatinum(II) ion with disulfide moiety cysteine: A kinetic and mechanistic approach. P. Mohanty, T. Swain, Phosphorus, Sulfur and silicon and the related elements, 186, 1702, 2011. [IF:0.827]
  • Synthesis and characterization of product on reaction between trans-dichlorido-bis-(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) L-cystine. P. Mohanty, T. Swain, Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 41, 491, 2011. [IF:0.504]
  • Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction of ranitidine hydrochloride with trans(diaqua) (N, N’-ethylene-bis-salicylamide)chromium(III) and hexa-aquachromium(III) ion; a comparative study. P. Mohanty, S. C. Dash, and N. N. Dash, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 18, 132, 2011. [IF:0.58]
  • Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of neat and aluminium supported trans-(diaqua) (N, N’-ethylene-bis-salicylamide)chromium(III) a comparative study. P. Mohanty, N. N. Dash, P. K. Satpathy, S. C. Dash, Reac. Kinet. Mech. Cat. 102(2), 367, 2011. [IF:0.983]
  • Electron transfer reaction from sulfur containing amino acid L-Cystine to pyridiniumchlorochromate in aqueous and micellar medium. P. Mohanty, S. Senapati, S. P. Das, A. K. Patanaik, Pol. J. Chem. Tech., 13(2), 6, 2011. [IF:0.474]
  • Synthesis, characterization and mechanism of trans-dichlorido-bis-(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) with L-cystine in presence of chloride. P. Mohanty, T. Swain, J. Coord. Chem. 64(17), 3051, 2011. [IF:2.224]
  • Ultrasonic studies of cis & trans K [Cr(OX)2(H2O)2]3H2O in ethylene glycol+H2O, CH3OH+H2O and 2-propanol+H2O at 298.15 K., M. Das, S. P. Das, A. K. Patnaik, International Journal of Teaching and Research, 18, 31, 2011.
  • On enzymatic NADH-Dependent reduction of Keggin-type 12-tungstoCo (III) in aqueous medium, A. K. Patnaik, P. Mohanty, E. Journal of Chem., 8, 1152, 2011.
  • Kinetics and mechanism of electron transfer to pyridiniumchlorochromate (VI) from sulfur c ontaining amino acid, L – cysteine in aqueous and micellar media, S. Senapati, S. Das, P. Mohanty, A. K. Patnaik, Polish J. Chem. Technology,13(2), 6, 2011.
  • Kinetic and mechanisim of oxidation of L-cysteine and DL-methionine by morpholinumchlorochromate in aqueous acidic medium, B. Mohanty, J. Behera, P. Mohanty, S. Acharya, A. K. Patnaik, S. P. Das, J. Indian Chem. Soc.,88, 1561, 2011.
  • Ultrasonic studies of cis & trans K[Cr(OX)2H2O)2]3H2O in ethylene glycol+H2O, CH3H+H2O and 2-Propanol+H2O at 298.15 K, M. Das, S. Das, and A. K. Patanaik, Int. J. Teaching & Research Chem.,18, 31, 2011.
  • Doping of the processable conducting poly(m-aminophenol) with inorganic acids P. Kar, A. K. Behera, N. C. Pradhan, and B. Adhikari, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics, 50(9), 1822, 2011. [I.F: 0.740]
  • Synthesis and characterisation of magnetite magnetite nanoparticles using iron ore tailings for adsorptive removal of dyes from aqueous solution.Giri, S.K. Das, N.N.,* and Pradhan G.C., Colloids Surf. A, 389, 43-49, 2011.
  • Magnetite powder and kaolinite derived from waste iron ore tailings environmental applications. Giri, S.K., Das, N.N., Pradhan, G.C. Powder Technology. 214, 513-518, 2011.
  • Reduction of selenite to red elemental selenium by moderately halotolerant Bacillus megateriumstrains isolated from Bhitarkanika mangrove soils and characterizations of reduced product. Mishra, R.R., Prajapati, S., Das, J., Dangar, T.K., Das, N.N., Thatoi, H.N. Chemosphere, 84, 1231-1237, 2011.
  • Das, N.N., Satapathy, P.K., Dash, S.C., Mohanty, P. (2011) Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of neat and alumina supported trans-(diaqua)(N,N-ethylenebissalicylamide) chromium(III): a comparative study, React. Kinet. Mech. Catal. 102, 367–376, 2011.
  • Kinetic study of decomposition of aqueous hydrogen peroxide by colloidal manganese dioxide. Satapathy, P.K., Rana, S.K., Das, N.N., Asian J. Chem., 23, 229, 2011.
  • Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide using heat treated Sea nodule residue. Satapathy, P.K., Swain D., Das, N.N. Asian J. Chem., 23, 3063, 2011.
  • Kinetic and mechanism of the reaction of ranitidine hydrochloride with trans-(diaqa)-N,N’-ethylene-bis-salicylamide) chromium(III) and hexaaqua chromium(III) ion: A comparative study. Dash, S.C., Das, N.N., Mohanty, P. Indian J. Chem. Technol. 18, 132-136, 2011.
  • Synthesis of Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymers of Poly(styrene) and Poly(acrylic acid) by Reverse Iodine Transfer Polymerization (RITP) in Solution and Emulsion. D. Rayeroux, B. N. Patra, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, Polymer Preprints, 52(2), 715-716, 2011.
