The Research and Development division of Utkal University shall be responsible for the implementation of the following Research Policy towards augmentation of holistic research environment and infrastructure of the University. The policy reflects the specific roles and function of R & D division.
- Promotion & facilitation of research within the university with intra- and extramural support.
- Supporting inter-disciplinary and cross–disciplinary research activities.
- Development of collaborative research proposals to promote participation of multi-institutional programmes through inter- and intra-institutional fundings.
- Signing of MoUs with National / International institutes / Universities.
- As a part of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), the division also monitors the outcomes of the funded research activities through external & internal evaluation & suggest for betterment.
- Development and smooth-functioning of the Central Instrumentation Facility to strengthen the research infrastructure of the University with sophisticated equipment, which will aid the advanced scientific research of the University stake holders and researchers across the state.
- Support/ contribute to administration, monitoring of research grants, activities for overall improvement of research ambience of the University through the provision or support of grants to faculty members from extramural funding agencies.
- Mentoring the research activities of the affiliated colleges.
- Organization of seminars/symposia/workshops through intra-mural & extra-mural support for dissemination & transfer of knowledge.
- Organization of Inter- and Intra-University Research Scholar’s Conclave.
- Inviting Nationally/Internationally acclaimed academicians for lectures/interactions with faculty members & research scholars.
- Overall mentoring of the Post Graduate and Under Graduate College teachers for the development of quality research proposals and to make them appraised regarding research opportunities and funding.
- Creating incentives for the faculty members and research scholars who receive awards/recognitions for their research contributions at state/national/international levels.
- Publicizing the research expertise and consultancy capabilities available in the University.
- The utmost goal is to create a research environment of global standard and generation of high-quality publications, patents and products.