  • Electronic and geometrical manipulation of the excited state of bis-terdentate homo- and heteroleptic ruthenium complexes J. Dinda, S. Liatard, J. Chauvin, D. Jouvenot, F. Loiseau, Dalton Trans., 40, 3683–3688, 2011. [IF = 3.81]
  • Hg-NHC Complex of pyridinyl[1,2-a]{2-pyridylimidazol}-3 ylidenehexaflurophosphate; Synthesis, Structure and Theoretical Studies T. Samanta, G. Roymahapatra, L. Jhulki, S. Giri, P. Mitra, P. K. Chattaraj, J. Dinda*, Inorganic Chim Acta, 375, 271–279, 2011. [IF = 1.97]


    • Microwave Synthesis of Poly(2-EHA-co-ST) copolymer and Poly(2-EHA-co-ST)/MMT Nanocomposites, T. Biswal, R. Samal, P. K. Sahoo, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 125, 1467, 2012. [IF: 1.64]
    • Experimental Assessment of Toxic phytochemicals in Jatropha curcas: Oil, Cake, Biodiesel and Glycerol, S. Pradhan, A. Khan, S. N. Naik, P. K. Sahoo, J. Science of Food & Agriculture, Wiley, 92, 511, 2012. [IF: 1.879]
    • Hydrogels: A Review, N. K. Sahu, P. K. Sahoo, International J Macromolecular Science, Advances in PolymSci and Tech: An International J, 2(4), 43, 2012.
    • Hydrolyzed Collagen-Based Hydrogel System Design, Characterization and Application in Drug Delivery, P. S. Gils, N. Sahu, D. Ray, P. K. Sahoo, Am. J. Biomed. Sci., 4(2), 167, 2012. [IF: ICV:6.25]
    • Performance of Oscilence-S, an organic antifungal product against pyriculariagriseacasuing blast disease of rise. S. Upadhyaya, J. Behera and S. N. Tiwari. Indian Phytopath 65(4), 340, 2012.
    • Intigrated management of foliar blast through ecofriendly formulated product,oscext-edeveloped from ocimum sanctum ethanolicexctract. S. Upadhyaya, J. Behera and S. N. Tiwari, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 45(19), 2290, 2012.
    • Production of Bio-diesel (Methyl Ester) from SimaroubaGlauca Oil: S. R. Mishra and A. K. Patnaik, et al, Research Journal of Chemical Science, 2(5), 66, 2012.
    • Development and validation of analytical method for cefodroxil monohydrate in bulk andpharmaceutical dose forms, K. S. Rao, M. E. B. Rao A. K. Patnaik, International J of Research and Reviews, 2(6),1045, 2012.
    • Density-Viscocity measurement of Potassium Trioxalato Chromium (III) Complex in H2O, MeOH/H2O, Isopropanol/H2O, DMSO/H2O in 303.15 K: M. Das, S. Das and A. K. Pattanaik, African journal of Scientific Research, 8, 379, 2012.
    • Development and Validation of new analytical method for Ceftriaxon Sodium in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage forms, K. S. Rao and A. K. Patnaik, et al, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Pharmacy and Applied science, 2(3).556, 2012.
    • Ultrasonic studies of Cu(NO3)2, 3H2O in Propan-2-ol + Water solvent At 303.15 K. A. K. Patnaik, S. B. Misha, S. K. Nayak, P. K. Mishra, International Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 8(2), 169, 2012.
    • Simaroubaglauca : A Multipurpose Oil Seed Bearing Tree & New Sources For Biodiesel Production S. R. Mishra, M. K. Mohanty, S. P. Das, A. K. Patnaik, Technoinsight Vol. IV, No. I, 13, Aug. 2012.
    • Development and Validation of Stability Indicating Analytical Method for Doxazosin Mesylate and its Application to Kinetic Studies, K. S. Rao, K. B. Deb, M. E. B. Rao, S. S. Patro, A. K. Patnaik, Journal of Chemical Science Vol. 67, 1-11, 2012.
    • Preparation of Bio-diesel from Simaroubaglauca using CaO as a solid base catalyst, S. R. Mishra, M. K. Mohanty, A. K. Patnaik, Research Journal of Recent Science, Vol. 1(9), 49-53, 2012.
    • Development and Validation of New Analytical Method for Ceftriaxone Sodium in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Dose form, K. S. Rao, A. K. Patnaik, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Pharmacy and Applied Science, Vol. 2(3), 556-565, 2012.
    • Rational Synthesis Design of a potent Anti-diabetic Therapeutic Pioglitazone C. R. Bhanj and S. Jena. using Retro synthetic Analysis. J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 4(9), 4323, 2012. [IF:0.467]
    • Synthetic Protocols of Best-Selling Anxiolytic Therapeutic Diazepam C. R. Bhanj and S. Jena. A Retro synthetic Approach. Asian J. Res. Chem. 5(11), 1338, 2012.
    • Synthesis planning of a potent upload Analysis Fentanyl: A Retrosynnthetic Approach. C. R. Bhanj and S. Jena. Asian J. Res. Chem. 5(7), 925, 2012.
    • Rivasotignine- A potent therapeutic agent for Alzheimer’s disease using Retro synthetic Analysis. C. R. Bhanj and S. Jena. Synthesis Design of J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 4(6), 3171, 2012. [IF:0.467]
    • Evaluation of water quality index in Balasore, India M. K. Dash, R. B. Panda, and S. P. Rout, Int. J. Envi. Sci. 3(2), 165, 2012.
    • Physico-Chemical analysis of drinking water of Balasore area, Odisha, India M. K. Dash, N. Behera, P. Rath, R. B. Panda and S. P. Rout, Int. J. Cur. Eng. Tech. 2(4), 395, 2012.
    • Monitoring of ground water quality in Balasore area, India M. K. Dash, N. Behera, R. B. Panda and S. P. Rout, ANVESA Research Journal of Fakir Mohan University, 1(4), 33, 2012.
    • Assessment of noise pollution in Balasore area, India M. K. Dash, P. Samantray, R. B. Panda and S. P. RoutJ. Appli. Chem. 1(4), 529, 2012.
    • Fabrication and characterization of bio-degradable jute reinforced soy based green composites A. K. Behera, S. Avancha, R. K. Basak, R. Sen and B. Adhikari, Carbohydrate Polymers, 88(1), 329, 2012. [I.F.: 4.074]
    • Selenite adsorption using leached residues generated by reduction roasting–ammonia leaching of manganese nodules. Randhawa, N.S., Das, N.N., Jana, R.K. J. Hazard.Mater., 241-242, 486- 492, 2012.
    • Removal of selenium and arsenic oxyanions using natural goethite-rich iron ore from Daitari, India: Effect of heat treatment. Behera, R. K., Rout,K., Nayak, B., Das, N.N. Adsorption Sci. Technol., 30, 867-879, 2012.
    • Intercalation of biologically important iminodiacetato-chromium(III) ion in the interlayer of ZnAl-layered double hydroxide. Sahu, R., Mohanta B.S., Das, N.N. Indian J. Chem., 51A, 812-815, 2012.
    • Optimization and characterization of chromium(VI) reduction in saline condition by moderately halophilic Vigribacillus sp. isolated from mangrove soil of Bhitarkanika, India. Mishra. R., Dhal, B., Dutta, S.K., Dangar, T.K., Das, N.N., Thatoi, H.N. J. Hazard. Mater. 227-228, 219-226, 2012.
    • Manganese Nodules Residue: Potential Raw Material for FeSiMn Production. Randhawa, N.S., Jana, R. K., Das, N.N. Int. J. Metallurgical Engg. 1, 22-27, 2012.
    • Thermodynamics and Viscosity Aspects in Manganese Nodule Residue Smelting for Silicomanganese Production. Randhawa, N.S., Jana, R. K., Das, N.N. Int. J. Metallurgical Engg. 1, 88-95, 2012.
    • Bacterial Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium from Contaminated Overburden Soil. Dhal, B., Das, N.N., Thatoi, H.N., Pandey, B.D. Int. J. Metallurgical Engg., 1, 83-87
    • Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of mesoporous cerium doped TiO2 as visible light sensitive photocatalyst. Aman, N., Satapathy, P.K., Mishra, T., Mahato, M., Das, N.N. Mater. Res. Bull., 47, 179–183, 2012.
    • Oxidative decolourisation of methylene blue using heat treated sea nodule residue. Satapathy, P.K., Acharya, B., Das, N.N. (2012) Indian J. Chem. Technol., 18, 483-487, 2012.
    • Oxidative decolourisation of methylene blue by leached sea nodule residues generated by reduction-roasting ammoniacal leaching process. Satapathy, P.K., Randhawa, N.S., Das, N.N. Environ. Technol., 33, 515-522, 2012.
    • Synthesis and structures of ruthenium(III) complexes with 4-R-2-((2-(pyridin-2-yl) hydrazono)methyl)phenol. K. Nagaraju, R. Raveendran, S. Pal, Samudranil Pal, Polyhedron, 2012, 33(1), 52-59, 2012.
    • Au(I) and Pt(II)- N -Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes with Picoline Functionalized Benzimidazolin-2-ylidene Ligands; Synthesis, Structures, Electrochemistry and Cytotoxicity Studies S. D. Adhikary, D. Bose, P. Mitra, K. D. Saha, V. Bertolasi, J. Dinda*, New Journal of Chemistry, 36, 759–767, 2012. [IF = 3.00].
    • Pyrazine functionalized Ag(I) and Au(I)-NHC complexes as potential antibacterial agents against multi-drug-resistant pathogens with inhibitory effect on biofilm formation G. Roymahapatra, S. M. Mandal*, W. F. Porto, T. Samanta, S. Giri, J. Dinda*, Octavio L. Franco, Pratim K. Chattaraj, Current. Med. Chem, 19, 4184-4193, 2012.[IF = 4.65]
    • Synthetic Strategy of Diflurophosphate-bridged Bimetallic N- Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes; Synthesis, Structures and Photoluminescence of Picolyl-Substituted alkylbenzimidazolylidene ligands S. D. Adhikary, L. Jhulki, S. Seth, A. Kundu, V. Bertolasi, P. Mitra, A. Mahapatra, J. Dinda*, Inorganic Chim Acta, 384, 239–246, 2012. [IF = 1.97]
    • Pd(II)- N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of 2,6-bis{N-methyl-(imidazolium /benzimidazolium)} pyrazinechloride; Synthesis, Structure, Catalysis and Theoretical Studies G. Roymahapatra, S. Giri, A. A. Danopoulos, P. K. Chattaraj, A. Mahapatra , V. Bertolasi, J. Dinda*, Inorganic Chim Acta, 383, 83-90, 2012. [IF = 1.97]
    • /ul>


      • Physico-Chemical analysis of ground water near municipal solid waste dumping site in Bhubaneswar municipal corporation, Odisha S. Mishra, S. K. Mohanty and S. P. Rout, Int. J. Plant, Animal and Envi. Sci. 3(3), 5, 2013.
      • Correlation coefficient and seasonal variation with statistical interpretation of ground water quality of Bhubaneswar municipal corporation during different seasons of the year 2010 S. Mishra, S. K. Mohanty and S. P. Rout, Asian J. Res. Chem. 6(1), 50, 2013.
      • Assessment of heavy metals and polyaromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air quality of Cuttack and Bhubaneswar B. N. Bhol, S. K. Mohanty and S. P. Rout, Int. J. Curr. Eng. Tech. 3(5), 2061, 2013.
      • A comparative study of biodegradable Starch-g-PEHA/SS and Starch-g-PEHA/MMT nanocomposites, B. N. Mallick, P. K. Rana and P. K. Sahoo, J. Polym. Renewable Resources, Rapra, UK, 3(4), 171, 2013.
      • Synthesis and characterization of Gum ghatti based biopolymer superabsorbent hydrogel, N. K. Sahu, P. S. Gils, and P. K. Sahoo, J. Research & Reviews on Polymer, 4(2), 56, 2013.
      • Biodegradable Hydrogels in Controlled Drug delivery, N. K. Sahu, P. S. Gils, D. Ray and P. K. Sahoo, Advances in Polym. Sci. & Technology: An International Journal, 3(2), 22, 2013.
      • Unprecedented oxidative ability of mesoporous silica materials: towards microwave assisted oxidation of lignin model compounds. S. K. Badamali, R. Luque,J. H. Clark, S. W. Breeden, Catal. Commun.31, 1, 2013. [IF:3.32]
      • Synthesis of CoSBA-15: A comparative study of pH adjustment vs non-pH adjustment method. S. K. Badamali et al. Adv. Porous Mater.1, 316, 2013.
      • Metal Ion catalyzed oxidation of L-lysine by Alkaline Permanganate ion–A Kinetic and Mechanistic Approach, B. Mohanty, J. Behera, S. Acharya, P. Mohanty and A.K. Pattnaik. ChemSci Trans, 2(1), 51, 2013. [IF:0.4589]
      • Kinetic and mechanism of oxidation of Glutathione (reduced) (γ-L-Glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine) by PyridiniumChlorochromate in acidic medium. A. Das, D. K. Baral, and P. Mohanty, J. Indian. Chem. Soc. 90(8), 1087, 2013. [IF:0.251]
      • Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of Vanillin by Ce(IV) in aqueous perchlorate medium, P. K. Satapathy, D. K. Baral, A. S. Aswar and P. Mohanty. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 20, 271, 2013. [IF:0.58]
      • Metal ion catalysed oxidation of L-lysin by alkaline permanganate ion-a kinetic approach, B. Mohanty, J. Behera, S Acharya, P. Mohanty, A. K. Patnaik, Chem. Sci. Trans.,,2(1),51-60, 2013.
      • Stability Indicating Liquid Chromatographic Method for Determination of Fenofibrateandits application to Kinetic Studies, A. K. Patnaik et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Nanotechnology,4(5),1867-1875, 2013.
      • RP-HPLC Method for The Estimation Of Ziprasidone, A. K. Patnaik et al. Int. J. Pharm. Med. and Bio.Sc. 1(2), 45-52, 2013.
      • A RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation For The Estimation Of Gliclzide in bulk and Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, A. K. Patnaik et al. Journal of Applied Pharm.Sc.,3(4),59-62, 2013.
      • RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation For The Estimation of Baclofen In Bulk And Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, A. K. Patnaik et al. Int. J. Chem. Sc.,11(1),390-398, 2013.
      • RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation For The Estimation of Dihydralazine In Bulk And Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, A. K. Patnaik et al. Int. J. Pharm., 3(1),116-121, 2013.
      • RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation For The Estimation of Loratadine In Bulk And Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, A. K. Patnaik et al. Journal Of Pharma Research,2(5), 9-11, 2013.
      • Plasma Assisted Destruction of volatile pollutants using Dielectric barrier discharge, A. K. Patnaik et al. International journal of Advanced Chemical Science and applications. 1(1), 1-3, 2013.
      • Molecular Interionic Interaction studies of Benzimidazolium Dichromate and 2-Methyl Imidazolium Dichromate in water and DMSO +Water at different temperatures, A. K. Patnaik et al. Journal of Physical Science. 24(1), 37-50, 2013.
      • Acoustical Behaviour of sodium Nitroprusside in Aquo-organic solvent Media at 308.15K, A. K. Patnaik et al. Journal of Chemistry 2, 1-10, 2013.
      • Micellar Effect on the Electron Transfer Reaction of Sulphur containing Amino acid, L-Cysteine with Chromium(VI) complex, A. K. Patnaik et al. International journal of Advanced Chemical Science and Applications1(1), 7-12, 2013.
      • Molecular Interaction study of Sodium Nitroprusside in AQUO organic solvent Media, A. K. Patnaik et al. International journal of Advanced Chemical Science and applications 1(1), 4-6, 104-108, 2013.
      • Development and characterization of plasticized starch based biocomposites with soy pulp as reinforcement filler A. K. Behera, S. Avancha, R. Sen and B. Adhikari. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 127(6), 4681, 2013. [I.F: 1.600]
      • Development and characterization of nanoclay modified soy resin based jute composite as an eco-friendly/green product A. K. Behera, S. Avancha, R. Sen and B. Adhikari. Polymer Plastic Technology and Engineering, 52(8), 833, 2013. [I.F: 1.481]
      • Physical and mechanical characterization of jute reinforced soy composites S. Avancha, A. K. Behera, R. Sen, and B. Adhikari, Journal of Reinforced Plastic and Composites, 32(18), 1380, 2013.[I. F.: 1.188]
      • Cadmium removal using waste residue generated after recovery of base metals from manganese nodules. Randhawa, N.S., Das, N.N., Jana, R.K. Indian J. Chem. Technol., 20, 371-379, 2013.
      • Silicomanganese production utilising low grade manganese nodules leaching residue. Randhawa, N.S., Jana, R.K., Das, N.N. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C), 122, 6-14, 2013.
      • Characterizing toxic Cr(VI) contamination in chromite mine overburden dump and its bacterial remediation. Dhal, B., Das, N.N., Thatoi, H.N., Pandey, B.D. J. Hazard. Mater. 260, 141-149, 2013.
      • Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic activity of mixed oxides derived from ZnAlTi ternary layered double hydroxides. Sahu, R., Mohanta B.S., Das, N.N. J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 74, 1263-70, 2013.
      • Behera, R.K., Das, P.S., Das, R., Das, N.N. (2013) Physicochemical characterizations and sorption properties of deposited scale from hard water, Indian J. Chem. Technol., 95-100
      • Iron oxide/titaniaphotocatalyst derived from TiO2.nH2O coated ferric hydr(oxide) precursors: Characterisations and visible light activity. Giri, S.K., Das, N.N. Powder Technology, 239, 193-198, 2013.
      • Chemical and microbial remediation of hexavalent chromium from contaminated soil and mining/metallurgical solid waste: A review. Dhal, B., Thatoi, H.N., Das, N.N., Pandey, B. D. (2013) J. Hazard.Mater., 250-251, 272-291, 2013.
      • Degradation of Congo red pollutants using microwave derived SrFe12O19: An efficient magnetic photocatalyst under visible light. Mohanta, O., Singhbabu, Y.N., Giri, S.K., Dadhichi, D., Das, N.N., Sahu, R.K. J. Alloys Compounds, 564, 78-83, 2013.
      • Recovery of Hg(0) from the aqueous Hg(I/II) present in analyte solution after quantitative determination of iron. Giri, S.K., Das, N.N. J. Chemistry, 1-3, 2013.
      • Synthesis of Anionic Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymers of Poly(styrene) and Poly(acrylic acid) by Reverse Iodine Transfer Polymerization (RITP) in Solution and Emulsion. D. Rayeroux, B. N. Patra, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, Journal of polymer science, part A: polymer chemistry, 51, 4389-4398, 2013.[IF = 3.131]


      • Synthesis and characterization of poly(vinyl acetate)/MMT nanocomposite flame retardant, M. Sahu, R. Samal, T. Biswal and P. K. Sahoo, Intl. J. Mat. Sci., 4(3), 90, 2014.
      • Synthesis and characterization of flame retardant Pineapple leaf fiber-g-Poly(2-ethyl hexyl acrylate)/MMT composite, M. Sahu, and P. K. Sahoo, European J. Biomed. Pharm. Sci, 1(3), 215, 2014. [IF:0.260]
      • A Biodegradable Jute-g-Poly(2-ethyl hexylacrylate)/ Montmorillonite composite flame retardant, M. Sahu, R. Samal, and P. K. Sahoo, Indian J. Chem. Techn. ,2014 – Accepted. [IF:0.580]
      • Studies on mesoporous CoSBA-15 catalysed selective oxidation of lignin model phenolic monomer, S. K. Badamali et al Adv. Porous Mater. 2, 48, 2014.
      • Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of GSH by cis-(diaqua)-bis-(Ethylene diamine) Cobalt(III) Ion, B. Mohanty, J. Behera, S. Acharya, P. Mohanty and A.K. Pattnaik. Int. J. of Adv. Chem, 2(1), 39, 2014.
      • Synthesis and Biological activity of Eugenol-Copper Complex, S. Upadhyaya, J. Beheraand S.N. Tiwari. Chemical Science Transactions, 3(1), 213, 2014. [IF:0.4589]
      • Isolation and Characterisationof a Bioactive Phenylpropanoid from Ocimum sanctum L. Leaves through Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Methods, S. Upadhyaya, S.N. Tiwari and J. Behera. American Chemical Science Journal 4(3), In Press (2014).
      • Antimicrobial effect of silver zinc oxide (Ag-ZnO) nanocomposite particles, T. Ghosh, A. B. Das, B. Jena, C, Pradhan. Frontiers in Life Science, 8(1), 47, 2014. [IF:0.227]
      • Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of cetrizine hydrochloride an anti-allergy agent by Mn(VII) in acidic medium, J. Panda, A. K. Patnaik, G. C. Pradhan, P. Mohanty. International Journals of Advanced Chemistry, 2(2), 124, 2014.
      • Kinetics and mechanism of electron transfer to Sodiumhexachloroiridate(IV) from N,N-ethylene thiourea in aqueous perchlorate medium, S. Senapati, S. Das, S. C. Dash, P. Mohanty and A. K. Patnaik. International Journals of Emerging Technologies in Computational and applied Sciences, 14-173, 336, 2014.
      • Electron transfer reactions of Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) with Keggin type 12-tungstocobaltate(III) in aqueous perchlorate medium, S. Senapati, A. K. Patnaik, S. P. Das and P. Mohanty. American Chemical Science Journal, 4(2), 242, 2014.
      • Kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of DL-Alanine and L-alanyl-l-glutamine by Manganese(III) Acetate in aqueous sulphuric acid medium, B. Mohanty, P. Mohanty and A. Patnaik. Chemical Science Review and letters, 3(11), 512, 2014. [IF:4.014]
      • Acoustic and volumetric properties of aqueous solution of levofloxacin nickel complexes at 308K, A. K. Patnaik et al. International journal of Advanced Chemistry 2(2), 66-69,2014.
      • Ion-solvent Interaction of Cobalt complexes of Levofloxacin and their Pharmaceutical Study, A. K. Patnaik et al. Chem. Sci. Rev. Lett. 3(11), 451-461, 2014.
      • Thermodynamic Studies of salts of Chloride, Bromide & nitrate of Ni in Dioxane in water, glycol+ water mixture at different temperatures from conductance data, A. K. Patnaik et al. Acta. Ciencia. indica. XL-C(3), 119-121, 2014.
      • Effect of nanoclay on physico-mechanical properties and microbial degradation of jute reinforced soymilk based nano-biocomposites, A. K. Behera, S. Avancha, S. Manna, R. Sen, and B. Adhikari. Polymer Engineering and Science, 54(2), 345, 2014. [IF:1.441]
      • Deciphering the Origin of Cooperative Catalysis by Dirhodium Acetate and Chiral Spiro Phosphoric Acid in an Asymmetric Amination Reaction, H. K. Kisan, Sunoj, R. B. Chem. Comm. 50, 14639, 2014. [IF:6.718]
      • Photoelectrocatalytic Oxidation of NADH by VisibleLight Driven Plasmonic Nanocomposites, A. Samantara, S. C. Sahu, B, Bag, B. Jena* B. K. Jena*, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2, 12677, 2014. [IF:6.626]
      • Ultrasonic studies of Ni(NO3)2.6H2O IN GLYCOL+WATER SOLVENT AT 303.15K, A. Patnaik et al. International journal of Advanced Chemistry, 2(2), 104-108, 2014.
      • Glyoxylate as a reducing agent for manganese(III) in salen scaffold: A kinetics and mechanistic study A. K. Kar, A. N. Acharya, G. C. Pradhan and A. C. Dash, J. Chem. Sci. 126(3), 547, 2014.
      • Ligand substitution and electron transfer reactions of trans-(diaqua)(salen)manganese(III) with oxalate: an experimental and computational study A. K. Kar, A. N. Acharya, V. R. Mundlapati, G. C. Pradhan, H. S. Biswal and A. C. Dash, RSC Adv. 4, 58867, 2014.
      • Assessment of physicochemical parameter of Subarnarekha basin in and around Jharkhand area N. K. Bhuyan, N. Pattanayak, B. Sahu and S. P. Rout, Int. J. Scient. Res. Man. 2(6), 1005, 2014.
      • Assessment of trace and toxic metals in Subarnarekha basin in and around Jharkhand area N. K. Bhuyan, B. Sahu and S. P. Rout, J. Appli. Chem. 3(6), 2657, 2014.
      • Assessment of water quality index in and around Jharkhand area N. K. Bhuyan, B. Sahu and S. P. Rout, J. Envi. Sci. Toxi. Food Tech. 8(11), 39, 2014.
      • Assessment pulsating water quality of surface water using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study of the Mahanadi water system, Odisha, India P. Dash, P. K. Prusty and S. P. Rout, J. Applicable Chem. 3(6), 2404, 2014.
      • Evaluation of water qualityindex in river Brahmain, Odisha in the light of National Sanitation Foundation Standards (NSF) A. K. Bhadra, B. Sahu and S. P. Rout, Asian J. Res. Chem. 7(6), 586, 2014.
      • A study of water quality index (WQI) of the river Brahamin, Odisha, India to assess its portability A. K. Bhadra, B. Sahu and S. P. Rout, Int. J. Curr. Eng. Tech. 4(6), 4270, 2014.
      • Bacterial chromate reductase, a potential enzyme for bioremediation of hexavalent chromium: A review. Thatoi, H.N., Das, S., Mishra, J., Rath, B.P., Das, N.N., J. Environ. Management, 146, 383-399, 2014.
      • Visible light induced photocatalytic decolourisation of rhodamine B by magnetite nanoparticles synthesised using recovered iron from waste iron ore tailings. Giri, S.K., Das, N.N., Desalination Water Treatment, 1-8. DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2014. 972984, 2014.
      • Thermal, electrical and tensile properties of synthesized magnetite/polyurethane nanocomposites using magnetite nanoparticles derived from waste iron ore tailing. Giri, S.K., Pradhan, G.C., Das, N.N. J. Polymer Res., 21, 446, 2014.
      • Investigation on mechanism of Cr(VI) reduction and removal by Bacillus amyloliquifaciens, a novel chromate tolerant bacterium isolated from chromite mine soil. Das, S., Mishra, J., Das, S.K., Pandey, S., Rao, D.S., Chakraborty, A., Sudarshan, M., Das, N.N., Thatoi, H.N., Chemosphere, 96, 112–121, 2014.
      • Adsorptive remediation of Cu (II) and Cd (II) contaminated water using manganese nodule leaching residue, Desalination Water Treatment. Randhawa, N.S., Jana, R.K., Das, N.N., 52(22-24), 4197-4211, 2014.
      • Dinuclear [{(p-cym)RuCl}2(μ-phpy)](PF6)2 and heterodinuclear [(ppy)2Ir(μ-phpy)Ru(p-cym)Cl](PF6)2 complexes: synthesis, structure and anticancer activity. S. K. Tripathy, U. Deb, N. Dehury, S. Pal, Hyung Sik kim, Srikanta Patra, Dalton Trans., 43(39), 14546-14549, 2014.
      • Novel Gold(I)- and Gold(III)-NHC Complexes: Synthesis and Evaluation of Their Anticancer Properties. B. K. Rana, A. Nandy, V. Bertolasi, K. D. Saha*, C. W. Bielawski, J. Dinda* Organometallics, 33, 2544-2548, 2014. [IF = 4.20]
      • Gold (I) N-heterocyclic carbene complex inhibits mouse melanoma growth by p53 upregulation. A. Nandy, S. K. Dey, S. Das, R. N. Munda, J. Dinda*, Krishna Das Saha* Molecular Cancer, 13, 57, 2014. [IF = 5.40]
      • Cytotoxicity of Silver(I), Gold(I) and Gold(III) Complexes of Pyridine Wingtip Substituted Annelated N-Heterocyclic Carbene. J. Dinda,* B. K. Rana, A. Nandy, V. Bertolasi, K. D. Saha, C. W. Bielawski, RSC Advances, 4, 60776–60784, 2014. [IF = 3.20]
      • N-heterocyclic carbene supported Au(I) and Au(III) complexes: a comparison of cytotoxicities. J. Dinda,* T. Samanta, A. Nandy, K. D. Saha, S. K. Seth, S. K. Chattopadhyay, C. W. Bielawskie, New Journal of Chemistry, 38, 1218-1224, 2014. [IF = 3.00]
      • Cooperativity of Anion•••π and π•••π interactions regulates the self-assembly of a series of carbene proligands: Towards quantitative analysis of intermolecular interactions with Hirshfeld surface analyses.” T. Samanta, L. R. Dey, J. Dinda, S. K. Chattopadhyay, S. K. Seth., J. Mol. Structure, 1068, 58-70, 2014. [IF = 1.45]
      • Synthesis, Structures and Catalysis of Pd(II)-N -Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Pyridine / Pyrimidine Wingtip Substituted Ligand. T. Samanta, S. K. Seth, S. K. Chattopadhyay , P. Mitra , V. Kushwah, J. Dinda* Inorganic Chim Acta, 411, 165-171, 2014. [IF = 1.83]
      • Synthesis, Structure, Electrochemistry and Cytotoxicity Studies of Ru(II) and Pt(II)-N- Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of CNC-Pincer Ligand. J. Dinda*, S. D. Adhikary, G. Roymahapatra, K. K. Nakka, M. K. Santra., Inorganic Chim Acta, 413, 23-31, 2014. [IF = 1.83]


    • Preparation of Starch based Bionanocomposite Hydrogel with mica for fire retardancy, B. N. Mallick, P. K. Rana and P. K. Sahoo, Advances in Polym. Techn., xx, xxx, 2015 – In Press.
    • Biodegradability and Swelling capacity of Kaolin based Chitosan-g-PHEMA Nanocomposite hydrogel, A. K. Pradhan,P. K. Rana and P. K. Sahoo, Intl. J. Biological Macromolecules, 74, 620, 2015. [IF:3.096]
    • Preparation of Superabsorbent Polymer Rice straw-g-Polyacrylamide from Renewable Biowaste, M. Sahu, R. Samal, and P. K. Sahoo, Asian J. Chem., 27(7), 000, 2015–In Press. [IF:0.355]
    • Synthesis of processable conducting poly(m-aminophenol) having structure like keto derivative of polyaniline, A. K. Behera, B. Adhikari.and P. Kar. Polymer Science Series B, 57(2), 159, 2015. [IF:0.64]
    • Physical and mechanical characterization of jute reinforced soy composites, S. Avancha, A. K. Behera, R. Sen, and B. Adhikari. Journal of Reinforced Plastic and Composites, DOI: 10.1177/0731684413485979. [IF:1.2]
    • Ultrasonic Behavior of Chloroquine in Aqueous solution of Acetic Acid at 298.15K, A. K. Patnaik et al. International Journal of Science and Research 168-170, 2015.
    • Mechanistic Insights on Cooperative Catalysis through Computational Quantum Chemical Methods, G. Jindal, H. K.Kisan, Sunoj, R. B. ACS Catal., 5, 480, 2015. [IF:7.572]
    • Axial Coordination Dichotomy in DirhodiumCarbenoid Catalysis: A Curious Case of Cooperative Asymmetric Dual-Catalytic Approach toward Amino Ester, H. K. Kisan, Sunoj, R. B. J. Org. Chem. 80, 2192, 2015. [IF:4.638]
    • A Biodegradable Jute-g-Poly(2-ethyl hexylacrylate)/ Montmorillonite composite flame retardant. M. Sahu, R. Samal, P. K. Sahoo, Indian J. Chem. Techn., 22, Nov., 2015.
    • Preparation of Starch based Bionanocomposite Hydrogel with mica for fire retardancy. B. N. Mallick, P. K. Rana and P. K. Sahoo, Advances in Polym. Techn., Advances in Polymer Technology, Vol. 00, No. 0, 2015, DOI 10.1002/adv.21520
    • B.N. Mallick, P.K.Rana and P.K Sahoo, Starch-g-Poly(Acrylic Acid)/Mica Bionanocomposite Superabsorbent: Biodegradability and Swelling behavior studies, European J. Biomed. Pharm. Sci, 2(1), 221-232, 2015. [IF:0.260]
    • Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Sugarcane Bagasse Fibre Based Biocomposites, (SCBF-g-PAM)/MMT. Sanjay Rout & P.K.Sahoo, Applied Sci. & Adv. Materials Intl, 2 (1), 3-6, 2015.
    • Microwave-assisted Synthesis and Gas Barrier Properties of PMMA/Clay Nanocomposite. B. N. Mallick, P. K. Rana, P. K. Sahoo, European J. Biomed. Pharm. Sci, 2(1), 479-493, 2015.
    • Removal of anionic dye from water by potash alum doped polyaniline: Investigation of Kinetics and thermodynamic parameters of adsorption. B. N. Patra, D. Majhi., J. Phys. Chem. B , 119, 8154-64, 2015.[IF = 3.343]
    • Potash alum doped polyaniline: Structure and Properties. B. N. Patra, M. Patra, D. Majhi, N. K. Mohanty., Polymer Science series B, 57, (4) 349-54, 2015. [IF = 0.577]
    • Synthesis, characterisation and antibacterial activity of [(p-cym)RuX(L)]+/2+ (X= Cl, H2O; L = bpmo, bpms) complexes. S. K. Tripathy, A. C. Taviti, N. Dehury, A. Sahoo, S. Pal , T. K. Beuria, S. Patra., Dalton Trans., 44(11), 5114-5124, 2015.
    • Palladium(II) in electrophilic activation of aldehydes and enones: efficient C-3 functionalization of indoles. S. S. Mohapatra, P. Mukhi, A. Mohanty, S. Pal, A. O. Sahoo, D. Das, S. Roy., Tetrahedron Lett., 56(42), 5709-5713, 2015. [IF = ]
    • Silver(I), Gold(I) and Gold(III)-N-Heterocyclic carbene complexes of naphthyl substituted annelated ligand: Synthesis, structure and cytotoxicity. T. Samanta, R. N. Munda, G. Roymahapatra, A. Nandy, K. D. Saha, S. S. Al-Deyab, J. Dinda* J. Organometallic. Chem., 791,183-191, 2015. [IF = 2.20]
    • Pd(II)–N-heterocyclic carbene complexes of annelated ligand: Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity. B. K. Rana, S. K. Seth, V. Bertolasi, P. K. Mahapatra, S. S. Al-Deyab, J. Dinda* Inorganic Chim Acta, 438, 58-63, 2015.
    • N, N/-Olefin functionalized Bis-Imidazolium Pd(II) chloride – N Heterocyclic carbene complex builds a supramolecular framework and shows catalytic efficacy for ‘C–C’ coupling reactions. G. Roymahapatra, T. Samanta, S. K. Seth, A. Mahapatra, S. K. Chattopadhyay, J. Dinda* J. Chem. Sci., 127, 1057-1065, 2015. [IF = 1.298]
    • Cytotoxic potency of self-assembled Ruthenium(II)-NHC complexes with pincer type 2, 6-bis(N methylimidazolylidene/ benzimidazolylidene)pyrazine ligands. G. Roymahapatra, J. Dinda, A. Mishra, A. Mahapatra, W.-S. Hwang, S. M. Mandal, J. Cancer Res. Theraup., 11, 105-113, 2015. [IF = 0.948]
    • Synthesis, structure, electrochemistry, fluorescent and DFT study of Ru II complexes with pincer-type 2,6-bis (N-methylimidazolylidene / benzimidazolylidene)- pyrazine ligands. G. Roymahapatra, D. Sarkar, A. Nandi, S. Giri, T. K. Mondal, A. Mahapatra, W.-S. Hwang, J. Dinda, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 92, 1-10, 2015. [IF = 0.173]